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Happenings Anti-Loli V-Tuber turns a new leaf and apologises. (Now proven incorrect)

News and big events. It's happening boys


Yes you read that correctly, a V-Tuber named Camila who was a raging anti during the Loli God Requiem meme on Twitter just apologized for being an anti-lolicon. She genuinely reached out to the person she harassed and fervently apologized! didn't apologize, they were only pretending to unfortunately.

Rev Uploaded: https://youtube.com/watch?v=q58u4QD3xFs

This is a testament that if one does wish to win people over to their side, they need to talk to the opposition in a calm and collected manner and reason with them. Insulting the opposition will never win them over, genuinely thought provoking conversations will.

Also the best part? She did a full 180 degrees, from being an enraged Twitter lunatic to full blown cute and funny appreciator.
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Yes you read that correctly, a V-Tuber named Camila who was a raging anti during the Loli God Requiem meme on Twitter just apologized for being an anti-lolicon. She genuinely reached out to the person she harassed and fervently apologized!

Rev Uploaded: https://youtube.com/watch?v=q58u4QD3xFs

View attachment 18448
This is a testament that if one does wish to win people over to their side, they need to talk to the opposition in a calm and collected manner and reason with them. Insulting the opposition will never win them over, genuinely thought provoking conversations will.

Also the best part? She did a full 180 degrees, from being an enraged Twitter lunatic to full blown cute and funny appreciator.
Sincere apologies are always appreciated, but actions always speak louder than words, too. I'm willing to give her a second chance.


This is a testament that if one does wish to win people over to their side, they need to talk to the opposition in a calm and collected manner and reason with them. Insulting the opposition will never win them over, genuinely thought provoking conversations will.
I beg to differ, this could all be concern trolling for all I know. And two almost noone make up thier mind that way, it's always through some indocrination in middle and high school during thier formative years then any other belief afterwards is just some derivation that links to those "core value" pillars. So any adoptation of any sort of value is usually in service to that one core value, one can simply be bullied away and adopt a different value system entirely as long as it links back the the few values during the formative years. It's no use in being "reasonable" they'll just try and throw you in the woodchipper, they see your calm demenor and reason as a weakness and a weapon against you, they want you to let your guard down so they throw you in the woodchipper. I've seen to many times over of people voicing support for a thing then three weeks later they vehemently decry said thing. Just classic concern troll.


i can't find it easily anymore, but there was a quote retweet basically calling out her "apology" as fake because moments before she gave an apology, she hid replies and blocked people who pointed out the hypocrisy of her, alongside making a tweet that went along the lines of "lmao i don't regret anything i did"

then she deleted that post and then came that apology post with what i personally believe has some choice diction that suggest it's more of a well-written crocodile's sorrows than it is genuine reflection


I beg to differ, this could all be concern trolling for all I know. And two almost noone make up thier mind that way, it's always through some indocrination in middle and high school during thier formative years then any other belief afterwards is just some derivation that links to those "core value" pillars. So any adoptation of any sort of value is usually in service to that one core value, one can simply be bullied away and adopt a different value system entirely as long as it links back the the few values during the formative years. It's no use in being "reasonable" they'll just try and throw you in the woodchipper, they see your calm demenor and reason as a weakness and a weapon against you, they want you to let your guard down so they throw you in the woodchipper. I've seen to many times over of people voicing support for a thing then three weeks later they vehemently decry said thing. Just classic concern troll.
I understand that childhood indoctrination is certainly a difficult aspect for many to overcome, and also that peer pressure is another very efficient means to control the masses since when fear is present logic flies out the window, classic fight or flight response. This begs the question though, is there really no way to change their minds? Are they destined to remain utterly insufferable to others around them? If so then it's very unfortunate to see other human beings reduced to such puppets devoid of self reflection.


i can't find it easily anymore, but there was a quote retweet basically calling out her "apology" as fake because moments before she gave an apology, she hid replies and blocked people who pointed out the hypocrisy of her, alongside making a tweet that went along the lines of "lmao i don't regret anything i did"

then she deleted that post and then came that apology post with what i personally believe has some choice diction that suggest it's more of a well-written crocodile's sorrows than it is genuine reflection
Wow, I retract my statements then, I was sorely mistaken about the honesty (or really the lack thereof) of this individual. It's sad to think that someone who was seeming to be on the cusp of redemption turn out to be mere virtue signaler in order to gain clout. Honestly my bad on thinking that this was a genuine apology from them.
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I understand that childhood indoctrination is certainly a difficult aspect for many to overcome, and also that peer pressure is another very efficient means to control the masses since when fear is present logic flies out the window, classic fight or flight response. This begs the question though, is there really no way to change their minds? Are they destined to remain utterly insufferable to others around them? If so then it's very unfortunate to see other human beings reduced to such puppets devoid of self reflection.
I'm not really talking about fear. Ideology is a powerful drug, you have to try and give them crack or lsd or something to temporarly get them off of ideology like the CIA tried to do. Also why tharapists prescribe increasingly stronger psychoactive drugs, it's to ideologically subdue the patient. Peer pressure has little to do with it. One can be socially conditioned into conpliance yet they will still voice thier discontent, it's what you see with online dissidents today, they fall into peer pressure of compliance but they hold onto the childhood ideology they formed when they began pubescence.
So there is a way and it's usually constant supply of drugs or death. (Maybe I'm projecting here in that I'm living in country that is a insane asylum and that things arn't exactly this way with other peoples, my country has ever shifting and more nonsensical narratives every successive generation, they have to find a enemy and when they defeat a enemy and made whatever is left into a friend they have to manufacture another enemy within the friend for some inexplicable reason. Every generation has to deal with the previous generations lies and cope with the newfound lies they tell themselves)


I'm not really talking about fear. Ideology is a powerful drug, you have to try and give them crack or lsd or something to temporarly get them off of ideology like the CIA tried to do. Also why tharapists prescribe increasingly stronger psychoactive drugs, it's to ideologically subdue the patient. Peer pressure has little to do with it. One can be socially conditioned into conpliance yet they will still voice thier discontent, it's what you see with online dissidents today, they fall into peer pressure of compliance but they hold onto the childhood ideology they formed when they began pubescence.
So there is a way and it's usually constant supply of drugs or death. (Maybe I'm projecting here in that I'm living in country that is a insane asylum and that things arn't exactly this way with other peoples, my country has ever shifting and more nonsensical narratives every successive generation, they have to find a enemy and when they defeat a enemy and made whatever is left into a friend they have to manufacture another enemy within the friend for some inexplicable reason. Every generation has to deal with the previous generations lies and cope with the newfound lies they tell themselves)
In terms of ideology being like a "powerful drug", it most likely relates to the need for adolescents to feel like they are a part of a group. This would explain quite well why there is a need to become involved in social movements because the adolescent views participating in societal causes as something adults do, and thus this leads to ideological imprinting on a developing mind.
Relating to pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, it's really more of a method to tamper with someone's deeply held memories so the person in-taking the substances feels different about their past experiences, and seeing those memories in a new light.

The internet is really an elaborate venting machine in a sense that you describe on how even after someone is forced into compliance they still voice their "unapproved" opinion's onto the web.
Giving the public a common enemy to fight against is a classic controlling tactic used on the masses to rile them up for some "greater cause" by authoritarian elites.
For the last part its most likely that the current generation identified the problems the previous generations solutions had to a particular problem, and now they're making mistakes trying to solve those problems just like their forefathers did.