Absolutely. You can bet if anyone looked at their achievements they would only have 2 or 4 and played only 4-10 hours and put the game down to never play it again. Their Platinum Trophy would be from being on the internet than playing the games. It makes me they should be in the Gacha fandom because of the fact these are casuals who do not play much anyways and only like to be where something is popular than the game or series itself.
It took me literally a fucking month, to finish persona 5 considering how long it was and how focused at the time i was getting into the series and smt as a whole.They aren't Persona/SMT fans. They're Persona/SMT "fans". Tourists who are only there because it's popular to be there.
Literally the fucking meme thats always having countless such cases proven irl with the fucking walkthroughs and the amount of fuckery i see when i infiltrate those smt/persona and all other anime and j-gaming servers on burners to cringepost on here really just gives me and all others here and elsewhere more and more reasons to completley keep away from the fandoms all the fucking time.
Funny the gacha fandom is mentioned, literally these mfers can't even play a game that isn't ccp owned or has no gambling mechanics in it or anything not from mihoyo god i fucking hate gambling addict retards so much.