Discussion Japanese culture and opinion

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Japanese politics,culture, rules,opinion,sensitive topic.


Which do you fear more, to be honest? The nationalist or the far left ones?

People love to compare the two, but they seem to overlook the fact that the nationalist care for their country and people while Antifa or even
radical left wing groups are closer to anarchist and want to destroy the nuclear family. Basically, Antifa are native rich kids that want to stroke their ego
by virtue signaling and destroying their own society.

I'm more of a nationalist type, especially as I see my country being destroyed and my culture getting eroded. Only thing you ever hear when there is valid
criticism towards a certain group a people, you get the racist or Nazi label.

I see.

Well in my opinion, I fear about both side. it's my honest opinion.

To be honest, Both side are care about destroy the Japan.
< the opposition party are LGBTQ, hate speech, it's left side, the party in power is wanna get the surveillance society at Japan. it's like China>

I mean I have no idea :shrug:

They are corruption and sucks. I lost expect about this country.

Well I guess I should make Like a NWO internet ver lol than if I rely on Japan.

Like I said direction of Japanese the political world are two things.

it will be "dog of China or USA "
That's all.


I see.

Well in my opinion, I fear about both side. it's my honest opinion.
Why fear both sides to be honest? My main reason for being ok with the right side view is that it'll at least keep your culture intact and a more country driven group instead of
what you get with globalist, a delusional version of the world that will end up destroying your culture and identity. Don't forget that the woke and LGBTQ mental illness has spread
because of the fantasy notions of how the left wants the world to be. LGBTQ has become nothing more than an acronym for mental illness. Seeing as any sane gay or lesbian person would be mentally ill to support a group that pander before quality or even want children to be cut up while research showed those fake trans people mostly were either gay or lesbian to begin with.
To be honest, Both side are care about destroy the Japan.
< the opposition party are LGBTQ, hate speech, it's left side, the party in power is wanna get the surveillance society at Japan. it's like China>
How do you mean, (the opposition party are LGBTQ?)

People always scream both sides but in the end you can only pick two and so you'll eventually be left with picking one or the other anyway, I would always suggest picking
the one that benefits you more as a nation, then one that has been shown to be even more destructive. Right now left wing parties have been more destructive to the point
they don't even want to consider peace talks with the war in Ukraine, for instance.

I mean I have no idea :shrug:

They are corruption and sucks. I lost expect about this country.
It is true that everything mostly tend to go corrupt, but that always depends on the power of character from the individual wielding power.
Like Breit Weinstein once said on Joe Rogan, if you want good leadership you need a patriot in power because he cares about his nation or people in it.
An outsider has no stake in a country he has no connection with, hence they tend to be more corrupt and dangerous. Why do you think even immigrant
tend to do more crime than their native people? They have no stake in the country, so they'll happily profit from it and turn it into shit.
Well I guess I should make Like a NWO internet ver lol than if I rely on Japan.

Like I said direction of Japanese the political world are two things.

it will be "dog of China or USA "
That's all.
Join the club, the same is happening in Europe, and they are trying to turn the whole continent into one big country like China or USA and erase all countries and culture in it for the sake of globalism and the retardation it will bring to people for not seeing that those at the WEF and European Union are just profiting of their stupidity while staying in power.


Honestly, the world is fucked no matter whose in charge. China, USA, WEF, it's all the same: rich old men grasping for power, hiding behind lofty messages of freedom and saftey. Cliche and fence sitter as it sounds, both sides bad.


Honestly, the world is fucked no matter whose in charge. China, USA, WEF, it's all the same: rich old men grasping for power, hiding behind lofty messages of freedom and saftey. Cliche and fence sitter as it sounds, both sides bad.
That's an easy answer to everything, but if you just sit on the sidelines, you'll be sure nothing ever changes. Pick the lesser of two evil, that's how I see it. And I do think the conservative values are more in line with logic and rationality. Let's be honest, the delusional pushing of woke is from the left and their ideas are beyond retarded that I perverted science and even destroys economies with its social Marxist bullshit. Never ending immigration but no solution on how they are going to pay for it all, or the whole trans bullshit and the LGBTQ mafia with their sexualization of children and trying to make something that is abnormal normal. In the fantasy world everything should be ok, but the moment you pander to the mentally ill, I think you're crossing the line.


Well I believe now with so many things happening, including Japanese recession, I feel somewhat down.
I wish Japan at least makes sure to not ditch its culture or not devolve into US shithole.
How can we keep our hope in these hard times?


I see.

Well in my opinion, I fear about both side. it's my honest opinion.

To be honest, Both side are care about destroy the Japan.
< the opposition party are LGBTQ, hate speech, it's left side, the party in power is wanna get the surveillance society at Japan. it's like China>

I mean I have no idea :shrug:

They are corruption and sucks. I lost expect about this country.

Well I guess I should make Like a NWO internet ver lol than if I rely on Japan.

Like I said direction of Japanese the political world are two things.

it will be "dog of China or USA "
That's all.
At least being dog of USA used to mean getting wholesale democratic. It's not perfect but at least it's better than the current USA where totalinarian law keeps getting passed each month. People used to tolerate USA's arrogant exceptionalism because USA put itself as the shining example of democratic and free society. Now, not so much. The only soft power in recent memory is USA using its monopolized banking to bully others.
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I am always wondering how Japanese share those "work until you die, never lose your face" serious principles with all those craziness in entertainment.