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K-Pop stan stupidity


K-Pop stans are a very prevalent group on social media especially on places like tik-tok and twitter as thats where you'll often see fancams being spammed and also where they spam it in the most inappropriate of times like when Kobe Bryant or Stan Lee died.

Aside from the atrocious draconian vocabulary they speak in, one of the most common things you see is basing an entire personality on really just mindless shilling for said idols who in reality can't really "love" them since they don't really know them personally. The moment you mention you don't like K-Pop you'll get called all sorts of names especially "incel and bigot". Yet ironically they themselves have had moments of saying really racist things as well and even making false assumptions of what life in South Korea is like based on the amount of K-Dramas they watched. Especially when #Jojiisoverparty was trending.

There's many hypocrisies they make about the otaku community as well like how they would spend alot of merch and really just calling them "virgins" yet they themselves as mentioned are in a unhealthy parasocial relationship with a idol and spend nothing but thousands of dollars on places like M-Wave for K-Pop merch.

Sure they may sound like just a pest you can block but then comes the death threats,harassment and cyberstalking idols when they date someone and not the fans or if they leave the group or have dare say any form of personal life outside of being a mannequin for teenaged girls.

Projection and deflection is really when it all boils down to and honestly these guys are by far the most insufferable cancer i've seen.

But there has to be more examples i'm missing so what instances personal or online you have dealt with on K-Pop stans?