Megathread Lolidrama

Like I said, we need to come up with a pejorative or satire term or meme that is not mouthful and assblast these cocksucking attention whores into seething oblivion. Something like incel or chud.
Considering that a lot of these anti-loli brigadier's are groomers themselves it's best to refer to them as kiddie riders.

I am thinking to call them Pro-PDF's because they hate Loli Art but also seem to be perfectly ok with owning Pedophile Content and are Professional Pedophiles themselves who seem to love to grift off of others. Kiddie Riders sounds funny though even Groomer PDF's. Let's just see what sticks out.

I am thinking to call them Pro-PDF's because they hate Loli Art but also seem to be perfectly ok with owning Pedophile Content and are Professional Pedophiles themselves who seem to love to grift off of others. Kiddie Riders sounds funny though even Groomer PDF's. Let's just see what sticks out.
Funniness of a word helps it stick to people's minds which is why Kiddie rider is an appropriate term for those groomers.

Mutahar (SOG) just dumped Nuxtaku and called him a Lolicon. Funnily enough Nux started hating on Lolicons and threw much of his old fanbase under the bus because he wanted to cozy up to people like SOG, only to be assblasted by SOG.

Nux forgot the teachings of Buddha on how Karma always comes to collect. Watching that snake of a sans vtuber band wagoner get disowned and shamed by his snake friend makes Nux look like a clown.


Funniness of a word helps it stick to people's minds which is why Kiddie rider is an appropriate term for those groomers.
I agree it works lol. Kidophiles would be hilarious as well and accurate. But Kiddie Riders is great. I will go with that.

Mutahar (SOG) just dumped Nuxtaku and called him a Lolicon. Funnily enough Nux started hating on Lolicons and threw much of his old fanbase under the bus because he wanted to cozy up to people like SOG, only to be assblasted by SOG.

Nux forgot the teachings of Buddha on how Karma always comes to collect. Watching that snake of a sans vtuber band wagoner get disowned and shamed by his snake friend makes Nux look like a clown.

I always notice, people who try to use Lolicon to elevate themselves always end up being the worst people. It's the same as those who talk about Diversity and end up being the most racist, or those that are Pro White Nationalists always end up being with Asian or Latina's. It's just funny how that always works with those who double down and try to attack others and go on moral crusades.


not sure how true this is, but if anyone has any info on where that came from, feel free to share

I agree it works lol. Kidophiles would be hilarious as well and accurate. But Kiddie Riders is great. I will go with that.

I always notice, people who try to use Lolicon to elevate themselves always end up being the worst people. It's the same as those who talk about Diversity and end up being the most racist, or those that are Pro White Nationalists always end up being with Asian or Latina's. It's just funny how that always works with those who double down and try to attack others and go on moral crusades.
Projection is one hell of a drug isn't it? Reminds me of religious priests who rant on against gay people only to be caught giving some male stripper a blowjob.

The D.E.I example is great too, wokies who try to be all about "positivity" and "inclusively" turn out to be one of the most rancid and intolerant groups of people you'll ever have the displeasure of coming across.

Diversity to wokies doesn't mean diversity of thoughts and ideas, to them diversity is about making sure everyone all around the world from different countries are pulled into this Communist mind virus.

The reasonable thing to do is simply watch and study these people carefully and call them out on their bullshit over and over again. All grifts come to an end, and in many years into the future people will look back in history books at these malicious retards and think how our current society even let it get this bad and how we managed to live though this nonsense.

I also found one particular vid that defends lolis/loli type art interesting.

Funny, I was just about to post that video myself. Yet, as expected, the all-too-common cultural weaklings have taken the privilege upon themselves to dismiss and censure his documentary as pedophile apologia, especially since the man was accused of possessing indecent material a while back, and motivating them to call for its invalidation.

In contrast, this other video had the subject use his child as an accessory to push his agenda, and nobody's calling him out for it.

For those who would cry, "wokie", or any similarly demeaning insults, he's not; apart from not playing favorites with racial minorities, religions, or malformed bodies, he also openly criticized gender dysphoria (the LGBT Pride movement, in layman's terms), is not a member of any fandom (or, at the very least, not loud or skittish about it), and, while he had disagreements with people before, he had cogent, well-researched arguments to back his notions up. He even condemned harassing others or sending death threats, like he did some time after this video came out.

Then again, no one's saw fit to ask him if he would treat lolicons the same way...

I've enclosed select comments from this video for your reference. Anyway, it'd be a detriment to give the original video engagement or exposure.



  • qnivmxa.txt
    70.9 KB · Views: 32

Funny, I was just about to post that video myself. Yet, as expected, the all-too-common cultural weaklings have taken the privilege upon themselves to dismiss and censure his documentary as pedophile apologia, especially since the man was accused of possessing indecent material a while back, and motivating them to call for its invalidation.

In contrast, this other video had the subject use his child as an accessory to push his agenda, and nobody's calling him out for it.

For those who would cry, "wokie", or any similarly demeaning insults, he's not; apart from not playing favorites with racial minorities, religions, or malformed bodies, he also openly criticized gender dysphoria (the LGBT Pride movement, in layman's terms), is not a member of any fandom (or, at the very least, not loud or skittish about it), and, while he had disagreements with people before, he had cogent, well-researched arguments to back his notions up. He even condemned harassing others or sending death threats, like he did some time after this video came out.

Then again, no one's saw fit to ask him if he would treat lolicons the same way...

I've enclosed select comments from this video for your reference. Anyway, it'd be a detriment to give the original video engagement or exposure.

View attachment 22589
what a fat retard ugly in video

Funny, I was just about to post that video myself. Yet, as expected, the all-too-common cultural weaklings have taken the privilege upon themselves to dismiss and censure his documentary as pedophile apologia, especially since the man was accused of possessing indecent material a while back, and motivating them to call for its invalidation.

In contrast, this other video had the subject use his child as an accessory to push his agenda, and nobody's calling him out for it.

For those who would cry, "wokie", or any similarly demeaning insults, he's not; apart from not playing favorites with racial minorities, religions, or malformed bodies, he also openly criticized gender dysphoria (the LGBT Pride movement, in layman's terms), is not a member of any fandom (or, at the very least, not loud or skittish about it), and, while he had disagreements with people before, he had cogent, well-researched arguments to back his notions up. He even condemned harassing others or sending death threats, like he did some time after this video came out.

Then again, no one's saw fit to ask him if he would treat lolicons the same way...

I've enclosed select comments from this video for your reference. Anyway, it'd be a detriment to give the original video engagement or exposure.

View attachment 22589
Thank you for embedding this video and not allowing us to give this Ugly Gnome any clicks. I do find it funny he basically uses the term Lolita Complex and does the thing everyone accuses these types of having a disability on and also reveals how duplicitous these false non judgement types are. They act like it's "Free love" "anyone can love what they like" It's perfectly normal to be a PDF, Zoophile, Real Life Porn depicting Age Gaps, OnlyFans and real 3D women being exploited, even Scat and Clop One to Rainbow Dash, Cubs. But those 2D Small Loli's absolute no-no. Lolicon is like the hugest Turing Test of our time in the sense that if you truly despise Lolicon I would call the FBI and ask them why nobody has searched the Hard Drive and you know this person is dishonest and acting like they are rulers of others. It's also an admittance of guilty because it hits closer to home for them than it does us. They do not get to pick and choose because remember they are those "free love" "anyone can be anything and anything can be everyone" types.

Best way to describe all Anti-Lolicon types, especially on the right, left and center in the thumbnail below.


  • 3242234.jpg
    307.5 KB · Views: 69

Thank you for embedding this video and not allowing us to give this Ugly Gnome any clicks. I do find it funny he basically uses the term Lolita Complex and does the thing everyone accuses these types of having a disability on and also reveals how duplicitous these false non judgement types are. They act like it's "Free love" "anyone can love what they like" It's perfectly normal to be a PDF, Zoophile, Real Life Porn depicting Age Gaps, OnlyFans and real 3D women being exploited, even Scat and Clop One to Rainbow Dash, Cubs. But those 2D Small Loli's absolute no-no. Lolicon is like the hugest Turing Test of our time in the sense that if you truly despise Lolicon I would call the FBI and ask them why nobody has searched the Hard Drive and you know this person is dishonest and acting like they are rulers of others. It's also an admittance of guilty because it hits closer to home for them than it does us. They do not get to pick and choose because remember they are those "free love" "anyone can be anything and anything can be everyone" types.

Best way to describe all Anti-Lolicon types, especially on the right, left and center in the thumbnail below.
The only thing they will find art based on my ocs from past four years in my hdd. Oh so scared cute loli ocs in reality the fbi would lmfao at my face think to themselves how the hell someone scared over nothing lmfao.

that main point what I am saying from this
Also I like your avatar and your username, Nep Nep love. Neptune is actually one of my favorite Lolis but, I think my favorite Loli of all time is Nobeta-chan (Little Witch Nobeta). But, I don't understand why folks can't just leave Lolicons alone, people that like Lolis don't hurt anyone but, I guess they just have to prove themselves as "morally superior" or something I dunno.

Also I like your avatar and your username, Nep Nep love. Neptune is actually one of my favorite Lolis but, I think my favorite Loli of all time is Nobeta-chan (Little Witch Nobeta). But, I don't understand why folks can't just leave Lolicons alone, people that like Lolis don't hurt anyone but, I guess they just have to prove themselves as "morally superior" or something I dunno.
People can't leave alone anything they don't agree with, the big problem with hobbies and shit nowadays is that everyone parades ALL of their hobbies, preferences and degeneracies in their bios instead of keeping that shit to themselves, so busybodies can skip the whole "busy" part and start bodying right away. In my opinion most people are busybodies by nature, we are emotional animals that have to make some real effort to use our rationality/humanity, so envy, projection, religion, all those dumb people things, they govern the average person. But keeping to yourself at least filters all but the most unhinged of them.
Course it's doubtful things are ever going back to how they were, but getting rid of clown world things would be a great improvement...

Also I like your avatar and your username, Nep Nep love. Neptune is actually one of my favorite Lolis but, I think my favorite Loli of all time is Nobeta-chan (Little Witch Nobeta). But, I don't understand why folks can't just leave Lolicons alone, people that like Lolis don't hurt anyone but, I guess they just have to prove themselves as "morally superior" or something I dunno.
blanc and neptune is my favorite I am happy

People can't leave alone anything they don't agree with, the big problem with hobbies and shit nowadays is that everyone parades ALL of their hobbies, preferences and degeneracies in their bios instead of keeping that shit to themselves, so busybodies can skip the whole "busy" part and start bodying right away. In my opinion most people are busybodies by nature, we are emotional animals that have to make some real effort to use our rationality/humanity, so envy, projection, religion, all those dumb people things, they govern the average person. But keeping to yourself at least filters all but the most unhinged of them.
Course it's doubtful things are ever going back to how they were, but getting rid of clown world things would be a great improvement...
you are not wrong at all