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Discussion Obscure/interesting shows from around the world


A lot of users here watch anime from Japan but does anyone else where like to watch cartoons/shows from other countries? About a few months ago I watched the Family Guy episode "Peter's Got Woods" where it's revealed that Glenn Quagmire has a Spanish son.

This got me thinking what Family Guy would be like if it was made in a different country then I thought I how did I know that there wasn't a equivalent to Family Guy from a different country? and how many people from other countries who didn't know about Family Guy? so then I started to worry that I could be missing out on a another show like Family Guy so I started to watch shows from around the world.

Nasha Russia (Russia)

I found out about this show through my love for Little Britain. Nasha Russia is a Russian sketch show created by TNT stand-up comedy TV show broadcast Comedy Club Production that aired from 2006-to-2011. The name of the show references the fact that while the name of the country is pronounced "Rossiya" in Russian, foreigners pronounce it "Russia," or as the show emphasizes, "RASHA". Thus to native Russian speakers the name of the show is, "OUR RASHA". The show itself is inspired by Little Britain with the show very similar opening and format.

Little Britain opening:

Nasha Russia Opening:

It's hard to understand what's happing a-lot of the time due to the fact there are no translations of Nasha Russia and the autogenerated YouTube captions don't work very well for this show as the captions are slower then the actors which makes things particularly difficult to understand for more dialogue heavy characters like Philip Valentinovich and Anna Viktorovna. The show is a very interesting look into Russia culture that you don't get from just a travel guide or a Wikipedia page this was just the show I looking for when I stared watching shows from around the world.

Наша Раша 5 сезон все серии | Наша Раша | #nasharasha | #nasharussia | #нашараша |​

Наша Раша 4 сезон все серии | Наша Раша | #нашараша #камеди #настроение |​

Наша Раша 2 сезон все серии | #nasharasha | #nasharussia | #нашараша |​

Good resources

Top 5 Worst Korean Cartoons​

Top 3 Worst and Best Russian Cartoons​

Top 5 Worst German Cartoons​

Top 3 Worst and Best Irish Cartoons​

Top 5 Worst Mexican Cartoons​

Top 5 Worst Swedish Cartoons​

Top 6 Worst Canadian Cartoons​

Top 5 Worst French Cartoons​

Top 6 Best British Cartoons​

Top 5 Worst African Cartoons​

Top 6 Worst Australian Cartoons​

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Here's one for you. It's a relatively old local show from my neck of the woods called "Seven Periods with Mr. Gormsby". You're gonna love this one.



Well, you're right I like it very much but how did you know I would "love this one"?
I didn't. But it does appeal to those who couldn't give a rat's ass about today's namby-pamby faux-woke darkie/heebie/troon worshipping mumbo-jumbo nonsense shows they spew out today. Even back then (23 years ago) the proto-wokescolds couldn't handle this show, they were not as vocal about it as they are today.