Political Alignment of Vtubers Thread


I apologize if you feel uncomfortable for me calling them out but someone had to do it here.

As I said earlier, calling a jew a jew isn't the problem, using the term jew to someone you don't agree with is.

No need to apologize, as my comment wasn't aiming at you specifically. Maybe I didn't expand enough to give you this impression, but as the saying goes; the Devil is in the details.

If it helps you, always consider first and foremost that any comment or answer I provide on a subject should be taken on a broadview stand - not on a personal one.
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Christi Junior

I mean, *I* have been labeled a Jew more than once on certain "far-right" corners of the internet for failing this or that purity test.



News Update: Asmon kicking the hornet's nest could have a trickle down effect towards vtubers that stream there.
1. He complained on his stream before that /pol/ doesn't like him.
2. He thought it was a good idea to go after Musk when Musk not too long ago used the infamous /pol/ origins frog as his profile pic.

There are consistent threads on /pol/ like /uhg/ and /chug/ among other threads so I have no idea yet if they plan on making consistent Twitch threads there that can effect streamers like vtubers. If anything he has probably received a lot of pissed off DMs about it.


What is wrong with calling a jew a jew? Its not like using the word nigga or fag, if it was I would be saying kike instead in my vocabulary. The fact is true of having to use the word if you have checked Biden's cabinet, social media ownership, blackrock ownership, and Ukraine's government who they are lead by hence that word is used because its true. I apologize if you feel uncomfortable for me calling them out but someone had to do it here.
oh, i blocked that guy the first time i met him because he was acting like a jew

had that gut feeling when he first popped up, and if he's getting pissy about that here, then my gut was right lmfao


Looking at Zens 2020 to 2021 posts I wonder why this guy is viewed as his idol so much.

Twitch's super boss with Mark, Elon and Sundar
Things are interesting with having the top billionaires that are well known oilers to liberal politicians as simps are to vtubers do a 180 about denouncing DEI related shit to see the republican presidents inauguration. Changes might happen on Twitch that can effect streamers like vtubers on the platform.

Verdict: Liberal
  • Twitch had a feature before that allowed you to see who was on their Twitch follower list. Her and Nyanners had AOC and Bernie Sanders on that list.
  • Hasan Abi Simp.
  • Assuming she reached out to Corpse Husband since he did have a Among Us collab with AOC(Puerto Rican socialist, ironmouse is unironically the same)
  • Did the squid games before and after image meme which Twitter was shit posting with Trumps 2016 and 2024 photos, Had two stream titles where she was sad tik tok got banned and than happy it isnt but the thing is Trump is the one that is getting his dick sucked with praise all over Twitter for unbanning it.
If she is serious of trying to be bigger than Vedal987 or Gura as a Vtuber, I think a fundraiser for the US armed forces family members or supporting troops would get her back into pursuing a wider audience than rather just a limited audience group. 1. US armed forces usually has a good amount of people that are conservative because patriotism, a conservative audience that do watch vtubers might slowly start to watch you and you can still keep the liberal vtuber audience that wouldn't think much of it. 2. There are a good amount of Puerto Ricans in the US armed forces and a possible announcement that a Vtuber with the same ethnic background raised this much so and so might give you a bigger and more loyal audience.


Verdict: Liberal
  • Did a we need to talk like in a disappointing way response when Heavenlyfather did a happy mothers day post on Twitter with a pic of Trump in the photo.
  • She decided to cancel her stream right after Trump's inauguration was done with which officially confirms he is President. She is from Ukraine cant tell if her displeasure from him is either different political views or the fact he wants to immediately bail from the Ukraine situation which Trumps son is also very vocal about on social media. 1737402114744.png


I cant find any pic of her pussy on the archives
pain in the ass to find it because some of it was shared without key words like pussy, election, etc and too much go through, but a ton of anonymous replies about it suggest you can investigate for further answers elsewhere if you find someone that can go share it. From what I can remember I don't think it was a full pussy pic anyways from her old tweet just her panties.


I guess Matara, Annytf and Icey Snowpaws behaviors could be monitored online and on streams since someone is not fucking around on his 1st day.


pain in the ass to find it because some of it was shared without key words like pussy, election, etc and too much go through, but a ton of anonymous replies about it suggest you can investigate for further answers elsewhere if you find someone that can go share it. From what I can remember I don't think it was a full pussy pic anyways from her old tweet just her panties.
Nevermind, after I saw her irl face, I am not interested anymore


Verdict: Conservative
  • Raised in Texas, accent suggests she is from the country side than the city, obsessed with playing red dead.
  • Italian and Polish(my experiences from the US).
  • Drew art of Pippa for her birthday.
  • 1737587927043.png
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Verdict: Conservative
  • Italian and showcased in a few streams of being proud of it.
  • Video is saved in other thread that the, "maintenance guy" knows her personally by name (Venice) and sounds country as hell when she was streaming and had to mute.(she told the story again about a few streams ago when she was complaining about how she doesn't like strangers in her house but I don't think her audience is that stupid to assume he is a stranger after getting her food and calling her by her 1st name)
  • rumors that she went streaming online, offline than online the day when the Trump assassination thing happened.
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I might move Gura from verdict neutral to a little bit on the conservative side because of a little hint of nationalism.
I heard from doxx that she has a Swedish background.
Her interests.
Forsen and Pewdiepie are Swedes as well, I get it that people generally love making fun of Sweden as the most liberal or cucked country putting France at a distant 2nd. But it seems that Forsen and Pewdiepie might not have liberal backgrounds.


Reasons people could be right wing grifters.

  • Cartels are fucking up Mexico and people feel the need to seek better life elsewhere, eliminate the culprits, life would improve and illegals will not feel the need as much to go to the US while still living happy lives. Alot of strong arguments have been made before online that Mexico in the past was heading to a super power status when it was last ruled by Spaniards.
  • Arctic oil drilling has improved to conceal spills and boost the U.S. economy.
  • Seeking Canada and Greenland you combine economies, more businesses and trade being built for more employment opportunities.
  • Seeking most of North America without politics getting in your way you can start speed trains, railways and roads projects through the Bering Strait to increase trade, tourism and business with China and Russia while also creating more jobs to the U.S. Also using less pollution flying with planes for the liberals.
  • Stopping a war that will give no results but extinction to Ukraine would help. I don't think an air force exists in Ukraine, fighting an adversary with 10 times the firepower and they keep surrounding you in cauldrons on the map is not the way to go. He is hellbent on stopping BRICS influence and he might do it by getting Russia and China back into the world market. Ukraine according to Graham has 2-7 trillion dollars worth of materials like Titanium and Lithium in Donbass. Countries with the most Titanium are Russia, China and Japan depending on the need of how much the US needs something there might be no other way than to conduct trade which can result in some countries getting their sanctions lifted.
  • Wants to end nuclear proliferation in the US, Russia and China which I don't think will happen because Russia withdrew from it after the US withdrew from the ABM treaty 1st.
  • Stopping production of pennies to make copper useful material for other products.
  • Wasteful military spending on Europe.
What exactly has Biden achieved or tried to achieve? If you state you hate right wing grifters than it should only be fair you express your opinion of why you would turn a blind eye to left wing grifters.


Might as well have fun with this one since these 2 are the only special cases that will get this kind of judgement.


Verdict: Controversial
  • Browsed on 4chan /k/ before selling patches, has past and present interest in things related to guns. I think Froot and Yuko Yurei(she had her own drama before to) are considered the only vtubers that browsed on /k/ before.
  • Not many people sign up to join the British army and those that do have a rare sense of patriotism in that country that usually lean conservative. She did choose such a person to be in a relationship 1st with before.
  • Bashed her trans brother and hated her father on on past discord leaks.
  • Suddenly supports the trans community and even chose a side in the Hogwarts drama.
Verdict: Controversial

  • undeniable proof that she had frequently visited 4chan /a/ and /vt/ but /pol/ as well. Took the time and effort to sing the Moonman cover around a time period where shit posting moonman on /pol/ was the trend on that board. Think I remember she posted a crying soyjak face doing the jacko pose on twitter before as well.
  • Went full Tumblr mode and supporting Bernie Sanders/ AOC as well.
Not saying it is impossible for people to do 180's on issues that relate to far left and right(which is usually rare) but also hard to distinguish if both nyanners and froot could be doing it for the grift as well.


Might as well have fun with this one since these 2 are the only special cases that will get this kind of judgement.
there's probably a term that describes either a lack of consistency, "whichever is the winning side is my side," and/or something of the sort like a grift

Lusty Daicon

This bitch shouldn't even be a public figure. It is insane and baffling to me that anybody pays attention to this washed-up, backstabber. The worst thing an entertainer can do in my mind, is throwing their own fans under the bus. Even if she was a die-hard conservative or whatever, that wouldn't compensate for what she did.


Verdict: Neutral
  • Ukraine war is a touchy subject where you have conservatives and liberals support one or the other side but still involves politics even if its geopolitical. Hangs out with AnnyTF alot who is from Ukraine. In 2022 he followed Zelensky on Twitter and around late 2024 to now it seems he doesn't follow him on twitter anymore.
    Russia states the war was instigated by the west with proxy view maiden massacre, the west states them as invaders but overall this is the reason why the war got started.
    Zelensky is being told to lower the draft age soon to 18 because of their loss, but a lot of his tweets lately have been talking about how much soldiers Russia has and how powerful their military has grown which contradicts Ukraine is winning and Vedal probably decided to unfollow him for continuing a pointless war that he wont win in. Even if there was a miracle that some how Russia economically got crushed before the war ends the Chinese that got sanctioned from the west from receiving chips started making their own and Ukraine owns 50% of neon in the world market which is the material that make semiconductor chips while Russia the owns the other 30% might participate in the war later to look out for their interests
  • 1739046354792.png His dad is I heard is polish, which is amusing in a way because he could be the 3rd polak after vei and nyanners(both retired) that can pull vtuber viewers higher than ironmouse. No idea if he is pro-EU or not because some are nationalists being against EU and eastern european families usually are conservative or pro-EU because he is from an immigrant family. He must have definitely been born in the UK because his British accent is on par with froot and cdawgva.
  • He seems more of a person that follows logic than emotion in politics which can lean him more into the conservative side.
Overall my main worries is him choosing annytf has his streaming partner. Like she does state some random shit where she takes a political side like musk or the word Russian mention in it, and she gets joked around alot has being called ipn's cum sock(appearance wish she is like a downgraded sydsnap). Codes, cooks, makes a good amount of money and appearance wise seems very skinny with a strong back like his value of being BF material is too much to be with someone like annytf. If he likes big and beautiful GFs he can shoot his shot at momotexx, snuffy, dokibird, camila, mori, etc. Seems unicorn audience friendly as in if I started dating a super model GF that fucks anything that moves and I went out grocery shopping I would trust him with her home alone than I would with luca, vox, aethel, corpse husband, vesper and magni like there is a reason why even Kiara didn't mind a collab with him. If it is confirmed that he is dating annytf than she better be giving him toe curling blowjobs, use her ass or something along those lines everyday whenever he wants because his BF value is just that high. If he wasn't dating anyone and he was invited to a discord server with all the big shot vtubers they would all probably start teasing the shit out of him to get a GF or find him one.

Verdict: Conservative
  • Born, raised and lives in Italy which is one of the most conservative and nationalistic countries that give eastern european countries a run for their money.
  • Doxx confirms that her mom is an italian nationalist with anti-immigration views.
  • Dropped the N-word a few times on stream when she disliked something.
I think she would have been a better Italian mobster to collab with for Amalee than Luca.