It is circling the Wagons and painting a false narrative by having some controlled opposition to make excuses for laziness as to why they can not have accurate or authentic translations, which does not happen in China, South Korea even in Mexico. This is just lowering the standard and being lazy, insulting the Japanese language itself and saying English is better when reality, it does not matter. Translating the script to what it says and being accurate and authentic is important. Then again this is why I tend to avoid Western Content creators because they always end up selling out and using false opposition arguments of what the person did not say.
I would say Re:Fantazio is accurate. I did hear they did patch out Dopey and the few other jarring words that I and others criticized as well. Which is a positive due to Atlus having higher standards than the industry itself that relies so heavily on memes, political insertions and "Flavor" that is is a breath of fresh air, much like Class Of Heroes was earlier this year by PQube. If I am wrong please let me know and show examples.