I never trusted Arch and videos like these don't help me believe he's truly anti censorship but simply an opportunist.
In the end the only one you can truly have faith in is yourself.
Arch isn't a full swing anti-censorship no matter what, he is an activist for right-wing/conservative ideas to not be censored in the gaming industry/media. More a liberal than opportunist really.
As for the Lily Phillips stunt, the true funny part is everyone reaction from it. The complete hypocrisy by western society at large when sex trafficking is very much promoted on the internet, OF is a booming business for years now and more and more platforms offer sex or just sex appeal as a product to consume since it pays so well.
And the big question by most on the consent part and their general disconfort through the 'documentary' is laughable at best. Like, come on, this is what porn/sex industry has always been: opportunity to make money by selling your integrity/consent and be 'empowered' from a quickly made and big revenue (soon lost in luxury to forget about the traumatic experience from it). Again, the sex worker pendulum swinging rapidly between worned out sex slave and happy hooker isn't new either. The sheer ignorance of people/public is truly special in a mediocre side of way.
There was a quote about how life is a curse. It is a curse for when you don't get what you want and also a curse for when you get it.
But you are right; people need to rely on themselves, and no other. But for that to happen, they need to understand their choices and live with the consequences of those choices.