Lolidrama Vice Makes A Video on Loli Hentai

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Retarded journo gets btfo'd

Both at once.

Loli can refer to either sexualized children characters or women who are petite and look like children. This leads to a lot of confusion, and certain art styles in manga/anime can make characters look even younger.
I mean at the end of the day when it comes to fictional characters, it doesnt really matter what they may be "in-canon". At least to me it doesnt really make a difference if the loli is a "petite woman" or a "child" at the end its all a drawing. I guess its more down to personal preference I suppose.
There are artists who have been arrested for using real children to make lolicon, in some cases, their own children. That is more of a serious issue to me than any r-rated doujinshis that have lolis in them.
This is where the real limit should be imo. I personally support all types of fiction as long as no real people, particularly children, are involved.

Both at once.

Loli can refer to either sexualized children characters or women who are petite and look like children. This leads to a lot of confusion, and certain art styles in manga/anime can make characters look even younger.

There are artists who have been arrested for using real children to make lolicon, in some cases, their own children. That is more of a serious issue to me than any r-rated doujinshis that have lolis in them.

The issue is further compounded when the West/Americans label anything a day below 18 a "child", when it's clearly not the case. I have seen drawings of busty JKs being labeled child pizzas and if you're attracted to that you're a pedo. Yet most women finished their puberty around 14 and they're not growing much more than that. Making 18 the legal age is the definition of a social construct, a pretty recent and arbitrarily one too. Sexualizing what we call teenagers nowadays is not a Japan only thing, the whole world does. Hell, Americans were once the leader with their sexy blond cheerleader archetype.

I'm not saying adults should go sleep with teenagers but it's more of a mental thing and not physical. We all know 14-16 something are horny as hell and fcking like crazy. The ones who don't are not able to sleep around, not because they want to stay celibate. They're at an age where they physically want to procreate, that's just biology.

As for the whole Loli thing, i would say part of it is a disconnect between the West and the weight/height standard in Asia (that translates into manga/anime). A woman can be considered perfectly normal in Asia yet appears as a "loli" to fat western feminists because she doesn't weight 100 kg at 1,5-1,6m. The average east Asian woman wants to weight around half that so no wonder they think she looks like a "child". As for actual drawing of lolis, as long as it's not an extreme case like you said where actual children were harmed to produced it, i think it should be allowed.
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> it's real
lmao, guess I'll make sure to get my TV recorder out for when it happens, one for the history books of how and why the emmy's are seen as a joke


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not suprised but i hope this not create shit for manga , anyways people doesn't care about emmy
Sadly it will since, all eyes are going to be on anime like they were on pac because vice even with motherboard and waypoint going under, they still have a huge grip sadly but still hopefully all of it goes under like what the jezebel went through recently.

not suprised but i hope this not create shit for manga , anyways people doesn't care about emmy
Honestly, I doubt it. The contents old enough that, if it didn’t stir up shit already, it probably won’t matter.

These awards are just a circlejerk anyway.
Birds of a feather flock together, i've seen it happen alot on places online like mal,discord or reddit anything full of the "in crowd" always will crumble apart soon enough once you pull the cards thats holding the glue together.

Just look at how people avoid award shows these days, nobody would have known bout the oscars last year if it wasnt for will smih slapping chris rock lmao.

But yeah, fuck all awards cereamonies.

Fucking hell, it was bad enough with this vice shit now this cunt is going to trigger a bunch of retards to start screaming at japan and their domestic anime suppliers to ban anything that makes them feel scared of being labeled pedos.

I keep rembling about how deep it goes. Surprised I havent seen many draw the connections in the english side.The guy (kazuna kanajiri) himself is a known clown to the jp side but majority just arent aware of this video. English speaking side mostly dont care about political ongoings or dont know shit. Hanako Monetgomery is well known in jp otaku side for other shit she has pulled before this.

So the scum saying that the loli eromanga is a "violation of human rights" in the video is a literal tranny named Kazuna Kanajiri and chief of government funded NPO PAPS. Paps share board members and lawyers with Colabo. Colabo (npo for women in need) is another government npo that flamed Onsen musume by lying and forcing them into changing their site descriptions and made them cave into not recieving an award. These two npo and their members are always at the forefront retarded shit like your fotm jp twitter cancel culture shit from uzaki red cross to love live ad to tawawa ad to onsen musume etc etc.
Surprise surprise they also pushed for shit like lgbt bill and new av bill. In fact these feminist censorship advocating NPOs are also "experts" that "advice" lawmakers during deliiberations of these bills. PAPS and Colabo both were involved heavily in the new av bill (another can of worms). Now their members and other affiliated are having meetings regarding swimsuit photosession laws due to the cancellation of one recently in saitama by some gender equality bureau. I wonder what is going to be targetted next.

And its not just these two theres countless of these "NPOs" that are now activists who have power and say like lawmakers. lgbt npo, women in need npo, gender equality npo etc. Npo business is booming funded by public money and they all share board members with the same lawyers.

In bed with censorship advocate journalists. JP activist journos are currently slandering a civillian who filed several lawsuits against colabo and paps as a misogynist in the mainstream media.Ofc they dont mention lawsuits and only say that he "attacked" Colabo. Whats funny is that the journos, activists and their followers call him (Akane Kyoku) and others who follow him, "Hima-anon" ring any bells? Q-anon? Surely they didnt right? Its just a coincidence right? :))))) Himasoraakane or Akane Kyoku is the civillian who uncovered this huge web of scum filed lawsuits because the accountings of these npos are fishy and dont add up.

You might think that LDP is somehow based because of all the "le right wing" label they get in the mainstream media but when you look at all the new bills and law changes you should notice that its all lies. LGBT bill passed within a couple of months after abe died with his faction not even being able to veto it? How come it was vetoed previously everytime when he was alive? How come LDP affiliates with all these communist npos that waste public money and are also somehow activists and lawmakers? How come they are suddenly changing immigation laws? How come the entire Abe faction is now being discarded from current ldp because of some political funding scandal? Bad news is that the CDP and Communist Party are even worse than the LDP.

I know big autistic essay. Some might even think that I am some bait doompiller or whatever the fuck the word for shit like that is. But its all out in the open and only requires a bit of time and will to look into. English isnt my first language so feel free to ask me if you need anything clarified. But this issue I feel is just way too big for this thread and I am not really interested in opening a new one just to schizo rant on stuff people dont seem to really care about.

Fucking hell, it was bad enough with this vice shit now this cunt is going to trigger a bunch of retards to start screaming at japan and their domestic anime suppliers to ban anything that makes them feel scared of being labeled pedos.
vice keep in mind is a huge sex company lmao so much people there are sexfiends ironically lol.