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Godot 4.0 has released

Thread Description
Talking about the Godot game engine with its new 4.0 release


Gap Enjoyer
Yesterday Godot 4.0 released (https://godotengine.org/).
If you don't know what Godot is: The Godot Engine is a free (and open source), all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

The main things from 4.0 are:
- Better 3D Renderes
- Better 2D level editors
- Improved lighting
- Improved shaders
- GDScript improvements
- In-House physics engine
All new things here: https://godotengine.org/article/godot-4-0-sets-sail/

I tried it quite a while ago, but was somewhat overwhelmed with the node system. However I've been looking forward to this release for its improvements to 3D, since I have a few game ideas I want to realize. I'm currently working on some other projects, but should very soon be able to get back into it and hopefully should be able to ship a game soon after.
I personally would prefer some more baked in languages (not just bindings) that would work for scripting just as good like Lua or Nim, but other than that I'll probably be using GDScript despite it being python like which I don't like too much.

I'm honestly more exited for Godot than ever and believe it's able to stand alongside FOSS software like Blender in the near future and might become more widely used in the indie / AA areas of gaming. Big companies will still prefer Unity / Epic, but even that might change.

Has anyone here tried it? Are you planning on trying it? Have you already made a game with it?


Incredibly Retarded
Has anyone here tried it?
Mostly familiar with Unity, but tried Godot. Same thing happened to me, node system confused the fuck out of me, and I didn't feel like learning something new.
Are you planning on trying it?
probably still won't. sounds neat, but I don't like using anything outside C# for games honestly. If i recall I think Godot had some C# support but... then theres the nodesystem I can't be fucked learning.
Maybe one day i'll ship a game... but good fucking God I need to manage my time better and not spend 2 hours sitting around doing nothing after work every day.

I wish you luck! What're you planning on making if you don't mind me asking? I know the feeling of having a hundred different ideas floating around and leaving them unfinished constantly (actually that last part might be more of a me thing)


Gap Enjoyer
If i recall I think Godot had some C# support
The C# support has vastly improved with 4.0 since they switched from Mono to .NET iirc.
I know the feeling of having a hundred different ideas floating around and leaving them unfinished constantly
Same. I wish it wouldn't be so easy to move to new ideas so quickly.

What're you planning on making if you don't mind me asking?
My main 3 ideas I want to realize and ship:
  • A mix between Shadow of the Colossus, Girls Last Tour and 86 (episode 11)
  • An FPS in the style of System Shock but movement similar to Quake 3 with underlying themes of different mental illnesses
  • COD Nazi Zombies. I really like WaW, but that game is really showing it's age and the account servers are down iirc
I do have some other Projects I want to finish off first though so I might need a few more months to really start.


Incredibly Retarded
The C# support has vastly improved with 4.0 since they switched from Mono to .NET iirc.
oh that's good. maybe I'll give it a chance at some point
Same. I wish it wouldn't be so easy to move to new ideas so quickly.
easier to start then finish...
  • COD Nazi Zombies. I really like WaW, but that game is really showing it's age and the account servers are down iirc
only one of these I actually have played/can understand. I do love WaW/Cod Zombies. Always liked it leagues more than L4D. Theres a guy making a CoD zombies but WW1 game

I do have some other Projects I want to finish off first though so I might need a few more months to really start.
I feel that. I have a, what I think is, fairly decent game idea. 2 actually, although both are pretty similar when I think about it.
I also have all the Varis related projects I need to keep working on (or rewrite from scratch in one case) as well as a few "resume builders" I gotta complete.
I'm just so shit at time management and my procrastination is... deadly.


Gap Enjoyer
Theres a guy making a CoD zombies but WW1 game
Looks nice. He seems to do it in a more classic fashion, which is good, but I would probably tweak some things to make the gameplay have a nicer progression.
fairly decent game idea
Can you share them?
I'm just so shit at time management and my procrastination is... deadly.
I found that doing daily plans is really helpful. Also I personally use https://kanboard.org/ for managing project. Not as overkill as Jira and no accounts needed like with Trello. You can run it very easily.
a few "resume builders" I gotta complete
You mean for like your CV? I gotta make a few of them as well.


Incredibly Retarded
Looks nice. He seems to do it in a more classic fashion, which is good, but I would probably tweak some things to make the gameplay have a nicer progression.
What do you mean on nicer progression? You thinking of making an actual like... continuous story for it or something?
Can you share them?
I can tldr them, but I also got "design docs"
1. Isometric Fallout like RPG. Focus on your stats and choices actually driving the story. It's more of a tech demo/vertical slice, but also have an actual basis for a story thought up. Still would only be like an hour or two at best if I were to make it.
2. Turn-based, team building RPG. Stories unclear, but the gameplay loop would focus on 2 separate systems. A Camp/Town building style thing, where you grow your camp (soon to be settlement), or a more adventure/questing type where you build your team, and raid dungeons and the like.
It'd be gacha like, in that you need to "roll" for characters (rolling in reality would be your actions in game. The more you trade the more merchant/production type characters you get, the more you quest the more fighters/merc types you get)
I found that doing daily plans is really helpful. Also I personally use https://kanboard.org/ for managing project. Not as overkill as Jira and no accounts needed like with Trello. You can run it very easily.
oh i use nextcloud for most of my shit, has a plugin for task management like this, but the issue is still actually... doing the work
You mean for like your CV? I gotta make a few of them as well.
Yeah. can't exactly directly reference Varis, and saying "trust me I have experience" is a bit iffy :shinobu_kaka:


Gap Enjoyer
What do you mean on nicer progression?
The classic loop is:
  1. Open doors
  2. Get guns
  3. Power On
  4. Perks
  5. Pack-A-Punch
  6. Easter Eggs / Ending
I would make a story mode, but also would expand upon the Pack-A-Punch and Perk Mechanic with Tiers and Synergies
Here are some of my notes on the subject. Most of it is noted on paper though so some stuff/ideas are missing:
OpenNZ (Open Nazi Zombies)
Basically Nazi zombies, but open source
Or just a "clone"
engine?: Godot? Urho3D?
Also make a 2D prototype

Perks are mutagens: e.g. Pills, syringes. etc.
Pack-a-Punch == BioWeapons. Upgrade adds Flesh and stuff to guns

Weapons need to be creative and out there:
- Luger inspired +1 Small real arms instead of usual cock mechanism
- Revolver
Assault Rifles:
Sniper Rifles: Need to actually usable
- Katana
- Spear
- Mutant arm that shots needles from fingers
- Head that acts like shotgun

One of the Perks needs to be a more ammo perk

LVL1: 150% Ammo
LVL2: 200% Ammo
LVL3: 220% Ammo + Ammo Regen / Recovery

Also perks can have multiple levels where the last one adds something interessting to the perk

Jugg / Steel Skin:
LVL1: +75 HP (To 175)
LVL2: +75 HP (To 250)
LVL3: +50 HP (To 300) + Fast Regen or "Holy Mantel"

Speed Reload
LVL1: 150% Speed
LVL2: 200% Speed
LVL3: 225% + Ghost Reload (Add 25% Bullets to own mag & 10% to others in MP)

Quick Revive:
MP Added | Single
LVL1: 150% Revive | Revive
LVL2: 150% Range | Keep all other perks (but downgrade to LVL1)
LVL3: 200% Both | Keep all other perks (but downgrade to lvl2)

In MP the majority of players need to agree to the buyable ending

- Extraction endings.
- Survive x more rounds
- Survive an onslaught for x minutes
- Total Stats
- Lifetime Kills, Lifetime Points, etc
- Leveling System
- Either start everyone off from scratch or calculate from lifetime
- Leveling unlocks stuff like skins
- Maybe more. I need to figure this first out though.
- Perhaps put leftover points when winning a map into a pot and allow players to buy stuff with them
- e.g. 1Mil points for a Skin or something

Player can get e.g. 4 perks to lvl 3, 3 more to lvl 2 and 2 more to lvl 1, or something like that. That way players have to strategize

Onetime use perks (player could buy them with their leftover points. earn them after a match, etc)
These Perks should have a cooldown and are active during the entire match (if by the end the player doesn't had to use it it will not be used up and can be reused)
- Iron Gift: If the player has no ammo there is a 25% chance his curent mag gets refilled
- Second Chance: When all players are down the player revives for 30 seconds and can either go buy revive in SP or revive their friends in MP
- Luck of the Draw: Player can spin a slot for e.g. 1000 points and either get 3x the money, a 50% ammo for their gun, a dud, loose ammo, rarely get something really good
- I need a hero: A clone of the players gun comes out of their chest and fires 2 entire mags in a sweeping motion (the player can still use their own gun).
- I know the owner: Sometimes get a 20% discount on purchases
- Now you see me, now you don't: Aggro every enemy for 10 seconds then become invisible for 20 seconds
- When live gives you lemons: Shoot all randomly highlighted enemies and get a max ammo (Get a Pack-A-Punch if it's all headshots)
- Napoleon: The player shrinks for 1 to 2 minutes and has a 1 out of 3 chance to not get hit

Isometric Fallout like RPG. Focus on your stats and choices actually driving the story. It's more of a tech demo/vertical slice, but also have an actual basis for a story thought up. Still would only be like an hour or two at best if I were to make it.
Sounds interesting. This genre did make quite a comeback as well.
Turn-based, team building RPG. Stories unclear, but the gameplay loop would focus on 2 separate systems. A Camp/Town building style thing, where you grow your camp (soon to be settlement), or a more adventure/questing type where you build your team, and raid dungeons and the like.
It'd be gacha like, in that you need to "roll" for characters (rolling in reality would be your actions in game. The more you trade the more merchant/production type characters you get, the more you quest the more fighters/merc types you get)
Reminds me a little of Fire Emblem. Especially Fates which had the settlement mechanic.
but the issue is still actually... doing the work
I feel you. The worst part for me is that I need at least 30+ minutes before I'm warmed up to code / work.
can't exactly directly reference Varis, and saying "trust me I have experience" is a bit iffy :shinobu_kaka:
Yeah might not be the best thing. You could do a demo copy though with "sanitized data". Had a coworker who did it like that since he used to make porn sites.
Of course there would always be the slim chance of the person you are showing it to being a user of Varis.


Incredibly Retarded
Most of it is noted on paper though so some stuff/ideas are missing
pretty interesting. what's with the biomutant stuff? guessing that'll tie into the story?
I feel you. The worst part for me is that I need at least 30+ minutes before I'm warmed up to code / work.
I need to either have an idea for what i'm gonna do, or just hit a random zen that makes me wanna do some work, so I kinda feel that.
Of course there would always be the slim chance of the person you are showing it to being a user of Varis.
a terrifying thought.


Hitler's Reincarnation
Has anyone here tried it? Are you planning on trying it? Have you already made a game with it?
Haven't made a game yet, but I'm learning and making stuff with it.

Already have a fediverse thread of my progress, alongside some YouTube videos of my progress.

Thread: https://varishangout.net/notice/AaCvS1H1048uIHZY36

I think it's pretty intuitive with how to make things, but because I'm completely new to game development, and I've never learned how to apply my coding skills to actual projects like scrapers, websites, and games, I'm struggling to find how to do a lot of things lol

I have to rely on a lot of people to help me, which I'm grateful for


Gap Enjoyer
how to apply my coding skills to actual projects like scrapers, websites, and games
To be fair, gamedev is a completely different mindset conpared to web based stuff even if the DOM could be compared to a degree to GoDots component system.

Good lick though!