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Discussion What's your favourite programming language?


Reminder that Haskell is the anime programming language!


Not a programmer but I've heard Go is a pretty good language from someone who knows a lot of programming stuff so I'll take her opinion

She is one of the few sensical transgender women I have ever met so I trust her opinion lol


I can't really recommend python for beginners for various reasons. The mix of shadowing, dynamic typing, not different syntax for declarations and mutation make it extremely confusing for them, ime.

Go is a good language... if we were in1970. I still don't understand how such a recent language managed to completely discard *every* form of evolution/progress in PL since Algol. I am genuinely angry at go. And it's weird because while I absolutely love PLT and am very interested in language designs at whatnot, I never really care about the "good/bad language"-wars. But go, oh my god, do I fucking hate its creators. I can even forgive Java much more and that's despite all the fucking pain it caused to my soul!
sorry for my rant...


i've been learning and using zig for almost the entirety of 2020

i might sound like a shill here but this language is so simple and so good that i completely lost all motivation to learn other languages because of it

one of the best thing about it is you can directly use any C libraries without having to write bindings to them first. that, and it's a compiled language with no garbage collector, although this is more of my personal preference than anything

if you love writing shit in good old C, i recommend you to at least try this language just once.


I've learned and worked so far with Python, C, Haskell and Java.
Favourite: Python
Headache inducing:
C (I have Python to thank for that)
Still learning:

I also agree that Python isn't a good first language to learn (from personal experience), a lot of things that I took for granted there weren't present in C (second language I learned) so I kinda had a lot of bad experiences with that thanks to a poor start on the field. Also for me Haskell is really beautiful to look at but I can't wrap my head around it.


I'm a big fan of the C languages. Currently programming in C# mainly and looking to work specifically in a .NET field, but I would mind diverting my attention to C++ or C either just considering what powerful and useful languages they are.

I really wish I could get into Python as some do, but I just don't feel comfortable typing in it. Pretty to read and write though, that's for sure.


Also for me Haskell is really beautiful to look at but I can't wrap my head around it.
It is *quite* different from most languages out there.
The basics are quite simple, the problem would be the complexity built on top and all the language extensions.
But I really like that all this is hidden behind language extensions and libraries, which make (GHC) haskell a super complex language totally different from Java, C++ and the other complexity monsters. I can always write haskell with full confidence, I rarely have doubt or am confused at what my code does (aside from laziness related things, sometimes).
That and the incredible principled approach to the language design, which I haven't seen in any other language out there.

horse doctor

I can't really recommend python for beginners for various reasons. The mix of shadowing, dynamic typing, not different syntax for declarations and mutation make it extremely confusing for them, ime.
Python is pretty good for teaching fundamentals and not necessarily for teaching syntax. python cares about whitespace, doesn't care about scope, has very unique syntax for classes and methods, etc. which it make it pretty bad for learning Syntax but good for learning Semantics


My first semester in college was in Pascal, then it was pretty much C all the way.
I like Python quite a lot but don't use much beyond very occasional scripts to facilitate something I need.
I work with iStuff, so I use Swift almost exclusively. :gura-pain:


Do type hints even DO anything? I don't think they've even given me a limp-dicked warning.
Functionally? I don't think so. Unless I have not used them to their full extent, which is a possibility I am willing to admit given it hasn't seemed worth the effort to learn to me, they come off as nothing more than just embedded comments.

Unfortunately, it seems like this is what the majority of Python developers want. As someone who is a strong proponent of statically-typed languages, I find a lot of their arguments against not only static typing but type hints themselves to be silly, but to each their own I guess.


Yeah, that's hilarious!
The main argument against static-typing is usually how cumbersome it is:
1. you're limited and have to fight the typechecker
2. it makes your code unreadable/verbose

I won't delve on how wrong (1) is, and even if I did, it'd be useless since I noticed that this is mostly a subjective argument, in the sense that everyone has different ways to look at and solve problems. Static typing is good for certain methodologies, but if your brain isn't wired that way, I can conceive that it's annoying for you.

But (2) is the really hilarious one! The one that makes me laugh every fucking time. Aside from the fact that if you have real types (like haskell, elm, ocaml, etc.) type annotations are optional. These dynamic-types people will go on about how you should actually write types in comments and make unit tests that catch type errors. Like WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT THEN? You're literally doing the work a compiler could do for you, while getting none of the advantages from it????


Me personally, literally the only language that I still have some memories left is Java when I was in Highschool and was literally the first language.
Maybe I also wouldn't be a complete caveman when it comes to stuff for websites like HTML and CSS but other than that I am a complete retard when it comes to programming.
I am stuck really. I wanna know how to code, but at the same time all that code syntax perfection clusterfuck that I experienced in the past is a big turn off.
Anyone got any suggestion which language I should start with?


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