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Eccentric Individual Wroggles @WrogglesRevenge|@burnbern8|Desu (?)|ApocryphalKnight|etc.: The Paedofinder General of Twitter

For people who really really love to stand out
Thread Description
Schizophrenia General

Scornful Gaze

Patron of the Forums

Before I begin, if you're to take ANYTHING away from this thread:​

-Do not interact with Soarel. I understand at least a few people here might be friends or were once friends with him; given both his and Wroggles tactics, this may put you in harms way.

  • Do NOT interact with Wroggles AT ALL. He is sociopathic and sees people as a means to his ends. If you see a random account that is passing around Rikafag’s audio logs, making direct claims about Dimitri, or infering guilt about anybody who may have had contact with Dimitri or Rikafag, ignore him. This goes double if you’re a content creator, a member of the press, and/or are involved with a child safety advocacy organization, as he has continuously tried to curry favor with large names and in order to use the clout and resources of others to further his vendetta. Not only is he harmful to anybody he interacts with, I also geniunely believe he is harmful to the very pursuit of child safety.
  • I am posting this here on Varis as all individuals involved directly interact with anime twitter (from which a lot of Varis users have trickled in). Given the tendency of anime fans, especially lolicons/shotacons, on the platform to engage in pedo hunting out of an attempt at communal policing, I believe more than a few people here might be dupped into helping Wroggles and, as such, might fall into a blackmail scheme. The primary purpose of this thread is not to defend anybody, it’s to warn people away from an genuine lunatic.

I have talked to Mr__Cynical/Rikafag in voice before, albeit briefly, we have no personal relationship and I have not spoken to him since. If you must know what the conversation was about, it was about 2001: A Space Odyssey, I do not remember the details, but I think it had to do with the cinematography. This was prior to me even learning about any of the accusations levied against him. I am not sympathetic towards him in the slightest and believe he has a lot to answer for.

For posterity’s sake, here’s the Kiwifarms thread; (archive) I’ll let you make your own judgement; but Rika, when confronted on the audio leaks and archived posts, claims that he was joking and that the pictures of his sister that he posted was some bizarre attempt to get a waifu thread deleted. There is no hard evidence that he actually engaged in sex tourism; There also isn't any hard evidence indicating the girl pictured in the threads were actually of his sister outside of his own words, which he denies the veracity of in order to play the role of a ‘supervillain.'

supervillain ynial.png

However, Rika, on the off chance that you read this? This villain roleplay shit is not funny, not cool, not a sign of higher intellectual acumen, and at this point the only thing you have accomplished in continuing with this bit is putting others in harms way; clear the air and knock if off.

I did not contact Dimitri or Avie while writing this, however, I did reference document that, as far as I can gather, was either written by one of them or by somebody they know. They produced screenshots and logs detailing various interactions that Sorael and Wroggles have had with others. I largely have pursued in my own legwork, however, this document did help *immensely* in pointing me in the right direction. I am sympathetic towards Dimitri, as I feel he is being dragged simply to get at Rika, but I will take no effort to to defend them, as I believe they have already adequately defended themselves. I will, however, offer some defense of third parties dragged into this, as they have absolutely nothing to do with any of the drama involved and are only being fingered due to their relative proximity to Dimitri and Rika.

This thread is also not a call to brigade or harass anyone mentioned; quite the opposite, it’s a call to avoid Wroggles and Sorael if at all possible, and to exercise extreme caution when you’re not able to. I will also be breaking from my typical narrative/snark style format for the OP as, to be frank, I want this to be as brief and to the point as possible in order to get the word out on Wroggles and Sorael. If you wish to document any of the interactions of Wroggles or Sorael I only ask that you please, please, please, PLEASE practice good OPSEC. Wroggles is the type of obsessed personality that will engage in life ruination if you slight him. Make sure there is absolutely no identifiable information in any of the posts you make and use burners. If you wish to submit anything anonymously I can be reached by the Matrix address in the ‘about me section’ on my forum profile. I can’t guarantee how quickly I can get to this, however I will attempt to get to messages as soon as possible. As with Noralities and Sanger, keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times. And this time roll up the windows as a precaution.

Halo? If this thread is causing too much trouble than feel free to nuke it. Given his pattern of behavior, Wroggles might actually schizo out on you. My sincerest apologies.

I will be posting logs in spoilers. Everything outside of that is my own commentary and interpretation. Now where to begin…?
Wroggles, also known as @WrogglesRevenge, @burnbern8, ApocryphalKnight, Desu (?) (along with many other alts both on Twitter and elsewhere). Is a self-styled pedo hunter who has spent the better part of the last two years or so trying expose and dox youtuber and general interest personality, Dimitri Monroe. Yeah, Dimitri, no not Rika. Wroggles tried to get at Rika over sex tourism and child pornography distribution accusations (details above in the farms thread) and fucked up. In the words of this one poster on the Farms:
fucked up an investigation.png

Documenting Wroggles in his entirety is an act in futility. He has gone through multiple accounts and he is almost always online micromanaging his narrative. Instead of trying to do the impossible. I’ll highlight examples of his pattern behavior. As how he pursues his ‘justice’ is, frankly, evil and simply sociopathic.

To begin, let’s start with why I made this thread:

You may be forgiven if you think that An Open Secret tweeted this organically. However, who is this down in the comments?

Now why point this out? After all, Wroggle’s burner account follows An Open Secret and obsessively retweets nonce-related conspiracy posts all the time, it should be no real surprise that he might have seen this post, saw the replies, and decided to argue with skeptics in the comments, there is no hard evidence that he might have fed a narrative to An Open Secret. However, given his past behavior, I have good reason to believe that he did. Let’s take a look.

Here’s one of his interactions with Grimsy, a youtuber of some variety that got some heat/clout recently starting an e-war with RevSaysDesu over lolicon. Standard commentary channel kind of deal and kind of comes across as a bastard child of Turkey Tom and Optimus. Here is Wroggles trying to tie somebody Grimsy’s feuding with to Dimitri by way of association.

Of course, even Grimsy couldn’t avoid being fingered. Also, apparently jokingly saying that somebody is a ‘cock whore’ for somebody and then praising them on being geniunely good at art at a young age counts as ‘pedophilia.’

Because quite a few eyes on the internet are circling around the Ethan Ralph shitshow (look it up if you care, I am not summarizing it), Wroggles has taken to trying to insert Dimitri, Rika, Avie, and practically anybody who could be pressured into leaking info on those three into the drama. First to Ethan Ralph and when that didn’t pan out (I haven’t watched the clip, but apparently he was disinterested) he went running to the Kino Casino (Internet Bloodsports successor) to tie Dimitri to Pantsu (his wife, formerally Digibro’s fiance, and previously a pretty outspoken advocate of lolicon art when she was still with him) over… being mutuals on Twitter.

https://archive.ph/rs8vy For reference, the 'expose' he expected Ethan Ralph to watch was two hours, and none of it involved getting back at Metokur.

It’s a common tactic of his, incidentally. Hell, add in the crimes of having being followed by Meigh and disagreeing with an inconclusive accusation and suddenly you’re part of the elite order of Dimitri’s ‘pedoguard.’

Hell, why not toss the conservative science dyke in there, let’s get as many unrelated people into this clusterfuck as possible.

Given how most e-drama communities work on assumptions to engage in shitflinging rather than higher order thinking, these are the posts that generated the most amount of traffic. And even then, they were shared substantially less than other posts relating to the topic.

Being followers, or even mutuals on twitter doesn’t mean anything; in fact, implying that it is indicative of guilt without backing evidence is a common logical fallacy. Being skeptical about claims, regardless of how well they’re backed, also does not mean anything and shouldn’t be something you are this zealous about dragging someone over if your claims have any veracity. Time will prove them to be true, and even if it doesn’t, targeting random people who disagree with you on twitter will not change that fact. For example, believing that that Lee-Harvy Oswald was framed does not mean you endorse presidential assassinations.

Here’s him admitting to wasting the FBI resources.

Submitting multiple tips to the FBI likely does not expedite an investigation. All criminal cases take time, manpower, and resources to put together into something that will hold up in court; and unlike manchildren on the Internet, the FBI and the Department of Justice are not braggarts about ongoing investigations. If you know anything about the US Justice system then you’d know the exact reason for this. For normal people, this would be the start and endpoint of being involved of a uncovering a suspected case of child exploitation. But to delusional Internet vigilantes, a lack of immediate tracking and arrest of their target is a sign of an internal pedophilic conspiracy and not due process.

As I was writing this, the news about Keffals announcing her lawsuit against the Kiwifarms just broke. This was the last thing I was expecting to be relevant, but like the Ralph drama, it is a prime chance to get people to look at your personal endeavors, albeit vicariously.

This is interesting for three reasons, for one he is trying to convince the people that did 90% of the legwork around Keffels that the claims that blew her (alledged) impropriety open were false (because they came from Dimitri and, as such, cannot be trusted). Secondly, in the same post he's trying to suckle up to Keffels, likely in an attempt to get Dimitri’s name attached to the press kit she set up. Third, and even more curious, is that his associate Soarel was one of the ones who blew the lid on the ‘femboy hangout/catboy ranch (one of the two)’ server.
Now that he’s come up, I guess it’s time to talk about Soarel. Soarel, or @Soarel235 and @wormontheground on twitter, is somebody I’ve followed for several years. Prior to his current arc, he was heavily involved in the lolicon/shotacon discourse on Twitter. Given the userbase of Varis, I imagine that quite a few people recognize this name as well. While I can’t determine the exact timeline of events, Soarel has been working for at least a year, or year and a half. Initially to expose Rika, but he has pivoted over towards Dimitri by way of Wroggles.

Here is one of Soarels many threads on the subject. I was unfortunately not able to log much of what he posted on the subject due to him locking both his @soarel235 account and his @wormontheground backup (which is still locked at the time of this writing).

Here is a relevant response to this post.

These are the initial claims that Wroggles has latched onto and repackaged on multiple accounts. And you can see discussions and responses to this going back just as far.

2020 thread.png

Here's a video discussing this in further detail:
I’m not going to wade into the validity of either the logs, the claims, or the defenses that surround them as they are outside of the scope of this thread. But for the sake of completeness, I felt necessary to include them for context.

This next bit isn’t something I’m terribly keen on highlighting as the self-admitted pedophile in this case is both underaged and a grooming victim. You may have heard of DiceySpikes and Coni. The first one I’m more familiar with for his role in the lolicon discourse on twitter and the second one I only know of being involved in that ‘Cunnycraft’ minecraft server that was advertised on Twitter. I’m not going to get into either of those individuals. All you have to know is that Dicey was a self-admitted pedophile who had an underaged boyfriend and Coni identifies as a MAP (allegedly, I have only briefly looked into this). I mention these individuals because of their relationship to one Soyru on twitter. Apparently, Soryu was that boyfriend, and claims to have been groomed into consuming child pornography at some point. He’s fairly young and, apparently, is getting help for his problems. I mention him because Soyru was apparently mutuals with Dimitri, who is acting as support (because having support is genuinely what a person needs in these cases to prevent relapse). This of course was used as a vector to attack Dimitri from.


Also, An Open Secret, prior to their Dimitri post, posted about this person to their Twitter account.


Curious, and like with the post shown earlier in this thread, likely fed to them by Wroggles. I highly doubt they came across this information organically given that they have roughly the same audience as James Lindsey. It also highlights how their concern is less with the safety of children, after all they put somebody who is very much still a child under law, probably a child in mindset, and a grooming victim in harms way so they have somebody to publicly denounce to their twitter following. It also shows that Wroggles is willing to use minors to get at Dimitri.

There’s far more material than I can reasonably log, because they have legitimately tried to go at the man from every damn angle due to lacking any hard criminal accusations to fall back on. Here’s another thread by Soarel, split into four parts.

Roughly around this time, Wroggles got hit with his own accusations by a Twitter user known as Zivia. Holding to his own logic, I feel no problem posting them here.
Soarel initially talked about this, but then very quickly backed down.
Not long after, Avie, or @formidabletrap on twitter, had their face doxed by Wroggles.

In response to this, he leaked DMs that he had with Soarel.

Initially, when I started mulling the idea of posting a thread, I wanted to be a bit nicer on Soarel, as it’s likely that he’s being used by Wroggles to signal boost his campaign. Given Wroggles' pattern of attempting to acquire dirt or leverage on anybody with more clout than him via threats and public slander, I find it easy to believe that he might have some form of leverage on Soarel in order to sell his narrative to lolicon twitter. The second set of DM screencaps, however, show the sheer extent of his cowardice. There is very little sympathy for me here.

Hope this was worth it.
This is a good time to pivot back to Wroggles, one interesting thing I’ve noticed while writing this is that he has been retweeting a lot of posts about a bizarre, developing case out of Utah that is about what is being described as evidence of a ‘ritualistic child sex trafficking ring.’ Given how none of what Wroggles does is actually about helping the children insofar as it’s about his vendetta against people who have slighted him, I tried to think of any ulterior motive for focusing on retweeting these specific posts from An Open Secret. Then it hit me; according to Wroggles dox, Avie is from Utah. If I may indulge in a little bit of speculation based off of his past behavior; I genuinely believe that he’s going to try and connect Avie to this case by way of him being a middle school teacher and having defended Rika and Dimitri in the past. I base this entirely on how it lines up with Wroggle’s past behavior of misusing resources, his attempts to draw any possible connection to his target, and most importantly that he actually believes that Rika is the mastermind of an international pedophilia ring (Rika’s supervillain LARP sthick is not helping). More than likely he’ll probably make the suggestion that Rika might be trying to acquire victims from Avie or something. And An Open Secret, being prone reporting on spurious claims, might boost this claim. Not the craziest thing he’s done, he also got somebody to pretended to be her friend for years to get at Dimitri and Rika:
You may be wondering why Wroggles would go so far out of his way to do any of this. Why would he accuse random people of impropriety, why would he dox a defender of the accused, why would he be trying to insert Dimitri, Avie, or anybody they may have connections with to drama they are largely unrelated to? I’ll let Wroggles and Soarel speak for themselves:

Yes, this is all an attempt to dox Dimitri in order to dox Rika by proxy to get him ‘properly investigated’ after being shrugged off by authorities multiple times. According to Dimitri he didn’t even have sex with, much less their information:
This comes across as a case of trying to squeeze blood out of a rock. Assuming that they dated after meeting up at a con and then proceeded to have sex, how does that even remotely mean that they have any significant contact info? As was shown earlier, the guy wears sunglasses everywhere in public, given that nobody has his name, isn't it just as reasonable to assume that he uses an alias? Furthermore, what right do they have to pry into the sex life of others? They aren't police officers, much less part of an organization like the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (who are deputized in the United States). It also shows how deeply disturbed they are. Ends justify means for them, organizations, victims, even uninvolved parties are just something to step over to get at someone else. How utilitarian.

This is by far the weakest thing to bring up because, let’s face it, everyone on Twitter operates on the ‘rules for thee, not for me’ mentality, but I’d feel that this post was incomplete if I didn’t point out that he has two sets of standards to match the two sides of his mouth. For one, he expects you to believe, at their face, that all logs exposing Dimitri to be true, and will attempt genuine life ruination you if you question their legitimacy; but anything that has ever been said against him is, however, is demonstrably false and he does not have to prove that they aren’t. Even more absurd is him attempting to connect Dimitri with the Keffals doxing and, by extension, Ethan Ralph (who is throwing his weight behind her in an attempt to take down the Farms). By his own logic of guilt by association, he is allying and supporting an alleged child groomer and, by proxy, supporting a convicted revenge pornographer who is also alleged to have engaged in the grooming of a mentally disabled woman. Both of these individuals being denounced by the very same NGO he is trying to court.
Have you ever seen the BBC3 cartoon ‘Monkey Dust?’ It was an edgy comedy that came out in the early 2000s and was canned shortly after the London Bus Bombings. In it, there is a reoccuring sketch of a character known as ‘The Paedofinder General (a play on The Witchfinder General); the sketches with The Paedofinder General is to poke fun at the very zealous manner in which British (and honestly most english-speaking societies) approaches the topic of pedophiles. Rather than actually catching any actual pedophiles (like the ones who are, in a seperate sketch, seen trying to seduce children over an AOL chatroom), The Paedofinder General only executes random bystanders over spurious accusations of pedophilia.

This section in particular is great. This is the exact logic Wroggles has employed in all of his major interactions. He has become the very parody of the ego driven, pedophile-obsessed vigilante. Anybody and everyone who can be used for his latest target will be used. He will wring out any and all angles to try and ruin the people who have slighted him. If you have power he will pour honey into your ears to use you. If you ignore him he wild denounce and slander you and any organization you are a part of. In an effort to get you to push his narrative he will attempt to intimidate you, blackmail you, and connect and drag you to any and all internet drama or ongoing investigations. These are unironic witchhunting tactics. And he has his own rotten, delusion-fed conscience to back him.

Rather than taking the hint that his claims lack veracity, or at least hard evidence, he instead ties all of this into a grand delusion that Dimitri Monroe is some diabolical mastermind that has fooled the FBI, the RMCP, multiple internet personalities, an entire community on twitter, an entire community on youtube, and the Kiwifarms… all in defense of Rikafag, somebody he met a at a convention once and only occasionally interacts with online interacts with online.

Please for all that is holy, avoid him.This is only just scratching the surface of his past behavior.


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Patron of the Forums
I have been enlightened.
Now I can avoid this Twitter gu-...

Oh ok, I don't use Twitter. :tohru-smug:

Scornful Gaze

Patron of the Forums
First followup post, and because I'm not in PSA mode I can be a bit more of an asshole. Wrog-tan's current current arc is trying to disprove Keffals' involvement in the catboy ranch Discord server. Again, to try and get Dimitri Monroe involved in the KF lawsuit (allegedly, but it fits with his behavior) . The exact structure of the narrative of the scenario is as follows:
  1. The catboy ranch server wasn't actually called catboy ranch it was called femboy hangout.
  2. The info was leaked by Dimitri Monroe (allegedly) and as such cannot be trusted. Again, the Farms got #FELTED by a femboy running militarized, lolicon gay-ops.
  3. Keffals allegedly 'left when she knew there was flirting/grooming going on in the server.'
  4. This is apparently proven by a six second video of a discord server.
  5. ???
None of this debunks anything, it just attempts to cast doubt on the source rather than any of the information presented in the initial leaks. Also, during none of this does he actually point out that his partner in crime, Soarel, helped to blow the lid open on this.

His schizo anti-pedo org of choice is not buying it.


I'd suggest looking at the full thread, it is very amusing to watch Wrog-tan twist himself into a pretzel to justify how Keffals merely being in these servers means nothing. Very cool given his past behavior of doing the exact same thing.

Now, here's some cringe-from-the-past he's now playing reply guy to, remember 8chan admin, Frederick Brennan (AKA Hotwheels)? Let's increase the scope of this multiverse, Wrogs-tan now aligns himself with the crippled, bara-loving furfag.
Fuck that these posts in particular. The raw audacity of this bitch to criticize going after 'innocent people' while affording Keffals more leniency than the people who show up in Dimitri or Meigh's follower list. Oh and 'The Kiwifarms only ever use people as a means to an end and not the justice and protection of the victims.' Where the fuck do you get off dragging people on that? Duplicitous cunt.

I have been enlightened.
Now I can avoid this Twitter gu-...

Oh ok, I don't use Twitter. :tohru-smug:

If only he relegated his insanity to Twitter. Here's a very recent account on Kiwifarms that most likely is his:
Same creepy speech pattern and odd use of language in both his LARPy twitter posts and this KF post. He was also only posting in both this and the Pantsu thread around the time he was trying to connect people to horse girl. In particular, let's look at Paul Wroggles' Farms, notice the immediate insistence on making the thread about the fucking femboy e-celeb by way of Social Blade and the technical illiteracy around it. He couldn't even be bothered to ask people in the know how Social Blade functions, instead he has to ask randos on the Farms.

He's the gift that keeps on giving.


Patron of the Forums
First followup post, and because I'm not in PSA mode I can be a bit more of an asshole. Wrog-tan's current current arc is trying to disprove Keffals' involvement in the catboy ranch Discord server. Again, to try and get Dimitri Monroe involved in the KF lawsuit (allegedly, but it fits with his behavior) . The exact structure of the narrative of the scenario is as follows:
  1. The catboy ranch server wasn't actually called catboy ranch it was called femboy hangout.
  2. The info was leaked by Dimitri Monroe (allegedly) and as such cannot be trusted. Again, the Farms got #FELTED by a femboy running militarized, lolicon gay-ops.
  3. Keffals allegedly 'left when she knew there was flirting/grooming going on in the server.'
  4. This is apparently proven by a six second video of a discord server.
  5. ???
None of this debunks anything, it just attempts to cast doubt on the source rather than any of the information presented in the initial leaks. Also, during none of this does he actually point out that his partner in crime, Soarel, helped to blow the lid open on this.

View attachment 11190

His schizo anti-pedo org of choice is not buying it.
I'd suggest looking at the full thread, it is very amusing to watch Wrog-tan twist himself into a pretzel to justify how Keffals merely being in these servers means nothing. Very cool given his past behavior of doing the exact same thing.

Now, here's some cringe-from-the-past he's now playing reply guy to, remember 8chan admin, Frederick Brennan (AKA Hotwheels)? Let's increase the scope of this multiverse, Wrogs-tan now aligns himself with the crippled, bara-loving furfag.
Fuck that these posts in particular. The raw audacity of this bitch to criticize going after 'innocent people' while affording Keffals more leniency than the people who show up in Dimitri or Meigh's follower list. Oh and 'The Kiwifarms only ever use people as a means to an end and not the justice and protection of the victims.' Where the fuck do you get off dragging people on that? Duplicitous cunt.

If only he relegated his insanity to Twitter. Here's a very recent account on Kiwifarms that most likely is his:
Same creepy speech pattern and odd use of language in both his LARPy twitter posts and this KF post. He was also only posting in both this and the Pantsu thread around the time he was trying to connect people to horse girl. In particular, let's look at Paul Wroggles' Farms, notice the immediate insistence on making the thread about the fucking femboy e-celeb by way of Social Blade and the technical illiteracy around it. He couldn't even be bothered to ask people in the know how Social Blade functions, instead he has to ask randos on the Farms.

He's the gift that keeps on giving.
I don't use KF either, not only because I can't access it, but also because it's the shittiest community possible.
Lolcows have stopped being funny sometime ago, I just want them to disappear off the face of the Earth. :nep-happy:

Scornful Gaze

Patron of the Forums

You guys know I have an account here, right? I'm not trying to hurt any of you guys either.
I was wondering what this was about:

I guess the Paedofinder's thrall decided to show up! I'll take the Dies Irae quote as proof that it's you, if that is in fact the intention of including it.

For one the thought of you having an account did not occur to me, nor factored into my posting here. It wouldn't have mattered whether or not you have an account; this is a public thread on a public forum with open registration. Anybody can with a working email can sign up.

And two, there is far more evidence that you will hurt somebody than there is to the contrary. And even if you won't do so directly, the one holding your chains has no qualms about harming bystanders. I don't even have to bring up any new examples, both @CEO of Fate and @NretsewThePerv were tossed into the crossfire of the Gunt Wars simply so Schizo could try and connect Dimitri to Seabiscuit. Given that guilt by association is credible to the two of you, then surely you should understand why I would warn people away from you. Wroggles is dangerous to people and even admits to being okay with ruining the reputation (and even real lives as we see with Avie) of people in order to keep up his crusade against the Higurashi autist, one that he fucked up with these very tactics. As such, owing to your own logic and your tendency to engage in duplicitous behavior, you are just as dangerous.

Blame your own actions, and, again, I hope it was worth it.

By the way: very humorous that you're willing to go to bat for 'child groomer and known associate of international child trafficker, child pornographer, and pedophile @Mr__Cynical' for, of all fucking things, having opinions on the worst Guilty Gear character that happen align with your own.

Hmm, yes, this is the sign of somebody who takes his accusations very seriously. Do you think Epstein's investigators remarked on the jaw-dropping view of the ocean from the balcony of the child fucking room?


I was wondering what this was about

Not my post, so I don't know. I'm not Wroggle and I don't control him. I just talk to him as a source for info nowadays. We are not friends or working together. I did send him this thread, but only because it's mostly focused on him. I don't know what precisely he's talking about in that tweet.

I guess the Paedofinder's thrall decided to show up! I'll take the Dies Irae quote as proof that it's you, if that is in fact the intention of including it.

I'm just goofing off with the Dies Irae thing. I'm basically telling you "come at me directly, I can take it".

I'm not Wroggle's "thrall", I don't work for him and haven't for months. I burned bridges with him in early July and didn't talk to him again until mid-August. Even after we started talking again, we have separate investigations with separate methods and goals. I don't approve of a lot of the shit he does, and he thinks I'm too lenient on Dimitri (and others who he's already written off as guilty). We aren't friends and we aren't co-investigators anymore. The only reason I even talk to him is to use him as a source of information, like I have a lot of other people I'm not friends with. I was sent this thread by a third party as a sort of threat to me, Wroggle didn't even know about it when I sent it to him.

For one the thought of you having an account did not occur to me, nor factored into my posting here. It wouldn't have mattered whether or not you have an account; this is a public thread on a public forum with open registration. Anybody can with a working email can sign up.

Sure thing! However from the beginning of this bullshit in early June I have maintained that if you have beef with me, you should take it to me directly. I've got all the time in the world to defend myself.

And two, there is far more evidence that you will hurt somebody than there is to the contrary. And even if you won't do so directly, the one holding your chains has no qualms about harming bystanders.

He's not "holding my chains". I do admit I acted as a yes-man for him back when we worked together, and didn't give him enough pushback on when I thought he went too far, but I don't work for him anymore. I use him as one of over 20 different sources of information for my own independent investigation into Dimitri's potential sexual misconduct. I do not know what he's doing outside of what vague things he's told me offhand, I don't control him either. I am not him and I should not be held accountable for his actions as I do not have a position of power over him where I could stop him from doing things.

I don't even have to bring up any new examples, both @CEO of Fate and @NretsewThePerv were tossed into the crossfire of the Gunt Wars simply so Schizo could try and connect Dimitri to Seabiscuit.

I have no idea what Wroggle did in regards to CEOFate, that's something I don't even know about let alone have any role in, so I won't comment on it outside of that. No clue why you're trying to tie me to whatever happened there.

As for Nretsew, you can ask the man yourself in regards to what I did. I actively tried to keep Wroggle from pursuing him and to delete his tweet referring to him as "Dimitri's pedoguard". Wroggle has repeatedly told me not to trust Nretsew and top talking to him and I have refused, because he doesn't control me. I'm making my own decisions here and I have not done anything to endanger him. That's all on Wroggle.

Given that guilt by association is credible to the two of you, then surely you should understand why I would warn people away from you.

Guilt by association isn't credible to me in and of itself, I need to know about the type of association, closeness, etc. To use an Epstein analogy since you seem to be fond of those, there's "bumped into Jeffrey Epstein on the street", and there's "rode on the Lolita Express and went to the island". Please provide an example (from after early July where I cut ties with Wroggle) where I have used guilt by association in the way Wroggle does.

Wroggles is dangerous to people and even admits to being okay with ruining the reputation (and even real lives as we see with Avie) of people in order to keep up his crusade against the Higurashi autist, one that he fucked up with these very tactics. As such, owing to your own logic and your tendency to engage in duplicitous behavior, you are just as dangerous.

I'm not him and I don't approve of many of his actions. It's part of why we don't work together anymore.

I fully admit wrongdoing when it came to the Avie doxing situation. I had good intentions to stop the doxing but made some extremely bad decisions that resulted in both Avie and Wroggle getting hurt. I backstabbed both of them, and I really regret what I did. I've apologized multiple times for this to over a dozen people and I'm tired of doing so. I fucked up. I don't feel good about it. I've tried to make things up to both of them.

By the way: very humorous that you're willing to go to bat for 'child groomer and known associate of international child trafficker, child pornographer, and pedophile @Mr__Cynical' for, of all fucking things, having opinions on the worst Guilty Gear character that happen align with your own.

You ever hear the phrase "a stopped clock is right twice a day"? Or seen that Onion/Clickhole "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point" article? I can think someone is right about a particular issue while also thinking they're an awful person or wrong about a lot of other things.

But that said, now is a great time to let you know that you should stop assuming things about me, my investigation, and my views of Dimitri. I am not Wroggle and I do not share all (honestly at this point, most) of his views on this situation. I do agree with him that Rika is indeed a child pornographer and pedophile, but I don't jump to the conclusions about Dimitri and Rika's relation that he does. In fact, I would very much like to hear from Dimitri himself about a few things related to that, but the guy's not willing to talk to me for fairly obvious reasons.

Hmm, yes, this is the sign of somebody who takes his accusations very seriously. Do you think Epstein's investigators remarked on the jaw-dropping view of the ocean from the balcony of the child fucking room?

Again, lot of assumptions you're making here about how I view Dimitri. As I am not Wroggle, I do not share his view that Dimitri is both guilty and morally culpable not just for the situation with April but various other cases of child sexual abuse and abetting pedophilia that Wroggle has accused him of. The point of my investigation, which is not under his control, is to find the truth about the allegations and Dimitri's potential wrongdoing, wherever the evidence may lead. My ideal outcome is actually that the man is innocent, or at the very least not morally culpable for all of the stuff he's accused of! Wroggle not only virulently disagrees with me on this stance, but has outright publicly gone after me for stating that the circumstances of Dimitri's life and mental health (especially in regards to drugs) in mid-2017 may have impaired his judgment when it came to the interaction with April. Again — I am not Wroggle, I am not responsible for his actions, I do not share his views.

Scornful Gaze

Patron of the Forums
A bunch of excuses.
For the sake of brevity, I'm going to respond as holistically as possible rather than getting bogged down in an argument. I could write an essay on how I feel about you, I really could, but this thread is not about that. In short, nothing you have said gives me reason to not warn others against approaching you. I also have no reason to believe that you've broken ties with Wroggles. All we have is your word that you are no longer collaborating and given Avie's DM leaks, your word is not to be trusted. Yes, you've apologized, no I don't care.

I'm not making up assumptions about you, I am making very educated guesses about what is a consistent pattern of behavior. Actions, after all, speak louder than words, and so does inaction. You certainly haven't held Wroggles balls to the fire over Avie's doxing; as of a few days ago he's still bringing up his dox in info dumps. It would go a long way in proving that you're sincere, so why turn a blind eye to it?

I reached out to Nretsew and finally got a response a short while ago. He doesn't want much more to do with this, and just wants people to leave him alone. As such, he didn't share much besides a few details, according to him all of the negotiation was done in private with you acting as a liason. Wroggles was apparently very pushy in his demands. He's grateful to you for that, by the way, a much more generous man than me; you could have brought this up publicly given the severity of the accusations. It would have saved Nretsew the displeasure of having his name brought up in the fucking Flamenco (or May, it was something related to Ethan Ralph) thread on Kiwi Farms as a 'pedoguard.' The only person that would benefit from that not being hashed out publicly is Wroggles. So why didn't you? You're not working together after all.

Hell, if Wroggles really is just one of a myriad of sources of information, why haven't you cut him off entirely? It's clear just at a glance that he is working with as much info as you and, given that he has fucked up the Rika investigation and torpedoe'd his own thread on the guy, is a retard who bungles the basic shit. His latest endeavors involve trying to make a world tour of e-celebs to signal boost his accusations while waging war on the Farms for calling him a moron (more on that later, onlookers). What do you get out of him when you have so many other sources of information?

You gain nothing by still being in contact with Wroggles. The only conclusion I can come to is either that something is binding you to him or that you're a complete idiot. And while I do think you're a coward who is using pedohunting as a shield for your weeb degeneracy, I do not think you're an idiot.

And this is not an investigation, it's a smear job. This isn't about finding the truth, it's about ruining a reputation. Fine, whatever, the Internet is filled with petty shitsmearing, that doesn't bother me one bit. But don't you goddamn lie to me or yourself. You're as much of a 'investigator' for luring people into DMs so you can dazzle them with bullshit as I am an expert on psychology by pointing out that Wroggles is unhinged. Any bored NEET looking for meaning in his life can run this LARP.

Also, I have no idea how this thread can remotely be used to threaten you, assuming that is the truth. Varis has a no doxing policy. A link to Avie's dox is in the OP post, but that was both necessary context and cleared by the admin. Even if there wasn't a policy on doxing, I still wouldn't do it. I have a moral apprehension to violating the privacy of others for dumb Internet reasons. I have standards.
Bern went on Fred's podcast "bad at the internet"
Fun fact, Varis has its own Invidious instance.

(Halo if you're reading this, I can't embed media from the Invidious instance.)

I watched it last night and wrote down a bunch of notes, I'd suggest watching it yourself if you have the time; it's the bad type of amusing. I'll go over it more when I wake up.


(Halo if you're reading this, I can't embed media from the Invidious instance.)
yeah Xenforo doesn't embed invidious properly.
I can't tell if it's cause Invidious doesn't support embeding, or if Xenforo doesn't have a proper renderer for Invidious links.
I'll do a bit of searching.


However, Rika, on the off chance that you read this? This villain roleplay shit is not funny, not cool, not a sign of higher intellectual acumen, and at this point the only thing you have accomplished in continuing with this bit is putting others in harms way; clear the air and knock if off.
It was funny almost a decade ago on 4chan; it's not my problem if people believe me when I claim that I control the Canadian government, that I am a part of a rich Illuminati group, that I blackmail, that I assaulted people, and that I had sex with children, all while bragging that I am untouchable. Lying on the internet is hilarious when people believe it wholeheartedly, especially after you tell them how it's bullshit and what the intention was. If you listen to the clip, you can tell how over-the-top and bullshit I sound. If you pile up the bullshit and don't conclude that maybe it's all bullshit, that's on you. And if idiots fuck up the lives of others because of this bullshit, and I told them to stop and explained how it was bullshit, none of it is on me. I don't think people will find my 'supervillain' act funny, but it's hilarious because it makes you wonder just how much bullshit you can claim before people go, 'wait, maybe this is all bullshit' rather than be a gullible idiot. Honestly, what more do I need to claim before people recognize that it's too over the top? Do I need to claim that I also committed genocide?

This Wroggles person is an idiot who was a waifufag on /a/ that brought back something from 4chan that should have remained irrelevant and has gone through a myriad of people just to somehow get to me, all because I destroyed the waifu threads a decade ago. In 2013-2014, I considered the waifu threads to be cancer, so I created bullshit to make people angry. I succeeded, and most threads became people who continuously spammed the threads to get me to leave, resulting in the /a/ mods permanently deleting the waifu threads. By my estimate, he is a bitter idiot who is resentful for what I did almost a decade ago, and I believe it to be the reason for his holier-than-thou crusade. The clip about Thailand was on a mumble call with a bunch of waifufags after the waifu threads were permanently banned. When Wroggles recognized my voice from my popular youtube videos, he had a recording of it and uploaded it on twitter and youtube. I ignored it because I don't care for my reputation nor cared how it reflected on me. Then, a year later, a bunch of YouTubers I knew confronted me about it, and I tried to clear the air: I explained to anyone who asked how it was a joke from almost a decade ago and told Wroggles to leave people alone. Some people understood, while others did not want anything to do with me, and I accepted that; I don't care about my reputation and never did since I can separate the internet from real life, and none of it can be traced back to me. However, to Wroggles, this was not enough because he wants me to pay.

Right now, he's pretending to be a lead investigator over a bunch of people just to get to me. Wroggles believes that the more people are aware of what I said I've done, people will eventually find me, so he spends all his time trying to get any information about who I am. Most people I've interacted in real life have nothing on me: I use a burner phone, the name I gave when I went to anime expo was fake, and I use someone else's credit card to buy everything. I visited Dimitri two years ago, and Wroggles believes that Dimitri has some knowledge about my real identity. But since Dimitri rightfully refused to cave to threats, anyone connected to Dimitri became a lever to make Dimitri talk about me, so Wroggles goes after them, etc. His main tactic is to declare that if you are not with him, using your platform to talk about me, then you are, in fact, in favor of child abuse because no morally virtuous person would have doubts about my bullshit claims or see Wroggles' crusade as idiotic. If you express such positions, he will conclude that you are, in fact, trying to protect me. If you refuse to accept his demands, you are evil and thus deserve to have your life and reputation ruined. This is his rationale for going after so many people and then claiming that everyone he's 'investigating' is in some sort of pedophilic conspiracy group. It's all a long chain of connection that ties back to Dimitri in the hopes that Dimitri has some information on me because all other potential sources of information came up dry, by my intention. He doesn't care about his actions because he believes that the ends (finding me and bringing me to justice) justifies the means (doxxing and causing smear campaigns). All while this entire thing is based on bullshit. It sucks that people's lives were hurt due to stupid shit I said almost a decade ago. But if you look at it from the insanity of one person dragging as many people down with him just to get to me, that's hilarious.

The conclusion is that there is nothing anyone can do to find me because nothing happened; I limit the information about me in real life and online, yet people are in a self-deluded state of justice. It's a self-perpetuating cycle of dragging more and more people to 'raise awareness' about the bullshit I said a decade ago with the vicious cycle goal of raising more awareness to reach a non-existing goal. You can't find me, the police know that it's bullshit, which comes to the only outcome of delivering 'justice' by murdering me. This was the conclusion I reached over a decade ago and why I keep a low profile on things I post online; if I say bullshit, someone will try to kill me for it. And there's a bit of a thrill and trollish manipulation to it that I enjoy, and that's why this 'supervillain' bit is funny. What sucks is that I grew out of thinking that I didn't need to be around others, so the people I've interacted with, such as Dimitri, don't deserve to be stalked and harassed over bullshit just to get to me. If Wroggles spent all his time getting others to talk about me, it would be fine, but instead, he is determined to bring as many people as possible just to get to me. But, on the funny side, it's hilarious that Wroggles will waste his life over this, so I see this as a win.

On an even funnier side, consider the possibility that I actually did all those evil things and that I got away with it all.

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Deleted member 1309

:akko_sus: okay... I'll bite for now.
why are you here/how did you even find this

I'm expecting Wroggles to show up next and add to the stew.
Man, Varis is somewhat infamous on Twitter. I'm not saying he is real deal, just i don't think "Why are you here and how did you even find this" is a legit problem by this point. Most "lolcalizers" knows about this place. So why not this dude.


Man, Varis is somewhat infamous on Twitter. I'm not saying he is real deal, just i don't think "Why are you here and how did you even find this" is a legit problem by this point. Most "lolcalizers" knows about this place. So why not this dude.
hm. Interesting. Perhaps it's better known than I thought.
I still think of it as my little unknown forum on an obscure corner of the internet :shiro_comfy:


:akko_sus: okay... I'll bite for now.
why are you here/how did you even find this

I'm expecting Wroggles to show up next and add to the stew.
Someone on discord sent me this link, and I thought it would be funny to respond to the 'on the off chance that you read this.' It's funny if someone speaks to the void on the off-chance that that person reads it, and they do and respond to it. I genuinely never knew of this website before someone linked it to me.


Someone on discord sent me this link, and I thought it would be funny to respond to the 'on the off chance that you read this.' It's funny if someone speaks to the void on the off-chance that that person reads it, and they do and respond to it. I genuinely never knew of this website before someone linked it to me.
Alright. Well funny how that works.