Recent content by R3n

  1. R3n

    Would like someone to help me create a Discord alternative

    So I took a look at Rocket.Chat, and they appear to force the user into using an Electron client or mobile, which I don't like. Might as well just use Discord at that point and deal with it. I also like the idea of something new, better optimized, purpose built for the specific purpose it's...
  2. R3n

    Would like someone to help me create a Discord alternative

    I've tried, the closest thing to what I wanted that I found was Let's Chat, but it's abandoned, and I can't use MongoDB. I can barely edit CSS, I would need someone to make the functional build. Maybe you could solve the problem for me?
  3. R3n

    Would like someone to help me create a Discord alternative

    So, after thinking about it, I took @Halo's advice, and finally made a post like this. I posted this list to my forum about 4 days ago, but I've finally decided to also post this here. I've had this idea for a while, long before the current redesign. I know there's plenty of alternatives, but...
  4. R3n

    OS-tan Collections

    Probably the latter, as that's normal for me. Actually happened to be one of the reasons I got banned from a Discord server once.
  5. R3n

    OS-tan Collections

    If someone was 14 in 2016, they can use the forum without lying about age. Or they could straight up just lie about their age. Like what are the admins going to do, trace ips, and find user #5354 is actually 17?
  6. R3n

    partially leaving twitter was a good decision

    I rarely use Twitter anymore, like at most one a week and/or less than 30 minutes per week. Nothing much there interests me, and I'm too lazy to read the notifications that pile up from Twitter recommending me random people and tweets that I mostly could care less for.
  7. R3n

    Happenings Discord banning NSFW content on iOS devices and it's affecting the furries

    I tried Guilded before, it had too many of it's quirks and is a bit confusing.
  8. R3n

    Happenings Discord banning NSFW content on iOS devices and it's affecting the furries

    I've been thinking of writing out what all I'd like to see in an alternative Discord type program, but I know there's going to be nobody that would end up creating it, so I've never bothered.
  9. R3n

    Changes to the forum

    If I remember, I may make use of this. Will eat dick in erp for varis.darker but 2009.
  10. R3n

    Drama A Warning about Random-ness Wiki, from personal experience.

    This is why I don't share anything loli, because I know people will go apeshit if I do. The only time I've shared anything, was back in 2019 when I went under Blanc. (I still do on some platforms) Someone asked for a thigh picture, so I looked up an image of Blanc that shows them off. 99%...
  11. R3n

    partially leaving twitter was a good decision

    I remember when I was like that :gura-pain:
  12. R3n

    Site Loading Time

    I have Waterfox Classic and G3 open as well as Pale Meem, but I decided to use Pale Meem for this.
  13. R3n

    Site Loading Time

    My bio does say I'm a professional dumbass.
  14. R3n

    Site Loading Time

    Too lazy to install Manjaro, let alone Arch.