The loli question has been contested for the umpteenth time. "Look, there's no way she's actually 500 years old!" Now what about actual adults accused of being "pedo-baits" for looking too young, for being too short, or for dressing up like a child? That's what this thread's going to be about. Not a war against drawings, but rage over real, consenting adults over "pedophilia".
I've decided to make this thread because while we do discuss a lot about censorship and pettiness regarding "oversexualization" of young-looking girls in fiction, we really haven't paid attention to this kind of chimpout in communities outside of fictional entertainment.
Meet Diana Deets. A 24-year-old woman driven to suicide by the puritan mob because her filters and heavy Photoshop use made her look like she was "pedo-baiting".
All of these pictures that I'm going to post are her edited ones. I do not have a reliable source to show what she looks like behind the physical and digital makeup.
Having a barbie-doll body is now pedophilia nowadays? Really?
Despite the unfortunate circumstances of this model, twitter mobs left and right are celebrating the death of Diana. Some are relieved that the world has -1 less ewhore now, but what's confusing is how her pictures are fueling the desires of pedos. Are pedophiles now attracted to women showing off their large breasts? Is every egirl that uses filters pedo-baiting now?
On a less morose incident, there is a cosplayer by the name of Yuki receiving similar treatment for being "too short".
Here is a tweet featuring her and Rows Vee together cosplaying as Fubuki (left, Rows Vee) and Tatsumaki (Yuki, right) from One Punch Man.
Unfortunately, this cheesecake duo has already seen a fair share of bullshit directed particularly towards Yuki
Apparently, adulthood isn't about age anymore for some people. It's about height.
There is a recent J-fashion trend that has sprung up called "Jojifuku" 女児服, which isn't older than a few years as it originated from a Twitter hashtag, according to this J-fashion YouTuber:
In this video she discusses about the history of this specific style, how it relates to other J-fashion, the boy counterpart to it called "Danjifuku" 男児服.
The video also goes into the problematic aspect of it blurring the lines between adult hobby and pedophilia, especially the NSFW works that come out of this. People in the comments have also expressed their discomforts about it:
I guess we're starting to see a pattern here. It's not okay to sexualize lolis - nor is it okay for adults to appropriate children's clothing and sexualize themselves.
So where did all these puritanical issues come from? "Teen" was (and I think it still is) a popular genre of adult pornography in the West. Young adults that didn't look like they were past 30 could qualify for fake teen porn, whether it's dressing up as a high school student or wearing 2000's style clothing like from the movie Mean Girls. Who's gonna crusade against porn actresses that make themselves look like Regina George?
On a more disgusting but comical example, there is the Diaper Fetish. I assume that a lot of us have heard about, or have had our eyes raped by this kind of niche in places like DeviantART. Infantilization is an actual fetish practiced among adults. And then there's also the Diaperfurs, a class of furry diaper fetishists that make cub porn of Pokémons or their underaged furry OCs in baggy, soiled diapers, often topped with a binky in their mouth and some scenes of scat. I'll spare your eyes from these examples for now, but it looks like furries are also exempted from the usual anti-pedo mob. More often than not, they're seen more as "cringe" than pedophilic.
As the title suggests, this is not a thread about retards crying about fictional characters. This is a thread to discuss and documents cases outside of the kodocon, weeb community to see how much the purity spiral has ruined other hobbies, demanding that consenting adults change their the way that they dress or how they act. Or just... "grow taller, dude!"
I've decided to make this thread because while we do discuss a lot about censorship and pettiness regarding "oversexualization" of young-looking girls in fiction, we really haven't paid attention to this kind of chimpout in communities outside of fictional entertainment.
Meet Diana Deets. A 24-year-old woman driven to suicide by the puritan mob because her filters and heavy Photoshop use made her look like she was "pedo-baiting".
All of these pictures that I'm going to post are her edited ones. I do not have a reliable source to show what she looks like behind the physical and digital makeup.
Having a barbie-doll body is now pedophilia nowadays? Really?
Despite the unfortunate circumstances of this model, twitter mobs left and right are celebrating the death of Diana. Some are relieved that the world has -1 less ewhore now, but what's confusing is how her pictures are fueling the desires of pedos. Are pedophiles now attracted to women showing off their large breasts? Is every egirl that uses filters pedo-baiting now?
On a less morose incident, there is a cosplayer by the name of Yuki receiving similar treatment for being "too short".
Here is a tweet featuring her and Rows Vee together cosplaying as Fubuki (left, Rows Vee) and Tatsumaki (Yuki, right) from One Punch Man.
Unfortunately, this cheesecake duo has already seen a fair share of bullshit directed particularly towards Yuki
Apparently, adulthood isn't about age anymore for some people. It's about height.
There is a recent J-fashion trend that has sprung up called "Jojifuku" 女児服, which isn't older than a few years as it originated from a Twitter hashtag, according to this J-fashion YouTuber:
The video also goes into the problematic aspect of it blurring the lines between adult hobby and pedophilia, especially the NSFW works that come out of this. People in the comments have also expressed their discomforts about it:
I guess we're starting to see a pattern here. It's not okay to sexualize lolis - nor is it okay for adults to appropriate children's clothing and sexualize themselves.
So where did all these puritanical issues come from? "Teen" was (and I think it still is) a popular genre of adult pornography in the West. Young adults that didn't look like they were past 30 could qualify for fake teen porn, whether it's dressing up as a high school student or wearing 2000's style clothing like from the movie Mean Girls. Who's gonna crusade against porn actresses that make themselves look like Regina George?
On a more disgusting but comical example, there is the Diaper Fetish. I assume that a lot of us have heard about, or have had our eyes raped by this kind of niche in places like DeviantART. Infantilization is an actual fetish practiced among adults. And then there's also the Diaperfurs, a class of furry diaper fetishists that make cub porn of Pokémons or their underaged furry OCs in baggy, soiled diapers, often topped with a binky in their mouth and some scenes of scat. I'll spare your eyes from these examples for now, but it looks like furries are also exempted from the usual anti-pedo mob. More often than not, they're seen more as "cringe" than pedophilic.
As the title suggests, this is not a thread about retards crying about fictional characters. This is a thread to discuss and documents cases outside of the kodocon, weeb community to see how much the purity spiral has ruined other hobbies, demanding that consenting adults change their the way that they dress or how they act. Or just... "grow taller, dude!"