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Discussion Fatal Frame discussion thread


So since its spooky month yea im well aware of how shitty that pun is since thats based off my discord handle lmao i figured i should make a thread about it since honestly, we need video game related threads not just about reporting the fuckery from censorshit to annoying ass tourists coming up with some mr fantastic levels of reaches.

The series is about fighting ghosts and figuring out what the fuck kind of supernatural myseries are behind why these ghosts are popping up and you need to use the camera obscura to fight em off and you can upgrade em and also make em more powerful and even capture certain moments that gives more backstory to the games.

Im like admitedly a fucking noob but i sure as fuck ain't no fucking tourist as i do love the sexy outfits and even jiggle physics too, and it honestly the best series i've played from koei tecmo.

That being said any of you guys played the games and hell bonus points if you read whatever was posted on the manga too let me know down in the comments.