Discussion g123.jp games


For a few months now I have been getting ads of games from that site.

I checked the site and i looks like you can play (gacha?) Games in your browser.

Does anyone here know more about this?

Beside the issues concerning localization I do not know a lot about gacha so sorry if this is a well known thing :bap:

This is the link to the website:

And an archive from a few months ago:


Does anyone here know more about this?
They're cookie-cutter games developed in China making use of practically every anime-related property under the sun. The big one they push in misleading video advertisements on Nico Video and elsewhere is 'ビビッドアーミー' (Vivid Army; Wiki). That game has a comicalisation and collaborations with a lot of other stuff, including 'Girls und Panzer'.

I personally don't know anything about these Chinese game companies or groups, and how they go about negotiating and obtaining the rights for stuff like Langrisser, Ys:VI, and TERA. In TERA's case, Bluehole Studio gave some Chinese developers all of their game assets to create a mobile abomination that pissed off their native Chinese customers ('Is this how the Chinese treat the Chinese!?' [Advertisement]).

This could be an interesting topic to investigate and explore, since it's hard to tell how much of it is legal, and how much of it is copyright infringement and plagiarism (i.e. the TERA Chinese devs took dance video footage from테라덕후's channel, and I doubt they got that footage with his permission).


I see

Interesting. Honestly I dont know the first thing about copyright laws in China and and Japan other than they are quite different from the ones in the west.