Happenings italy now criminalizes loli/shota.

News and big events. It's happening boys


+ i remember the defender can go in europe court .
Contrary at France when the controversy start before 2008 , people in europe can now go europe court and what i remember this court is very large about artist liberty


It sucks but the real questions is. Is it going to be enforced?
There are many countries where loli/sho is illegal yet I know for a fact that lawcis rarely enforced. Of course it is a bit of a gamble. Specially if you have loli/sho content in your hard drive. But most often than not the police have bigger issues than locking up some weeb with loli hentai on his hard drive.

Not trying to downplay this of course. Its pretty fucking stupid, just trying to offer some perspective (and maybe some copium 😅)


It sucks but the real questions is. Is it going to be enforced?
There are many countries where loli/sho is illegal yet I know for a fact that lawcis rarely enforced. Of course it is a bit of a gamble. Specially if you have loli/sho content in your hard drive. But most often than not the police have bigger issues than locking up some weeb with loli hentai on his hard drive.

Not trying to downplay this of course. Its pretty fucking stupid, just trying to offer some perspective (and maybe some copium 😅)
what i saw the judge use same argument than France judge in 2006 and i read a article like 10 months about the same law and the specialist of public liberty was clear in Europe the defender won easily but the problem in France no one try because few people be arrested for that only so no one contest enough for go in Europe Court.

i prefer wait and see specially with judge interpretation because on 2006 they said was illegal on France and in 2010 for a museum exhibition they said the contrary ,only a law in 2013 france confirm the fact loli/shota was illegal
it's actually very bad of course but nothing is lose


Italy, I think they passed legislation for 'owning your data' (right to flush your online identity, very different from cookie popup trash or net neutrality as patriort act - internet edition) and such.
A defeatist streak would paint this as another step towards the pedophocracy friendly system in south korea but and example that tells Italians to keep alive is:
Remember that Satori, the baraag guy had his server in France and by its permissiveness (2d general, including western. You used to find recognizable loli as well when pawoo slumped) it was bound to hit deplatforming efforts: he was indeed told to pack up, but was also given time to back up with the providers going "it's what it is, we are dropping you at X day at Y hour."
A much more sensible procedure than the fervent anglo approach of bureaucracy as bludgeon.


Italy, I think they passed legislation for 'owning your data' (right to flush your online identity, very different from cookie popup trash or net neutrality as patriort act - internet edition) and such.
A defeatist streak would paint this as another step towards the pedophocracy friendly system in south korea but and example that tells Italians to keep alive is:

Remember that Satori, the baraag guy had his server in France and by its permissiveness (2d general, including western. You used to find recognizable loli as well when pawoo slumped) it was bound to hit deplatforming efforts: he was indeed told to pack up, but was also given time to back up with the providers going "it's what it is, we are dropping you at X day at Y hour."
A much more sensible procedure than the fervent anglo approach of bureaucracy as bludgeon.
i'm not even defeatist for this because is a jurisprudence and can be changed easily than a law , like France and i add the ECHR can cancel the judgement if they didn't respect the liberty of someone , not like Australia or Korea who is more hard change law after the vote
and of course some law or jurisprudence never really apply by country depend how much people consume this and how society views that.


Patron of the Forums
So basically from what I got from this, Italy is going the UK/Australia route and saying anyone with a flat chest or shaved pubic hair is a minor?

Wonderful :senko_disgust:


Imprisoned up to three years and getting fined no less than 1,549 euros...for owning not even a photo, just a fucking cartoon doodles. A victimless crime in the strictest sense and he got sentenced with three fucking years in prison...by the Supreme fucking Court, meaning it's final.

You know this is going to set a precedence for other countries to follow. History shows they all do, in the worst possible manner of authoritarians. And it's going to send a shockwave towards Japan, the point of origin as they strive to get closer and closer with US and western world. Expect for draconian censorship and full banning of anything remotely youthful in the years to come. Also, this might be a telltale sign to consider the safety of those loli websites like nhen or panda. Sooner or later the authoritarian's claw is going to start reaching to them.

Also really funny that a country so mired in debt and immigration issue actually care far more about sexual doodles.


so i check something and find this tweet and for being sure that real i go wiki and i find this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_Cassation_(Italy)

"The Italian judicial system is based on civil law within the framework of late Roman law, and not based on common law. Its core principles are entirely codified into a normative system which serves as the primary source of law, which means judicial decisions of the supreme court, as well as those of lower courts, are binding within the frame of reference of each individual case submitted, but do not constitute the base for judicial precedent for other future cases as in Common Law. It is worth noting that while in Civil Law jurisdictions the doctrine of stare decisis (precedent) does not apply, however, in practice the decisions of the Supreme Court of Cassation usually provide a very robust reference point in jurisprudence constante. The two essential aims of the Supreme Court of Cassation are to ensure that lower courts correctly follow legal procedure, and to harmonize the interpretation of laws throughout the judicial system."

isn't like US or Canada , decision of court doesn't count as law and is only case by case.


You seemed to miss the important part of this : however, in practice the decisions of the Supreme Court of Cassation usually provide a very robust reference point in jurisprudence constante. The two essential aims of the Supreme Court of Cassation are to ensure that lower courts correctly follow legal procedure, and to harmonize the interpretation of laws throughout the judicial system."

tl;dr In practise the supreme court sets legal precedence. If the rot sets in at the head, you can expect all the other lower organs to go the same way.

The hunt and prosecution for "OMG PEDO MANGA" will only intensify, now that the clown court has made such a ruling that runs antithetical to the principle of privacy and freedom and thoroughly perverts boundary of what is legal and what is not, all just to please the vocal megalomaniac few.