Discussion Japan 2024/25 elections, possible censorship coming.


I don't live in japan or closely follow their politics unless I hear of threats to creative freedom. I thought we didn't have to worry about this shit until October 2025 but that's the time limit for the general elections to begin, it can be started earlier.

First there's the Tokyo gubernatorial election in July. A problem candidate is running


It's been a while but I recall hearing that yuriko koike was pro censorship too. Whatever the case I'm having a hard time trusting female leaders on anything concerning sexual content especially old ladies who look like guys. I hear renho is unpopular but don't know how true that is now and she's running without the CDP name attached to get more votes.

Then there's fumio kishida, I'm hearing he and the LDP are very unpopular right now due to a financial scandal (you'd think they would know better considering the state of the world right now), his term ends in September and he could be replaced by these names (Shigeru Ishiba, Shinjiro Koizumi or Yoko Kamikawa [71 yr old woman, by default I don't trust her]) but it appears he's not going to rush into defeat.

Japanese PM Fumio Kishida Takes LDP Defeat in 3 By-elections Seriously; Denies Intention to Dissolve Lower House for Snap Election (this was posted April 30th so something could've changed by then)

Input from those with a better understanding of how this shit might end is very appreciated.

This is an increased worry since Taro Yamada recently dealt with his own scandal, an affair which had him resign from the position of parliamentary vice education minister but not as a lawmaker. I don't know if that's had any affect on his ability to obstruct pro-censorship garbage. Checking his twitter he's still talking about threats to censorship as of May 2024.

Next is Ken Akamatsu, I hardly hear about him doing what Yamada does just a lot of copyright shit. His J-Comi/manga library Z site recently was forced to remove certain manga that violate the retarded rules of visa/mastercard. Some on 4chan assume it was non-hentai manga sparkling a worsening of censorship that could affect titles like Gushing over Magical Girls but the site also hosted and sold hentai manga so that could be what got removed.

Then this July resumes the u.n cybercrime treaty negotiations. Last time certain countries were pushing for an article that would criminalize loli ecchi/hentai and any other ecchi/hentai with -18 girls, japan opposed it, negotiations stalled then all this ongoing visa/mastercard shit happened a month later. We could see a reversal turning manga into boring slop, anime is already 70% there.


I won't believe that Japan is truly on the right track with fighting censorship until they face the elephant in the room that is their obscenity law. A lot of the rhetoric around this in Japan is about "protecting" freedom of expression, but in my opinion they don't have that freedom in the first place so that is the wrong phrasing to use. They only seem interested in fighting the heads of the Hydra instead of the beast itself.


I won't believe that Japan is truly on the right track with fighting censorship until they face the elephant in the room that is their obscenity law. A lot of the rhetoric around this in Japan is about "protecting" freedom of expression, but in my opinion they don't have that freedom in the first place so that is the wrong phrasing to use. They only seem interested in fighting the heads of the Hydra instead of the beast itself.
Excellent analogy! NSFW content should be free from the ridiculous censorship laws in Japan, only then can they truly claim to be for freedom of speech.


I can tell everyone how this ends, and what happens next but everyone is not going to understand the nuance or wish to hear it. I would like people to not project their own worldview onto Japanese society as it does not make sense to do so. People have called LDP far right, or far left, when really it's more of a centrist party with various ideologies within it. The average voting age is 40+ as Japanese types 35 and younger usually do not care due to the fact they have various types of entertainment to watch or are really busy as a whole. This will explain why they are out of touch with what is going on with censorship or laws, and need someone like Ken to go out there and explain the issue. Also Change takes time and it takes awareness of a society to begin changing it as a whole with Work Culture. Having Ken with his expertise helps and also him being outspoken does lead to having a voice within Parliament. To help navigate the issues and to know how important it is to a segment of voters. Much like the Piracy party in Europe for Open Source which did not become a thing until years later where the EU did fund projects for communities and governments began using it themselves. The same will happen in Japan because having someone out there who is like them helps resonate with voters as a whole to go out and care about those issues especially with Ken's concerns being elected.

Now with Fumio Kashida he has gone rogue and has been making awful decisions to where there is corruption but also has passed doxxing laws for Japanese Creators that have to report their own identities than staying anonymous with freelance through Anime, Manga etc

The corruption of half of the faction within LDP does explain why these bad laws are being passed and also why the LDP is going to lose the election along with Kashida. Because those types will be voted out and Kashida not respecting the will of the voters to call a SNAP means they can not vote out the parliament that is corrupt and put in the ones they would like. So instead it's either vote them out for the other candidate non LDP or keep the corrupt LDP guy in. Also the LDP that is not corrupt might create their own party and defect towards it, and the old party dies. But who knows, anything can happen.

I won't believe that Japan is truly on the right track with fighting censorship until they face the elephant in the room that is their obscenity law. A lot of the rhetoric around this in Japan is about "protecting" freedom of expression, but in my opinion they don't have that freedom in the first place so that is the wrong phrasing to use. They only seem interested in fighting the heads of the Hydra instead of the beast itself.
Excellent analogy! NSFW content should be free from the ridiculous censorship laws in Japan, only then can they truly claim to be for freedom of speech.
You can still have free expression while protecting against obvious propaganda meant to undermine a nations people, culture and values, it's why even the Philippines and various Asian Countries have this is to protect against China. Also it does not need to be as black and white or mutually exclusive. Regulations are there to help society and to protect the public against harm, are there laws that are dumb due to being highly restrictive? Absolutely and there is ways to amend them to be better than to be broad than restrictive language on things that should not matter as a whole. Which i think should be the focus is reform rather than repeal. Irony is if you look at America itself you can see where repealing Anti-Propoganda laws have lead to, a wild west in terms of governments from left to right trying to influence everyone from Entertainment, to Social Media, to Forum sites, Video Sharing, Search Results, Chat groups like Discord to even Video Games getting infested with it. The true problem of Japanese society is the fact that most are old and out of touch with what is going on and not truly facing issues that have lead to this point, which is not much different from our own governments. It might be time to kind of time for most Boomers around the world to acknowledge these issues and solve them because we are hitting a point of societal unrest. Which i think is going on globally where they are facing it now than later.
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You can still have free expression while protecting against obvious propaganda meant to undermine a nations people, culture and values
What? No you absolutely do not have free expression if you arrest people for their expression.


To be honest all I ever want was to drown myself in manga and video games, forget politics, forget real life, forget movies too because those are made by the same terrible people who made our world a shithole to live today. And yet I still can't have that. The SJW goons have to come in my hobby and bashed my head their shitty values and ideology and forced me to acknowledge them.



koike is running for re-election, the LDP wants to support her but she's running as a independent to avoid having the ldp's corruption fuck her over. At the same time I see "renho is popular" trending on twitter, apparently got 2000+ people to attend an event for her. Tokyo election is July 7th, I fear we're heading towards the next step of the end of anime/manga as we know it very soon, any better informed input?


What? No you absolutely do not have free expression if you arrest people for their expression.
If you mean absolute freedom of expression with subversion and propaganda. Then no it does not exist. Even in America it never truly had this as there was laws against it for almost 70 years about pushing propaganda in news and advertising from Communism or other things that can damage the population's ability to function which harms the nations soul and health. But if you mean like being able to draw lolicon and shotacon it exists and it has always been normal even in Japan, it's just that they have laws to move it into 18+ areas like Hentai is or it's relegated to Doujinshi Circles which means you can make it but can not be on magazines and newspapers or in public spaces. I do think these laws should be amended for the digital age and much less restrictive for those who wish to import. The main issue comes down to the fact of Mastercard, Visa and the whole entire West in Social Media trying to shame Japan for creating it under a dishonest campaign of saving children and trying to push them offline however they can. It never ceases to surprise me when they say 2D Lollicon is 3D CP content when the reality is 2D Lollicon's have unrealistic proportions overall and usually any that tries to slip through the 2D Lollicon images by tracing 3D CP are usually reported and banned on the spot.

To be honest all I ever want was to drown myself in manga and video games, forget politics, forget real life, forget movies too because those are made by the same terrible people who made our world a shithole to live today. And yet I still can't have that. The SJW goons have to come in my hobby and bashed my head their shitty values and ideology and forced me to acknowledge them.
I agree completely. We are in the worst timeline currently overall. It's like the 1960's/1970's where everything was awful but without the Psychedelics and Fanservice to kind of allow us to escape from these horrible aspects. But i do have reason to believe we will begin to see things change back within the end of the decade. Give it 2-4 years for everything. People are waking up and also i am noticing more games coming in lately with Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP which funny enough changes nothing as the original script and models are left as is. Soon we will begin to see more games like it come out and there will be a downpour. At least this is my belief.

koike is running for re-election, the LDP wants to support her but she's running as a independent to avoid having the ldp's corruption fuck her over. At the same time I see "renho is popular" trending on twitter, apparently got 2000+ people to attend an event for her. Tokyo election is July 7th, I fear we're heading towards the next step of the end of anime/manga as we know it very soon, any better informed input?
The main issue is that the factions in the LDP are in bitter turmoil because Kishida and nearly half of the LDP are not allowing the SNAP election to re-elect local leaders and because it will go into the primary process it's going to most likely be where you will see candidates distancing themselves from the LDP to become independant and not giving Kishida and the corrupt end of the LDP it's majority to govern, thus if they can not create a coalition it will setup a SNAP election, that then causes to finally kick out the corrupt LDP and put in the loyalist ones, thus creating a reunification of the LDP with Independants who broke away from LDP in the first place. The end of Anime/Manga/Video Games is not going to happen because they are the business community, and they hold immense power in politics, maybe not as much as the entirety of Government, but good enough to get people unelected and to make things really difficult for them if they try. If anything this whole mess is going to cause a lot of reform internally to be able to address these issues in the first place. Which is why i do think these issues getting worse means it is going to force the people to fix it for the better and no longer accept the Status Quo.


If you mean absolute freedom of expression with subversion and propaganda. Then no it does not exist. Even in America it never truly had this as there was laws against it for almost 70 years about pushing propaganda in news and advertising from Communism or other things that can damage the population's ability to function which harms the nations soul and health. But if you mean like being able to draw lolicon and shotacon it exists and it has always been normal even in Japan, it's just that they have laws to move it into 18+ areas like Hentai is or it's relegated to Doujinshi Circles which means you can make it but can not be on magazines and newspapers or in public spaces. I do think these laws should be amended for the digital age and much less restrictive for those who wish to import. The main issue comes down to the fact of Mastercard, Visa and the whole entire West in Social Media trying to shame Japan for creating it under a dishonest campaign of saving children and trying to push them offline however they can. It never ceases to surprise me when they say 2D Lollicon is 3D CP content when the reality is 2D Lollicon's have unrealistic proportions overall and usually any that tries to slip through the 2D Lollicon images by tracing 3D CP are usually reported and banned on the spot.

I agree completely. We are in the worst timeline currently overall. It's like the 1960's/1970's where everything was awful but without the Psychedelics and Fanservice to kind of allow us to escape from these horrible aspects. But i do have reason to believe we will begin to see things change back within the end of the decade. Give it 2-4 years for everything. People are waking up and also i am noticing more games coming in lately with Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP which funny enough changes nothing as the original script and models are left as is. Soon we will begin to see more games like it come out and there will be a downpour. At least this is my belief.

The main issue is that the factions in the LDP are in bitter turmoil because Kishida and nearly half of the LDP are not allowing the SNAP election to re-elect local leaders and because it will go into the primary process it's going to most likely be where you will see candidates distancing themselves from the LDP to become independant and not giving Kishida and the corrupt end of the LDP it's majority to govern, thus if they can not create a coalition it will setup a SNAP election, that then causes to finally kick out the corrupt LDP and put in the loyalist ones, thus creating a reunification of the LDP with Independants who broke away from LDP in the first place. The end of Anime/Manga/Video Games is not going to happen because they are the business community, and they hold immense power in politics, maybe not as much as the entirety of Government, but good enough to get people unelected and to make things really difficult for them if they try. If anything this whole mess is going to cause a lot of reform internally to be able to address these issues in the first place. Which is why i do think these issues getting worse means it is going to force the people to fix it for the better and no longer accept the Status Quo.

As long as the moral pretenders are still allowed to get away with grandstanding against fictions, we won't ever get our hobbies back. The scare tactics worked and every makers of games and manga and anime are more self conscious nowadays, that's why the loli and fanservice slowly disappear. Soon there will be only hags and manface allowed in Japanese entertainment media, just like the west.


yuriko koike won re-election so that's one problem kind of shelved for now, the u.n cyber crime treaty is still an issue we'll see the progression of near the end of July.