Let's laugh at the new Pokemon game


Pokemon Scarlet/Violet came out yesterday and it seems to be a massive failure so far as expected, so here's a place to laugh at how bad it is.

Bugs and incompetence:

And of course it's always a sign of a healthy community when your brand new best-selling game has barely any fanart. Most of the new Pokemon fanart on pixiv is of old characters and the one good character from S/V (that streamer girl):


The year will be 2077 when we get a proper good 3D Pokemon game... This is actually appalling since it would have been play "tested"...

Deleted User

Pokemon was better when it was 2D.
Gamefreak should've stuck with what they were good at, upgrade the pixelated sprites to animated drawings like live2D.
But now we're stuck with subpar 3D that looks worse than PS1 games.

Purease undastanduru


Well this is pretty sad honestly, you cant even say "at least the game runs good"
Pokemon was better when it was 2D.
Gamefreak should've stuck with what they were good at, upgrade the pixelated sprites to animated drawings like live2D.
But now we're stuck with subpar 3D that looks worse than PS1 games.

Purease undastanduru
Agreed. I really do not understand why so many properties want to go the 3d route, even if they pull it off it just feels off to me.

Exoskull Zero RX-78-2

Pokemon Scarlet/Violet came out yesterday and it seems to be a massive failure so far as expected, so here's a place to laugh at how bad it is.

Bugs and incompetence:

And of course it's always a sign of a healthy community when your brand new best-selling game has barely any fanart. Most of the new Pokemon fanart on pixiv is of old characters and the one good character from S/V (that streamer girl):
I look at what's trending on pokemon and it's mostly about the glitches.

Not even Vtubers are free of glitches.


Damn it's doing worse in the reviews than the new Sonic game so far on Amazon JP. That's just embarrassing.
Screenshot 2022-11-19 at 19-44-45 Amazon ソニックフロンティア- Switch ゲーム.png
Screenshot 2022-11-19 at 19-46-04 Amazon ポケットモンスター バイオレット -Switch ゲーム.png

Deleted User

Agreed. I really do not understand why so many properties want to go the 3d route, even if they pull it off it just feels off to me.
It's supposedly cheaper than 2D cause 3D models can be repurposed and modified, speeding up development.
Problem here really is gamefreak, they really are just incompetent considering how better other Nintendo switch games are, look at Zelda and Xenoblade.

For example, two of my favorite cunny games, Sakuna and Nobeta look great and it's 3D, made by less devs than gamefreak and runs well.

Damn it's doing worse in the reviews than the new Sonic game so far on Amazon JP. That's just embarrassing.
View attachment 11985View attachment 11986
New Sonic doesn't look that bad though. I wish the environments were stylized and not "realistic".


Patron of the Forums

>use a debug feature to not lose your save data
Apparently there is also a memory leak where letting the game run will steadily degrade your performance until it finally crashes

I blame fallout/skyrim
Since they are too lazy to not use a game engine that is old enough to drink and have to wrangle like a special needs class it has become acceptable to release broken games

The bugs arent the only problem
If it ran like a dream you still have a shit game underneath
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>use a debug feature to not lose your save data
Apparently there is also a memory leak where letting the game run will steadily degrade your performance until it finally crashes

I blame fallout/skyrim
Since they are too lazy to not use a game engine that is old enough to drink and have to wrangle like a special needs class it has become acceptable to release broken games

The bugs arent the only problem
If it ran like a dream you still have a shit game underneath
While the bethesda games are the most notorious cases this has sadly become something of a standard specially with franchises that have tons of diehard fans, they think they can get away with anything and are usually right:gura-pain:

I personally blame the trend of having a release each year that results in sub par products like this one.

I would love to say that this debacle would show nintendo/gamefreak to rethink their approach but I would not hold my breath

Exoskull Zero RX-78-2

While the bethesda games are the most notorious cases this has sadly become something of a standard specially with franchises that have tons of diehard fans, they think they can get away with anything and are usually right:gura-pain:

I personally blame the trend of having a release each year that results in sub par products like this one.

I would love to say that this debacle would show nintendo/gamefreak to rethink their approach but I would not hold my breath
Despite the buggy release and constant clips from fans, this game will still probably sell well since it's pokemon.
hopefully, there's a noticeable dent in sales and a large enough fan outcry
that Nintendo changes its approach with pokemon.


Jesus, this game looks and runs even worse than I thought. Before it came out I thought the main issue would be the awful character design, but it seems to be a technical mess in every way possible. It probably needed at least another year in development to be competent.

Deleted User

Jesus, this game looks and runs even worse than I thought. Before it came out I thought the main issue would be the awful character design, but it seems to be a technical mess in every way possible. It probably needed at least another year in development to be competent.
Probably needs some motion blur, that'll fix all those problems.



Looking at the Glitch videos, most of them appear to be occurring in the multiplayer, not really that surprising.
I did have one crash due to the memory leak, and some of the basic issues, frame rate being the big one, all three of us in the house just laughing at how bad it is made the game more entertaining over all. Maybe that is what they were going for :zt-think:


Patron of the Forums
Jesus, this game looks and runs even worse than I thought. Before it came out I thought the main issue would be the awful character design, but it seems to be a technical mess in every way possible. It probably needed at least another year in development to be competent.
My hypothesis is that a majority of the game's development was done on computer and work with the actual devkits was only for the last leg of development
What you are seeing now is likely them putting their build on the devkit, seeing "holy shit this barely runs at all" and is their slapdash attempts to release something that functions
You can see they are really struggling with memory limitations
it is like every single resource is fighting over the same stick of ram all the time and no care was put into memory management at all


Unfortunately with this being the best switch launch ever I doubt game freak/pokemon/nintendo will change anything.

10 million sales, and over 6 million being from the west.


It will be interesting to see what the week to week drop off is with all the negativity coming out about the graphics and performance etc.
Might actually put people off.
Sword/Shield got something like 24 mill sales total, so if momentum tanks and they only get say 18 mill, that might give them some pause.
Then again, Game Freak are kinda tards :D


Jesus, this game looks and runs even worse than I thought. Before it came out I thought the main issue would be the awful character design, but it seems to be a technical mess in every way possible. It probably needed at least another year in development to be competent.
The only part of that video that I disagree with is the claim that Pokemon fans deserve better... in actuality, Pokemon fans deserve to be soaked in oil and lit alight for the pleasure of a baying crowd.

Even so, lmfao at how bad this looks. Nintendo must surely be aware of the delayed negative effect this will have on what is probably their most valuable franchise?


Wow this game performs poorly. I feel fortunate I haven't had a crash or any bugs yet. It's my first Pokemon game since like, gen 6.

I'm surprisingly okay with the characters after all the shit I heard about their designs, I actually like the gym leaders a lot and there's cute girls. They should tone it down from now on though with the wild ass hair colors and skin tones.