Like A Dragon Gaiden Dub Actor Has Meltdown

Thread Description
Yong Yea spergs out and can't take criticism

So the new Yakuza game came out recently. Ryu-Ga-Gotoku changed the dub actor for Kiryu and the new actor is having a meltdown on twitter because his voice sounds like absolute shit. I won't archive the tweet because I am fairly confident he will not take it down. He has been going on an absolute block spree at anyone who even mildly insults him. Last month it was ProZD whining. Now it's this asswipe.

Here is a comparison video that HE UPLOADED to compare HIMSELF to the JP.

(If you don't have a twitter account to view this then I will also attach a video of him singing a song in the Karaoke mode. It sounds just as bad:
I Will also attach the Japanese ver. for comparison:

He tried to cover all negative critiques which is funny because some people are simply saying he could have voiced a different character and that he was a mismatch. Some people are not even insulting him but faulting SEGA and he is still blocking them.~

His account:


The thread:


The replies/Hidden Tweets are comical:


Now you might think this is not too bad on it's own but there is something I haven't mentioned yet. So this guy Yong Yea made a statement regarding the Mario Movie casting. In which he said Chris Pratt was a shit casting choice because he doesn't sound like Mario. Yet in this thread he says it doesn't matter that he doesn't sound like the Kiryu we know. Motherfucker back pedalled so fucking hard. Unfortunately I do not have the link to the Original Tweet regarding this one but it is hilarious either way.

When will Western Asian voice actors stop being such entitled pieces of shit.

Yakuza always sounded so much better in Japanese but the English was charming in it's own way, this new voice is just dead and soulless. He is not voice acting, he is just TALKING as himself. No effort whatsoever, he deserves all the shit coming his way.

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I just did a thread like this recently lmao.

But yeah, maybe i could prolly repurpose that into a, thread detailing the kind of lolcow antics yongyea honestly really is another time or so dependign on how lazy i am. :P

As the dude is a grifter lets be real here milking lot of content and is pretty much just another normiefag like angry joe only covering hot shit stuff because it generates the most clout and pretty much like prozd and joe and also spoony if we're going oldschool here, what happens when your own hubris becomes your own downfall.

Also yongyea is pro blm too especially lot more on twitter like the rest of those freaks he sucks their dicks from. :/

I just did a thread like this recently lmao.

But yeah, maybe i could prolly repurpose that into a, thread detailing the kind of lolcow antics yongyea honestly really is another time or so dependign on how lazy i am. :P

As the dude is a grifter lets be real here milking lot of content and is pretty much just another normiefag like angry joe only covering hot shit stuff because it generates the most clout and pretty much like prozd and joe and also spoony if we're going oldschool here, what happens when your own hubris becomes your own downfall.

Also yongyea is pro blm too especially lot more on twitter like the rest of those freaks he sucks their dicks from. :/
Yeah I saw you made a thread on it but it had very little information and was not updated with the fallout he had on twitter. So I figured I would make a post SPECIFICALLY about his breakdown over the hate. A seperate thread on him as "eccentric" would be a good idea though as he craves attention and wants to be told he is amazing.

Yeah I saw you made a thread on it but it had very little information and was not updated with the fallout he had on twitter. So I figured I would make a post SPECIFICALLY about his breakdown over the hate. A seperate thread on him as "eccentric" would be a good idea though as he craves attention and wants to be told he is amazing.
Konami fans specially kojima fans like to think they are hot shit but really just massive cringelords once mgs started having reddit and discord users as core crowds these days.

Imagine playing the Yakuza games with English dub...

Wasn't the original VA a white dude as well? Pretty sure there is an argument for casting based on race here.

Anyways Yong Yea is just another hack who makes his living reading the same article word for word that any of the other grifters read. With luck he's gonna ride this ship straight of a waterfall and I won't have to see his mug in my recomms anymore.

Imagine playing the Yakuza games with English dub...

Wasn't the original VA a white dude as well? Pretty sure there is an argument for casting based on race here.

Anyways Yong Yea is just another hack who makes his living reading the same article word for word that any of the other grifters read. With luck he's gonna ride this ship straight of a waterfall and I won't have to see his mug in my recomms anymore.
yep originally a white guy as well as the most of the cast in the og ps1 game

On the one hand. I can understand getting defensive when your work is being critiziced, specially by so many people.

But on the other hand, calling all of it as just "the haters and trolls" and going on rants is not gonna make things any better.

You tried it, didnt work out, you move on, simple.

Also yeah why are people even wanting to play yakuza dubbed, of all the games to go sub over dub this one is one of the most obvious choices

Apparently someone on twitter said that karaoke is meant to be cheesy but how do you manage to put autotune over something like that? I'm getting Rebecca Black's Friday vibes. :akko_sus:

Apparently someone on twitter said that karaoke is meant to be cheesy but how do you manage to put autotune over something like that? I'm getting Rebecca Black's Friday vibes. :akko_sus:
seen this on some youtube comments as well too defending the kaorke shit and its sega trying to be like tpain and lilwayne lmao autotune can sound way too robotic af

Apparently someone on twitter said that karaoke is meant to be cheesy but how do you manage to put autotune over something like that? I'm getting Rebecca Black's Friday vibes. :akko_sus:
seen this on some youtube comments as well too defending the kaorke shit and its sega trying to be like tpain and lilwayne lmao autotune can sound way too robotic af

It's not wrong per se. Karaoke is not meant to be about how great of a singer you are. It's just about having a good time.
In this case they clearly tried to save his performance though. The karaoke clip is the one where his voice shines through the most as his own. He was bad at just speaking, but singing was very likely so sub-par, that after enough tries they just took the best one, autotuned and rolled with it.

I haven't played it, but I wouldn't be shocked if Kyriu ever so often says "Yong out!" at this point.

When will "Western Asian voice actors"

That's a funny way to spell "American" :))

But jokes aside, how is his performance "bad"? I mean to the point of deserving this kinda backlash. It sounds like 99% of EN dub for every anime/games i've ever heard. That's why i went over to JP dub any chance i could, before i could even understand anything in the language. This is just industry standard.

And i'm not saying all EN dub is bad or anything. Grew up with animated DC/Marvel etc... cartoons and loved those. It's just that all the 3rd rate VAs ended up in anime/games dubbing so what else can you expect?
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That's a funny way to spell "American" :))

But jokes aside, how is his performance "bad"? I mean to the point of deserving this kinda backlash. It sounds like 99% of EN dub for every anime/games i've ever heard. That's why i went over to JP dub any chance i could, before i could even understand anything in the language. This is just industry standard.

And i'm not saying all EN dub is bad or anything. Grew up with animated DC/Marvel etc... cartoons and loved those. It's just that all the 3rd rate VAs ended up in anime/games dubbing so what else can you expect?
He is tone deaf. They hired a guy to do a role that involved singing and he can't sing. He is also getting blasted deservingly after he tried to shit talk chris pratts casting as mario as "not what the character sounds like" yet tried to say that him sounding nothing like kiryu doesn't matter. Basically double standards bullshit. Western Voice acting is pretty shit outside of a few exceptions but this guy was the equivalent of the bottom of the barrel being scraped, and then discovering there is more stuff UNDER the barrel.

It's not wrong per se. Karaoke is not meant to be about how great of a singer you are. It's just about having a good time.
In this case they clearly tried to save his performance though. The karaoke clip is the one where his voice shines through the most as his own. He was bad at just speaking, but singing was very likely so sub-par, that after enough tries they just took the best one, autotuned and rolled with it.

I haven't played it, but I wouldn't be shocked if Kyriu ever so often says "Yong out!" at this point.
The auto tune was completely the reason he is getting shit on for his singing. However he is also a massive hypocrite regarding voicing an already established character. The issue everyone has is he isn't really voice acting. He is just kind of talking as himself. His voice was better suited to other characters, this was a serious case of a cocky western VA and a poor casting choice on behalf of SEGA.