MMO Hellhole

Patron of the Forums
Just a general thread to chat about what MMOs you're currently sucked into.

I've been trying to play a bit of Mabingoi because the systems seem interesting and I'm oddly drawn to Nexon games, plus the art is cute and charming.

For such an old game it seems to be taking its time to die, so it's floated by whales buying costumes but plays fine as a single player game.
Last month they had a big "generation" update which is a new episode for the main story, and the story ain't bad it's pretty fun.

That new advert for Endwalker for FFXIV looked pretty good as well so may have to try and catch up before it comes out.

After playing a bunch of Elder Scrolls (Arena, Morrowind and Skyrim) recently, finally caved and bought ESO during that Lunar New Year sale but have yet to install it.

Patron of the Forums
I'm waiting for Ashes of Creation honestly.
I've stopped playing Runescape 3 again, I might get back into it this week, at least to use the DXP.

ESO is okay it seems fun and has a lot of really pretty locales but every time I try to play it I just can't really get into it. And the cash shop is really nasty.

I still play Path of Exile, Warframe, and Destiny 2 off-and-on but XIV is really the only thing that has any hold on me. Really excited for Endwalker, will be the first expac that I'm actively playing for.

Is that DND MMO any good?
Neverwinter, or DDO? DDO did some fun stuff but it's getting pretty old at this point. I personally hated Neverwinter, found a lot of things about it too annoying and it felt like it was just wasting my time.