Discussion Monster Hunter Rise release and thoughts


Patron of the Forums
well if you've been paying atention in pleroma you'd know by now that i've been playing rise all day.
for what i have played the game is really fun, the new monsters are interesting and the cataloge of returning ones is pretty nice, i still think that some of the decissions taken related to prepping are quite dumb but besides that the game feels nice. i say it takes the best elements from world and some elements from the older games, the skill systemkinda reminds me to generations and i like that
my only gripe would probably be performance, god do those frames drop when you have full party, also there's a dumb issue related to the game's voices not working properly in some configurations ut besides those two im really loving it
if any of you has the game and wants to play you can contact me though here or discord


I like pretty much everything that rise is doing. It is fun, its gameplay feels the fastest it has ever been, and switch skills feel good and changes up enough to feel different but more controlled than hunter arts in gen and GU. I have small stuff that will probably be resolved later or as I get further into the game like the disconnection issue and difficulty feeling a lil too easy at time. My main issue is why everyone loves the changes to Hunting Horn, me and former hunting horn mains dont. It feels like Capcom removed most of the depth of the weapon and actively hurt whatever depth this new version would have with the magnificent trio. New HH songs are two songs (a farcry from the three or four note songs of previous) but that isnt need to do since you can just play one of every note, magnificent trio and boom, every song is activate so now you can unga bunga even harder and more often. I feel every weapon got more depth in this game except HH.


Patron of the Forums
My main issue is why everyone loves the changes to Hunting Horn, me and former hunting horn mains dont. It feels like Capcom removed most of the depth of the weapon and actively hurt whatever depth this new version would have with the magnificent trio. New HH songs are two songs (a farcry from the three or four note songs of previous) but that isnt need to do since you can just play one of every note, magnificent trio and boom, every song is activate so now you can unga bunga even harder and more often. I feel every weapon got more depth in this game except HH.
hence why i said that there are some changes they did that i do not like, the over simplification of some aspects of the game is something that has been worring me since world, as of now it hasn't reached a critical point and is something that is balanced out with the good changes that make the game feel refreshed, bu i fear for the next monster hunter game.
i feel like they are gonna fuck up REAL BAD next game