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Discussion Nickalodeon fuckery



So i figured i make this thread because this filthy frank song inspired me to do so.

Never seen much discussion bout how shitty nickalodeon is but the only way to really keep hurting these woke fuckers is if we keep making threads like this exposing their shit.

Now lot of us here outside of anime musta grown up on jimmy neutron and timmy turner lol and those shows were good back then but now as weebs of culture hell no.

Lot of quality control has went down the drain and ofc paramount is also involved in woke shit with lot of their movies as well as tv shows too like making spongebob apparently zesty af or something like that and yeah speaking of zesty.

Also actors yeah crash and burn too like Josh being a wannabe fit in with everyone and Drake being a sexpest lol.

Dan Schineder he's a mega creep irl freaking over lil girls feet too especially lmao and we the lolicons are bad sure then.........

So its kind of a mess of a thread but nickalodeon is a bigger mess too so what you think about the company now? let me know down in the commetns.