Discussion Politics and Propaganda in modern video games, and my own method for judging it.

Thread Description
Debunking the "video games were always political!" talking point, and laying out my Based Morality Scale.

Christi Junior

Since I plan to gradually post more and more of my vidya writeups on Varis, which include ratings of something I call "Based Morality", I thought I might as well also post the Fediverse thread where I explained that rating system - as well as something of more general interest, a takedown of the "politics in gaming is nothing new" talking point that leftists and Redditors love trotting out whenever people like us object to SJW propaganda being shoved down our throats. The thread about politics in vidya was actually was led to me developing my own culture war rating system, so I thought it would be appropriate to put the two together in the same topic.


This whole “games have always been political” talking point is one of those superficially compelling claims that just falls completely apart upon closer inspection. No, retarded Woke Current Year shit didn’t use to be the standard in video games, not even close, for a number of reasons:

1) The type of politics are not comparable. Generic environmentalist, anti-authoritarian or even implicitly pro-diversity themes are not the same as obsessing over specific current year political hot-button issues and blatantly acting as propagandists for one side of the culture war. Even JRPGs from the 1990s and 2000s pushing Religion Bad and Racism Bad plots at least knew to make those themes feel like authentic parts of their fantasy setting, rather than blatant current year politics inserted into a world that’s basically just our contemporary society with magic and fictional countries.

2) The way political issues are approached is not comparable. Even in games with clear Good Factions and Bad Factions, the people with the Bad beliefs were occasionally allowed to be cool, badass, and even score a few rhetorical points against the good guys. The Shinra Corporation in Final Fantasy VII is obviously fundamentally bad and corrupt, but formerly Shinra-affiliated Cait Sith is still at one point allowed to call out Barret for his eco-terrorism during Avalanche’s anti-Shinra activities. People with the Wrong opinions aren’t just Strawmen stand-ins for Real World political enemies, they’re actual characters with their own unique virtues and vices. This is the difference between art influence by the left-liberal politics of its creators, and propaganda primarily created to push those left-liberal politics.

3) The quality of political writing has gotten far worse. Again, it’s the difference between art and propaganda. It’s not just a question of nuance and even-handedness, it’s a question of straight up better, more realistic and more intelligent writing. In Xenoblade 1 (2010) you have a couple of sidequests helping certain NPCs overcome their racism, but guess what, those racist NPCs are generally still likable, reasonable characters even while racist, and usually have legitimate reasons for becoming racist in the first place (like a kindly human grandmother having her grandson killed by a bunch of Nopon). In modern Woke games, characters with the wrong beliefs are inevitably stupid, cowardly, ugly and incompetent, and the Mary Sue main character (straight male protagonists will usually be done away with in some convenient way, or otherwise be emasculated) will be justified in sadistically murdering the wrongthinkers. And that’s not even getting into the piss-poor world building (because why make a unique, believable fantasy world that makes a potentially awkward fit for the current year political issues you want to address?), and the inevitably contrived plots that are primarily meant to push a particular leftist Message. And obviously, when politics dominates the story, bad political writing will mean the whole story is ruined in the process.

4) A far larger share of games now have turned political than in the past. It’s one thing for plot-driven games to touch on political issues, but 3D collect-athons didn’t use to push any particular set of politics, yet now they do (see A Hat in Time). 2D platformers used to be as apolitical as games come, now they aren’t (see Celeste). Hell, nowadays fucking FARMING SIMULATERS are gender ideology pioneers, Street Fighter is aggressively pushing “gender identity” and “gender nonconforming” faggots, and everything from Elden Ring to Splatoon 3 has replaced the categories of Male and Female with various SJW-approved euphemisms.

We went from Danganronpa 2 (2012) being apolitical to Danganronpa v3 (2017) having a couple of Trump jokes to AI: The Somnium Files (2019) featuring unapologetic LGBTP propaganda speeches, an openly tranny character, a somewhat major character who's gay (and who apparently openly hates conservatives) and another notable character who's a closeted homosexual. And that’s not getting into how even modern Japanese games now always seem compelled to add at least one token Nigger..

No faggers, things are obviously not the same as they used to be.

Christi Junior


So how do I personally distinguish between art that's genuinely positive and uplifting, art that's the product of worldviews I fundamentally disagree with, yet still worthwhile, and legitimately evil left-liberal propaganda? Introducing Christi Junior’s Based Morality Rating System for video games! Well, it’s not my rating system exactly, but a modified version of the +4/-4 Moral–spiritual value ratings used by Catholic film critic Steven D. Greydanus:


Now, I really like his system, for 2 reasons in particular: First of all, it distinguishes the artistic qualities of a work from its morality, while still acknowledging that a well-crafted work that promotes genuine evil can not be recommended. Something Greydanus is exceptionally good at, unlike most “moralistic” reviewers, is engaging with even an Evil work as a piece of art, and critiquing its strengths and weaknesses as art in an even-handed way. His review of Million Dollar Baby is a great example of this (the overall F score is solely because of its -4 moral value, because the artistic/entertainment value is actually rated relatively highly):


Another good example, much closer to home, would be our very own SerfnUSA's review of 86, who while disgusted with the moral content of the work not only praised aspects of the story, but made genuinely unique and insightful points about how it successfully utilized the light novel medium for storytelling purposes:


Not all Enemy media is obvious garbage like Netflix anime adaptations or race/sex-swapped rehashes of old movies. Some of it is intelligently structured and expertly crafted in terms of storytelling. It’s helpful to be aware of this, without of course losing sight of the fact that such works are not only still evil, but more dangerous than they would otherwise have been.

The second reason I really like Greydanus’s rating system is that it allows for simultaneously positive and negative moral ratings (as well as a purely Neutral rating when appropriate), sometimes spanning almost the entire rating spectrum:


This I find rings very true. Indeed, most JRPGs I’ve played would certainly be getting mixed scores in the Based Morality department, since they’re huge games that cover a lot of ground, including moral, religious and political terrain, and due to it not being kiked goyslop it’s usually not uniformly supportive of everything that’s bad in the world.

Why even have Morality ratings in the first place tho? Both for the sake of convenience and for the sake of making comparisons. Whenever I talk about a particular game, I often see people ask stuff like “wait, I heard this game was pozzed, are you saying it’s actually good?”, so it will be nice to quickly and easily be able to give an idea of where it lands in terms of its Pozitivity, as well as how it compares to other similar games. Also, ever since Christ Centered Gamer went away, I don’t see anyone openly rating video games in terms of their moral content anymore, and given the state of the gaming media, they’d just further reward Evil if they did anything. So I definitely feel like there’s a void that needs filling here. But what do I mean by Based Morality? I’m so glad you asked…

Christi Junior


My Based Morality scores will share plenty of similarities with what you’d expect to see from that of your average conservative Christian reviewer: Faggot propaganda, anti-tradition messaging, feminism, shitlibbery in general, all will increase the likelihood of a negative score. However, since I’m *not* actually a conservative Christian, there will be major departures as well. For starters, racism is Based, while anti-racism, race-mixing and “representation” is Cringe (though I’m not a purityfag on the latter, I have no quarrels with Barret being a party member in Final Fantasy VII , while Xenoblade 3 seeing a sudden, dramatic increase in its share of dark-skinned NPCs I *do* have issues with). But maybe more noteworthy still, I will pretty much always view Fanservice and female nudity catering to straight males as an unambiguous Positive, given how it inherently affirms and celebrates beauty, reflects a desire to please the (overwhelmingly male) fanbase, pisses off all the right people, and in general is just Based af. So yes, I *will* give Nier Automata a +1 Based Morality score just because of 2B’s Ass, and you can’t stop me!

Speaking of which, the ratings system itself. Here’s the part where I modify Greydanus’s ratings: His ratings have +4 as the absolute best, while -4 is the absolute worst. I however will keep +4 as the top score, but have the negative scores now potentially dip as low as -5. The reason I do this is simple: Most of the types of pop entertainment I will review is ultimately made by shitlibs, even when it’s Japanese shitlibs. Most pop entertainment today will therefore probably score relatively poorly in terms of Based Morality, so being able to more accurately rate morally dubious works is very much necessary. Take the TV show Invincible for example.


TL:DR version: It’s bad. Like really bad. Like, I can’t believe you niggers complain so much about MHA when this shit exists. However, it could still be worse. MUCH worse. Being explicitly as opposed to just implicitly anti-White and anti-male, repeatedly dragging in hot-button political issues, adding trannies to the mix, adding entire plot points and story arcs that are literally just Propaganda, that kind of stuff. Plenty of other works already do this. So how to score a show like Invincible? With -4 as the worst possible score, you’re left with either -2 (way too kind) or -3 (which doesn’t leave much room to properly trash the aforementioned Much Worse stuff). However, a -3 score on a scale that goes all the way down to -5? That suddenly seems way more accurate. Same goes for a video game like AI: The Somnium Files, though that’s a weaker -3.

To give you a better idea of how I personally score Based Morality, especially on the negative end of things, here’s a rule of thumb: -1 is a deal, but not really a big deal. -2 is kind of a big deal, but not a dealbreaker. -3 is actually a dealbreaker. -4 is Evil. -5 is Very Evil. General fuzzy old-school liberal politics vidya politics of the kind I went over in the OP would probably on its own never net a game anything worse than -2. Explicitly invoking Current Year GloboHomo bullshit like tranny insanity and anti-White shit (including race-swapping characters and infinity nigger historical revisionism) will quickly earn a -3 though. In fact, the recent Paper Mario: TTYD remaster's tranny retcon of Vivian is in my opinion worthy of a -3 completely on its own, though that also has to do with the game being targeted towards kids.

I’ll however try to avoid slipping into rightwing hypersensitivity, and always keep the greater context in mind: As I mentioned earlier, Danganronpa V3 is long-ass visual novel that includes two extremely tame, throwaway Trump jokes. Is that enough for a -1 on its own? I’d say definitely Not. Is Mario Odyssey’s infamous ending enough for a -1? That’s a much harder question, and for me would ultimately come down to the Intent behind the scene: Is it a Feminist Peach putting Mario the Entitled Male in his place, or is it just meant as a cute way to preserve the all-important Status Quo? I lean towards the latter (the rest of the game is all about Celebrating Mario, not tearing him down), and so I would score Odyssey as Neutral, rather than a -1.

And in case it wasn’t already clear, I’m not telling anyone to actively AVOID any game or other entertainment product that I’d give an overall negative Based Morality score. Hell, my favorite game of all time is Xenoblade 1. Know what my Based Morality score for that game would be? +1 (great fanservice options and some sympathetic depictions of racist characters), but accompanied by a pretty clear -2 (in order to not Spoil the plot I’ll settle for saying that there’s some classic JRPG bullshit afoot). Meanwhile, my favorite anime is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and that would probably also get a +1/-2 score. So I’m no Purityfag – a genuinely excellent -2 game would still get a clear (albeit qualified) recommendation from me, and I can even see why some of /ourguys/ could greatly enjoy -3 games like Celeste (though I personally think that game is overrated even from a pure gameplay perspective). When you get to -4 and -5 content tho? Nah nigga, at that point I’m gonna Judge you, anyone who shills shit like The Last of Us 2 and other obviously rotten Soyny slop definitely has something wrong with him in my view. Same goes for Baldur's Gate 3 (some Fediverse niggas last year really wanted to die on that hill, insisting that anyone bashing one of the faggiest AAA games ever was an anti-fun puritan).

But yeah, that’s my Based Morality rating system, which you can expect to see in my upcoming gaming writeups. I actually think it’s quite well-considered, but I’m certainly interested in hearing feedback and questions.
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Christi Junior

And while I'm at it, here's some examples of how I would score different forms of media on the Based Morality Scale (I *am* however cheating slightly by including more than just vidya):

+4: Camp of the Saints. To the extent that works of fictions can save the West, this book would be at the very top. It mercilessly breaks down the current White self-hatred and its inevitably catastrophic consequences, and forces the modern White man to confront the kinds of questions he desperately wants to pretend don't exist.

As far as video games go....maybe Angry Goy II, lol.

+3: Castlevania 64. From what I've seen, this is easily the Castlevania game with the strongest Christian themes and the most positive depictions of Christian morality. And even the more "secular" storyline directly justapoxes a mother's self-sacrifice with a selfish bitch sacrificing her own child to gain immortality. Something tells me that Actrise the Witch would be a big RBG fan.

For more details, see my writeup about this game's story and themes: https://varishangout.com/index.php?threads/castlevania-64-story-analysis.2697/

+2: Xenoblade 2. This score would be somewhat mixed, but ultimately this is a game with glorious fanservice and sheer beauty on display, an extremely refreshing take on a JRPG God, and even some spicy lines about ungrateful refugees and implications about lesbians being Groomers.

+1: Zelda Ocarina of Time. A number of mild cases of presumably accidental racism and sexism that Salon nonetheless once wrote a whole article bitching about.

Neutral: Lots of platformers, racing games, sports games etc, though pozzed game devs seem to be finding ways to pollute these genres too.

-1: Most Ace Attorney games. Various cases of female on male violence double standards, bad localization and a somewhat fucked up message that defense attorneys should never work for guilty clients (though this gets more into general ethical and moral dilemmas rather than culture war issues).

-2: Fire Emblem Three Houses. This is a pretty mixed case, but you got a clear shitlib bias, trannylator "localization" fuckery, various gay Supports and your generic Racism Bad message.

-3: AI The Somnium Files. An openly tranny character (being referred to by his "preferred pronouns" of course, even by the AI character who really should know better), two pretty major characters being faggots (all these faggots are supposedly good guys btw, and one of them is described as openly hating "conservatives") and who could forget, a ridiculously forced and spectacularly cringe pro-LGBTP propaganda speech by a young girl character.

This is still a pretty weak -3 tho, Invincible the TV show would be a more clear-cut example. I laid out the many reasons for this in my writeup.

-4: Baldur's Gate 3, probably (I'm going by second-hand information here, so while I'm leaning -4, it might be a -3 if I'm generous)

-5: Honestly, I do what I can to avoid exposing myself to shit like this in full, but The Last of Us 2 is an obvious example, I'm however not sure if it's -4 or -5. Just from watching a few analysis videos I've already seen Jew propaganda, faggot and tranny propaganda, Religion Bad, the one White Christian male character people cared about being brutally murdered for shock value, retarded Revenge Bad morals, ugly and degenerate sex acts etc.

Also, Sony and Naughty Dog's massive online-Censorship campaign to prevent gamers from learning the truth about TLOU2 pre-release could also be considered as an additional negative.


This whole “games have always been political” talking point is one of those superficially compelling claims that just falls completely apart upon closer inspection. No, retarded Woke Current Year shit didn’t use to be the standard in video games, not even close, for a number of reasons:
I have always said games are not all political, people choose to look at it politically. It's a projection statement when they think something is or is not something or thing is X or Z when it is ambiguous at best to keep the plot moving which probably leads to them thinking there is more to these games than what meets the eye. Especially something like Resident Evil which is just a B-Tier Zombie series that never took itself seriously and people think the whole series connects to each other when it is loosely based. Not everything has a deep meaning and not everything is a political message unless you try to do an intellectual pretzel and make it so. Much like those who think Souls series has this gigantic lore and this amazing writing when reality it's just loosely based facts and historical stuff of the world. It's as big or as small as one makes it due to their own imagination.

2) The way political issues are approached is not comparable. Even in games with clear Good Factions and Bad Factions, the people with the Bad beliefs were occasionally allowed to be cool, badass, and even score a few rhetorical points against the good guys. The Shinra Corporation in Final Fantasy VII is obviously fundamentally bad and corrupt, but formerly Shinra-affiliated Cait Sith is still at one point allowed to call out Barret for his eco-terrorism during Avalanche’s anti-Shinra activities. People with the Wrong opinions aren’t just Strawmen stand-ins for Real World political enemies, they’re actual characters with their own unique virtues and vices. This is the difference between art influence by the left-liberal politics of its creators, and propaganda primarily created to push those left-liberal politics.

This is why I keep thinking in my mind people who talk about such subjects never played the games, never even did research but just make up things they read on a Wiki-Page and assume that's what it is.

3) The quality of political writing has gotten far worse. Again, it’s the difference between art and propaganda. It’s not just a question of nuance and even-handedness, it’s a question of straight up better, more realistic and more intelligent writing. In Xenoblade 1 (2010) you have a couple of sidequests helping certain NPCs overcome their racism, but guess what, those racist NPCs are generally still likable, reasonable characters even while racist, and usually have legitimate reasons for becoming racist in the first place (like a kindly human grandmother having her grandson killed by a bunch of Nopon). In modern Woke games, characters with the wrong beliefs are inevitably stupid, cowardly, ugly and incompetent, and the Mary Sue main character (straight male protagonists will usually be done away with in some convenient way, or otherwise be emasculated) will be justified in sadistically murdering the wrongthinkers. And that’s not even getting into the piss-poor world building (because why make a unique, believable fantasy world that makes a potentially awkward fit for the current year political issues you want to address?), and the inevitably contrived plots that are primarily meant to push a particular leftist Message. And obviously, when politics dominates the story, bad political writing will mean the whole story is ruined in the process.

I would say it's due to Localizers being uncomfortable with these themes as a whole and rewriting over them because they hate it. If localizers loved these games and cared, why do they rewrite it out? Why do they tend to hate things that are able to have people question their own belief systems if they are such freethinkers and care about politics? Because they dislike it if it does not align with their own worldviews that are fixed in nature. Sadly they are full of bias against such content.

4) A far larger share of games now have turned political than in the past. It’s one thing for plot-driven games to touch on political issues, but 3D collect-athons didn’t use to push any particular set of politics, yet now they do (see A Hat in Time). 2D platformers used to be as apolitical as games come, now they aren’t (see Celeste). Hell, nowadays fucking FARMING SIMULATERS are gender ideology pioneers, Street Fighter is aggressively pushing “gender identity” and “gender nonconforming” faggots, and everything from Elden Ring to Splatoon 3 has replaced the categories of Male and Female with various SJW-approved euphemisms.

We went from Danganronpa 2 (2012) being apolitical to Danganronpa v3 (2017) having a couple of Trump jokes to AI: The Somnium Files (2019) featuring unapologetic LGBTP propaganda speeches, an openly tranny character, a somewhat major character who's gay (and who apparently openly hates conservatives) and another notable character who's a closeted homosexual. And that’s not getting into how even modern Japanese games now always seem compelled to add at least one token Nigger..

No faggers, things are obviously not the same as they used to be.
It most likely is due to ESG/DEI forcing a set of things to be promoted as a whole and people are trying to shame those through gaslighting that this always was the case. The main issue I think comes down to the fact none of this is authentic and it just feels like sponsorship money. Especially with Trans flags etc. As for Danganronpa I absolutely think of this as my favorite series next to Persona and SMT. It is a series I hold onto in my highest regard, I still will recommend people to play it, and read it, but just like any real fan I will tell you it does have certain issues. For example in Danganronpa 1 and even in Danganronpa Another Episode they put Lolli as Pedophile. There is even this in the Manga itself.

I blame the fact that the Western Branches are the worst thing ever in the sense they just do not translate the word Lollicon as Lollicon but choose to make it up as Pedophile, they always censor uncomfortable truths and write around them. If Japan just shutdown the Western Branch a lot of Japanese companies would be making 4X money they are making now. As for AI Somnium Files, I think this is much more nuanced because Uchikoshi is a great writer he made the Infinity Series, he is very well known in Japan VN world for his 999 series, everyone will always herald his works and they deserve to be known. But I do think the pandering is what is annoying as a whole to people. It's like why even write these things when nobody cares? How is pandering even good writing? As for black or darker skinned characters. They have existed for a long time in Japanese Video Games. We can even go as far back as Balrog in SFII or Marco in Fatal Fury. But I will say you are right about the AAA industry, it does feel awful and it's by design due to every company on the DEI/ESG contract and rumors are they are changing it to Inclusive Growth aka IG. But if you look on AA and Indies in Japan it does not have this issue because they are not interested in profits but sustainability.


Thank you for making this detailed thread regarding the Based Morality Score. As a religious person who cares about traditional morals, I always wanted to see more media be critique from a moralist perspective. However, stuff like that isn't explicitly publicized in the wide Internet, due to people wanting to avoid judging other people's "values" (more like liberal values at that), so seeing this Score system is really sick.
I also want to thank you for highlighting some of the reviews that inspired this system in the first place, and I'm definitely going to check it out later.

Christi Junior

Thank you for making this detailed thread regarding the Based Morality Score. As a religious person who cares about traditional morals, I always wanted to see more media be critique from a moralist perspective. However, stuff like that isn't explicitly publicized in the wide Internet, due to people wanting to avoid judging other people's "values" (more like liberal values at that), so seeing this Score system is really sick.
I also want to thank you for highlighting some of the reviews that inspired this system in the first place, and I'm definitely going to check it out later.
Christ Centered Gamer is actually a full-on gaming site that does exactly what you were looking for, and they review a lot of different games. Their reviewers also seem to be the kind of people who are capable of simultaneously praising games for their quality and criticizing them for their moral content, as on display in their Persona 5 review:

I think that's very important, because it helps the consumer make an informed purchase - people weigh various considerations very differently, so the best thing a reviewer can do is lay out the facts, provide his own analysis, and then ultimately let the reader make the call.


Bro. This whole website look so sick! I can't wait to look through some of these reviews. Thank you for sharing the site!


Reality is, not everything in life is political and people who usually think that kind of way, are always doomers, who want otehrs as miserable as they are literally countless such cases of it!


2 Games I can think of that might rank high into the + in the scale you have are "The Great Rebellion" (The version from the developer KVLT games website or maybe the Gog version, not the steam one. ) And maybe Soulash 2 (just look at the steam store page and the review bombs by the hypocrite rainbow mafia because he would not add gay marriage or pronouns, actually I don't think it even allows interracial marriage)

Edit: Oh I forgot, One more (I love the reviews for this one)
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