Megathread Poor Localization Compilation Thread


Various somewhat minor changes this time but all still worth pointing out.

1. キズナトーク - 古代ハイエンターの遺物 (Kizuna Talk - Remains of the Ancient High Entia) | Heart-to-Heart - High Entia History

This conversation is about these two statues here, and at a certain point Melia notices how the ether crystal on the right statue is missing.


The issue here is the last line.
Japanese: この周辺は亜人族が多いからその可能性は高いぞ
Translated: The possibility is high because there are many demi-humans in this area.
Localization: Many people with dubious reputations travel through here.

He specifically uses the term 亜人, for which the definition is:
A race that has the same fundamental appearance as humans but possesses non-human physical characteristics.

In other words, humanoid fantasy races like werewolves, elves, dwarves and also lizardmen, which is exactly who he's referring to here as there are quite a number of them nearby

In fact, we already know they like to steal and get their hands on treasure because of an earlier quest in the game, so there's a good chance Dunban is correct in his assumption

My only guess as for why this was changed is because of racism. All around a very pointless change.

2. テフラ洞窟 クエスト - バルファルガの道 | Tephra Cave Quest - The Path of Bafalgar

The problem is the second line.
Japanese: もっと他に重要な場所があるに違いないわ
Translation: There must be other more important places.
Localization: There must be something else of importance in there!

The localization implies that there must be more in the same place we just checked, and that perhaps we should head back in and look again. The Japanese on the other hand is very clearly talking about there having to be other places since this one only contained a stone tablet. A bit later into the quest we find out that this is indeed the case:

I have no idea what the thought process was behind this change and that is exactly what bothered me enough to include this.

3. コロニー9 クエスト - 友情の三種の神器 (The Three Sacred Treasures of Friendship) | Colony 9 Quest - Friendship Tokens

Problem here are the first and last lines, specifically anything addressing gender, masculinity and the term 男の中の男, which is something like "a real man among men". To be more specific:
The phrase 'a real man among men' refers to someone who is exceptionally manly even among men.
In other words, it is an expression of admiration for a man who possesses qualities such as courage, deep compassion, inner strength, and a robust physique.

Japanese: 今の俺は男の中の男にしか用はないぜ 男にしか相談出来ないことがあるんだ
Translation: Right now, only a real man among men can help me. I got something I can only discuss with another guy
Localization: I need to talk to the biggest and strongest one of you lot.

Japanese: お兄ちゃんを男の中の男と見込んでお願いがあるんだ!
Translation: You seem like a real man, so I have a favor to ask!
Localization I got somethin' I need to ask ya!
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Round 4 of Eiyuden Chronicle:


English version Rewrote Crash's lines for him to instead use internet slang.

The original actually uses "he" in this cutscene (彼). It's just been very oddly phrased in English.

Most of it is fine, but Frida sounds passive-aggressive here for some reason.
Context: Gieran shares with Nowa his idea of creating boots with levitational power, due to him being excited that we've delivered him an item that he's been searching for a long time. Nowa's response in English completely ignores the Japanese script.


Odd choice to translate 犯人 (offender/culprit/criminal) as coward instead. Considering the context of the cutscene, "coward" doesn't make much sense. Nowa's team just arrived at the village and there were no actions that could be interpreted as them running away from something.

Sabine refers to Janquis as "that butler fellow" in the English version, no such thing in the original.


The English version took some liberties with Nowa naming his beigomas. Also worth noting is that Nowa is not giving a name just to one beigoma, but to all of them as a team (たち suffix), which explains why the name uses the plural form of "hero".

Now about Pastole's recruitment, This character is already pretty unique in Japanese, and such a character archetype dates back to the first Suikoden, so it's a kinda of throwback. In this instance, the English version translated 子猫 (kitten) to the French word "mignon". The English script omits the word "kitten" frequently.

This time 子猫 was translated as "eye candy" and it's not the last time. Any instance where Pastole's line in the original implies that he's flirting with women has been changed in such a way that after that it's ambiguous about who he's talking about.

This decision to not translate certain words might have another implication. Pastole's personality in the original can be summarised by him being a womaniser, which might be a reason why it got changed for Western audiences.

Pastole is also known for inserting French words into his sentences. But while in Japanese he does that sparingly, in English they're very frequent. This example also has words in Latin, although Pastole in the original never used Latin words.

One instance where Pastole inserts French words into his sentences in Japanese is when in the English version he doesn't speak French at all.

Another example where Pastole is clearly flirting with women (彼女). My knowledge of French is limited, but based on the information that I found, the usage of the word "mignon" is not limited to describing only women.


A lot of inaccuracies here, also the line about the bear is kinda of awkward to read as well





Hakugin is supposed to be a Shinobi, but the lines "farted out" and "gnome doin' the limbo" makes her look otherwise.

Round 5 of Eiyuden Chronicle:

The English version Rewrote the dialogue to make a very clear pop culture reference, in this case, Terminator 2, while also altering it to be a food pun as a bonus.




A couple of examples where characters in the English version are less respectful to others by using words like "buster", "sucker", "chump" or "smartypants". While Faye is certainly prideful and brags about herself, none of the characters can be considered disrespectful in the original.


Lian's "Genki" character archetype in Japanese continues to be changed to one where she likes to crack stupid jokes in English instead.


Two instances where characters in the English version add a remark about the species/monsters they talk about not having specific features, like necks or ears, which aren't present in the Original.


Two examples where the character's lines in Japanese were pretty simple, like Maureus grunting, or Venom cursing after losing a duel, but were edited in the English version anyway.

While recruiting Maureus he constantly refers to himself as a magic user, but in one sentence in the English version he uses the word "mysticism" instead, which from my understanding is not interchangeable with "magic" in fantasy settings.

Seeing "bonkers" in an "official" translation when the original doesn't even offer a sentence to make it fit sounds kinda unprofessional at best.

Dr. Corque refers to Nowa and Reid as rivals in Japanese, which doesn't necessarily imply that they're similar to each other as he stated in the English version. The "a pod full of tops" line is also a bit excessive/unnecessary here.


There's a slight difference in how Nowa reacts after recruiting Larla. In the Original, Nowa doubts if he made the correct decision, while in the English version, he doesn't have any doubts and calls it a mistake.

This one is a bit finicky to accurately translate into English, because Trey first calls Kurtz naive (甘い), but then uses the same word to describe his cooking. Still, the first phrase about "peeling the world's tiniest onion" could've been translated better than that.

Wayve insults Markus exclusively in the English version, calling him "a walking xylophone".


Context: Nowa asks soldiers about recent dragon sightings. One of the soldiers fumbles over the name of the location where the dragon was spotted (Eldroad in the English version) and then adds a remark that he hates geography.

Wanting to help =/= Should Help. The Original uses たい suffix to describe desire.

Pohl appears to be too full of himself in the English version with the "Pohl's a genius" line.

By listening to the English VA, I presume the reason the Chairman says "borscht"' in the English version, is that localizers wanted him to say something that sounds very close to "bullshit"


Durlan's remark about alcohol and out-performing youngsters has been moved speech bubbles, which is fine. But in the Original, there was nothing that could be interpreted as Durlan rhyming, or even being poetic.







A couple of examples where characters in the English version add extra remarks or use questionable idioms, like the "big cheese".
Extra: Voice direction blunders

Not a translation inaccuracy, but Nowa's English VA sounds way less enthusiastic, almost even annoyed about meeting Martha after being away for 6 months. You can even hear him sigh.

Nowa knows that his sister and the Imperials are in Runebarrows and that Leene might be in danger. In the Original, you can hear in Nowa's voice that he is worried about her, but in the English version, Nowa seems unfazed by this predicament.


You can hear anger in Hakugin's voice in the English version as she meets Mio at Daphan Village, while she's supposed to be working as a militia. In Japanese not only is she calm, but the "the hell are you doin' here" is absent. She was just sharing what she heard about Mio.

One line of one of the soldiers is spoken by the wrong English VA. 1st and 3rd lines are said by "Soldier 1", but in English, the 1st line is said in a male voice, while 3rd one is in a female voice. And yes, English localization changed "Soldier 2" to be a female for some reason. This is a mixing mistake that the voice director missed or didn't check.
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Round 5 of Eiyuden Chronicle:

The English version Rewrote the dialogue to make a very clear pop culture reference, in this case, Terminator 2, while also altering it to be a food pun as a bonus.




A couple of examples where characters in the English version are less respectful to others by using words like "buster", "sucker", "chump" or "smartypants". While Faye is certainly prideful and brags about herself, none of the characters can be considered disrespectful in the original.


Lian's "Genki" character archetype in Japanese continues to be changed to one where she likes to crack stupid jokes in English instead.


Two instances where characters in the English version add a remark about the species/monsters they talk about not having specific features, like necks or ears, which aren't present in the Original.


Two examples where the character's lines in Japanese were pretty simple, like Maureus grunting, or Venom cursing after losing a duel, but were edited in the English version anyway.

While recruiting Maureus he constantly refers to himself as a magic user, but in one sentence in the English version he uses the word "mysticism" instead, which from my understanding is not interchangeable with "magic" in fantasy settings.

Seeing "bonkers" in an "official" translation when the original doesn't even offer a sentence to make it fit sounds kinda unprofessional at best.

Dr. Corque refers to Nowa and Reid as rivals in Japanese, which doesn't necessarily imply that they're similar to each other as he stated in the English version. The "a pod full of tops" line is also a bit excessive/unnecessary here.


There's a slight difference in how Nowa reacts after recruiting Larla. In the Original, Nowa doubts if he made the correct decision, while in the English version, he doesn't have any doubts and calls it a mistake.

This one is a bit finicky to accurately translate into English, because Trey first calls Kurtz naive (甘い), but then uses the same word to describe his cooking. Still, the first phrase about "peeling the world's tiniest onion" could've been translated better than that.

Wayve insults Markus exclusively in the English version, calling him "a walking xylophone".


Context: Nowa asks soldiers about recent dragon sightings. One of the soldiers fumbles over the name of the location where the dragon was spotted (Eldroad in the English version) and then adds a remark that he hates geography.

Wanting to help =/= Should Help. The Original uses たい suffix to describe desire.

Pohl appears to be too full of himself in the English version with the "Pohl's a genius" line.

By listening to the English VA, I presume the reason the Chairman says "borscht"' in the English version, is that localizers wanted him to say something that sounds very close to "bullshit"


Durlan's remark about alcohol and out-performing youngsters has been moved speech bubbles, which is fine. But in the Original, there was nothing that could be interpreted as Durlan rhyming, or even being poetic.







A couple of examples where characters in the English version add extra remarks or use questionable idioms, like the "big cheese".
Extra: Voice direction blunders

View attachment 18950
Not a translation inaccuracy, but Nowa's English VA sounds way less enthusiastic, almost even annoyed about meeting Martha after being away for 6 months. You can even hear him sigh.

View attachment 18951
Nowa knows that his sister and the Imperials are in Runebarrows and that Leene might be in danger. In the Original, you can hear in Nowa's voice that he is worried about her, but in the English version, Nowa seems unfazed by this predicament.

View attachment 18952

You can hear anger in Hakugin's voice in the English version as she meets Mio at Daphan Village, while she's supposed to be working as a militia. In Japanese not only is she calm, but the "the hell are you doin' here" is absent. She was just sharing what she heard about Mio.

View attachment 18953
One line of one of the soldiers is spoken by the wrong English VA. 1st and 3rd lines are said by "Soldier 1", but in English, the 1st line is said in a male voice, while 3rd one is in a female voice. And yes, English localization changed "Soldier 2" to be a female for some reason. This is a mixing mistake that the voice director missed or didn't check.
God this is awful.

Round 5 of Eiyuden Chronicle:

The English version Rewrote the dialogue to make a very clear pop culture reference, in this case, Terminator 2, while also altering it to be a food pun as a bonus.




A couple of examples where characters in the English version are less respectful to others by using words like "buster", "sucker", "chump" or "smartypants". While Faye is certainly prideful and brags about herself, none of the characters can be considered disrespectful in the original.


Lian's "Genki" character archetype in Japanese continues to be changed to one where she likes to crack stupid jokes in English instead.


Two instances where characters in the English version add a remark about the species/monsters they talk about not having specific features, like necks or ears, which aren't present in the Original.


Two examples where the character's lines in Japanese were pretty simple, like Maureus grunting, or Venom cursing after losing a duel, but were edited in the English version anyway.

While recruiting Maureus he constantly refers to himself as a magic user, but in one sentence in the English version he uses the word "mysticism" instead, which from my understanding is not interchangeable with "magic" in fantasy settings.

Seeing "bonkers" in an "official" translation when the original doesn't even offer a sentence to make it fit sounds kinda unprofessional at best.

Dr. Corque refers to Nowa and Reid as rivals in Japanese, which doesn't necessarily imply that they're similar to each other as he stated in the English version. The "a pod full of tops" line is also a bit excessive/unnecessary here.


There's a slight difference in how Nowa reacts after recruiting Larla. In the Original, Nowa doubts if he made the correct decision, while in the English version, he doesn't have any doubts and calls it a mistake.

This one is a bit finicky to accurately translate into English, because Trey first calls Kurtz naive (甘い), but then uses the same word to describe his cooking. Still, the first phrase about "peeling the world's tiniest onion" could've been translated better than that.

Wayve insults Markus exclusively in the English version, calling him "a walking xylophone".


Context: Nowa asks soldiers about recent dragon sightings. One of the soldiers fumbles over the name of the location where the dragon was spotted (Eldroad in the English version) and then adds a remark that he hates geography.

Wanting to help =/= Should Help. The Original uses たい suffix to describe desire.

Pohl appears to be too full of himself in the English version with the "Pohl's a genius" line.

By listening to the English VA, I presume the reason the Chairman says "borscht"' in the English version, is that localizers wanted him to say something that sounds very close to "bullshit"


Durlan's remark about alcohol and out-performing youngsters has been moved speech bubbles, which is fine. But in the Original, there was nothing that could be interpreted as Durlan rhyming, or even being poetic.







A couple of examples where characters in the English version add extra remarks or use questionable idioms, like the "big cheese".
Extra: Voice direction blunders

View attachment 18950
Not a translation inaccuracy, but Nowa's English VA sounds way less enthusiastic, almost even annoyed about meeting Martha after being away for 6 months. You can even hear him sigh.

View attachment 18951
Nowa knows that his sister and the Imperials are in Runebarrows and that Leene might be in danger. In the Original, you can hear in Nowa's voice that he is worried about her, but in the English version, Nowa seems unfazed by this predicament.

View attachment 18952

You can hear anger in Hakugin's voice in the English version as she meets Mio at Daphan Village, while she's supposed to be working as a militia. In Japanese not only is she calm, but the "the hell are you doin' here" is absent. She was just sharing what she heard about Mio.

View attachment 18953
One line of one of the soldiers is spoken by the wrong English VA. 1st and 3rd lines are said by "Soldier 1", but in English, the 1st line is said in a male voice, while 3rd one is in a female voice. And yes, English localization changed "Soldier 2" to be a female for some reason. This is a mixing mistake that the voice director missed or didn't check.
Anytime someone says "anime related" or "anime like" or "creepy anime bullshit" over something thats supposed to be fucking Japanese gets blocked by me period cause i have 0 patience for xenophobia against Japan these days and so much for stop anime hate then. :/

Not only that, they hate being accurate and getting anything right, so they make up their own fanfiction lol.
Seen that kind of behavior way too many damn times on nekus shibuya underground.

Literally to the point i see those fucking npcs meltdown if you tell them otherwise lol.

Xenoblade 1

コロニー6 クエスト - 詩人の悩み | Colony 6 Quest - A Poet's Concerns

This quest is about a High Entia poet who wants to write a poem about a Machina. The two races normally live very far apart, so it's not surprising that the poet would be intrigued by the Machina. The Machina also happens to be one of the oldest NPCs in the game at 9892 years old, so I'm sure that plays a role as well. While the Japanese directly mentions the fact that they are of different races many times, the English makes every effort to avoid directly mentioning it.

There are some pointless name changes too, so to get them out of the way:
The poet's name in Japanese is ユーリィ Yuri (or Yuurii to be more precise). In the English version they changed it to Yura.
The Machina's name in Japanese is ナオナミ Naonami, which was changed to Neonik


The problem here is the 4th line

She doesn't trust me because I'm from a different race.
It seems that she doubts my motives based on my ...looks.

You might think it's not too far off but it becomes very apparent later on that they are trying to leave race out of it, so the paraphrasing here was a very deliberate choice and not just some random liberty taken by the localizer.

Some more minor inaccuracies:
1st line - Removed detail
It was you who saved that old Machina's life, wasn't it?
Was it you? Did you help that old Machina?

2nd line - He's not considering it, he clearly wants to
I want to write a poem about her.
I am currently considering whether to write a poem about the lady.

5th line - Added fluff
Could you persuade her for me?
Would you kindly persuade her to allow me this selfish request?


This is where it becomes clear that they're trying to leave race out of it. They also made Melia come off as angry when that is not the case in the Japanese.

価値観をおしつけるのはー よいことではないと思うぞ
No matter how much you think that, it probably won't get through to her.
That's the way it is when you're of different races.
I don't think it's good to impose your values on others.
You should know when a lady says 'no', she means 'no'.
She does not see it your way and that is that!
Forcing her to understand your point of view is unacceptable.

ええ それはこの街に来てからよくわかったつもりです
Yes, I believe I've come to understand that well since coming to this town.
I've thought of a way to get a little closer to Naonami.
You are not wrong..and I have come to understand this lately...
But this is the best way I can think of to get closer to Neonik.

He is about to tell us his plan to get closer to her, which is evident by the next lines

なる程ー 無策ではないわけか
では お聞きましょう
I see - so you are not without plan.
Well then, let's hear it.
You wish to get closer? It is a flawed plan...
But we shall think on it.

Yeah, I have no idea what they did here. He tells us his plan right after too: He wants us to try and convince her first and if that fails, he wants us to bring her Tobogan Dream Wings


Tobogan Dream Wings
Phantom wings from Machina lore
Tobogan Wing
Legendary wing from Machina lore


The issues start from the 5th line. Once again some detail has been deliberately omitted to make it less about race.
There must be something wrong with him if he wants to write a poem about a Machina like me
Why would anyone want to write a poem about me? He must have a hidden agenda...

Next line comes back to what I touched on earlier: we have already been told the plan, we are not supposed to think of another one.
Seems like she can't be persuaded.
Let's move on to the next method.
She's really not buying it...
Better think of another plan.

Then, after we hand it to her


Last line was misunderstood by the localizer
ーそうか あの詩人さんの差し金か
...Ah, so it's that poet's doings.
It seems he knows quite a bit about us Machina.
So he wasn't making fun of me.
Oh... That poet asked you to give it to me as a softener...
Well, what a surprise. He seems to know a thing or two about us.
I don't meant to be condescending, in fact, I'm sort of flattered

She was distrustful of him and wondering why anyone would want to write a poem about her, so she came to the conclusion that he might be making fun of her, which is evident by this line from the previous conversation

laughing stock.png

There is nothing about "being flattered" here, and ね is a sentence ending particle that is used when the speaker is looking for agreement ("Oh, so I guess that means he wasn't making fun of me, huh?"). So yeah, the localizer just completely misunderstood this line.

Various minor issues again

Pointless change
You again? (literally: You've come again?)
Can I help you?

Pointless change
Are those...
Tobogan Dream Wings?
I told you the other...
Is that a Tobogan Wing?

Left out
To think it really exists...
To us Machina, its existence was nothing more than a dream. (literally: It exists only in dreams)


Here they have once again left out the part about different races, which makes it sound like he is only talking about Machina.

だから マシーナと他の種族でもお互いに努力すればー
The Tobogan Dream Wings aren't about relying on miracles -
Rather, it's a story about realizing your dreams through your own efforts.
So, if Machina and other races also make an effort, they can get along with each other, right?
The Tobogan Wing was a tale told long, long ago. Its moral is thus:
'One should not rely on chance but dare to make dreams a reality.'
The Machina can make their dreams a reality with cooperation.
Through cooperation will blossom a beautiful, lasting friendship.

And that's the end of the quest

Yuri got the permission to write a poem about Naonami.
With cooperation from both races, a wonderful poem will surely be created.
Neonik let Yura write a poem about her.
This collaboration will likely lead to amazing results.

Once again, left out any mention of race.

The most baffling thing to me about this whole thing is: This entire quest is about working together, learning more and getting along with another race. We all know what kind of people localizers usually are. They love preaching this kind of shit. Yet they still felt the need to obscure it wherever they could.
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Any chance we can get a Xenoblade series Lite Retranslation patch like we did for Fire Emblem Engage?

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Funny this, i see mfers just really can't helping themselves and just put bullshit reddit and tiktok memes in anything they come across than give an accurate translation.

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Ok, now for some dogshit translation as this fucking bixnood just can't help himself in inserting his own pron addictions into fucking manga panels.

One thing to like big booty milfs another for this shcizoprhenia.

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And Black people wonder why people make fun of them for having the highest divorce rates,std rates and also lowest gpa scores in school.

Fun fact, did you know the i promise school by lebron james is a failure cause so many people literally fail lot of the mandatory courses like english and math.

Fuck school and fuck the idiots like bixnoods and other diversity affirmative action type students and teachers homeschool the hell outta them for good and keep them away from weirdo ass lolcowlizers like this idiot.

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Well this is a new but albeit unsurprisng one lolcowlizers like all other gachatards and genshit fans are fucking gambling addicts.

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So yeah since i think i'm done doomposting lolcowlizer shit for this thread for the day lol this is funny talking all that shit but can't bust a grape in a fruitfight ofc. :/
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