Megathread Poor Localization Compilation Thread

As per the title, this is an effort to collect questionable translation/localization choices, which can hopefully serve as a reference if needed.

Note: Please don't use this to complain about censorship in general (e.g. changes to in-game costumes or art). This is for cases when the integrity of something written in another language (usually, but not limited to, Japanese) is compromised in the process of translation to English (or any other language).
Note 2: Bigger events comprising whole publishing companies and multiple works (e.g. Seven Seas' censorship of Mushoku Tensei and Classroom of the Elite) probably deserve their own individual threads. Feel free to leave a note here, though discussion about particular incidents specifically should be done more in those threads themselves.

As a constant work in progress, this is a to-do list:
Add more games and a short description of the games
Add exactly when in the game the change is
Catalogue significant tweets online discourse regarding the changes
Add redirects to individual threads for big events, if needed

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Atlus' localization implies that Tsukasa Okino is a non-binary individual instead of a crossdresser.

JP Text:
Approximately, it means "this (way) is more convenient".
Localized EN text:
Let's say some binaries work for me, and others don't.
References: 1

Fire Emblem Fates (the whole #torrentialdownpour business)

The House in Fata Morgana
(Details on the game can be found on VNDB here)
The localization team directed by MangaGamer changed a line in which Morgana calls Jacopo a "tsundere" to one calling out his "fragile male ego".

References: 1 (source is favourable to the change)

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Miss Kobayashi's shoehorned author's interpretation
(more verification needed, especially original Japanese text)

Mushoku Tensei
Removal of mentions of womanization, rape, suicidal thoughts, slavery.
See also:

Trails of Cold Steel 3
Localized by NISA. See this thread, with credits to Ene.

Many, many more miscellaneous examples...

(reserved if needed)
Last edited:

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums

Found this lying around in my bookmarks, choice quote from this interview:

Victor: Situational. In general I’d give censorship a NO. But I’d also argue there are cases where self-censorship is probably appropriate. People get really upset when games, and especially hentai games, are censored. But there are some things you just cannot do in the US, they aren’t appropriate.
For example, and I’d love to do this one: THE iDOLM@STER. Those are great games, but they have some stuff that I don’t think would fly here. Basically, it’s borderline pedophilia. Those scenes, like it or not, are gonna either be removed entirely or repurposed for something else.

So yeah, avoid Gaijin Works if possible.

Wow, there's much more material than I thought, and I completely forgot about the big FEF rumpus a while back.

Ideally I want to put all the examples on the top post and have a short (1-2 line) description/summary of each change. That'll take a while. Also let me know if you have any ideas to make the thread more reader- and reference-friendly.

In the meantime, thanks again and keep em coming.

Wow, there's much more material than I thought, and I completely forgot about the big FEF rumpus a while back.

Ideally I want to put all the examples on the top post and have a short (1-2 line) description/summary of each change. That'll take a while. Also let me know if you have any ideas to make the thread more reader- and reference-friendly.

In the meantime, thanks again and keep em coming.
its fine to just make a new reply whenever you find more things. It puts a notification for the thread anyway so more people see it.

Patron of the Forums
Wow, there's much more material than I thought, and I completely forgot about the big FEF rumpus a while back.
Every Fire Emblem game has had issues with censorship because of Nintendo. It's not an external title.

Patron of the Forums
Zelda: LoIicon Simon
The look in Simon's eyes has been seriously lewd.
He's all over me.

View attachment 434View attachment 435View attachment 436View attachment 437
1: それにしても最近シモンの目つきがマジエロい なんなのアイツマジムカツク・・・
2: 血液検査とか言いながらベタベタ触ってくるし それくらい自分でできるっつーの・・・

Wagamama Body

View attachment 440View attachment 441View attachment 442View attachment 443
1: そうですも ハナは世界一扱いが難しい ワガママボディの女の子なんですも
2: ワガママボディってー 全く それもトラの入れ知恵ねー

Lacking in Sex Appeal:
View attachment 444View attachment 445

Trials of Mana:
You'll ruin your cute face if keep making that gloomy expression

View attachment 454View attachment 455
おや、おじょうちゃん、旅をしているのかい? ・・・ふーむ、そんなに暗い顔してたら、せっかくのかわいい顔がだいなしだね!さあさあ、笑って!

Lacking in sexiness:
View attachment 456View attachment 457

Oppai boyoyon, again
View attachment 458View attachment 459
View attachment 460View attachment 461
このモンスター、おっぱいぼよよんだから、きらいです! シャルロットがまたせいばいしてやるですよ!

Woman are creature that always want to be in love

View attachment 438View attachment 439
だったら、そう思える人を探さなくちゃ! 女はいくつになっても恋をしたい生き物なんです!

Fire Emblem Three Houses:
I can't hand you over to another guy

View attachment 467View attachment 468
リシテアは美人の上に器も大きいときた。 こりゃ他の男に渡すわけにはいかないなあ!

Techniques to attract men
View attachment 469View attachment 470


Leave that body to me and allow me to investigate it in all sort of ways
View attachment 471View attachment 472

Young lady

View attachment 473View attachment 474View attachment 475View attachment 476
1: ・・・困ったな、あの時のお嬢さんが、まさかこんなことを言い出すとは。
2: ディミトリ: 俺が、まだ「お嬢さん」に見えますか。

Your bad luck with men, your bad drinking habits and your dirty room
View attachment 477View attachment 478

A woman's face is her life
View attachment 479View attachment 480
もしかして顔? 女は顔が命っていうものね

You're so soft Annette. That Tickles
View attachment 481View attachment 482View attachment 483View attachment 484
1: でしょ? ほらほら。 アネットちゃん、柔らかいねー
2: もう、ちょっとくすぐったいよ・・・。 でもあったかい・・・むにゃ・・・。
Xenoblade 2:
View attachment 452View attachment 453(<- for context)
View attachment 446View attachment 447View attachment 448
1: それとも、何?
2: ヒカリはそんなボロボロのお肌でレックスの近くにいて平気なの
3: 誰の肌がボロボロだっていうのよ?
View attachment 449View attachment 450View attachment 451
1: ヒカリってさ、元々女子力が低いから、気にならないんだっけ?
2: ねーねー ヒカリよりも、アタシが一緒にいる方がうれしいよね?
3: 何よ? そうなの、レックス
Fucking kill me, I'm getting angry, ignorance is bliss indeed.
I've stayed away from censorship discussions (or at least I didn't partake as much).
I haven't seen all of these, some of them yes, but not all, and it hurts so much to see this level of infantilization again. Fuck localizers.


Recenlty I learned that Ys 9 on PS4 had some Japanese outfits that were retailer exclusive promos. They were available to NA as well. But only if you bought the Digital Deluxe edition of Ys 9. Dont know why NISA hid these outfits behind that. Hopefully the Switch and PC versions will fix that.

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums

Fresh one for the thread. We even have a crossover episode with a cocksucker for UnseenJapan here. Flagrant mistranslation designed to vent aggression from your dead end translation gig (gig, this ain't a career and if it is you fucked up) is 'localization,' you filthy as fuck weeb. And don't you dare fantranslate or you're also a filthy as fuck weeb.


Fresh one for the thread. We even have a crossover episode with a cocksucker for UnseenJapan here. Flagrant mistranslation designed to vent aggression from your dead end translation gig (gig, this ain't a career and if it is you fucked up) is 'localization,' you filthy as fuck weeb. And don't you dare fantranslate or you're also a filthy as fuck weeb.
So decided to go through that thread, and to no one surprise I got quite irritated by the people in the comments.

Original Tweet || Archive
Keru's Reply || Archive (More interesting one)
The original reply


If you buy figures go brag about them in the figure thread :p




A bit retarded but they've got the right energy!

Tweet || Archive





Also I'm rather tired of the "translation theory" argument (If anyone's here from the discord you know what I'm talking about :p). I'm sure anyone who speaks a second or third language here would agree that they're stretching their translations too far, although ithat isn't even the main problem. Its the fact they're shoving their political bias into the translations. Seriously how the hell do these people get hired?!?! I wish studios wouldn't keep giving the contracts to these companies :gura-pain:
Tweet || Archive




Theres a lot in the comments to archive, and I can only handle so much braindamage in a day, if anyone else can bear wading through that sewage, I salute you

Patron of the Forums
So decided to go through that thread, and to no one surprise I got quite irritated by the people in the comments.

Original Tweet || Archive
Keru's Reply || Archive (More interesting one)
The original reply
View attachment 641
View attachment 642

If you buy figures go brag about them in the figure thread :p
View attachment 643

View attachment 644
View attachment 645

View attachment 646

A bit retarded but they've got the right energy!
View attachment 647

Tweet || Archive

Also I'm rather tired of the "translation theory" argument (If anyone's here from the discord you know what I'm talking about :p). I'm sure anyone who speaks a second or third language here would agree that they're stretching their translations too far, although ithat isn't even the main problem. Its the fact they're shoving their political bias into the translations. Seriously how the hell do these people get hired?!?! I wish studios wouldn't keep giving the contracts to these companies :gura-pain:
Tweet || Archive

Theres a lot in the comments to archive, and I can only handle so much braindamage in a day, if anyone else can bear wading through that sewage, I salute you
I don't know this "translation theory" you're going on about, but there's a whole lot of difference between say:
"Hmm, one of my hobbies is pickling, want a taste?" and "Jump into the brine with me."
I kid, although it's real, it's not the same conversation.

You can fuck up everything entirely in anything you translate by using the wrong synonyms, expressions or even syntax. Like how some new writers cannot differentiate their character's speeches in any way making it difficult to read their newly written garbage.
Imagine if I took any of Gandalf's quotes and I made them sound like nigger speech. Yes, they would say the same thing, but would it still be Gandalf or would it be a Kang?

Imagine if I took any of Gandalf's quotes and I made them sound like nigger speech. Yes, they would say the same thing, but would it still be Gandalf or would it be a Kang?
"You ain't passing through here fool" --Gandalf, in a parallel universe

Also I'm rather tired of the "translation theory" argument (If anyone's here from the discord you know what I'm talking about :p). I'm sure anyone who speaks a second or third language here would agree that they're stretching their translations too far, although ithat isn't even the main problem. Its the fact they're shoving their political bias into the translations.
What's the "translation theory" argument? I know people argue that "there is no perfect 1:1 correspondence" between languages, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

Also, it might be good to note down who she's working for and what other works she's...worked...on, if only to double check their quality.

What's the "translation theory" argument? I know people argue that "there is no perfect 1:1 correspondence" between languages, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

Also, it might be good to note down who she's working for and what other works she's...worked...on, if only to double check their quality.
I can't remember it exactly but it's the basis of why people say that things like "Bro Bro" (or whatever the shite translation for "nii-nii" was) is a good translation.
There isn't anything wrong with translation theory itself, It's just been horribly twisted to fit their god-awful attempts at localizing anime, and attempt to excuse their piss poor work.
I think this first came about in November (since that's when I was shit talking Jeko about it in Shizus discord), and started because of the Higurashi Nii-Nii localization.
anyone who remembers jeko should know how braindead his argument was. fun fact he has a KF thread now.
heres a thread of one of the translator trying to defend themselves
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Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums
Jeko's KF thread is a disappointment because half of the experience of the man is experiencing how he interacts with his peers rather than how he interacts with his opposition. But yes, I wonder what he thinks about the Gou dub using 'Nii-Nii' instead?

Patron of the Forums
I can't remember it exactly but it's the basis of why people say that things like "Bro Bro" (or whatever the shite translation for "nii-nii" was) is a good translation.
There isn't anything wrong with translation theory itself, It's just been horribly twisted to fit their god-awful attempts at localizing anime, and attempt to excuse their piss poor work.
I think this first came about in November (since that's when I was shit talking Jeko about it in Shizus discord), and started because of the Higurashi Nii-Nii localization.
anyone who remembers jeko should know how braindead his argument was. fun fact he has a KF thread now.
heres a thread of one of the translator trying to defend themselves
Tweet || Archive
Katrina should just find the nearest stairs and slip on them.
Nothing that she says except the contract (meaning, "author" and "client" are all that matter) matter. It's always a minority of people that would be offended by a truthful translation (be it offensive or not), and only corps that don't know the current trends would ever think that's a problem.
If something sells or not, it depends more on marketing/publicity, especially word of mouth; accessibility and quality of said product, which ties directly to "word of mouth".
You'd say, "duuh", but there's some nuance to what I'm trying to say. Even something like Kodomo no Jikan has a hefty following, having had a successful Kickstarter.

This is the skill of the creators at work here that know their target audience and that have a clear vision of what they're trying to make, unlike say, the localizers trashing the product, which is what leads people to pirate. Even normies are more careful around localized garbage.
The rest isn't wrong necessarily, it's just that she's clearly lying knowing her retarded examples. She's not trying to translate in context, which is really the point, you need to deliver the same message, and retain as much of the wordplay, expressions, etc as possible.
Again, Gandalf ain't a nigga, "Dawg, you ain't gonna pass through here," might be saying "You shall not pass," but it's not the same thing now, is it?

I don't get why western localizers have such a spazoid issue over just LOANING WORDS from the Japanese if there is no English Equivalent. That's not bad localization.

It annoys me so much because there is no English Equivalent to shit like "Onii/Onee-chan". Onii-chan and "Brother" hit very different emotional buttons and has different tones. Just that alone should justify the use of "Onii" over Brother.

I'm a Flip so I'll leverage that fact to help my argument. "Kuya" which is brother in Tagalog, hits very similarly to Onii-chan and is used similarly. We also have the word "Kapatid" which means sibling. That's used a lot more similar to "Brother/Sister".

Localizers need to start thinking about the tone and feeling certain words carry. If you fail to find an English Equivalent that cannot convey the same tone or feeling, just borrow the goddamn Japanese word.

Another one found on the discord, concerning discrepancies between the official EN translation of the Mushoku Tensei Light Novels:

(Not sure how the archive site interacts with threadreaderapp, but it looks fine for now)

Summary: removal of mentions of womanization, rape, suicidal thoughts, slavery.

Patron of the Forums
Another one found on the discord, concerning discrepancies between the official EN translation of the Mushoku Tensei Light Novels:

(Not sure how the archive site interacts with threadreaderapp, but it looks fine for now)

Summary: removal of mentions of womanization, rape, suicidal thoughts, slavery.
Wew, I can't even read official LNs anymore, the black lines came back!