Sarah Z on Pro-Shippers vs Antis

So this girl here, is well known on YouTube for educating and researching about fandoms and dramas behind each one. She has gotten into deep trouble and wild incidents because of it. Andrew Hussie, creator of a webcomic called Homestuck, even had threatened to SUE her for her slander on the History of Homestuck. This is one of her recent video that sort of bothers me.

If not for the long hour that is testing my patience on watching the whole damn thing, it is also her bringing up her own drama first BEFORE the educational side of what Pro-Shipping and Anti is. And from what I have seen from other Twitter users that had a chance to watch it, she seems to be leaning towards Anti side. Even after she brought up points about pro shippers disliking censorship of freedom and creative art. She also at some points in the video near the second half to end, failed to censor some Twitter names, despite she had censored other users beforehand. I guess she didn't see them post edit or something?

Whether or not one uses terms like pro-ship or anti, I and likely others, will agree that censorship of art is ridiculous. We may not like what people post every now and then, but we defend their right on letting them make said art.

Sorry if it is bad to post it here. Thought it would be okay since it is mostly centered around Twitter, but you can find most of these stuff on any social media site of groups or circles talking about fandoms. Be it Discord, Tumblr, Instagram, DeviantART, AO3, etc.

So this girl here, is well known on YouTube for educating and researching about fandoms and dramas behind each one. She has gotten into deep trouble and wild incidents because of it. Andrew Hussie, creator of a webcomic called Homestuck, even had threatened to SUE her for her slander on the History of Homestuck. This is one of her recent video that sort of bothers me.

If not for the long hour that is testing my patience on watching the whole damn thing, it is also her bringing up her own drama first BEFORE the educational side of what Pro-Shipping and Anti is. And from what I have seen from other Twitter users that had a chance to watch it, she seems to be leaning towards Anti side. Even after she brought up points about pro shippers disliking censorship of freedom and creative art. She also at some points in the video near the second half to end, failed to censor some Twitter names, despite she had censored other users beforehand. I guess she didn't see them post edit or something?

Whether or not one uses terms like pro-ship or anti, I and likely others, will agree that censorship of art is ridiculous. We may not like what people post every now and then, but we defend their right on letting them make said art.

Sorry if it is bad to post it here. Thought it would be okay since it is mostly centered around Twitter, but you can find most of these stuff on any social media site of groups or circles talking about fandoms. Be it Discord, Tumblr, Instagram, DeviantART, AO3, etc.
she got a big head

>bringing up her own drama first BEFORE the educational side
She’s a Breadtuber what did you expect? Imagine combining the ego of the skeptic community with the entitlement of lefties, of course she would make it about her

"Everyone's all for free speech until it works against them"-Ricky Gervais.

Still rings true to even with this day.