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Discussion Sea of Thieves AKA Being an asshole because you're a fucking pirate


So, Sea of Theives. Sea of Memes. Game Rare Doesn't Want To Fix.

Anyone play it. What are your experiences? What's putting you off? What's drew you to it?

If you ever wanted a game that allows you to be a genuine dick sucker and ruin the fun of other players because that's literally the point of being a pirate in the game, then Sea of Thieves might be fun for you. It goes on sale pretty often, and if you don't have the money to buy it,
I'll fucking buy someone a copy because fuck playing it alone anymore

EDIT: Remembered to finally do this. Two stories of shenanigans ahead.

You Yee'd Your Last Haw

Was going a quest on an island in a place called The Devils Roar; every island and unmarked rock has a chance of erupting into a fucking volcano and you bet your ass you're gonna die if you're even remotely close to one when its erupting. Those yeet rocks are deadly and have unholy accuracy. Anyways, was doing this quest and streaming it over Discord for some friends when one of them says there's another boat here that's not my own. And he was right, it was another solo player, like me. Went back to my boat, and the other guy was on it, just kind of chilling. We chatted for a second, he had to do a quest here as well, so we decided to be friendly and go our separate ways (a rarity on the seas). Thought nothing of it. Finished my quest on that island and went towards the next.
Sailed to the next island and noticed that the other dude was here as well, cool. Started doing my thing when I noticed a third ship rolling up. But before we get to that, need to explain ship sizes.
  • Sloops are the smallest ship, 2 players max. Slowest with the wind, fastest against the wind. 2 cannons total, 1 on each side, and 1 mast.
  • Brigantines are the middle of the road, 3 players max. Faster than a sloop with the wind, but slower against the wind. 4 cannons total, 2 on each side, and 2 masts.
  • Galleons are the BIG BOYS, 4 players max. 'I AM SPEED' incarnate with the wind, moving through molasses against the wind. 8 cannons total, 4 on each side, and 3 masts.​
With that out of way, back to it. A brig had rolled up on me while I was digging and started blasting. I try to retaliate but realize I'm at a bad angle to fire or escape (always give your ship an escape angle). As I abandon ship, I yell at the brig over in-game comms 'you yee'd your last haw, fuckers!' and bolted towards the other players sloop. I tell him he needs to bolt, because a brig is here and they want blood. We raise anchor, drop sails, and zoom our asses to the nearest outpost. I help the guy bring his loot onto the island so he can sell all of it.

Now, a friend who was watching me was planning on joining me later, but decided that now would be a good time to come in, with being attacked and all, so he boots the game up and I send him an invite. For some reason, with how I accidentally beached my boat, it couldn't "sink" properly, so it spawned him nearby, next to the brig. He climbs on board and hides (called tucking in-game). Waiting for the best time to strike. Well, somehow, the brig crew found a gunpowder keg. These things are deadly and can and WILL wreck your ship hard. And one blew up next to their ship. Panic ensues, because at least two of them died to the explosion. Third man climbs back up to start repairs, friend decides now is the time to strike. Comes out of hiding and cuts down the initial repairman. Sea water is just pouring into the boat, its almost done for. One of the others finally respawns, friend yells out 'my friend told you you yee'd your last haw!' as he cuts them down, their utter surprise and bewilderment all over their faces.
With their deaths and their ship sunk, they'll respawn elsewhere, giving me time to sail my now respawned boat over to that island again and finish my quest and turn my loot in.

Don't Underestimate the Small Fry
Same friend and I were finishing up some tasks and noticed we had a SHITLOAD of supplies; hundreds of cannonballs, stacks of food (health restoration), hundreds of wood planks (to repair holes), and an assortment of cursed cannonballs (that affect your ship in different ways). So, we decided to go out with a bang; a tiny, 2 man sloop challenging a 4 man galleon. The hunt began, and soon, we found a target.
The fight begins, him steering and me on cannons. I'm pelting them as fast as I can, we're trying to stay out of their cannons range and angles, and we almost have them. Our boat takes a barrage and I go down to repair (because you always need someone to steer). Then the worst thing happens; my headset battery dies. I rush around to grab my old, falling apart headset and mic, but by that point, it's too late. Our ship is sunk. My failure to realize how long I had my headset running cost us the fight. But it's not a sad ending.
The galleon crew were surprised a sloop could fuck them up that bad, apparently they were pretty close to sinking a few times. We chatted for a sec, told them what happened to my headset, and agreed that if I didn't have to grab my old one, it would have went differently. I handed them my pineapples (the best non-meat food that heals you), said GG, and told them to send me to the Ferryman with dignity.

I have a few others, but their more bite sized.
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The beta version was free with xbox gamepass so I got my friends to download it. I enjoyed the beta very much and when it released I played non-stop. But nowadays I cant really get myself to play it.


Patron of the Forums
I got quite a few stories although time has taken its toll so it might not be as I quite remember.

The Great Goose Chase
Me and my pal Kib were doing quest in the devils roar. Hours go by and not a single ship was ever seen, since doing merchant quest were quite possibly the worst to do while other ships were around. We sail for some time in search for the Legendary Shrouded, now at the time he was just a young sea pup only getting his sea legs while I was the grand captain of our ship bestowing knowledge upon my new crew mate. We eventually find a shark but not the one we wanted, with all the loot picked up we sail towards an outpost. When suddenly he finds a ship heading straight for us, so we turn away from the outpost and decide to find a new one. Time goes by, the ship still at our back, we enter the devils roar once again. I had messed up and sailed into a nearby rock and end up losing the lead we had on the ship, now they are a few meters away from us. Shots ring out from starboard side, none hit. We retaliate and fire back, none hit. I eventually think of a genius plan: In front of us are two rocks, I lower the sails half way, grab the wheel and turn all the way to the left, I then run and grab the grapple hook and shoot the rock, turning us sharply.
Now with the other boat behind the rock we slowly make our way the same way we came, trying to avoid being seen by the other boat for as long as we can until we can finally get full speed and get away. Well we rounded the corner and regained our proper lead, but this trick didn’t break the other boats morale, they were still following us. Hours go by now, me and Kib are getting tired of running so we think of another plan: we were both going to get off soon so we sailed into the Devils Shroud. While they were still following us we ate all the food onboard, dumped all the treasure overboard, and shot all the cannon balls into the sky.
Now the other crew knew that they were being roped into a trick but it was too late, they were in the shroud with us. They turned away taking damage as they left. But me and Kib stayed, we took out our instruments and played a merry tune while our boat sank. We might have not gotten gold from our journey but we went down knowing that the other ship spent the last 3 hours chasing and gained nothing from it.