Yeah, a lot of Japanese gaming has sadly been compromised and ruined, (crapcom, koei tecmo/Gust, Bandai Namco, countess other examples) think that is why some people are trying out switching to china.
But then you look at Snowbreak and its upcoming goverment mandated censorship (along with several other games) and how genshin impact kept deflating one of its ladies and you realise that china is NOT A GOOD ALTERNATIVE. (Even worse when they do not have a global version of a game that is seperate from the chinese one to avoid shit like what is happening with snowbreak) And I do not think people should be forced into mobile gacha just to have chance of getting good character designs or fanservice.
Well not only that, but China copies as well, everything they do is an assembly line and a checklist nothing they do is really original and it's just kit-bashing and copying and pasting someone elses code to overwriting their own. Just because it has a pretty and sexy lady does not mean the Game is good or it's saving gaming, it just means the game solely relies on this to sell and it's a lower end product. This is why I dislike people like Mangalawyer who says dumb things like this.
and anyone who dares talk down about Japanese games and praises China and South Korea. It's because they do not play games they do not even understand Censorship happens there more often than it does with Japanese products. All the characters are still covered up MORE than the Japanese games are. China and South Korea STILL suffer the same kind of localization censorship the Japanese ones do if not more so. It is an awful alternative because it's the worst of both worlds. It's a Live Service model with Fanservice only, or if it's a game, it relies on copy pasta code of other games.
I also wish to say Not all Japanese things are ruined though, you need to look for Indie's you need to look out there for other Japanese AA's that exist and begin supporting them. It's why we have the issues we are in today is because everyone relies on the AAA Japanese industries and legacy IP's and never supports anything new. When this happens, we get sequels,prequels,remakes,remasters. Sure it's great, but as we all know this can end up being censored, or far worse completely rewriting history and easily subverted by Investors who wish to chase after money. For example there is still good publishers in Japan like PLAYISM, Qureate(fanservice), and there is upstarts like Bokeh Studio with Slitterhead, a come back with DRAGAMI GAMES and Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP and also there is a new Japanese Live Expo event that is mostly Japanese Indies like Indie Live Expo that is happening on December 7th( ) which they do twice a year with a big event for smaller Japanese creators. If we want to get out of this mess, we need to stop holding onto legacy companies and IP's, we need to begin moving our money around and try to spend it on products that are trying to cater to us in Japan. Not just move to China and SK. They are not the answer and it's obvious they just care about money probably even more so than Japan does, the answer is trying to support smaller creators and smaller companies from Japan is the way.