Happenings Sony allegedly buying out Kadokawa

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UPDATE: Sony buys 10% shares to prevent hostile takeover


From Automaton Media (archive):

Apparently, Sony isn't satisfied with buying out the entire (Western) anime industry, and is now aiming for companies like FromSoftware and a significant portion of the manga and light novel publishing industry.​

Will have to keep an eye out on this one. It'll set a really bad precedent.


You know what they say, when it rains, it pours.

And here I was hoping Sony would buy Squeenix and put it out of misery for good...they just fucking had to go put their dirty pig claw on the largest manga-game publisher in Japan.

It's so fucking done.

Christi Junior

I gotta give PS5 owners credit, I used to only blame them for ruining gaming, but they might in fact be ruining ALL of Japanese media due to being such loyal Soyny paypigs and enabling that HORRIBLE company to keep ruining everything, well done you fucking niggerfaggots :smug:


I gotta give PS5 owners credit, I used to only blame them for ruining gaming, but they might in fact be ruining ALL of Japanese media due to being such loyal Soyny paypigs and enabling that HORRIBLE company to keep ruining everything, well done you fucking niggerfaggots :smug:
Theres also the crunchyroll shills too can't forget those so to no ones shock all these vids saying the anime industry is dying and especially narratives pushed by theanimeman its absoultely false and fucking disgenenious bootlicking period.


Kadokawa is already deep in the kool-aid anyway.


Yeah, a lot of Japanese gaming has sadly been compromised and ruined, (crapcom, koei tecmo/Gust, Bandai Namco, countess other examples) think that is why some people are trying out switching to china.

But then you look at Snowbreak and its upcoming goverment mandated censorship (along with several other games) and how genshin impact kept deflating one of its ladies and you realise that china is NOT A GOOD ALTERNATIVE. (Even worse when they do not have a global version of a game that is seperate from the chinese one to avoid shit like what is happening with snowbreak) And I do not think people should be forced into mobile gacha just to have a chance of getting good character designs or fanservice.
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Kadokawa is already deep in the kool-aid anyway.
I will tell you that every single Multinational Corporation is on ESG initiatives it is the Globalistic Economic Book America enforces on the world to do business within the country. Kadokawa is special in the sense that even if they do DEI or ESG initiatives, it can do whatever it wants due to it's access within World Economic Forum(WEF) and they are the largest publishing Japanese giant next to Kodansha and Shogokukan. They basically have cart blanche and they are testing the market always for everyone's reaction to what people like and dislike.

It's not as easy to write it off as "Oh well they are ESG/DEI who cares" it's more like Kadokawa literally is half of the Anime, Manga, Magazine, Light Novel, and a huge part of the committee process that helps Greenlight Anime next to Bandai Namco. All the Isekai from Konosuba, Re;Zero, Overlord, Satoshi Kon Films, Cowboy Bebop, Lucky Star, Tenchi Muyo, EVA, Nichijou etc, that is literally Kadokawa. Kadokawa has licensed out all of their hits to other companies including Bandai Namco and Sony, they make smart investments and were the only ones who believed in Fromsoft to purchase them from Sony when they made Demon Souls when Sony said it would fail. It can not be stated that their portfolio is gigantic. The best case scenario is this does not happen, or even if it does they are placed under a different umbrella but have a contract to operate independently and do what they would like to do like what happens with Aniplex and Crunchyroll. But I would still argue this is monopoly status almost.


Yeah, a lot of Japanese gaming has sadly been compromised and ruined, (crapcom, koei tecmo/Gust, Bandai Namco, countess other examples) think that is why some people are trying out switching to china.

But then you look at Snowbreak and its upcoming goverment mandated censorship (along with several other games) and how genshin impact kept deflating one of its ladies and you realise that china is NOT A GOOD ALTERNATIVE. (Even worse when they do not have a global version of a game that is seperate from the chinese one to avoid shit like what is happening with snowbreak) And I do not think people should be forced into mobile gacha just to have chance of getting good character designs or fanservice.
Well not only that, but China copies as well, everything they do is an assembly line and a checklist nothing they do is really original and it's just kit-bashing and copying and pasting someone elses code to overwriting their own. Just because it has a pretty and sexy lady does not mean the Game is good or it's saving gaming, it just means the game solely relies on this to sell and it's a lower end product. This is why I dislike people like Mangalawyer who says dumb things like this.

and anyone who dares talk down about Japanese games and praises China and South Korea. It's because they do not play games they do not even understand Censorship happens there more often than it does with Japanese products. All the characters are still covered up MORE than the Japanese games are. China and South Korea STILL suffer the same kind of localization censorship the Japanese ones do if not more so. It is an awful alternative because it's the worst of both worlds. It's a Live Service model with Fanservice only, or if it's a game, it relies on copy pasta code of other games.

I also wish to say Not all Japanese things are ruined though, you need to look for Indie's you need to look out there for other Japanese AA's that exist and begin supporting them. It's why we have the issues we are in today is because everyone relies on the AAA Japanese industries and legacy IP's and never supports anything new. When this happens, we get sequels,prequels,remakes,remasters. Sure it's great, but as we all know this can end up being censored, or far worse completely rewriting history and easily subverted by Investors who wish to chase after money. For example there is still good publishers in Japan like PLAYISM, Qureate(fanservice), and there is upstarts like Bokeh Studio with Slitterhead, a come back with DRAGAMI GAMES and Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP and also there is a new Japanese Live Expo event that is mostly Japanese Indies like Indie Live Expo that is happening on December 7th( https://www.youtube.com/@indieliveexpo/videos ) which they do twice a year with a big event for smaller Japanese creators. If we want to get out of this mess, we need to stop holding onto legacy companies and IP's, we need to begin moving our money around and try to spend it on products that are trying to cater to us in Japan. Not just move to China and SK. They are not the answer and it's obvious they just care about money probably even more so than Japan does, the answer is trying to support smaller creators and smaller companies from Japan is the way.


i saw that tweet idk what thinking now. the tweet say is kadokawa ask urgently Sony buy them for avoid korea one.
idk if korea one be worst than Sony.


I have a source within Japan that finally explained what exactly is going on. It's going to make sense. The Board, The Investors, Money are all sound and as is everything below them obviously being successful. But everyone feels like without the Kadokawa Family, it is aimless right now and has no identity due to the Family no longer being in charge anymore. Again Investors, Board, and everyone in Japan still loves them and is happy, but it feels aimless without a leader to help steer them in the correct direction for their future. Kadokawa was looking for a buyer for awhile due to these factors and keep it independent as an entity. They were thinking to sell it West, but know West is a liability due to DEI and corruption, Korea was on the list but did not feel comfortable with them or China and Singapore. So they wish to sell themselves within their own country and have a Japanese company purchase them within Japan itself. Sony ends up being the company that would be the best fit for now or so Sony is trying to convince them.

Because it's the Sony Group being involved and not SIE, Kadokawa will exist as an independent entity within Sony itself much like Crunchyroll and Aniplex already do and it will not be under SIE influence EVEN the companies below them like Fromsoft and Spike Chunsoft. Also before anyone says Aniplex censored the scene with 9S and 2B it's not true, Producer and Yoko Taro both agreed it just did not make sense for the scene to happen because they are Androids and it's not consistent with the lore. Here is proof.


Keep in mind, Aniplex and other companies have published games not on Sony but on Switch and PC before so this would be par for the course and it would be under the Sony Group control not Playstation unless a complete reversal happens. I would say to not be worried as a whole unless the situation changes.


Whelp. Shit's fuck and no,Trump ain't going to do shit about it. He is a Boomer New York Democrat who wouldn't know or care.


From Fandom Pulse (archive):

Take this information with a grain of salt, but according to an insider, the reason Sony is looking to buy Kadokawa are:

  • Sony is frustrated over the constant underperformance of their American branch's AAA games
  • buying Kadokawa would rebuild their Japanese branch after gutting it in 2018
  • apparently, there's a bidding war between Sony v.s. Tencent for Kadokawa (this is EXTREMELY important if true)​

  • Kadokawa would grant Sony the original IPs they've been looking for (they've talked about this publicly before)

If it turns out the bidding war is true, that's a HUGE problem for the AniManga industry - especially if Tencent ends up winning. We already have foreign money infecting Japan's creative industries via BlackRock and co., but if the CCP got their hands on all these Japanese IPs instead, things will probably get worse for Japan a lot quicker.


I thought Japanese companies were protected from hostile takeover from foreign companies.

1. The thing is, they don't see it as hostile. It's hard for Japan to truly acknowledge Sony as America brand even now that it's Japanese in all but name. Even now there are Japanese who foolishly believe they are helping their countries buying Sony overpriced trash like Playstation. The thing is, they have even tighter information control than we do on reddit and while we are now in the know that DEI is malicious factor, Japan at large still don't know the term or how evil they really are.

2. Japan is desperately in need of sucking US cock right now because they thought it would help them solve the economy that's been downward spiral ever since they dumped a whole lot of yen into Olympics. They just want money, and new generation of Japan is a lot less patriotic than older gen. I'm sure the rise of communist party also is a good indicator of such trend.


I thought Japanese companies were protected from hostile takeover from foreign companies.
I think it's different for the Stock Market. Think about how many companies right now are DEI almost if not all of them are traded onto the stock market and also have activistic investors. If you look at Private Companies it exists but not as much. I am going to guess Tencent(CN) and SK(Kakao) are trying to do a hostile takeover of Japan's industry. But for Buyouts and purchases of a company there is protectionism in place and it makes it difficult to buy it Outright. There is a process they have to go through.

From Fandom Pulse (archive):

Take this information with a grain of salt, but according to an insider, the reason Sony is looking to buy Kadokawa are:

  • Sony is frustrated over the constant underperformance of their American branch's AAA games
  • buying Kadokawa would rebuild their Japanese branch after gutting it in 2018
  • apparently, there's a bidding war between Sony v.s. Tencent for Kadokawa (this is EXTREMELY important if true)​

  • Kadokawa would grant Sony the original IPs they've been looking for (they've talked about this publicly before)

If it turns out the bidding war is true, that's a HUGE problem for the AniManga industry - especially if Tencent ends up winning. We already have foreign money infecting Japan's creative industries via BlackRock and co., but if the CCP got their hands on all these Japanese IPs instead, things will probably get worse for Japan a lot quicker.
Tencent is scary. At that point it's better for Sony to be a shield for Japanese content purchase the company and allow it to be an independent entity until Kadokawa can get it's leader it needs then purchase shares in its own company buy itself back on the market. I am guessing SK and CN heard the rumors and decided to be dumb and try to do a hostile takeover.


As a fan of Mamoru Nagano who already got it bad as is being Blacklisted from Toei and all their affiliates,this could be very bad.