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Censorship Sony is censoring the art book of Tsukihime


Yet again Sony proves to all that it is not a Japanese company anymore, rather it is now an extension of the politically correct media.

This cultural vestige of the "correcting" of artistic expressions is as old as it is rotten, and in order to overcome this tyranny sincerely vote with your wallet, give the censoring tyrants no support in any form whatsoever.


This along with SB is the reason why Sony needs to move it's HQ to Japan from California. Because this will keep happening until the contracts with Sony are up and then everyone moves to Nintendo and Steam as a whole. The revenue is so down at Sony they need to do it ASAP within the next year.


Is the Switch version of artbook uncensored at least?
"It’s worth mentioning and emphasizing that the Nintendo Switch version of the game will include an uncensored artbook."

Yes the Nintendo Switch will have an uncensored art book. The finance executives at Nintendo understand that in order to keep a company
as influential and noteworthy as Nintendo alive; they need to appeal to the customers who got them their fame and glory in the first place,
not some ignorant investor who want a quick buck at the cost of the company.

Now only if Nintendo was a little more slack on their "intellectual property" conundrum and let people use their characters in different forms of
media then it would be fantastic.


From video games to now artbooks what in the actual fuck?

Nah forget moving just burn the fucking entire company down to the ground hoenstly.