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Discussion The stupidity of animefeminist


Lets start off with some background here.

So the anime feminist was a site founded by one of the writers Ameila Cook it intially was originated, from a article she made well that got alot of backlash i think i remember, appabend even doing a video on how beyond stupid her usual anti fanservice shit was there.

After a while of writing articles she founded animefeminist with some other fuckbuddy leftist brainrot faggot ass cancertards from twitter especially shojotards too. (I'll make a thread about those fuckers later on)

She eventually had other fuckbuddy asshole lefists like kotaku even do fluff pieces hyping her up and long story short its basically just circlejerkism.

The content of her articles on animefeminist are basically just looking for things to be offended by when it isn't in the first place and also there tales of berseria article holy shit not surprised one of the authors there was an abusive psycho off their meds iirc to their own parents damn. :/

Anyways long story short since i gotta head to bed soon, these guys are pretty much part of the reason why so much tourists are there along with cbr,colleens manga recs and all other leftist type anitubers and shojo oriented youtube channels too and i'll get to the shojotard side of he anime fandom on another thread.

Right now i have to sleep night ya'll and if you have anything stupid you wanna share on anime feminist let me know about that oxymoron group lol.