Drama VShojo/Ex-VShojo/Mythic rrats




Oh, also, since I've seen some people asking for the video of Zentreya's fake voice reveal in 2018, with Blackjack saying he lost it, an anon posted it recently, so I put it on Youtube here -
Both videos side-by-side paint a pretty clear picture. Zen's a dude, dude


im still believe that Zen is at least two people
microexpression and facial expressions on the same model were different on different streams, just like skill in some games
do I have any proof? No. and I don't care. just sharing my thoughts
i don't hate them or anything. im still thinking they have a lot of potential :)

and one more thing I would like to share
im think on this stream, couple with red hair are Zen:

timestamp 03:20:12

and this is a simple assumption. I dont have any proof :)


so we don't get any angry simps flooding the site
I mean they can try to pretend and cope that Zen is like Obkatiekat and imagining they are in some battlefield and that Zen would help a bro out with some head game (for being separated from his GF) in a isolated building kind of reason for simping.....But that voice makes me doubt Zen is like obkatiekat in appearance.

Your videos are either:
1. going to get copyright strikes,
2. unless there is some way for Vshojo to pay youtube to keep the algorithm on those videos on a low view count.(shadowban)

Edit: some users have claimed that is heavenly fathers voice, so only the old video is relevant.
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I mean they can try to pretend and cope that Zen is like Obkatiekat and imagining they are in some battlefield and that Zen would help a bro out with some head game (for being separated from his GF) in a isolated building kind of reason for simping.....But that voice makes me doubt Zen is like obkatiekat in appearance.

Your videos are either:
1. going to get copyright strikes,
2. unless there is some way for Vshojo to pay youtube to keep the algorithm on those videos on a low view count.(shadowban)

Edit: some users have claimed that is heavenly fathers voice, so only the old video is relevant.
Users? Any idea who? I checked the comments and didn't see anyone mentioning it. I actually put a thing in the description for the Heavenly claim, debunking it.
Even without that, though, there's also the fact that the words match Zen's own subtitles and even match the avatar's movements, and the voice sounds similar to the other video from 2018. They're coping if they don't think it's him lol.
A copyright strike would be the smoking gun at this point, though, like when Froot went after Ant. It's essentially a tacit admission


I did a video showcasing this today. Would you like credit for the footage or am I keeping this on the downlow, so we don't get any angry simps flooding the site (on the off-chance the vid blows up)?
Here it is btw -
Oh, also, since I've seen some people asking for the video of Zentreya's fake voice reveal in 2018, with Blackjack saying he lost it, an anon posted it recently, so I put it on Youtube here -
Both videos side-by-side paint a pretty clear picture. Zen's a dude, dude
Well, I guess they chose option 1.


If my fellow dude Aethel leaked his merch sales, they are not taking account how much they made from that as well which is probably more since they are females that appeal more to their audience and he is a male. Also other alternative payments received like sponsorships, donos, superchats, Patreon accounts, YT channels, are cash inflow besides 2000 subs. I dont want to imagine the stress of filling out W-2 forms from all that on how hard the IRS wants to fuck you. Besides throwing money at the stock market I wonder if there was ever a vtuber that talked about on their stream ways of getting more money like putting a portion of their money into a money market fund other than talking about the shit they spent it all on or what they receive from their job. Its rather more preferable in good tastes if they dont talk about what they get on stream as streamers or what wasteful ways they spent it on to avoid looking like snot nose brats. Avoid talking about money (there are people with lower income than yours that have big hearts) since it might discourage your audience to spend more for you like ehh they are making enough, unless the subject of making more money helps the audience in how they invest their money to make more. It will make them feel like you give a shit about them and maybe they will throw that money back at you.

See a Zen tweet before talking about plasma, see a Mel stream shilling plasma donation for mouse 2 days ago, Ironmouses entire stream is just watching Connor cyclothon for IDF donations (not Israel). This has gotten so bad that If you check a Vshojo thread on 4chan from 2020-2021 to 2023-present there is nonstop talk about ironmouses condition. Like Jesus man can all the members open up CB accounts and stream there to, they are more shameless than the streamers that are on that website.
I guess Matara is also getting shilled to Mint(Pomu)'s fans as well because some investment has to get earned back if you got Vshojo helping you with your merch.
Its interesting to see how Vtuber companies operate.
Hiring a random nobody vtuber is nearly impossible for Vshojo without that member having an existing large audience.
Phase connect hiring a wave of JP members to an oversaturated market with barely any return investment like Euphoria's wave just so his 1 or 2 JP members dont get lonely to have more members for them to talk to.



I guess the one thing Ironmouse has in common with Silvervale is they don't take jokes or any kind of banter lightly. For those that dont get it Connor was running a charity for the immune deficiency foundation(IDF) some chatter thought it was funny that the donations were going to Israeli Defense Force(IDF) who dont support hospitals.

-They ran a charity for Ukraine, which seems like a country where people making funny German WW2 hand salutes and worship Bandera
-No donations for Turkey when the earthquake hit.
>Froot offered a charity stream for trans, but immediately back tracked on it.
-No donations to Palestinians for any kind of aid
-Donations for people with CVID

Cant believe they support Azov, tricked the trans community for donations, and don't donate to brown people. I got a new Logo for their company right here.
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im still believe that Zen is at least two people
microexpression and facial expressions on the same model were different on different streams, just like skill in some games
do I have any proof? No. and I don't care. just sharing my thoughts
i don't hate them or anything. im still thinking they have a lot of potential :)

and one more thing I would like to share
im think on this stream, couple with red hair are Zen:

timestamp 03:20:12

and this is a simple assumption. I dont have any proof :)
okay then, which one is the full mexican who is adopted if that is your theory.



I already posted this on the Vtuber oiler hall of shame thread and that is the company has no control of oilers that shill mouses IDF(immunity deficiency not the jews) funding on other Vshojo members channels like Henya when they use their own time streaming as a source of income. If people want to fund the IDF they simply go to Ironmouses channel, if they want to support their own streamer like Henya and watch her streams they go to Henya's channel. Henya like anyone else needs money to support themselves, whatever family they have or some incident that happened that they really do need money to cover.
There has to be a line drawn between grifting your medical condition ro grow your channel and connors, to it actually being a geniune case that you care.

Years have changed for the company like the early days no one cared much about talking about mouses condition to the point it is nearly constant. Ironmouse has to explain what makes her life so much more important than the kids that have died in Gaza, Turkey's earthquake or even 16-17 year old ukrainian conscripts that have lived shorter lives than hers for something they had no control over? There are actual Vtubers with medical problems like Tenma that dont shill their heart condition but still want to be viewed as streamers than a medically sick person.

Whose lives are more important whom you want to save? The ones with CVID or the ones dying on a massive scale elsewhere? People with CVID are dependent on hospitals and hospitals are not defunded but supported by the state of that country. Most patients are treated to the best care that can be given to extend their life as much as they can. So what can that money actually do? You cant buy braincells to make a cure or extend the lives of people with CVID to live, you need people who are actually good at what they do and not just get diversity hires which is why Space X kicks NASA ass because they took the steps to challenge Roscosmos which got Roscosmos back on their feet to challenge them in rocket engines. However you can save actual lives with that money for food to give to starving kids that are near death in conflicts or freak accidents like earthquakes than currently throwing money at something that wont magically be resolved and most people with such medical cases are treated to the best care that can be given by hospitals.

I think a safe conclusion is that it leans more to grift than actual fucks given for others


This is more than likely going to be the new Vshojo member, which is probably odd now since some of her other supposed close friends moved to Mythic because of money.

-Vshojo makes a new Vshojo member teaser of something getting stolen which is what racoons are known for.
-Her long absences of streams recently.
-The new member debut is on 4/20 which is her own anniversary of vtubing.

I could be wrong, but that seems to be the current evidence.

Matara throwing some shade at Nijisanji,

but I don't think the our company is better please join us over Nijisanji grfit has much use anymore when it has gotten beaten to death by Falseyed and Dokibird. People usually get tired of the same old trends.
Russo-ukraine war. Beg for billions, round up the bodies and the equipment, push Russians back, another offensive loses its momentum like making claims it will take them to Crimea, Russians slowly take back land, Ukraine lowers the military age mobilization, entire cycle starts again, and people's interests got tired.
Fund Haiti, any time they get close to solving their problems, a cataclysmic event sends them back to ground zero. If there’s not a civil war, then there’s gang violence. If there’s not a hurricane destroying all of their infrastructure, then it’s an earthquake, if it's not an earthquake than its people cannibalizing each other being ruled by some dude named Barbecue. Then people's interests got tired in trying to save the country.

Although it seems Matara has gotten repetitive recently over it so she must think it's still useful as grift that people have not lost their interest in.
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Yeah, it's Mika. Kind of a no brainer, same initials and same undead aesthetic.
I was hoping they would surprise me than going for the we hire ex-nijisanji talent streak. Like maybe make an announcement that you will have a one month(or more) hiring process of selecting small talent that pull like 1-100 viewers or are new to Vtubing to have a chance. I am sure all the Vshojo members would not have a problem with it because after all one of them is the Qeeen of that company that was pulling 20 viewers on average before collabing with Mel who exploded on social media from her CB streams. Not only would that give a more better-looking image for the company that its nepo hiring only but the new talent hiring announcements will draw more people's curiosity to watch Vshojo because of the authenticity it would hold that a small-time person is achieving their dreams to be a star.

If there are 2 key words that would piss any of the members off with discussions related to them on social media it would probably be, "nepo-hiring" and "grifting"
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I was hoping they would surprise me than going for the we hire ex-nijisanji talent streak. Like maybe make an announcement that you will have a one month(or more) hiring process of selecting small talent that pull like 1-100 viewers or are new to Vtubing to have a chance. I am sure all the Vshojo members would not have a problem with it because after all one of them is the Qeeen of that company that was pulling 20 viewers on average before collabing with Mel who exploded on social media from her CB streams. Not only would that give a more better-looking image for the company that its nepo hiring only but the new talent hiring announcements will draw more people's curiosity to watch Vshojo because of the authenticity it would hold that a small-time person is achieving their dreams to be a star.

If there are 2 key words that would piss any of the members off with discussions related to them on social media it would probably be, "nepo-hiring" and "grifting"
honestly i think they are a little skittish about doing any "auditons" again after the last one backfired so hard.


Dont really see mouse interacting much on twitter or her streams with her usual group of friends like nyanners, aethel or snuffy. Aethel streamed like 20, 14, 13 days ago wondering what was wrong with him and I found out his voice his gone and no replies from mouse about it either. I mean usually it's OK to say hi or fuck you that you still interact with your previous close group of friends than not doing so for a long time period.

Also this Vtuber has done collabs with Vshojo, obkatiekat and snuffy for tomorrow on Twitch

The series went to complete shit when
-Qrows voice actor got replaced
-Jlullaby stopped doing his artwork.
-Mounty Oum died.

I tolerated the Jaunes older sister is a lesbian scene but fucking dropped it completely when they offed Adam too early and the tumblrinas and twitter fags forced their gay ship with Blake and Yang. This is also when I realized that Monty had no part in making the script for this season. I got nothing against LGBT but get pissed off when they force wokeism to the fucking story. Because it was currently going Blake X Sun, Weiss X Neptune and eventually Yang X Mercury. If the series continued running any further there was going to be a coming out of the closet scenes between two male characters later.


I tolerated the Jaunes older sister is a lesbian scene but fucking dropped it completely when they offed Adam too early and the tumblrinas and twitter fags forced their gay ship with Blake and Yang. This is also when I realized that Monty had no part in making the script for this season. I got nothing against LGBT but get pissed off when they force wokeism to the fucking story. Because it was currently going Blake X Sun, Weiss X Neptune and eventually Yang X Mercury. If the series continued running any further there was going to be a coming out of the closet scenes between two male characters later.
Idk where you failed to see the YangxBlake ship from S3 onwards but okay. Also Mercury was never going to be a viable option since he was so emo.


Idk where you failed to see the YangxBlake ship from S3 onwards but okay.
specify it where on season 3, Ruby for just interacting with Weiss does not mean OMG proofs of Weiss X Ruby. Not just me but even users of kiwi stated the lesbo shit was noticed after killing Adam.. The story writing of RWBY when Monty was still around was like Dragon ball Z, whatever story writing happened after his death turned the story into Dragon ball GT.



Peak gold comment

Also Mercury was never going to be a viable option since he was so emo.
https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/8tqa8z This pretty much summarizes that the two have a closer connection than Yang has with Blake along with the comment section drawing their similarities. The original story writing by Monty was Sun having interests in blake and weiss having interests in neptune, mercury happens to share the same name of the solar system as them so that narrows it down to Yang. I wish RWBY and Berserk creators had like final wills of who ends up with who, who dies, etc, etc before you get someone else to butcher the rest of the series for you.


Although Nyfco is gone, this is a QRD of Matara before joining nijisanji and Vshojo, https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Monkeyism#cite_note-15 nothing really extravagant about her PL like the other members.

https://web.archive.org/web/20240106032403/https://nyfco.org/nina-zense/ I am not high or have face blindness like what nyanners claimed, but visually in some cases she looks like demondice/Mori

Also people are claiming she is Jew, We will see if she is in a kvetching mood if Kiev is under siege.

My confusion only grows.

Enna and Millie have shown signs before how glad they were Selen left or some kind of beef along those lines, Pomu is close friends with Selen, Matara was close friends with Millie and Enna, Mint(pomu) has been doing alot of collabs with Matara(nina). I wonder if we can break the ice setting up a Matara and Doki collab to maybe prove Enna and Millie's innocence?
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I wasnt going to bother bring this news up here until I saw Geega and Aethels name involved in the matter.


"Weinstein" That is already one huge hint or red flag to avoid joining an agency from getting fucked in the ass. I am sure Geega and Aethel(was part of the mob in regard to seeing one of his comments on twitter before) were staunch supporters with Vshojo against Nux which resulted in Nux getting the last word of that drama to only get fucked in the ass by another person that has the same religious background as Nux before joining MSM. This video will be them if they see a name like sheckelberg wanting to do business with them.

I will forgive those Vtubers if they do a support Palestine fundraiser in one of their streams.

Edit: Oh well I guess I shouldnt be roasting them over it.
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