Drama VShojo/Ex-VShojo/Mythic rrats


although this old information it gives more context to the mori and connor drama(like I didn't know another trash taste member was bashing a hololive member) and basically ironmouse using connor who uses trash taste to bash hololive making it look like nijisanjis EN fanbase are not the only ones that are pissed at Vshojo with the poaching thing

At the start of this thread I never gave proofs about the Vei and Pokelawls dating shit other then myself referencing 4chan but here we are now.

"my phone is full of nude pictures of poke and vei I think I deleted most of the vei ones because those weren't as interesting to me"

Excluding Nijisanji and Hololive I am assuming one of the reasons why they would not want to start some possible huge drama on the Nux level with phase connect or why some vshojo members dont want to get into a collab with a phase connect member could be because of this reason.

The thing is Kiwi is like a double edge sword and the sword sort of fell back on their heads recently (recent doxx) when Pippa was a user there and they see her maybe as one of their own, so their interest is more towards phase connect and hololive some nijisanji and barely vshojo. But if some kind of drama was to happen with evidence of Vshojo being in the wrong the doxxing they do for sport as a thrill could make them serious in finding and extracting more information and considering they more of the politically incorrect type of users with consideration of mouse and nyanners following AOC and Bernie on twitch, Mels sexual liberation speech, zen capital riots tweet, froot multiple yabs will probably throw more fuel in the fire for them to stay motivated enough to have their heads on a chopping block. There are many examples of what they can possibly be capable of doing from what I saw of what they did with Lumi and Lia such as using someone's genealogy which is like small information but that small trace was enough to get alot of information like finding where they exactly live which I still cant believe how insane that is.

-ironmouse being friends with someone that knew her daughter in 2012, and that person has wrote an essay about womens righs, they can possibly extract information about what college it was that this person that knew ironmouse was in and if it was around the 2012 year they will see if ironmouse took the same college classes as her and find her 1st and last name. then from there they can go look for archived social media accounts(even when coqui was doxxed you can still find her photos using certain online tools)

-Vei from the looks of this post probably has actual nudes(hope she was 18) I am assuming the person that knows about it will probably get contacted or maybe try to hack his social media accounts, find where he lives and ask if he has his old PC where they can use the hard drive which you can recover deleted pictures, or they see who his close online friends to have possible information if he was not the only one that had vei nudes during the OW days.
finding 18 year old nude polish brunette pussy I think would make kiwi users look like this for being their extra motivation to find them.
With consideration of Soda being pissed off at the thought of people jacking off to his female Vtuber model he will probably have a mental breakdown if Vei nudes start swarming the internet, people doing cum tributes, etc, that Vei would probably no longer stream at the thought that she feels viewers are raping her with their eyes.

+Nyanners from what I know of course had past doxx, but she can still be further exposed like gmcfosho liking my twitter post that she was trying to use him before in trying to like him to make her channel grow a little bigger, her loli or demongirl JOI can resurface just for drama, etc. Aethel triangulating his own location before that I feel like if it was some other kiwi farm user like niggajuice that decided to watch his content more then me he probably would have had his location doxxed with IRL name which would lead to nyanners getting doxxed.

-snuffy is rather a fun case(one of the reasons I like watching her if i can) as in if some kiwi farm user like niggajuice took an interest in her she would probably already had her location doxxed with IRL name(was a tumblrina). she talked about snowfall in her state that sort of gave a hint on area she is at. talks about a restaurant close by for walking distance in her apartment. Was in Vancouver and who she dated along with giviing details of people being shocked who she dated she could have been in the same white restaurant (shocked she was dating a filipino than him being older) she worked in so it could have been a white people area she worked in 2016(people wanting to go there if Trump won) with maybe a close filipino demographics nearby. Also she talks about meeting alot of VAs meaning she probably visits Cons in the midwest with peoplle getting tickets and maybe extracting names of people that were in the cons(or the VAs she talked about were in a past date event for people to know what date or location she visited to have seen those VAs together then separately) or just possibly visiting the cons themselves to hear her loud voice. What happened to Lia and Lumi I can assume she feels super lucky their attention is focused too much on phase connect and hololive

-Connor with his D.Va photo, lets just say if he is caught in some drama, they would probably circle a certain area and make him a laughingstock with memes of using photos of their own private parts in comparison to his to Mori or ironmouse, etc that it would be hard to decide who feels more embarrassed between him or Vei if her nudes got leaked.

- I did an /r/ request on 4chan of asking for more projekt melody or mars mayhem nudes and they gave me a photo of her with glasses next to some bearded dude and I think they stated what state and city she was in and the archive might be up somewhere on thenet that I dont feel like pulling up.

- the zen male/female voice, froot shenanigans I am assuming are over with, yab on silvervale wouldnt be doxx but rather her in a competition of who is a shit person between her and el_xox, kuro supposedly being a shit person or just making tard decisions. etc.

If i gave more detailed info to kiwifarms if drama ever occurred with phase and vshojo I would feel like SCP-079 causing a SCP containment breach.
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Well something shocking just happened today with consideration this Vtuber collabed with Anthime known for bashing Froot. I am sure this will help most Vtubers think more than twice on making retarded decisions that result in drama
Screenshot 2024-01-20 140618.png

This is how most Twitch Vtubers, Vshojo and Nijisanji members feel right now.

This comes to show that some news reporter vtubers might not have general control of information regarding vtubers, considering the parrot all of a sudden got like 3000 people watching him and to some degree he has talent of being entertaining. Currently 4chan generally bashes some independent vtubers, Vshojo and nijisanji members as that is the current mood while praising hololive and phase connect. Even if he took no sides on his stream letting huge audiences get thrown into 4chan and making the place bigger with information there they don't want to be publicly known is already a bad start. I am also pretty sure some vtubers are scared starting shit with a south American minority parrot in fear of twitter cancel as well


I must have been asleep when I just found this out now this morning since someone posted it on /lig/, apparently this was like a screenshot from discord 2 years ago.

This now raises many theories of why she wasnt hired even though Vshojo allowed her to submit it late anyways. So, we can narrow down the theories to see which ones are left.

1) Vshojo is shameless in hiring ex-corpo members as some random college student is shameless talking about MLP as his classroom presentation project. She had more than enough talent to join if Haruka and Geega joined so getting denied for not having enough talent throws that theory out the window.

2)) Vshojo had no problems hiring Froot, Nyanners and Projekt Melody in regard to their questionable past which I was able to pull up in which I am sure the company would have no issues doing that either. Meaning if she did give her IRL name where they have conducted a online background kind of search on her that she has committed some kind of felonies I doubt that would matter to them if she is publicly known as Snuffy, so that is another theory that is thrown out the window.

3) this is probably the only kind of theory that is left is that there was some kind of voting process if one-member didnt want her (possibly sillvervale at the time) then she was kicked out similar in either Sweden or Finland having a hard time joining NATO to bypass Turkey or Hungary's approval.

Edit: Considering Vshojo and XQC dont get along I could maybe get rid of XQC for Vshojo by creating a twitch channel where I take care of all the technical stuff to allow two more people to stream with down syndrome and gamer headsets while being their caretaker.
XQC's fans would find this kind of shit entertaining and probably abandon him. But I would probably get cancelled hard.
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Remember how I said 2020 was ironmouses year before nyanners was gaining speed? I think I fucked up because I started getting flashbacks of being introduced to Vshojo through projekt melody and I even heard sodapoppin was on Mel's CB stream before and asmon mentioned he got introduced to vtubers through Melody made me realize let me redo something because I think I fucked up.
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I do not even feel the need to go average these numbers that 2020 was Projekt Melody's year, 2021 was nyanners year and 2022 was Vei's year. Then of course Mel was big enough to be in Nux Taku's interest giving her and ironmouse millions of views on YT and we know what happened to him later and they got ice_poseidon 2.0(connor) to shill their content.

But this comes to show there will likely be no drama between VAllure and Vshojo because Vshojos 1st start to major growth along with the growth of other vtubers that were friends with Projekt Melody was using the power of porn. Majority of twitch Vtubers coombait so there is a likelyhood they wouldnt start shit with VAllure without looking like angry whores that are mad at other whores for being more audience friendly. Reason Nyanners and ironmouse might felt intimidated by filian and this Vtuber right here.
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Was because their growth was more self-earned then using other people. Vshojo right now looks like the ironmouse show and that shit is depressing because Mel started collabing with her in February and that is when ironmouse went from being a 2 view to a 4 view vtuber according to the charts in the page before this one and she got mogged by 2 different polish whores in 2021 and 2022 before they decided to kill their content months shortly after the nux drama.


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The reason I am pulling this up is that her viewer fanbase makes Filians mythic vtuber of the year awards show nominees look like scavengers fighting for scrap. The one who won the awards show is from an organization that if you combined all of their member's CCV on their best days together they still wouldnt touch this. In fact, she has more than 1 in half times the viewers that watched the entire mythic Vtuber awards show that were hoping their vtubers won their nominations. Filian still has some explaining to do.


Here is how Matara looks which I am sure some have known already

Going back to her being multilingual I think it is safe to assume she has a Ukrainian background then a russian background. Because I have seen videos where Zelensky said let me speak in russian to you guys adrdessing the russians fighting in the war and there was one Ukrainian soldier that stated they use Russian language to execute commands and orders because they are fast and precise while Russians on the other hand dont feel the need to even bother to learn ukrainian from what i know in the war and political section. Taking a quick look at russia defense net forum in the military, economy and war thread I have a general idea what the results might be and if she decides to go political over it, it will narrow down what side of ukraine she was from.

Now I am going to blind some people here and maybe get cursed out but here we go.

I hope that he realizes that him, sykkuno, corpse_husband and Shxtou that their fan base looks like this.

I am sure these chicks were expecting a hot twink behind the model but are facing despair that some overweight dude is behind it. Even Corpse was smart enough to not do a body reveal in conversation with Anthony Padilla compared to Nux doing a body reveal and wearing sandals in the interview. Although Aethel has a little gut and is not the next Zyzz with the constant Bruh talk(Thank god he didnt say Im fucking aesthetic on his streams yet) he still looks pretty good. Sometimes people need a little self-awareness.


12:26 makes a froot joke, already 80k+ views along with rushia drama.
yeah the parrot is already on the Vshojo blacklist, wonder if the way he covers information would possibly make him bump heads with falseyed later.

Edit: video is over 106k views now and he did a live stream this morning getting 5,300 people to view his stream. I think live streaming as a news reporter is a quick way to gain success in growth. Falseyed only live streamed a few times on twitch but gets maybe a couple of hundred viewers.

I am assuming Falseyed Khyo and Rev as youtubers have talent like this guy starting news reports on topics

While the parrot has talent like this guy of doing shit live with no beforehand preparation to edit video and he pulled over 13,000 viewers on his streams

keep in mind military summary's channel is a year old but history legends channel is like 4 years old and military summary's channel has a bigger spike of growth in subs. So maybe Rev khyo and falseyed might considering going live on youtube later since doing it on twitch doesn't really help some of them

Edit2:: oh shit its been awhile since i last checked his streams, guess hes a 4 view now even if he had Sayu to interview
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Well supposedly Aster and Zen were dating before so I wonder if Zen has anything to say about her past relationship with him because there are accusations about his harassments with other nijisanji vtubers

The supposed Zen and Aster connections.




How he is like as a person




If he was Zens ex for a reason and unfollowed him later, perhaps she might have taken some of the drama away from nijisanji than being happy he debuted in nijisanji before.



So we know Selen wont be in it because.
1) stated she cant wait to set up collabs with vtuber agencies and indies which makes it sound like she would be an independent vtuber not belonging to any vtuber agency making those choices.
2)already has a set manager and is part of XSET with assumptions made that her BF Nocturnal talked her into it for being in that same organization.

So likely candidates are kyo.

while the other candidates is pomu (assuming if pomu is waiting on the next holo gen through kiara) or mika


Well supposedly Aster and Zen were dating before so I wonder if Zen has anything to say about her past relationship with him because there are accusations about his harassments with other nijisanji vtubers

The supposed Zen and Aster connections.
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How he is like as a person
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If he was Zens ex for a reason and unfollowed him later, perhaps she might have taken some of the drama away from nijisanji than being happy he debuted in nijisanji before.

do you think we could find those videos of zen's voice?


just had to do this for dark humor.

Found a woman that looks like and acts like her in this video.



People are having suspicions or drawing up theories on 4chan if Matara was part of the mean girl clique or dubbed as the bad wave with enna or millie. I am thinking she has nothing to do with it because I am sure Vshojo told her to personally spill the beans that possible drama with enna and millie might put Vshojo in a firing squad next if she was also Selen's bully or not. This discussion got so interesting that I had to post all the screenshots here if anyone draws their own conclusions to mataras innocence or not.








All of this was an interesting read and people are still up in confusion with each other if matara at the time was part of the clique or not. An easy way she can prove her innocence without mentioning nijisanji is she hates clique culture her past workplace and that would have been enough to place enna and millie heads on a guillotine since there are screenshots everywhere about selens possible statement that set them on panic mode and people pulling up old youtube clips like this.
https://www.youtube.com/live/ECyZ6RupPqI?feature=share&t=3494 even people are timestamping the incident in the comment section and matara at the time was present there.
Or there is a good chance she was not part of the clique and will just let Doki deal with the final blow if she wants. People were saying there was a time period that she was supposedly isolated from the Ethyria group before graduating.

Edit: https://nyfco.org/nina-zense/ assuming this is the doxx site for vtubers I was right about her background.

edit again: here is the clip of connor roasting hololive on ironmouses chat(found on moris page of nyfco)
Reason I am posting this here is that catbox on my january 16 post got deleted for whatever reason a week later when i checked, if this suddenly gets deleted to or video not available we will sort of know whats up.
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https://files.catbox.moe/6ehyb3.mp4 OTK member talking about wanting vtubers. A very good possible reason why Vei, Silvervale and Nyanners left was they were not about the twitch is our organizations home turf kind of shit. I always knew mouse and the other Vshojo members never wanted to be close with OTK, so this might cause possible drama later.

guess nyanners hates hololive as well.
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