I have an idea how to save Japan.
-Get Trump sama into office to speedrun into a inevitable multipolar world.
-China steadily grows, Russia gets what they want out of Ukraine, Europe caves in for cheap gas, Arctic oil growth and trade for Russia and China.
-Russia and China continue their plans in Africa to further ascend their super power status
-More countries join BRICS.
-Brain drain continues in the West worshipping trannies and gays. 3rd worlders outproduce their white and Asian populations. Russia and China continue advancing their missile and defense technology.
-Some shit goes down between Russia and Japan in the Kuril islands.
-Russia deploys their borea and yasen class subs. Instead of nuking the country with zircons and bulavas, they release Poseidon torpedoes at the right depth and charge all over the country with large tidal waves.
-Enough time has passed for the russians to send an expeditionary force through coast and airborne with experience from previous war rotating their troops before Japan forces can organize themselves to counter attack assuming anything is left.
-Assuming they didn't get shot on sight or hit with a tidal wave, vshojo, OTV, trash taste and hasan fans evacuate.
-Japan becomes conservative again.