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What are some gen-z terms you really hate?



So i came across this song, been a while since i've heard and outta boredom i was reading the comments section, and found this comment that gave me a headache.


Screenshot 2023-06-15 184743.jpg

And the final comment (not me), thankfully called those idiots out for sounding like the schizos that they are.

Anyone else hate the way gen-z speaks especially the terms they used.


I hate all of it, but if I should name a recent one it's "Rizz", "W Rizz", "L Rizz", etc. It just strikes me as something that retards would say because they can't manage to remember the entire word.

Also a more local thing to me is tons of kids/teens adapting the broken speech patterns of foreigners that refuse to learn the language proper. It's literally people adopting the speech of idiots.


The skull emoji at the end of everything they say annoys me, what does it even mean?
Its basically just another way of obnoxious trolling like L,Mid,Ratio and Who? especially in gen-z hip hop culture.

Big L did not get shot, just for some tiktok kid to butcher east coast hip hop terminolgy.


I find the ongoing amount of ebonics and slang abbreviated for easier posting be a huge annoyance. I wouldn't blame you if you think "dat be bussin tho fr fr smh y'all" sounds like some alien gobbledygook.
I can easily understand hip hop terminolgy perfectly just fine, but even rappers themselves are just like wtf are you guys even saying when they read their livestreams because of how obnoxious gen-z speaking can really be.


Most currently used slang is rather off putting to me by now with how abundant its use has become. From "based" and "cringe" to "lit" and "fire". It is just sad to see people talk like programmed machines that just repeat whatever term is currently in favour without an ounce of individuality there.

Even worse if people outright replace their ability to talk with just spouting slang.


Most currently used slang is rather off putting to me by now with how abundant its use has become. From "based" and "cringe" to "lit" and "fire". It is just sad to see people talk like programmed machines that just repeat whatever term is currently in favour without an ounce of individuality there.

Even worse if people outright replace their ability to talk with just spouting slang.
lol a chick that doesn't like gen-z slang too? well now thats a rare one (Assuming you are a chick given your name and also style of pfp lol)

but in all honesty tho, i never seen women cept for maybe older ones (But thats leaning more on the tradcon side of things) complain about gen-z's obnoxious use of slang.


Well the corpos have trained people well in that regard.

No Cap, frfr! Get some WRizz and stop being sus and cring bro.

Ah what a lovely language english is becoming!
Its actually now against the rules of my server to even speak in that kind of language lmao.