Discussion Xeno series discourse aka even more fucking reasons as to why all fandoms are total absoulte cancer.


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Now heres one such topic i've had in mind for a long while now and i figured i should get on it right away.

So the xeno series has been around for like a long time pretty much just as old as i am relaly. Pretty much it all started off as ff7 even parasite eve was an incarniation of ff7 too at one point but they all became their own things as time went by and monolith soft is pretty much on the map cause of the xeno games and ofc baten kaitos and soma bringer too.

Theres been incarnations of the games over the years from the 90s and 2000s in depth philosophical stage thinkers sci fi mecha period of anime times to the 2010s/2020s era that pretty much the obnoxious hipster crowd gets big mad bout which i'll get onto later. And generally speaking the games have done really well reviewwise from fans and to the faggots of the cancerstream media side of thigns too. Even if it isn't a total blockbuster spinner it still has its own cult following.

Now i put emphasis on the word cult cause guess what im going to talk bout now, the absoulte total fucking dogshit cult of the xeno fandom.

Now lets start off with the most obvious thing the split fandom across games.

Its always the same old fucking song and dance like in the fe,ff,smt,kh and any other big ass jrpg fandom there is out there. Its always the oh its too weeby especially from the hipsters of old fandom that are now in deep with the woke kool aid and the retards from the smash fandom too and with the fanservice complaints its usually from faggots or self hating weebs and male feminist allies aka pedophiles that actually got caught and thrown the book at them for sex offender shit seriously im not kididng lmao. Discord especially is well notorious for that kind of shit and hell at one point i remember some soyboy cuck according to @ZX-Gear9881 on the xenoblade subreddited got ethered and massdownvoted for going bout muh fanservice bad. 🥴

Its always the debate which is the better game storytelling wise and themewise like to me they're all good and this is coming from someone who wasn't there since the beggining but really round the late 2010s to early 2020s with the switch xenoblade games. I mean ofc i obviously hate the gachashit of xenoblade 2 and gachafans but i still remember liking the xenoblade games and getting into the other games right round when the plandemic happened, when i got imports of the xenosaga games and a collectors edition of xenoblade definitive edition and i was pretty much from various places online yapping alot bout the games lol well b4 well the asshole you see today pretty much started to absoultely abhor and have total any kind avoidance with fans of all times bout the games lol.

As for alphabet soup and muh lolistuff bad yeah there is here and there like im sure theres troons who'll think that one plant themed blade thats a trap is really a 41 percenter well that blade is still alive and that troon who got stabbed to death who was an expirament to see if they'll scream as a boy or girl isn't alive so yeah sanity 1 troons 72 percent up in the rates now lmao. And yeah shipping wars too ofc. :/ Antis always gotta be faggots ofc. :/

But yeah, its always the same old bitch and complainfest bout the games quality wise ofc. :/

Now as for the smash side of things, lot of the complaints again swordfighters and fucking booba cause nintendo still doesnt think they're popular and yeah smash fans are really the last to talk bout knowing how much creepy pedophiles they all really are lm fucking ao.

And yeah ofc, there's brainrot bullshit too where mfers have their sole personality with the xeno series and is so fucking obnoxious of fucking course. :/ Seen it on a xeno server i used to be on unus mundus network and my god the fucking server owner enough was more than enough reason among other things for me to leave like god fucking forbid anyone show interest to other jrpgs outside of the xeno seires like my god you really have to be that terminally online to get big fucking mad to insult people for liking stuff outside of the xeno games.

So yeah thats bout it for ofc another one of the countless reasons, as to why all fandoms are absoulte cancerous total fucking dogshit and should be absoutelly avoided at all times irl and online so yeah any stupidity you've seen in the xeno fandom?