Drama AzzyNemu | adz1024 | Adam | pos scams several thousand dollars out of twitter users by pretending to be a victim of rape and brain cancer

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Since the events of this post Adam became a shitty VTuber by the name of @FluffyHedgey and went back to its old habits of begging money and guilt tripping vtubers, aparently some stalking and harassment. But he is so fucking stupid that somehow he got found out and people discovered everything about his past because of this thread.
He also confirmed the dox to be 100% correct.

View attachment 13144
The document if you want to read it.
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Here he confirms the dox
View attachment 13145View attachment 13146

Here is some gay twitlonger he posted.

View attachment 13147

I am honestly baffled by his stupidity, how do you manage to get doxed twice?
The google doc DogguVT uploaded was taken down because of Adam's reports, here is a .pdf version of it.


  • Copy of @FluffyHedgey harasses, blackmails, and accuses me of grooming..pdf
    5.6 MB · Views: 205


What a read, holy shit. My guy is UNHINGED AS FUCK. At a loss for words. Only thing that can be said is @AzzyNemu I do hope you actually mean it when you say you have "changed". Not just for your sake, but for the people around you. If you want to show you have changed, start fresh, stop trying to make connections with burnt bridges. Just start over and try not to fuck it up. No scamming, No lying, no gaslighting or manipulation. Just be someone that people enjoy being around. If you can at least get through the rest of your life without being a cunt, then that is the best outcome. Everyone here including me has a very strong negative feeling towards you. We are not the ones you need to convince. Even if you reincarnated as Jesus christ, nobody here will have a changed view. Find a new community, make new friends, lay low and just BE NORMAL. We get it you have disabilities and they cause blah blah blah issue whatever dude. Nobody is faulting you for having disabilites, they are faulting you for being a FULLY GROWN FUCKING MAN and not having learnt coping mechanisms and ways to navigate despite your challenges.

If you are reading this azzy (you 100 percent are) I am only commenting because we had a mutual friend who you hurt and I only JUST NOW found out about this.

TL:DR Azzy if you have changed, prove it. We want to hear NOTHING of you. Anything after your vtuber shit, nothing more. Be a better person, if not for yourself, do it for your wife man. Just stop lying and manipulating people. Go get a referral, a therapist probably is not what you need but a specialist for your issues specifically not blanket poor mental upkeep. GO get help and just vanish. Do all the name change and country moving you say you will and just fade into obscurity. That is the best course for you.


Welp UPDATE TIME: Since the events of my vtuber incident. I have since contacted my doctor and am now doing CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) and also having sessions 1-to-1 with a therapist to discuss mental health and work on myself. Thank you for the wakeup call everyone. If shizu hadn't made this thread I most likely wouldve been doing this shit still. i defo needed the "shock" approach to wake up. the initial dox was not enough i was still a smug cunt thinking i could just continue on without changing anything. after the vtubing shit though i realise that i was the issue 100 percent. i needed to seek help so that i would never hurt anyone again like i have in the past. i have not magically transformed into some new person, that is a long long journey. but thank you all for the wakeup call.

I spewed alot of bullshit in the past. Take this as you will but I am on the path to recovery now. Thanks again. This is the last you will hear of me and now all my paperwork is sorted, this is the last you will hear of the name Adam aswell. Left the UK because it was a complete shithole and have a semi decent job and career path in Canada now. Seems most people are moving to canada anyway.

Thank you guys for everything. Cya on the other side <3

(you can think im lying btw its whatever, just felt like giving an update and being 100 percent honest for once, my track record isnt good so i do not doubt i will not be taken sincerely but it is how it be)

Azzynemu signing off for the final time. I promise you will never hear from me again.
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Welp UPDATE TIME: Since the events of my vtuber incident. I have since contacted my doctor and am now doing CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) and also having sessions 1-to-1 with a therapist to discuss mental health and work on myself. Thank you for the wakeup call everyone. If shizu hadn't made this thread I most likely wouldve been doing this shit still. i defo needed the "shock" approach to wake up. the initial dox was not enough i was still a smug cunt thinking i could just continue on without changing anything. after the vtubing shit though i realise that i was the issue 100 percent. i needed to seek help so that i would never hurt anyone again like i have in the past. i have not magically transformed into some new person, that is a long long journey. but thank you all for the wakeup call.

I spewed alot of bullshit in the past. Take this as you will but I am on the path to recovery now. Thanks again. This is the last you will hear of me and now all my paperwork is sorted, this is the last you will hear of the name Adam aswell. Left the UK because it was a complete shithole and have a semi decent job and career path in Canada now. Seems most people are moving to canada anyway.

Thank you guys for everything. Cya on the other side <3

(you can think im lying btw its whatever, just felt like giving an update and being 100 percent honest for once, my track record isnt good so i do not doubt i will not be taken sincerely but it is how it be)

Azzynemu signing off for the final time. I promise you will never hear from me again.
ok. Where is the money now?


ok. Where is the money now?
He claims to have paid it back apparantly. That and people charged him back apparantly. Honestly knowing paypal and how much they honor the person giving money rather than the reciever, it is very likely that most people successfully charged back but that is just my guess. Paypal and Banks have good scam protection. I got scammed for $400 converted once and my bank instantly got it back to be. Like I phoned and 10 minutes later had it back.

Welp UPDATE TIME: Since the events of my vtuber incident. I have since contacted my doctor and am now doing CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) and also having sessions 1-to-1 with a therapist to discuss mental health and work on myself. Thank you for the wakeup call everyone. If shizu hadn't made this thread I most likely wouldve been doing this shit still. i defo needed the "shock" approach to wake up. the initial dox was not enough i was still a smug cunt thinking i could just continue on without changing anything. after the vtubing shit though i realise that i was the issue 100 percent. i needed to seek help so that i would never hurt anyone again like i have in the past. i have not magically transformed into some new person, that is a long long journey. but thank you all for the wakeup call.

I spewed alot of bullshit in the past. Take this as you will but I am on the path to recovery now. Thanks again. This is the last you will hear of me and now all my paperwork is sorted, this is the last you will hear of the name Adam aswell. Left the UK because it was a complete shithole and have a semi decent job and career path in Canada now. Seems most people are moving to canada anyway.

Thank you guys for everything. Cya on the other side <3

(you can think im lying btw its whatever, just felt like giving an update and being 100 percent honest for once, my track record isnt good so i do not doubt i will not be taken sincerely but it is how it be)

Azzynemu signing off for the final time. I promise you will never hear from me again.
Good. Get help, and stay off socials, do yourself that favor and just focus on your new life. Don't be retarded. Just as I said earlier in my other post, focus on your wife and just don't fuck up. Also do not let people get in your head. Just do your best to be a better person. That is all you can do. Keep your past in your mind as a reminder of whence you came and to motivate yourself to keep pushing forward.

If convicted criminals can re integrate into society, then surely you can too.

Nothing more to say on this matter. Just don't be a cunt.
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