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NSFW [Fusion Product] Lolicon Severity Test



Source: 「ふゅーじょんぷろだくと ロリータ/美少女特集 81/10」


This doesn't feel like it fits in the anime board's thread (Original Thread). So I'll let it rot here to make it more accessible. Anything in red are my own comments. Let some OG degenerate proto-Otaku judge how many Lolis you actually fucked, not the tyrannical whims of pure democracy deemed by uneducated ne'er do wells. For anyone completely new, you may need to read at least a few articles in the previous thread sourced in Fusion Product for some of this to make sense.

Lolicon Severity Test
How Sick Are You?

Original Draft by Fujimoto Takahito (藤本孝人)
Compiled Under the Supervision of Hirukogami Ken (蛭児神建)

A. There's bread in the shape of a girl. Which part do you eat first?
a. The head in one bite.
b. The legs.
c. The hands.
d. The groin.
e. Lick it all day long without eating it.

B. If you could dive into the world of a book. Which would you choose?
a. Alice in Wonderland (不思議の国のアリス)
b. Koeda-chan Picture Book (こえだちゃん絵本)*
c. Fujimi Roman Bunko (富士見ロマン文庫)*
d. A Certain Black Book (某黒本)*
e. Satou Masaaki Collection (佐藤まさあき作品集)*


※2: A book series based on a toy brand that still exists to this day (Public Website).
※3: Fujimi Roman Bunko is likely referring to Pepi's Experience (ペピの体験), the Japanese localisation of 'Josephine Mutzenbacher' (Wikipedia). This is one of the books Hirukogami Ken has listed in his library reading list and mentioned by Aoyama Masaaki as being literary child pornography.
※4: Please read 'What is a Lolicon Fanzine?' in the original thread about the Certain Black Book if you don't already know what it is.

※5: Satou Masaaki (Wikipedia) is a mangaka and business man who established the field of Japanese comics known as Gekiga and acted as its leading figure.

C. Do you think Azuma Hideo (吾妻ひでお) is a Lolicon?

a. Dunno; never read his work.
b. I think he's a Lolicon.
c. I read his stuff, but I don't know.
d. I can't say he's that much of a Lolicon!
e. I think Azuma Hideo and his assistants are pernicious Lolicon.

D. You're looking after the house with the cute girl of a relative. What do you play?
a. Doctor
b. Minomushi-san (みの虫さん)*
c. Wooden Horse (三角木馬)
d. Sumo Wrestling
e. House

※Minomushi-san (if you don't know what Doctor or Wooden Horse are, then good for you):

E. Which girl clothes do you prefer most?
a. Miniskirt
b. Cute Apron Dress
c. Kappogi (割烹着)*
d. Sailor Blouse
e. White Blouse, Navy Blue Skirt, Yellow Tsuugakubou and a Red Randoseru.

※Kappogi: serves basically the same function as a cooking apron, but more heavy-duty.

F. You encountered a cute elementary schooler on her way to school in a full train.
a. Of course, I molest her.
b. I simply and quietly stroke her Randoseru.
c. I enjoy imagining myself slicing her skirt and panties with a cutter knife and the trouble it would cause her afterwards.
d. I stare at her with greedy eyes.
e. Not interested.

G. When you woke up, you transformed into a Bishoujo. What do you do?
a. Talk to Ishikwawa Jun (いしかわじゅん)*.
b. Talk to Azuma Hideo (吾妻ひでお).
c. Go buy a Sailor Blouse.
d. Surrender my body to Hirukogami Ken (蛭児神建).
e. Stand in front of a mirror naked and xxxx.

※This is an inside joke I do not understand yet. Ishikawa Jun (Wikipedia) is both a mangaka and a well-known manga critic. Azuma Hideo would insert him as a character in his manga serial 'Nanako SOS' as Dr. Ishikawa (Dr.石川). I can understand b, since Azuma Hideo often dabbled in TSF-themed manga, like one where he expressed a desire to transform into Petite Angie, and another where he magically transforms into Lum from Takahashi Rumiko's 'Urusei Yatsura':

H. When you returned home, there was a naked Shoujo asleep on your bed. Now then...
a. Lay a blanket over her so she doesn't catch a cold.
b. Raise her diligently.
c. Thanks for the delicious meal!
d. Wake her up and make her put on a dress before attacking her.
e. Offer her as a gift to Hirukogami Ken (蛭児神建).

I. You witnessed two naked Shoujo doing xxx. Now what do you do?
a. Immediately stop them.
b. Observe them carefully.
c. Take pictures and blackmail them.
d. Support them from the shadows.
e. Undress yourself and join them.

J. There was a Shoujo Assault Incident on 'TV Sanmenkiji Weekender' (TV三面記事ウィーク・エンダー). Well, you...
a. Etch the intense anger towards the criminal into your heart.
b. Sympathise with the criminal.
c. Tremble in fear over when you'll also appear on the programme.
d. Research the criminal's methods for future consideration.
e. Wonder why they won't do reenactments for only this kind of incident.

Aa 1b 4c 0d 7e 10
Ba 1b 0c 4d 7e 0
Ca 1b 4c 0d 10e 7
Da 7b 1c 10d 4e 10
Ea 1b 7c 0d 4e 10
Fa 4b 10c 7d 1e 0
Ga 0b 1c 4d 7e 10
Ha 0b 4c 7d 10e 1
Ia 0b 1c 10d 4e 7
Ja 0b 1c 4d 10e 7

Tally Up Your Score:
40~59: 3

Score Judgement:
1: Please be more honest with yourself.
2: You're still experiencing the initial symptoms of Lolicon. There's still time to correct your path.
3: A fine Lolicon. Whilst cradling sweet delusions towards real Shoujo, the time may soon come when you despair. Take heed.
4: A shameless and splendid Lolicon wherever you may go. There's no turning back. You'll never get married! Yay!
5: You've surpassed the boundaries of a normal Lolicon. Accept the title of 'degenerate' with pride.
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Interesting find.
Funny to think that these underground magazines had similar "which x are you" or "how much of x are you" personality tests like those you find in teen magazines :shinobu_kaka:

I admit I did not take the test is a little... too much for me.


"A fine lolicon". Not bad but room for improvement I suppose.

It's pretty funny but I'm curious what score did you get @Taruby