Megathread Lolidrama

I hold over 9000 n-word passes, I'm more black and representative of them than his ass. He should be hung for being a racist motherfucker that's appropriating black culture.
I ask upon thee n-word pass lord, endow me with your passes. Blessed be those who give their plenty to those in need, let us participate in n-word pass communism: equal redistribution of passes for all! Free the proletariat and bestow upon him the almighty pass once and for all!

I ask upon thee n-word pass lord, endow me with your passes. Blessed be those who give their plenty to those in need, let us participate in n-word pass communism: equal redistribution of passes for all! Free the proletariat and bestow upon him the almighty pass once and for all!
The rite of endowment begins with saying it with the hard-r with confidence and courage

The rite of endowment begins with saying it with the hard-r with confidence and courage
One needs the pass to say it, but one has to say it to get the pass? It's like how you need experience to get a job but you need a job to get experience. Don't play mind games with me.

One needs the pass to say it, but one has to say it to get the pass? It's like how you need experience to get a job but you need a job to get experience. Don't play mind games with me.
One who doesn't try to leap shouldn't presume he can't jump, one who has never wielded a sword shouldn't presume he never can

I love the fact I get blocked by him a lot to be honest I enjoy due to how pathetic this man talking about duncantdie cringe name to this day. I love the fact shizzy is the savor of the vtubers with that trash video yet If anyone critique him then you are not black lmfao apparently.
Oh yeah, I learned that ish the hard way.

since he can't come up with any interesting stream ideas, here's something he could do: tier rank how much "pedophilia" something is like he's done on twitter and his other streams but more officially to see his standings on various things
View attachment 18621

it'll be a good idea, trust me bro it'll prove how innocent you are and own the lolipedos man

honestly if he sees this, he might genuinely think it's a good idea, this retard took an online iq test and scored in the "impaired" range, and even if i say this here, he'll still fucking do it because he's a retard

you can't offend someone who's already offended to the highest possible degree when it comes to words, just use the ones that already exist or even suggest them, and you'll piss them off
They're not really pissed though, some of them even treated those like an honor unironically. The way society perceive these charlatans they really see them better than people who just want to play video games and enjoy their fantasy in peace.

A "who the fuck asked/cares" update on mangakamen's retard ass, his recent write female characters better video has him again bitching about YGO Zexal's Kotori and all the "sexualization" she suffers. Bitch has a short skirt, she's made to play some twister game at some point triggering a couple almost can see her panties moments; keyword ALMOST, she appears in a bath towel and a one piece swimsuit... that's it, that's the "criminal" lewding of Kotori in Zexal. If he unfortunately makes that Zexal video he'll probably bitch about Anna and her jiggle physics, Rio in a bikini and her incest vibes with Shark and that cat girl.

I'm tempted to tweet the Kotori figure at the retard since you can see her panties on that but I rather not trigger his fags in denial to start harassing Amakuni like with what happened with that Sophie figure.

A "who the fuck asked/cares" update on mangakamen's retard ass, his recent write female characters better video has him again bitching about YGO Zexal's Kotori and all the "sexualization" she suffers. Bitch has a short skirt, she's made to play some twister game at some point triggering a couple almost can see her panties moments; keyword ALMOST, she appears in a bath towel and a one piece swimsuit... that's it, that's the "criminal" lewding of Kotori in Zexal. If he unfortunately makes that Zexal video he'll probably bitch about Anna and her jiggle physics, Rio in a bikini and her incest vibes with Shark and that cat girl.

I'm tempted to tweet the Kotori figure at the retard since you can see her panties on that but I rather not trigger his fags in denial to start harassing Amakuni like with what happened with that Sophie figure.
It always seems to be actual pedophiles who seem to make the most frequent, absurd, and unjustified accusations of pedophilia.

oh hey, we hit 69 pages worth of faggots whining about drawings, nice


Tweet || lmao haven't archived shit forever, and i no longer have the energy to bother anymore

So I'm not sure what to say other than this whore's retarded.
This is clearly a loli, and her "example" of how she's "different" is literally dogshit


Tweet ||

"oH nOes! soMEBODY called mE a LoLI!!!!"
my heart-diseased obese tourist from burger country (if you're a brit or aussie, consider not being the worst english-speaking nationality this world has to offer, thanks), your character design is literally a loli.

"bUT I (based) it off MY rEAL boD-" cool, tits or gtfo
you're not using your real body, you're literally using a fictional character in visual place of you. that is the entire appeal of vtubers. if you want to feel bad about people calling "muh bodi tipe" a fuckin' loli, consider actually showing this at best 3/10 body on onlyfans that at best maybe three people will sub to, so you can actually claim ((you)) are actually somehow, through pure mental gymastics to relate the most conceptually distant objects, hurt by a hobby you literally walked right into.

by the way, main reason why i think her example is dogshit?

when you project the drawings onto one another, you notice that the proportions are LITERALLY the exact same, while the sizes aren't
bitch literally used the select tool and shrunk everything but the head
"i'M DiFfeRenT" my ass, using the scale tool doesn't automatically make you a new body type, actually consider quitting art if you genuinely think it works like that

i can only imagine how she draws other body types if she genuinely does this.

...oh wait, she literally used the scale tool, so i don't even NEED to imagine, because i can make it myself!
i gotchu homies, i'll show you exactly how she'd draw the other body types

on the off-chance anyone says "bUT tHAt's hOw yOUr'e suPpOSed to dRaW tHEm"...

please consider drawing anything other than tumblr-face abominations and knock-offs of your anime without fundamental understanding to what goes behind it, you literally should've taken biology in high scho- nevermind, i forgot modern humans can't comprehend the basic fundamentals of their own biology that their forefathers accumulated knowledge and understanding for to benefit our longevity and performance, and i can only imagine anatomy is beyond human intellect

the moral of the story is that you don't hate tourists enough

oh hey, we hit 69 pages worth of faggots whining about drawings, nice

View attachment 19342
Tweet || lmao haven't archived shit forever, and i no longer have the energy to bother anymore

So I'm not sure what to say other than this whore's retarded.
This is clearly a loli, and her "example" of how she's "different" is literally dogshit

View attachment 19343
Tweet ||

"oH nOes! soMEBODY called mE a LoLI!!!!"
my heart-diseased obese tourist from burger country (if you're a brit or aussie, consider not being the worst english-speaking nationality this world has to offer, thanks), your character design is literally a loli.

"bUT I (based) it off MY rEAL boD-" cool, tits or gtfo
you're not using your real body, you're literally using a fictional character in visual place of you. that is the entire appeal of vtubers. if you want to feel bad about people calling "muh bodi tipe" a fuckin' loli, consider actually showing this at best 3/10 body on onlyfans that at best maybe three people will sub to, so you can actually claim ((you)) are actually somehow, through pure mental gymastics to relate the most conceptually distant objects, hurt by a hobby you literally walked right into.

by the way, main reason why i think her example is dogshit?
View attachment 19344View attachment 19345
when you project the drawings onto one another, you notice that the proportions are LITERALLY the exact same, while the sizes aren't
bitch literally used the select tool and shrunk everything but the head
"i'M DiFfeRenT" my ass, using the scale tool doesn't automatically make you a new body type, actually consider quitting art if you genuinely think it works like that

i can only imagine how she draws other body types if she genuinely does this.

...oh wait, she literally used the scale tool, so i don't even NEED to imagine, because i can make it myself!
i gotchu homies, i'll show you exactly how she'd draw the other body types
View attachment 19346

on the off-chance anyone says "bUT tHAt's hOw yOUr'e suPpOSed to dRaW tHEm"...

please consider drawing anything other than tumblr-face abominations and knock-offs of your anime without fundamental understanding to what goes behind it, you literally should've taken biology in high scho- nevermind, i forgot modern humans can't comprehend the basic fundamentals of their own biology that their forefathers accumulated knowledge and understanding for to benefit our longevity and performance, and i can only imagine anatomy is beyond human intellect

the moral of the story is that you don't hate tourists enough
Oh believe me, i hate tourists with every fiber in my being along with any other type of left leaning belief system person and everything else asociated with leftism out there.

Economic boycotting and blocking and cutting any and all ties any left leaning person irl or online isn't enough.

They all fucking deserve to die i said it, any means possible they all deserve it till the ashes all blow out to the wind litearlly making them non existent.

>Falsely accuses a group of people of pedophilia
>Doesn't report said group to the authorities because it's obvious that said group isn't what they are falsely accused of

Again it's as plain as water that even these anti's know that Lolicons/Shotacons aren't a problem to society; anti's just want to complain about nonsense so that people give them attention, and they get a false sense of pride that they are somehow positively contributing to society. Unfortunately however these anti's malicious slander does in-fact cause damage to the people around them because political pundits see this as a convinient leverage to strip away more freedoms under the guise of "tHiNk aBoUt tHe cHilDrEnS!11!!"

It's also unfortunately very convienent for actual child groomers to get away with their henious crimes because anti's have watered down the term 'pedophile', just like the term 'nazi', to mean anyone they disagree with, blanantly poisoning the well. The best thing to do in this case is to always give firm pushbacks to these types of people. Never let them get away with their bullshit.

oh hey, we hit 69 pages worth of faggots whining about drawings, nice

View attachment 19342
Tweet || lmao haven't archived shit forever, and i no longer have the energy to bother anymore

So I'm not sure what to say other than this whore's retarded.
This is clearly a loli, and her "example" of how she's "different" is literally dogshit

View attachment 19343
Tweet ||

"oH nOes! soMEBODY called mE a LoLI!!!!"
my heart-diseased obese tourist from burger country (if you're a brit or aussie, consider not being the worst english-speaking nationality this world has to offer, thanks), your character design is literally a loli.

"bUT I (based) it off MY rEAL boD-" cool, tits or gtfo
you're not using your real body, you're literally using a fictional character in visual place of you. that is the entire appeal of vtubers. if you want to feel bad about people calling "muh bodi tipe" a fuckin' loli, consider actually showing this at best 3/10 body on onlyfans that at best maybe three people will sub to, so you can actually claim ((you)) are actually somehow, through pure mental gymastics to relate the most conceptually distant objects, hurt by a hobby you literally walked right into.

by the way, main reason why i think her example is dogshit?
View attachment 19344View attachment 19345
when you project the drawings onto one another, you notice that the proportions are LITERALLY the exact same, while the sizes aren't
bitch literally used the select tool and shrunk everything but the head
"i'M DiFfeRenT" my ass, using the scale tool doesn't automatically make you a new body type, actually consider quitting art if you genuinely think it works like that

i can only imagine how she draws other body types if she genuinely does this.

...oh wait, she literally used the scale tool, so i don't even NEED to imagine, because i can make it myself!
i gotchu homies, i'll show you exactly how she'd draw the other body types
View attachment 19346

on the off-chance anyone says "bUT tHAt's hOw yOUr'e suPpOSed to dRaW tHEm"...

please consider drawing anything other than tumblr-face abominations and knock-offs of your anime without fundamental understanding to what goes behind it, you literally should've taken biology in high scho- nevermind, i forgot modern humans can't comprehend the basic fundamentals of their own biology that their forefathers accumulated knowledge and understanding for to benefit our longevity and performance, and i can only imagine anatomy is beyond human intellect

the moral of the story is that you don't hate tourists enough
I had drawn lolis she's retard stupid bitch

The Reset the Clock list was taken down off of rentry. It was originally located at

Someone did make a new version, but it's missing several of the images from the Rentry version:

Here's a zip archive containing the entirety of the Rentry version I saved because I saw this coming from a mile away. I'm trying to get in touch with the maintainer of the tiinysite so they can get the rest of what the rentry had.

Please note that this does not contain what was lost from the original Imgur version. Those might be forever lost to time.


  • Reset the
    63.4 MB · Views: 19