Misc Vtuber Terminations/Retiree Thread

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Misc. Vtuber Terminators/Retiring Thread


Figured I'd open this up since there's no point on opening separate threads for every Vtuber Agency that exists.

Anyway, much to my disappointment today Riro Ron got terminated. She's the Russian chick who did loli-covers. The list of her crimes is pretty big apparently and I'll admit while I wasn't a regular it's a MASSIVE heartbreak to see her get terminated.

Edit: Twitter Link
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I'll say I'm impressed at the sheer number of things she has against herself. I don't really think there's been a termination notice this extensive against a corpo-vtuber before.

Implications of either being drunk/high on stream
Implications of meeting fans offline
Meeting an oiler to directly be given gifts
Fucking someone in Staff

Guess this is a cautionary tale to never be too certain about how someone is. Or more specifically never trust anyone in Show Business.


Not in the vtuber fandom, but this is some old days hollywood/rock star shit. Its almost impressive lol


Figured I'd open this up since there's no point on opening separate threads for every Vtuber Agency that exists.

Anyway, much to my disappointment today Riro Ron got terminated. She's the Russian chick who did loli-covers. The list of her crimes is pretty big apparently and I'll admit while I wasn't a regular it's a MASSIVE heartbreak to see her get terminated.

Edit: Twitter Link
It's kind of refreshing to see a VTuber agency actually explain why they terminated someone's contract, and that the termination was for a good reason.


Oh wow, another whore, color me surprised. :cirno-laugh:
Ironically considering her background as a Russian this wasn't too stunning after the initial shock.

I might be wrong but if I recall correctly Eastern Europe's vtuber crowd is VERY small in terms of selection. So if Riro lives in Russia the bit about meeting up with a fan to receive thousands of dollars in gifts / implications of trying to do meet n' fucks with fans, it almost makes sense.

Ain't many vtubers in Russia and there's an astonishing number of Russian simps on the internet considering the social state of Russia the last 30 years.

Though I'm kinda reminded a bit of Chinese vtubers pulling this same stunt a lot, however if I am correct the bit about receiving gifts in person was/is shockingly common in Japan.


I dont know why this is funny.
-Be Idol Corps run by a jew, spend alot of money and get barely anything in return
-Be Phase Connect run by a chinese, but this chinese is a very savvy jew spending only a little at 1st but than getting a lot in return.

1. I think Idol threw money into the vtuber awards just to be one of the 4 nominees with Vshojo, hololive and nijisanji where you're definitely going to lose but all of a sudden you have huge drama come out of nowhere from one of your members.

2. Pippa CCV ranges from 2k-6k depending on the day or type of stream she has while Tenma, Shiina, Lumi and Lia are now considered 4 view vtubers, rest are 3 views, now idol corps Rin CCV ranges 1k-4k, but most of their other vtubers are 2view or 3view....to understand 4chan lingo, 1 view 0-9, 2 view 10-99, 3 view 100-999, 4 view 1000-9999.

Think Pippa is close friends with Filian to intentionally ask Filian for her company to be put into rising star organization to win. But assuming there is any credibility left in the awards show Ichiban would still be considered a tough opponent because Buffpups CCV ranges like Pippas but main difference is buffpup is a twitch vtuber and the audience voting for the rewards are more than likely twitch viewers.


In keeping the thread on topic in regard to the termination... Riro's main account (she was decently big on youtube prior to this) has main an announcement about this. She seems intent to continue her streaming career and we'll be hearing spicy drama soon.

For the fact anything Jews touch are usually pretty malicious subtly. Idol Corp has legitimately seemed pretty harmless and honest/upfront among vtuber agencies. With the talent they employ all being... kinda drama-less. None of them kick up any trouble and even Riro didn't up until recently- and even then Riro's pretty much a first at the company to CAUSE trouble. (She had issues last month which..I think prompted this investigation.)

Also side note: Idol Corp's shtick is kinda plopping vtuber talents down in niche regions. They DID start out with Israelie vtubers before making an EN division.



think 4chan just blowing it out of proportion.

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think 4chan just blowing it out of proportion.

It's 4chan past 2015. Opinions on it haven't been worth shit since then and arguably since even earlier brother. 4chan in the 2020's is a boring cesspit.

Not to mention the bit about a co-founder/talent manager fucking her is probably complete heresay. We don't know what staff it is, and it could've been low-level staff. Only "evidence" of elsewise is Kyo making a remark about how she'd "Fuck her manager if she could". I've kinda been under the impression the "relationship" was likely akin to nudes/sexting considering Idol doesn't exactly have its talent on site.

From what I'm hearing it's looking like Idol nipped this bud before Kyo even got to do much aside from reportedly meet up with a fan who gave her thousands in gifts. The fact she's quick to imply she didn't get to do those things sorta sells that impression.

Unbiasedly speaking Idol is just a low-influence Vtuber Corpo brand who typically keeps their nose out of trouble and actively encourages talent to make YT shorts to compete.

Edit: The fact every post in the threat is just trying to dunk on paypigs, the company, or simp for Kyo speaks volumes about the how worthless everything in it is. Nothing of real substance.

Edit 2: Come to think of it. Hasn't literally every average person been commending Idol for just upfront saying why they terminated an employee? I dunno. I'm reminded that /vt/ is an idiotic echo-chamber and no doubt had plenty of dudes who were Kyo fans pre-Riro who will no doubt ride n' die by her side no matter what.


Still confused about firing her and one of the management workers she fucked (guess that is where the co-founder rrat came from in your 1st tweet post) or fucking her fans.......I have watched more than enough vshojo, nijisanji, hololive, phase connect and independent vtubers to be immunie to this shit already who all either got high, drank too much or can't keep their own IRL relationships being separate to them as a vtuber(with most of those being sexually related as well)

Making this announcement wont make them anymore exclusive to the unicorn/gosling audience if thats who they are trying to pander to as their catchphrase being hey we fire whores. I am laughing more at the oiler that donated 100k to ironmouse during her subathon to be told to go fuck off by her when he could have used that money to have an orgy with all the idol members.


Still confused about firing her and one of the management workers she fucked (guess that is where the co-founder rrat came from in your 1st tweet post) or fucking her fans.......I have watched more than enough vshojo, nijisanji, hololive, phase connect and independent vtubers to be immunie to this shit already who all either got high, drank too much or can't keep their own IRL relationships being separate to them as a vtuber(with most of those being sexually related as well)

Making this announcement wont make them anymore exclusive to the unicorn/gosling audience if thats who they are trying to pander to as their catchphrase being hey we fire whores. I am laughing more at the oiler that donated 100k to ironmouse during her subathon to be told to go fuck off by her when he could have used that money to have an orgy with all the idol members.
He could've used 100k to go buy 3 mail-order virgin brides who'd probably love him forever and STILL have cash left over.

I don't think this is Idol trying to pander to the gosling audience because if I recall none of the girls offer GFE. They're all pretty SFW and are less lewd than even Hololive's talent. I could be wrong but literally EVERY single idol-girl I've followed semi-consistently (consistency by my standards) is pretty much completely SFW without any flirting/lewd-baiting. Goslings need lewd-baiting to actually get properly possessive and needy. Idol's Girls seem to appeal to the crowd of peeps who just want innocent entertainment.

Come to think of it, it's probably why none of them have much porn even if they rack in a healthy amount of views. It's kinda why Riro was such a surprise- she didn't really lewdbait at all (much like the other girls.)

I'd also like to say this is probably why /vt/ shits on Idol. Between them being operated by Israelis making it obligatory opposition in the eyes of 4channer. Idol also just, doesn't really allow the girls to be flirty. They ALSO obligate them to act similar to Hololive's standards.

Meanwhile Phase Connect appears to have 0 control over its girls sometimes and virtually every single PC girl lewd-baits a LOT. There's also rampant racism out of some of them. (Not a negative for me btw)

Quick example of something a PC talent can do which none of Idol's will.

Come to think of it Idol-Corp might be mostly be trying to be a "Western" version of Hololive. (Israel does count as geopolitically Western by definition, as dumb as that is.)


Update on the co-founder situation.

Tomer Barnea is the Lead Talent Manager at Idol. Or rather was he's listed as no longer with the company so this might be where 4chan's getting the rrat from. But I can't find when he stopped being with the company so no clue on if it's hard evidence or not.


think 4chan just blowing it out of proportion.

Kinda interested in why someone called Rin a troon. Wonder if they're actually trans or not. I guess her addiction to the Ikea shark and her not-cutesy voice has people thinking she might be a tranny--

Looked it up. It's basically because her "act" is tomboy royalty so she goes by Prince instead. That's it. I'm honestly disappointed but it's 4chan, to be expected.

I guess Yoko talked about bedwetting once or something then since the other comment was accusing her of having a watersports fetish. Kinda lightweight by 4chan standards but again this is 2020 4chan so it has no teeth anymore.

God I miss 00's 4chan.


She tried that "Sex, drugs, rock and roll" shtick. That's cool and all, but she should have known it would be a contract violation.

I wish her simps would understand this and stop bashing on Idol for canning her.

Lost Branch

lol, the people jumping through hoops to defend her are funny. They have no concept of the danger involved. Seriously:
  1. A dono for her to take pills, she's lucky she didn't overdose (which makes me think the pills were fake).
  2. Sleeping with fans can easily have any number of issues come up (stds, rape, kidnapping, murder).
  3. Sleeping with your manager is just wrong in every way, because it easily becomes either sex for preferred treatment or, if their relationship falls apart, will cause a upheaval at the company (which is most likely what happened).
It's really easy to find the fags that have zero life experience in the comments.


If the Idol Ceo ran twitch vtubing, vshojo, hololive, nijisanji and phase connect we will be seeing graduations left and right that would make nijisanji look like a grain in the desert and give falseyed a stroke with too much news to cover. Sad she she did not pull a Hana macchia for us before getting fired.


If the Idol Ceo ran twitch vtubing, vshojo, hololive, nijisanji and phase connect we will be seeing graduations left and right that would make nijisanji look like a grain in the desert and give falseyed a stroke with too much news to cover. Sad she she did not pull a Hana macchia for us before getting fired.
I dunno where the retirement meme came from with Idol. It's just the 1st Gen's which retired and I'm pretty sure most of them retired due to a small crowd to get from. (They were ALL Israeli vtubers)



Edit: update that he streamed an entire VOD is what i am hearing.
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