Phase Connect rrats

Basically, it was just her doing a humiliation fetish with her viewers. I don't care if her viewers claim was for memes or whatever, she knew what she was doing.
Still lost. An example if you could?

I'm guessing it's uhh...the shtick with her mom? How chat prefers her mom? I'm guessing reverse GFE is when the Entertainer is the one who's trying to get the attention/interest of chat and seemingly failing at it.

Lia is fine tbh. Haven't watched much of hers, but enjoyed the Interview with MBH and currently have a few of her streams in my "Watch Later" like the Deep Dives and Wind Waker ones.

The only thing I find a bit weird is how she changed her model (probably because she had similarities to Lumi?)

Also another thing. The way she acts sometimes makes me wonder if she was groomed to a degree. IIRC corretly she did some Nyaners type shit, but I wonder if there is more to it.

Lost Branch
Still lost. An example if you could?

I'm guessing it's uhh...the shtick with her mom? How chat prefers her mom? I'm guessing reverse GFE is when the Entertainer is the one who's trying to get the attention/interest of chat and seemingly failing at it.
Those streams were like a month or two ago so maybe she hasn't done anymore, and no it has nothing to do with her mom (the mom thing is a joke with half of PC). The last time I watched her she straight up spent two hours degrading people in chat while pretending to be their internet girlfriend. The entire stream just came off as weird and gross.

-rumours are she got groomed.
-was doing a stream and got interrupted by some dude on a stream call
-chat started to become pissed off because they wanted to just watch her.
-dude gets pissed off than some arguement with Lia and chat, Tenma gets into her chat to tell Lia to end the stream(she is basically like the older sister of the company)
-never brought up the situation again.

This is the only yab I have her and since than no signs of interacting with any groomers. 4chan has created dedicated threads of her like Selen, collabed with Pomu and is doing another collab in a few days with Neurosama again. If anything she is feeling happier now than she felt before joining phase connect

Lost Branch
I guess another rrat but not really, Pippa finally admitted a few days ago that she's not doing well mentally. She's been debating whether or not to actually take her new meds. I personally think she just needs a week off to go hang out with Sleepy or maybe just some time to herself.

She's been a lot more confrontational recently and very quick to just blame it on being "one guy'd" despite nearly all of chat disagreeing with something she said. As weird as this sounds, I think that Class of 09 game actually brought up some bad memories, because each time she's streamed it, she's acted almost bi-polar.

-rumours are she got groomed.
-was doing a stream and got interrupted by some dude on a stream call
-chat started to become pissed off because they wanted to just watch her.
-dude gets pissed off than some arguement with Lia and chat, Tenma gets into her chat to tell Lia to end the stream(she is basically like the older sister of the company)
-never brought up the situation again.
Are there any sources for that?

This thread pretty much summarizes it

No yabs about grooming lately and Lia has toned down on her lewd asmr streams(sadly). But she has grown significantly as a streamer and should be happy about her progress
After reading through it (sadly the clip was uploaded with gofile (which sucks ass) and is no longer available).

From the few summaries it looks like she met a smalltime VA at a con and wanted herself to get into the game while the guy wanted to get into her pants. Dude calls her and she picked up (why?). Dude starts to flirt and chat calls her a whore.

Ofc we don't know all the deets, but it seems to me thats as far as it went.

After reading through it (sadly the clip was uploaded with gofile (which sucks ass) and is no longer available).

From the few summaries it looks like she met a smalltime VA at a con and wanted herself to get into the game while the guy wanted to get into her pants. Dude calls her and she picked up (why?). Dude starts to flirt and chat calls her a whore.

Ofc we don't know all the deets, but it seems to me thats as far as it went.
Lia doesn't really come off as bright, and her relationship with her mom kinda paints that Mom is a bit of a brat too. If childhood stories are to be believed.

Not a rrat, but I watched a recent stream of Lia.

Her mom was watching the stream (according to her) and the chat made some obvious sexual comments towards her. I was a bit weirded out, how she not just tolerated that, but played along a la "I'm a klutz that doesn't understand the undertones tehee".

assuming the sex pestering is what usually gets females that did lewd content to sort of stop doing it. Rumors that 4chan /pmg/ pressuring silvervale got her to not consider the idea of CB and that tectone the dude that looks like the Cobson soyjak meme IRL, made an insensitive lewd question to snuffy which toned down her content so I won't be surprise if this is the reason Lia private her ASMR videos or that fishman ordered her to do so since I heard from the phase connect thread on 4chan that Remilia sort of got in trouble for her ultimate mouthworks stream.

Lia can't blame her fans being horny since she did promise a 100k rinmama feet reveal.

Lost Branch
It probably doesn't help that Pippa and Airi are pretty anti-sex.

What I think is really funny is that Erina and Lumi are treated like complete whores of the company, but both of them are so damn tame with their content. Especially Erina, she had like two asmr streams and hasn't done one since. I've actually found myself watching Erina a lot more recently.

Not a rrat, but I watched a recent stream of Lia.

Her mom was watching the stream (according to her) and the chat made some obvious sexual comments towards her. I was a bit weirded out, how she not just tolerated that, but played along a la "I'm a klutz that doesn't understand the undertones tehee".
Jesus Christ what HAPPENED?

Lost Branch
Lia does fake clickbait clickbait streams from time to time. Dizzy does something similar with her "being in character" streams.

Watched the latest Lia stream with her mom.

The last 2/3 were quite wholesome and fun, but the first third did have that weird lewd behavior again like her mom thirsting over Keanu.

Also interessting information about her mom being almost deaf. It explains the way she talks.

Thus "Deep Dive" was of course not very deep (as always), but I can recommend looking into some of the places they mentioned.

Also the topic about Halloween decorations being stolen in their neighborhood is interesting. Has she ever mentioned living in some thrashy place like Pippa?

got introduced to Amano and had a good laugh at 01:45:00 when she was imitating herself in the game as a 12-year-old boy when random people joined their game.



Pippa calls out coomers after talking about big dogs for protection and chat gets into the "White girls fuck dogs" meme.
Honestly... good! Most of the time I see VTubers just playing into it no matter how unfunny / overdone a joke is (just like your average normie tbh).
I do wonder if that affected her numbers though, since I think we all know how fragile people on the Internet have become.

Also you have some of the funny people saying it's not about porn, but about the Rusty Cage song:

These people don't get that a reference without context might as well not be one.


I can guarantee, that at least 1/3rd of the people who made the joke also were trying to find R34 of Pipps doing it with a dog at the same time.
It might be a "joke", but the coomer brain of these people has rotted away the filter for when something is apporpiate or not.