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Drama Pikamee Graduating


i also should feel like i ought to talk about the "planned graduation"

because it's the biggest cope the troons have to try and justify their actions had no harm, no consequences, no real damage
which ignores the fact pikamee is a real person literally just roleplaying as a kettle kaiju, and has mental and emotional health that can be damaged
which, you know, is apart of being human, but i doubt the troons could understand that

how the fuck does all that psychological damage suddenly become non-existent the moment they learn "hurr durr she was always planning to graduate"

you know, excluding the unapologetic troons who've dehumanized pikamee and think she has no emotions

oh boy, retard's back
Define harassment. Your statistic of "96.65% are bad" only rely on your vague and, to be frank, probably wrong definition of harassment.
Do you truly consider criticism and vocalized disappointment to be harassment?

You do know I explicitly said that is not where the backlash comes from? Also I really hope you see the irony in these two sentences.

Ninja, when your views call for "total tranny death," you're not reasonable. Are you yourself admitting that with your quotation of "reasonable"? If you understand that you are not reasonable yourself, then why do you continue to hold your views?

As I said, not where the backlash comes from. You can re-read my posts if you'd like.

Ninja, you didn't answer any of my questions in my previous posts, but I'll still pose you these; have you considered that you are wrong? Have you considered that you are not "fighting some evil cult" but that you're just promoting hate? And, have you considered that this is not even why Pikamee graduated in the first place?
criticism is when you play wizard game and automatically support genocide, racism, dictatorships, eugenics, and should die for those views

backlash from intentionally angering people by playing a game of all things? lmao okay, thanks for admitting you think playing games is evil now

oh no, rowling made harry potter, therefore everyone who likes a game about it (that she isn't even getting paid for~) is gonna terfin' so hard

i don't need to answer your questions that i already answered in my initial post, should critical thinking be possible for you
which came from considering various perspectives where i could be wrong

any other obscenely unreasonable perspective, like genuinely thinking a fucking game of all things is gonna cause your genocide through some convoluted sequence of events that must happen or else it wouldn't end that way?
as if i'd ever consider that reasonable, considering that it doesn't work like that at all.
trust me, no one ever saw you fucks as less than human if you actually had a job and talked with coworkers, and i know you never cared to look human, but i humored it anyway because i considered it just to be sure i'm not wrong
you make yourselves insufferable with how you always like putting words and intentions in other peoples' mouths, then attack them on your malicious depiction of reality

enjoy being the victim that you pretend you are to get away with everything that you are and have done.

get the rope troon


No. You missed the point entirely. The issue is not the game. It's the reason why she is playing the game. Do you think she'd have had this large of a reaction if she announced it in a regular way?
You mean like the reaction Pikamee got when she just wanted to play a game for the sake of playing it and nothing else? Not that playing it promotes tranny genocide anyway, that's just another tranny delusion like their entire identity.
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The backlash against trannies is ultimately a self-defense mechanism. How long did they think they could push before people got tired of their shit? You might be able to get some people to ignore reality and call men women, but you certainly won't get everybody to.


someone suggested i use a vpn to try and archive things, since for some reason, the site won't work where i'm at
turns out that works, so from here on out, i can finally archive things again

unfortunately, i know troon 48's tweets got removed from the internet after they tried to call some people pedophiles, so i can't archive that, alongside any others who had removed theirs
and i'm honestly too tired to scroll through 1015 qrts again just to archive them
believe me or don't that all those tweets are genuine, because i sure as hell don't care if those troons keep calling it fake, because those who want to know reality, will see it

anyway, for my first archive ever since i got my own place,

Tweet || Archive

fan mail for my stats

allow me to be the first to say what they're gonna say

"he's not threatening you, it's just a meme"
"that person doesn't represent us"
"that's not actually a threat"
"he's not trans"

Someone on the farms noticed another through line with these people
View attachment 13703
I cant wait for tomorrow's MATI where Jersh tries to wrap his head around this bullshit

yep, another yipper

honestly i've lost my empathy for anyone who's fallen for this ruse, because it's not like you get anything from joining this cult

usually there's shit like being apart of something bigger than the rest of the world, some miracle cure to all their problems, a community that will accept them, but honestly the troons don't provide any of that

they're always consistently victims, tell themselves in every single day that it's so awful being themselves, their only hope is being an "underdog" to a great societal change for human rights by destroying peoples' lives outside their cult and blasphemers who betrayed them, surgical procedures and chemical alterations that will permanently destroy their bodies that no one could ever look at with pleasure, and even if the community and acceptance is all that mattered, they're willing to cannibalize their own for any and all reasons and strip you away of your so-called unchangable gender identity you're born with that you apparently struggle with because you were continously gaslighted that you are trans even when you didn't know it at all because you more than likely self-diagnosed yourself with an internet quiz made by troons because you can't even bother asking an actual professional what that even is and if you show any remote signs of suffering it

the only true benefit is the power it brings being a "victim" that needs help required by society itself or else "you're on the wrong part of history" with solutions for change being "silence is violence" and ruining peoples' lives that you are disgusted by or envious of without ever getting any disapproval from a significant portion of society to ever truly suffer repercussions for

and i doubt i should have empathy for people who want to be able to inflict cruelty upon the world without facing any consequences

edit addendum:
just so you guys know

Tweet || Archive

there was no death threats sent
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Mr. Freestyler Himself

i also should feel like i ought to talk about the "planned graduation"

because it's the biggest cope the troons have to try and justify their actions had no harm, no consequences, no real damage
which ignores the fact pikamee is a real person literally just roleplaying as a kettle kaiju, and has mental and emotional health that can be damaged
which, you know, is apart of being human, but i doubt the troons could understand that
"noo!! my uwu kettle can do no wrong! fuck u trannies!" lol
The most basic criticism of "hey can you not play this game because of JK Rowling" is not harming anybody. And hell, if I was a vtuber and realized my audience was full of loser transphobes, I'd take a month off as well.
how the fuck does all that psychological damage suddenly become non-existent the moment they learn "hurr durr she was always planning to graduate"
Because the claim that is being made is that the harassment (a handful of tweets) caused her to graduate. Don't shift the goalposts now.
you know, excluding the unapologetic troons who've dehumanized pikamee and think she has no emotions
oh boy, retard's back
hi :D
criticism is when you play wizard game and automatically support genocide, racism, dictatorships, eugenics, and should die for those views
Definitely not a blatant misrepresentation of what I'm saying
backlash from intentionally angering people by playing a game of all things? lmao okay, thanks for admitting you think playing games is evil now
Definitely not a blatant misrepresentation of what I'm saying (2)
oh no, rowling made harry potter, therefore everyone who likes a game about it (that she isn't even getting paid for~) is gonna terfin' so hard
Definitely not a blatant misrepresentation of what I'm saying (3)
i don't need to answer your questions that i already answered in my initial post, should critical thinking be possible for you
(He, in fact, did NOT answer the questions in his initial post)
which came from considering various perspectives where i could be wrong
any other obscenely unreasonable perspective, like genuinely thinking a fucking game of all things is gonna cause your genocide through some convoluted sequence of events that must happen or else it wouldn't end that way?
as if i'd ever consider that reasonable, considering that it doesn't work like that at all.
Definitely not a blatant misrepresentation of what I'm saying (4)
trust me, no one ever saw you fucks as less than human if you actually had a job and talked with coworkers, and i know you never cared to look human, but i humored it anyway because i considered it just to be sure i'm not wrong
you make yourselves insufferable with how you always like putting words and intentions in other peoples' mouths, then attack them on your malicious depiction of reality

enjoy being the victim that you pretend you are to get away with everything that you are and have done.

get the rope troon
lmao how do you manage to look more and more ridiculous with each post
What would your trans friends think of this post?

You mean like the reaction Pikamee got when she just wanted to play a game for the sake of playing it and nothing else? Not that playing it promotes tranny genocide anyway, that's just another tranny delusion like their entire identity.
I hope you know just how funny this is when paired with your signature.

The backlash against trannies is ultimately a self-defense mechanism. How long did they think they could push before people got tired of their shit? You might be able to get some people to ignore reality and call men women, but you certainly won't get everybody to.
Please study gender and biology.

Mr. Freestyler Himself

Good to know you couldn't actually refute anything.
made even funnier LOL
Take your own advice, gender does not exist.
when did I ever say that?
I mean, the study of gender did not end (and didn't exactly start) with John Money, nor is anyone denying what John Money did, but you do you.
Also, isn't this getting rather off topic? Your transphobia and ignorance has nothing to do with Pikamee's graduation.

Speaking of her graduation... what else is there to talk about? We've learned that she was planning this a long time ago. GYARI himself said this. What reasons would GYARI have to lie? Is the rest of the thread just going to be coping about the fact that "the evil trannies" didn't actually do anything?


made even funnier LOL

when did I ever say that?

I mean, the study of gender did not end (and didn't exactly start) with John Money, nor is anyone denying what John Money did, but you do you.
Also, isn't this getting rather off topic? Your transphobia and ignorance has nothing to do with Pikamee's graduation.

Speaking of her graduation... what else is there to talk about? We've learned that she was planning this a long time ago. GYARI himself said this. What reasons would GYARI have to lie? Is the rest of the thread just going to be coping about the fact that "the evil trannies" didn't actually do anything?
I know you're blind AND dumb as shit but at least stick to your points my man

Lost Branch

All the people that are trying to shift blame off of the troons and onto the victims are lying sacks of shit just projecting:

I'm going to laugh once we figure out who's sock puppet account faggot mcgee is here. Every single person that's arguing his points all turn out to be worse than the people they claim to be calling out.

Edit: Oh look, Shitpai trying to save fa- oh wait, they're just doubling down.
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Good to know you couldn't actually refute anything.
well, that's apart of his gimmick as a troon

avoid saying anything concrete, it's always an implication, and when people call them out on fucked up points, they'll just say "nah not my point" and never say their actual "point" because they can't ever truly refute anything at all

their point is always going to be a convoluted 10-page essay explaining various phenomena just to suggest the existence of the possibility of a relation between two things, which can be summarized with a single sentence, being "game is transphobia" in this case, which their reasoning always all hinges on so many bets on the worst happening and sequence of events to happen perfectly in that order for it to even result in what they "fear"

Please study gender and biology.
Is the rest of the thread just going to be coping about the fact that "the evil trannies" didn't actually do anything?
I'm going to put this as simply as I can: you are delusional. You seem to be arguing with a person in your head. I have stuck to my points completely. I'm not sure if I can say the same for you.
everything he has said has spoken more about himself and his views than an actual takedown of our entire point lmao

has he said anything fundamentally different than what i had already mentioned?

he's always been denying how many people have justified the harassment, shifted the topic away from the harassment done, denied that the harassment happened, the harassment happened but wasn't that bad, some even deciding to say that pikamee wanted to be harassed, and so on from the moment he joined this forum

he's always been switching points, perspectives, positioning, all to try to get a good shot at me, but all of it is just him being a faggot who can't let his ilk dare be called out

of course, troons have always been attention seekers, hence why they like to inject their entire life unto others, and make everything about themselves
even in terrible cases like harassment, making it about themselves and how they're hurting rather than the people they've harassed
so long as you think of them, they'll feel ecstatic being in the spotlight, because even the most negative of social interactions feed their craving social wants

This is where I'm going to advertise a channel dabbling in abuse and manipulator tactics, the games they play, and how to deal with them, called "TheraminTrees"
They generally use religion and manipulators in them as examples, but more often than not, he abstracts it to many other situations, such as the manipulative tactics of "rights activists" among others, where the fundamental strategy is the same for all abusers, how to recognize them, and never give them the light of day.

In this particular case of the Troon Terror, I think this video applies to their "offense" of playing a game and putting an image of transphobic monsters on those who dare disagree.
Every other video also applies to several of their tactics of abuse, however, this seems to cover their tactic to use offense itself to justify their cruelty; their strongest spear against all who are against them.

Call me a hypocrite for getting rightfully offended for someone getting harassed to hell and back by this cult, their denial and justification of it all in one sentence, but I won't restrict anyone's speech for being retarded, and allow discourse to be had so truths can be exposed.
Meanwhile, these troons will run out everyone who dares disagree with them as an alt-right Nazi, attempt to destroy their lives, never giving them the light of day.
All they have to say for themselves are the same robotic lines of "Trans Rights!" "Silence is violence!" should they ever try to pretend that they're even capable to talk at the level of reason expected from mature human beings, and never truly anything else.

I'll be using my newfound minute of fame to help educate people on the abuse tactics they use, and hope we stop them in their tracks forever.

I've long since abandoned the illusion that they're human beings who're simply suffering.
At best, they're simply immature human beings who never grew up who constantly want everything their way.
In reasonable perspective, they're a cult of subhumans who can only think of hurting others.

Get the rope.


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New clip to talk about

Context: one of the things people have been using as proof Pikamee had planned this in advance is a clip from Pomu where she states she had been indeed planning this for "awhile"

well Pomu has now shown up to clarify things a bit in this clip here

TLDW: past a lot of staling and fluff the key bits of info are
  1. she says she "does not really know much about Pikamees situation"
  2. she says she only knows what she was told by her and "she did not tell her too much"
  3. she says pikemen had been talking to her about around the end of January
  4. she says that she really does not know anything more than she has already said
  5. she says she got dragged into this when she really did not want to
  6. she says people have been both misinterpreting what she said and putting words in her mouth and taking her out of context
  7. she does not want to be involved in this

the timeline of the end of January put it within a week or two before the hogleg stuff. so it's safe to say she was def considering it at the very least or had made up her mind around that time. it does not disprove the harassment had no effect. but it's good to keep up to date with the facts even if they dont line up with what we want.

im of the mind she was def considering leaving for whatever reason. and the harassment most likely sealed the deal even more than it already had. that's my current stance based on all the evidence I've seen. this does not mean the bullies should be let off the hook, but I do think we should try to be team truth here. we can still call out and condemn the harassment and bullying that took place over HogLeg while still being factually correct about events. It's what makes us better than them, dont forget that.

Lost Branch

Just a reminder, Pikamee has been getting harassed and nitpicked constantly going on two years now. With this clarification from Pomu, it can safely be said that the dogpile at the beginning of February was the main catalyst for quitting this early. I'm confident Pika would have kept going to the end of the year if not for the hogwarts harassment.

It's just really funny that every single thing they said was proof that all of this was planned years ago was either fake, mistranslated, taken out of context, or them just wanting it to be true.

This how they act to people just being disappointed, imagine how they acted towards the actual victim:

It's at the point that just saying "Harassment is wrong" gets you death threats and dogpiling.


It's just really funny that every single thing they said was proof that all of this was planned years ago was either fake, mistranslated, taken out of context, or them just wanting it to be true.
which is why i never believed it

the moment i heard that bullshit, i immediately checked the people who translated it out to check if they're a troon

which, by the way, even if it were true, is literally just the faggots being this:

"And if it was, that's not a big deal."

so yeah.

get the rope faggots

Lost Branch

That's it spot on, just complete narcissism through and through. These activists/weirdos have done more harm to real trannies than anyone else.

The mass majority of these twitter freaks are lying about their identity just for clout. They claim its some "right-wing" psyop, but the reality it's just dumb losers who still think they're in high school. Their real lives are boring and pathetic, so they have to pantomime how special and different they are so others will pay attention to them.

It's just so hilarious to me that I called this shit 20 fucking years ago when social media was kicking off. It's all fucking stupid and pointless. I would go on people's pages and just see them posting lie after lie after lie about themselves and nothing has changed in all this time.

I'm so glad I never caved into using social media.
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People keep using the fucking loli post as an 'own'. And one of them even saying her deleting it is proof its about real kids? (Even though the more likely reason is that she didn't want people mobbing her over it, making things even worse than they already are)

These are the people who will defend people like Vaush with 'muh context' but are willing to ignore context to dunk on 'the weebs'.


Patron of the Forums
People keep using the fucking loli post as an 'own'. And one of them even saying her deleting it is proof its about real kids? (Even though the more likely reason is that she didn't want people mobbing her over it, making things even worse than they already are)
It is just them trying to scrape some excuse together
They will use any tactic no matter how dirty rather than admit defeat or fault
It shows they went after pikamee because she is a soft target
They wont dare go after iofifteen they know that a fight with holoID gachikoi and cover lawyer is a fight they cant win
These are the people who will defend people like Vaush with 'muh context' but are willing to ignore context to dunk on 'the weebs'.
Standarf Friend/Enemy distinction