Eccentric Individual Rin Plushie Vlogs!!! || @akamebigtits || KorewaSaber || A Self-hating Lolicon || Clout-Chaser Extraordinaire

For people who really really love to stand out

What started as a comment on one of Shizus tweets led down a rabbit hole leading to this failed youtuber and seemingly self-hating lolicon.
the tweets are out of order so bear that in mind as you read.

Twitter: Akamebigtits AKA Rin Plushie Vlogs!!! (Archive)
Youtube: KorewaSaber (Videos Archive || About Page Archive)

Starting with his YouTube channel, it features several "loli reviews", of which he's bragged about on twitter quite a bit (most archived in this thread). They consist of a text-to-speech robot along with poorly mixed music drowning out the TTS, while loosely related images scroll across the screen . Thankfully they are short, only lasting 3 minutes at most, however that doesn't change the fact that they're amazingly bad, and borderline parody. In these videos he mentions his "loli persona" and wishing to date some of the lolis in the shows he covers with said persona. There really isn't much else to say about the videos they're basic and poorly edited.

His twitter was brought into the spotlight when he left the following comment on a post about kaijufangz, who is known for attacking Kyuotto when she first announced her model.
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After a short look into his account you quickly find many posts that contradict each other, such as him saying "is this a underage girl giving the mc some special" (the girl being Megumin (see tweet/archive))

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as well as this tweet where he defends loli
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along with his self-proclaimed "lolicon mode", while showing off his loli merch.
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This one is especially damning since Monogatari is full of lolis, with the MC himself being a lolicon. If you dislike lolicons so much that you go on to say they need to see doctors why would you support this anime of all possible animes out there.
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Then flipping the switch and making tweets where he is clearly trying to draw a connection between loli and cp

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as well as implying a fictional characters age matters (unless its vtubers uwu). Yet also goes to defend Gawr Gura, who is well known for her shark cunny.
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Outside of that he has tweets where he shits on lolicons, claiming they need a doctor (despite being one himself and uploading videos about lolis).
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and once again comparing drawings to CP.
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Tweets by year.
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(already posted above)

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Despite sperging hard about not "sexualizing" lolis, the man partakes in it himself plenty, even directly helping the studios by buying their merch.
His 2D comment was on the verge of being aware, yet it quickly slipped away with the next lines.

Overall in the past 2 years he's flopped harder than a level 1 Magikarp why is that the first thing to come to mind with some of his switches being only days apart (such as the Rev Says Desu tweet, and then his comment on Shizus post calling lolicons "degenerates"). His switches make zero sense as well.
Clearly being a lolicon will lead him condemned by normalfags, yet shitting on other lolicons from atop his high horse will just lead them to hate him as well.
He's earned his thread by the complete lack of any self-awareness in any of his decisions.
Just make up your bloody mind all ready.
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I wonder if he's just playing both sides for clout. Doesn't really seem to get into arguments, just alternates posting "loli bad" or "loli good." It's definitely trendy to hate on Kyuotto so that would be his golden goose.

I mean:
1. Make the lolicons mad
2. They click on his profile and see his loli reviews, watch to make sure it's not bait
3. ????????
4. Profit

Patron of the Forums
I wonder if he's just playing both sides for clout. Doesn't really seem to get into arguments, just alternates posting "loli bad" or "loli good." It's definitely trendy to hate on Kyuotto so that would be his golden goose.

I mean:
1. Make the lolicons mad
2. They click on his profile and see his loli reviews, watch to make sure it's not bait
3. ????????
4. Profit
It's very unlikely though, he looks like a punching bag to me.

Now this guy should go to a doctor because at this poiny it would not surprise if hes schizophrenic

also I hope you enjoyed my loli videos I know there cringey but still fun to watch back after all these years

I am acquainted with akame and let me just say that in his defense he's kinda retarded (not sure if clinically though) let's just get that out there. There's a possibility of him doing it to piss people off because he's been known to do things like that. Overall he's not a bad guy, he throws a fit when being called a pedo but idk if its self hate or not he's never really been interested in loli but I can't comment about the Shinobu figurine.

The thing that started it all


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I am acquainted with akame and let me just say that in his defense he's kinda retarded (not sure if clinically though) let's just get that out there. There's a possibility of him doing it to piss people off because he's been known to do things like that. Overall he's not a bad guy, he throws a fit when being called a pedo but idk if its self hate or not he's never really been interested in loli but I can't comment about the Shinobu figurine.
The way you describe him he sounds like a troll just doing things to get attention

you made all this for me thanks
I'm not a schizophrenic no idea what that means
Out of curiosity how did find out about this thread

I found it on twitter
Love how a whole thread was made on me find it funny as fuck too
keep up the good work

I am retarded that is what makes me Akame baby!!!

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums
He can't watch Kaleid/Liner unironically and not at least have a fixation on imouto-type characters, something that is supported by the Miyu figurine he's got there. Even if he's a Fate fan it's a hurdle to get past if he isn't part of the target demographic. I can accept liking Nanoha for the dogfights and magitech porn, but Kaleid/Liner? He's absolutely sporting an awkward erection while watching it.

I'll file Akame as 'trying hard to avoid arrest while living behind enemy lines (also known as living in the Anglosphere).'

I watched Kaleid in 2018 funny show but some parts kinda questionable but the movie is fucking amazing and 3rd season starts becoming a good show and not just lewd jokes
I am fate fan uwu love shiro his like best boy in UBW and saber is best girl

I feel like lolicons can't tell the difference between an anime fan and themselfs

you can like lolis and not be a lolicon
I have no attraction to underage girls I like loli's but not in a sexual way

understand the word lolicon means Japan, the term describes an attraction to underage girls or an individual with such an attraction.

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums
It depends on the context, within Otaku circles 'Lolicon' specifically refers to a 2D attraction/fixation on such characters which may or may not be sexual. Also depends on the era too, 'Lolicon' back in the late 70s/early 80s was a catch-all term for erotic fixation towards 2D characters.

Also time say some facts on I'm not a youtuber and also I don't see getting 120 subs in the past month a failed channel

It depends on the context, within Otaku circles 'Lolicon' specifically refers to a 2D attraction/fixation on such characters which may or may not be sexual. Also depends on the era too, 'Lolicon' back in the late 70s/early 80s was a catch-all term for erotic fixation towards 2D characters.
oh thanks for the info I guess

>Verniy pfp

Cultured, too bad you are still a retard.
at least I have sort of personality online even if its a retarded one lol
but in end as long as everyone is having fun and no one is getting hurt I'm fine with people seeing me as a retard one the internet
keeps things interesting I guess

We're sick of authoritarians trying to criminalize us. Y'know, like the tyrannical laws of the UK.

No fictional art should be criminalized, but apparently some think it should be. Who will decide what hentai image is legal and what hentai image is illegal? Federal judges? Sounds ripe for abuse.

We don't want the nanny state telling people what they can and cannot watch based on arbitrarily subjective standards, which is already happening in Australia.

Part of the reason I'm even involved with the stuff is because when tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty. And this tyranny is at risk of becoming law due to people crying wolf.