Shilling underrated games

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Shilling games that should have more recognition.

I couldn't agree more. If anything they aren't even a part of the main fanbase since it seems there's more of a divide between ArcSys fans and Strive fans. Sadly that doesn't change the fact that ArcSys themselves are long gone (at least imo) and talking about Guilty Gear as a fan is a pain now with everything that happened to that game. Oh well, at least I have their older fighting games thankfully.
Yeah theeres a reason why i don't really asociate with or interact with fandoms at all anymore and its cause of shit like the divide such as what smt/persona fans have when the reality is all of them both sides are honestly totally pathethic. And the soy based strive fandom and now soybased river city and also guilty gear fans are just like i mentioned all equally fucking pathetic as one another.

I don't even like blazblue honestly cause i just find the dialogue and lolcowlization of it to be just so annoying and the newer games i heard are sort of gimped so i'll pass on that.

Arc systems has lot of great older games and sure i enjoyed the trace memory remake but the woke shit like race swapping was a huge disapointment for me as well as the fact now trace memory fans are all going to be soy infected weirdos now and soon enough hotel dusk as well too. ;-;

Can agree ever since that Bridget and Taiwan controversy they have not been the same since. In fact i believe the Blazblue/GG team left Arcsys due to these things and the fact they said they would be catering to global interests than focusing on their own country and exporting it to the West.

It feels like Japanese companies forget who their main audience is and choose to think these fake type of fans who enter in the franchise are the new fanbase and they can exploit them but always find out they are not around forever, especially those who are of the pretend Bridget crowd for GG or Persona 5 with Atlus, it's all temporary because they do not like games or anime or the culture of these titles, it's all because it's popular and to fit in society, they do not buy the games other than that one title. I would warn companies though to be careful on doubling down or tripling down on bad things because not only will the casual crowd not be there when time is up, but they do risk losing key talent and also fanbase which makes it harder to come back from. Like what has happened with BB/GG, and even certain other franchises. I do think what makes it crazy to think about is how much Arcsys lost on the playerbase with the Strive move.
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Can agree though with older Fighting Games, there is plenty that exist in the backlog and there is some online matches that are still being played by those who bought GG:Rev 2(145) and BB:Centralfiction(170) and Persona Ultimax(150). That is the beauty that is PC gaming honestly, even years later there will be enough users online to still be playing these games years later. I am looking through more games right now to review, and i am looking into fight sticks as well because i am getting back into the genre again due to some solid titles i am looking into right now.
1)Wow such a troonsphobic team what a bunch of bigots who won't hang ourselves or cut their own genitals off just to seek validation as a whamen.

2)Hey i love fake type's music. :p but yeah joking aside i seen this too with alot of Japanese fandoms that its pretty much like i just said earlier why i don't really asociate with or interact with fandoms at all anymore.

3)I wouldn't really call it temporary as we still to this day have clout chasing ass grifters who love their soy who claim to be fans yet at the same time just keep getting contantly triggered since they didn't take their schizo meds.

4)Well yeah they keep losing their 41 percent userbase because they keep finding ways to unalive themselves or end up in whatever little asylums there is left lol.

5)Yeah the older arc system games are good and river city girls and guilty gear strive only enables the new soy gen direction of arc systems works so i wouldn't reccomend either.

Can agree ever since that Bridget and Taiwan controversy they have not been the same since. In fact i believe the Blazblue/GG team left Arcsys due to these things and the fact they said they would be catering to global interests than focusing on their own country and exporting it to the West.

It feels like Japanese companies forget who their main audience is and choose to think these fake type of fans who enter in the franchise are the new fanbase and they can exploit them but always find out they are not around forever, especially those who are of the pretend Bridget crowd for GG or Persona 5 with Atlus, it's all temporary because they do not like games or anime or the culture of these titles, it's all because it's popular and to fit in society, they do not buy the games other than that one title. I would warn companies though to be careful on doubling down or tripling down on bad things because not only will the casual crowd not be there when time is up, but they do risk losing key talent and also fanbase which makes it harder to come back from. Like what has happened with BB/GG, and even certain other franchises. I do think what makes it crazy to think about is how much Arcsys lost on the playerbase with the Strive move.
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Can agree though with older Fighting Games, there is plenty that exist in the backlog and there is some online matches that are still being played by those who bought GG:Rev 2(145) and BB:Centralfiction(170) and Persona Ultimax(150). That is the beauty that is PC gaming honestly, even years later there will be enough users online to still be playing these games years later. I am looking through more games right now to review, and i am looking into fight sticks as well because i am getting back into the genre again due to some solid titles i am looking into right now.
That's awesome! Hopefully you have fun with whatever fight stick you buy! As for losing employees I never really heard about a good chunk of their team leaving, but I do know that Toshimichi Mori was officially gone two weeks after the whole Bridget fiasco. He ended up founding his own company too called Studio Flare, and while their first game is going to be an action game, I find it very funny that the second game is going to be a fighting game. Let's hope for the best when it comes to those planned games tho, I'm excited to see what happens but ye. :konata_stare:

Phantasy Star Portable damn now thats a real slept on game i dont really see talk bout online so often.
Same with Phantasy Star 0 on DS. Very slept-on. Supposedly a prequel to PSO. It has a lot more in common with original PSO from a gameplay perspective, with some mechanics like strafing and dodging brought over from Universe.

I haven't played Phantasy Star Portable 1 yet, though I plan to. The JP-only Portable 2 Infinity has an english patch. I've been playing that.

Same with Phantasy Star 0 on DS. Very slept-on. Supposedly a prequel to PSO. It has a lot more in common with original PSO from a gameplay perspective, with some mechanics like strafing and dodging brought over from Universe.

I haven't played Phantasy Star Portable 1 yet, though I plan to. The JP-only Portable 2 Infinity has an english patch. I've been playing that.
Phantasy Star portable i got after wanting it for like decades now couldn't find it in the wild in my area but now finally got it.

I found a perfect 2D Fighting Game that is is up there with KOFXIII and Blazblue Centralfiction. It is Melty Blood Lumina, yes there is Melty Blood Current Code and that one was infamous for 2D Sprites before KOFXIII and Blazblue surpassed it but i do think with this release they did an excellent job combining the two games and making something that's simple yet complex while making something engaging that ends up topping KOF and BB again.

1. The Shield System is interesting, imagine blocking and then being able to do a follow-up teleport attack, sort of like something out of Dragon Ball Z, Naruto or Bleach, you can do different types of follow-ups depending on what you choose. A slash up, a hit from behind or just a basic jump hit and rush-down. What makes this crazy is you can even counter a counter with the shield if you manage to predict the way your opponent is going to counter your own shield as well and attack back.
2. The inputs are very smooth and clean, the performance is really high and you can get this nice gameplay feeling of it all being seamless and flows extremely well of what you would like to do, rather than fighting the controls to get certain combos off at times. It feels like you are very powerful and can control the battle if you know the basics.
3. Nice range of character types, Saber being a sword/spear character, Arceud being similar to a nice rush down character, Dead Apostle Noel being a good zoner, you do have Powered Ciel for those who like to do some combos and switch it up as well, i also think Neco Arc is sort of a similar odd character to use.
4. Extra modes for single player and not just story, but it also has Time Attack, Survival, Mission mode, Boss Rush(which needs to be unlocked by beating the game with a few characters)
5. The Mechanics are complex like Blazblue but simple like Persona Ultimax and it ends up not stacking too much mechanics on top where it is a lot to take in for the end user. It's very simplified in a good way.
6. Has Rollback Netcode
7. The music is absolutely amazing here is some examples

Yes even the main menu is not bad at all

Honestly i am surprised this game is 50$ for the game itself it does go to 31$ on sale, and if you like more there is DLC, but it's nothing noteworthy, it's announcements or just extra artwork and a soundtrack. I would say this is the least greedy i have seen a company use this practice and i would encourage anyone to give it a try. I think next week i might speak about some of the best KOF games to play and some i would not recommend and why.
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I found a perfect 2D Fighting Game that is is up there with KOFXIII and Blazblue Centralfiction. It is Melty Blood Lumina, yes there is Melty Blood Current Code and that one was infamous for 2D Sprites before KOFXIII and Blazblue surpassed it but i do think with this release they did an excellent job combining the two games and making something that's simple yet complex while making something engaging that ends up topping KOF and BB again.

1. The Shield System is interesting, imagine blocking and then being able to do a follow-up teleport attack, sort of like something out of Dragon Ball Z, Naruto or Bleach, you can do different types of follow-ups depending on what you choose. A slash up, a hit from behind or just a basic jump hit and rush-down. What makes this crazy is you can even counter a counter with the shield if you manage to predict the way your opponent is going to counter your own shield as well and attack back.
2. The inputs are very smooth and clean, the performance is really high and you can get this nice gameplay feeling of it all being seamless and flows extremely well of what you would like to do, rather than fighting the controls to get certain combos off at times. It feels like you are very powerful and can control the battle if you know the basics.
3. Nice range of character types, Saber being a sword/spear character, Arceud being similar to a nice rush down character, Dead Apostle Noel being a good zoner, you do have Powered Ciel for those who like to do some combos and switch it up as well, i also think Neco Arc is sort of a similar odd character to use.
4. Extra modes for single player and not just story, but it also has Time Attack, Survival, Mission mode, Boss Rush(which needs to be unlocked by beating the game with a few characters)
5. The Mechanics are complex like Blazblue but simple like Persona Ultimax and it ends up not stacking too much mechanics on top where it is a lot to take in for the end user. It's very simplified in a good way.
6. Has Rollback Netcode
7. The music is absolutely amazing here is some examples

Yes even the main menu is not bad at all

Honestly i am surprised this game is 50$ for the game itself it does go to 31$ on sale, and if you like more there is DLC, but it's nothing noteworthy, it's announcements or just extra artwork and a soundtrack. I would say this is the least greedy i have seen a company use this practice and i would encourage anyone to give it a try. I think next week i might speak about some of the best KOF games to play and some i would not recommend and why.
I can't find a copy of it anywhere in my area sadly but i have seen one type moon project fate/zero and thats really it cause eh....... too super complex as well as too annoying of a fanbase especialyl the astoflo fans since femboys online these days are all groomed to be fucking sexpuppet ekids.

I can't find a copy of it anywhere in my area sadly but i have seen one type moon project fate/zero and thats really it cause eh....... too super complex as well as too annoying of a fanbase especialyl the astoflo fans since femboys online these days are all groomed to be fucking sexpuppet ekids.
I will say the fanbase is annoying because they think of Astolfo as Trans, even though Astolfo is a Trap. Do not listen to them. Fate is a solid franchise if you start out with Fate/Zero and go into the Heaven's Feel Trilogy, it's a nice start for most people especially if you do not like stories that are always happy go lucky and very by the numbers, there is also Fate/Stay Night which i was not a huge fan of because of the way they portrayed Emiya and Gilgamesh fighting each other vs the VN which was more realistic.

Also i bought this fight stick.


I would rate it at great value for 120$, sure it's not the most expensive, but also it's not cheap either and it does actually help if you are more serious about fighting games, and does a serviceable job with Shmups as long as you learn to coast with the stick and understand it's not tight, but also not too loose. I like the space between the joystick and the buttons. Definitely will say it's improved my game overall because the problem with Controllers especially Xbox Joystick is when you need to do a quarter circle it ends up being more taxing on your arm to do the movement constantly due to everything being closer together, while on Arcade Stick it's effortless further apart and games feel like they take advantage of it more. The one learning curve I will tell everyone is to focus on the stick movement and then the button taps so that way your moves are more succcesful, for some reason on controller the inputs were less precise on controller or more delayed but on an Arcade Stick(maybe even a Keyboard if people like this) it's far more accurate to perform moves and is more intuitive.

I have a few games to go over.

Batsugun Saturn Tribute-Boosted.

This game is very interesting due to it's roots as being the original creator of the Bullet Hell Genre we know and love today with Touhou, Cave and various others. Funny enough the Toaplan team would eventually create CAVE after Toaplan did become bankrupt. It's not your ordinary Bullet Hell, it does not throw majestic bullets, but it does send a ton of bullets, and the common tactic is to keep moving around in a circular motion across the screen and to perform sweeps, to also stay close to the pigs for as long as you can before collecting them for your score to go higher, throwing bombs when there is many enemies on the screen and it multiplies the score that way. I can definitely say it's a short experience that is worth if you wish to experience history, or if you are revisting they do have a Special Mode, and they have a Boosted Remix mode in the Music Menu, there is unlimited continues you can enable, rewind mode, and even Arcade mode if you wish to play it inverted on your screen. I would recommend playing Arcade Mode with the original music, and then go into special enable the Boosted Remix, the collision to Special(This makes the hitbox small and feel closer to a Cave game). But be warned, you will have to beat the game on a continous loop that becomes harder, and harder, even at unlimited continues it does test your patience. You need to beat it, not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR times. The experience is absolutely marvelous and it feels like a game made for those who wish to experience something old, in the modern time again. Highly recommend it for dedicated Bullet Hell audiences.

Speaking of Cave Games i have found a hidden gem worth recommending.

Rolling Gunner.

This is made by former Cave developers, i have tried it out and it feels like Deathsmiles Gameplay wise, especially with the Overpower DLC which is a high recommendation for a more full experience due to the extra mode of being able to have a familiar to help attack and defend against bullets swarming your ship. The animations are very nice, short and sweet. Definitely would recommend this if you are a huge CAVE fan at full price, but if you are a bit iffy and on budget, it might be best to wait on sale. It is 30$ total(20$ for the game, 10$ for DLC). Also i will post a preview for a game they have been working on just last year that sort of reminds me of Mushihimesama(which i still need to play)

This is a play demo of the under-development version of a full-fledged shooting game developed by Rolling Gunner staff. The release date has not yet been determined, but we will continue to brush up on the game as we go along!

I will try to be back next time with more games to recommend.

I will say the fanbase is annoying because they think of Astolfo as Trans, even though Astolfo is a Trap. Do not listen to them. Fate is a solid franchise if you start out with Fate/Zero and go into the Heaven's Feel Trilogy, it's a nice start for most people especially if you do not like stories that are always happy go lucky and very by the numbers, there is also Fate/Stay Night which i was not a huge fan of because of the way they portrayed Emiya and Gilgamesh fighting each other vs the VN which was more realistic.

Also i bought this fight stick.

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I would rate it at great value for 120$, sure it's not the most expensive, but also it's not cheap either and it does actually help if you are more serious about fighting games, and does a serviceable job with Shmups as long as you learn to coast with the stick and understand it's not tight, but also not too loose. I like the space between the joystick and the buttons. Definitely will say it's improved my game overall because the problem with Controllers especially Xbox Joystick is when you need to do a quarter circle it ends up being more taxing on your arm to do the movement constantly due to everything being closer together, while on Arcade Stick it's effortless further apart and games feel like they take advantage of it more. The one learning curve I will tell everyone is to focus on the stick movement and then the button taps so that way your moves are more succcesful, for some reason on controller the inputs were less precise on controller or more delayed but on an Arcade Stick(maybe even a Keyboard if people like this) it's far more accurate to perform moves and is more intuitive.

I have a few games to go over.

Batsugun Saturn Tribute-Boosted.

This game is very interesting due to it's roots as being the original creator of the Bullet Hell Genre we know and love today with Touhou, Cave and various others. Funny enough the Toaplan team would eventually create CAVE after Toaplan did become bankrupt. It's not your ordinary Bullet Hell, it does not throw majestic bullets, but it does send a ton of bullets, and the common tactic is to keep moving around in a circular motion across the screen and to perform sweeps, to also stay close to the pigs for as long as you can before collecting them for your score to go higher, throwing bombs when there is many enemies on the screen and it multiplies the score that way. I can definitely say it's a short experience that is worth if you wish to experience history, or if you are revisting they do have a Special Mode, and they have a Boosted Remix mode in the Music Menu, there is unlimited continues you can enable, rewind mode, and even Arcade mode if you wish to play it inverted on your screen. I would recommend playing Arcade Mode with the original music, and then go into special enable the Boosted Remix, the collision to Special(This makes the hitbox small and feel closer to a Cave game). But be warned, you will have to beat the game on a continous loop that becomes harder, and harder, even at unlimited continues it does test your patience. You need to beat it, not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR times. The experience is absolutely marvelous and it feels like a game made for those who wish to experience something old, in the modern time again. Highly recommend it for dedicated Bullet Hell audiences.

Speaking of Cave Games i have found a hidden gem worth recommending.

Rolling Gunner.

This is made by former Cave developers, i have tried it out and it feels like Deathsmiles Gameplay wise, especially with the Overpower DLC which is a high recommendation for a more full experience due to the extra mode of being able to have a familiar to help attack and defend against bullets swarming your ship. The animations are very nice, short and sweet. Definitely would recommend this if you are a huge CAVE fan at full price, but if you are a bit iffy and on budget, it might be best to wait on sale. It is 30$ total(20$ for the game, 10$ for DLC). Also i will post a preview for a game they have been working on just last year that sort of reminds me of Mushihimesama(which i still need to play)


I will try to be back next time with more games to recommend.
Unfortunate inevitable when you add trap characters in any franchise and now arc systems works is zesty af these days cause of their soy fandom.

Melty Blood Type Lumina looks interesting but I still can't forgive them for censoring Ushi when they import her from F/GO. For now I stay my hand in the wallet.

Anyway, I thought I was going to play the new Harvest Moon for a few hours but it turns out to be really boring...maybe I'm tired of the formula, maybe it's a bad HM game, I don't know. I just switch to play XCOM the bureau instead and boy am I having a blast. The story and character here would've made Resetera and Gamerant sperg out for months if it's published in this day and age I reckon.

Melty Blood Type Lumina looks interesting but I still can't forgive them for censoring Ushi when they import her from F/GO. For now I stay my hand in the wallet.

Anyway, I thought I was going to play the new Harvest Moon for a few hours but it turns out to be really boring...maybe I'm tired of the formula, maybe it's a bad HM game, I don't know. I just switch to play XCOM the bureau instead and boy am I having a blast. The story and character here would've made Resetera and Gamerant sperg out for months if it's published in this day and age I reckon.
Can you explain the censorship to me? Because this is not one i heard of. This also might bring credibility to the rumor that French Bread as a developer was slightly angry at Nasu for not wanting certain sexy characters in the game(i am going to guess he did not want them to be censored, so he decided to not bring them over).

As for Harvest Moon, the long and short of it is, the two development teams were swapped. The long time Harvest Moon games you knew and loved for a long time until a decade ago changed to Story Of Seasons. The Harvest Moon games for the last decade have been a younger team supposedly and plays like a Mobile last i heard. Sad news is they even brought back A Wonderful Life under the Story Of Seasons brand and the recent one is kind of mediocre due to Marvelous at the time going with a slight nod to political correctness. Or as one reviewer put it.


Of course it did not do well, on 4ch /v/ people wondered if they should buy it, and everyone told them to just play ROM on PCSX2 lol. As for XCOM Declassified i always wanted to play that game but heard it was not that well done. I might actually need to try it sometime soon.

Can you explain the censorship to me? Because this is not one i heard of. This also might bring credibility to the rumor that French Bread as a developer was slightly angry at Nasu for not wanting certain sexy characters in the game(i am going to guess he did not want them to be censored, so he decided to not bring them over).

As for Harvest Moon, the long and short of it is, the two development teams were swapped. The long time Harvest Moon games you knew and loved for a long time until a decade ago changed to Story Of Seasons. The Harvest Moon games for the last decade have been a younger team supposedly and plays like a Mobile last i heard. Sad news is they even brought back A Wonderful Life under the Story Of Seasons brand and the recent one is kind of mediocre due to Marvelous at the time going with a slight nod to political correctness. Or as one reviewer put it.

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Of course it did not do well, on 4ch /v/ people wondered if they should buy it, and everyone told them to just play ROM on PCSX2 lol. As for XCOM Declassified i always wanted to play that game but heard it was not that well done. I might actually need to try it sometime soon.

The Harvest Moon game I was talking about was the latest release (Winds of Anthos) I'm well aware of the history between current HM dev and SoS but I have already played the latest SoS (Pioneers of Olive) and I don't like it one bit...the villagers just lack this charm of the older games, I can't exactly explain it but it feels like some...too much americanized if that made any sense. And the romantic choices feel boring. Picked Winds of Anthos in hope that Natsume will improve but it doesn't seem so.

Anyway, I was enjoying XCOM The Bureau until I hit the plot twist and then suddenly not enjoy it anymore. It's so stupid tbh, and it was shaping up to be something good too. The combat is still fun though so I will simply finish this for the sake of completion. The graphics still hold up well imo but I couldn't take screenshots for some reason so I can't show you. After this I'd probably start Nights of Azure or look into that recently released Samurai Warriors 4 DX. Hopefully KT doesn't get the woke cootie and censor the SW4DX.

A long time ago I played a game called Lost Odyssey. Came in multiple discs that you had to swap as you progressed through the story, was an XBOX 360 exclusive. The main thing that drew me to it was the world building. Some absolutely beautiful set pieces, a true sense of scale. Environments felt really fleshed out for the time. The gameplay itself is pretty engaging, though I can't recall the story, too much time has passed. I wonder if it's possible to play on PC via some sort of emulation.

How is the fanservice in Cry machina? I wanted to get it but looking at steam preview I feel they don't like to show too much...

I would like to mention Needy Streamer Overdose as a fun little game that takes less than an hour to complete. It has a great soundtrack and it does take me back to the early 2010's in terms of the Internet and Streaming. Also the Pixel Art is absolutely fantastic as is the story segments.

I would like to mention Needy Streamer Overdose as a fun little game that takes less than an hour to complete. It has a great soundtrack and it does take me back to the early 2010's in terms of the Internet and Streaming. Also the Pixel Art is absolutely fantastic as is the story segments.
I bought that game soley just to piss woke people off cause its ironically the kind of game that mocks woke people as it depicts ekids like ame as what they really are coomers that are manipulative af and mega narcissitic.


viewtiful joe redhot rumble and bleach for the psp yeah they exist alright bleach games for the psp all japan only tho all for the best anways.