Localisation Shitty Localizers general

Localised content




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Here's the archive in case you don't want to give them clicks.
I followed Noisypixel for a few years now, but i will now unfollow thanks to this article. You can not hide behind the "it's not the opinions of the staff but we indirectly support it" kind of thing. It outs them as nepotistic and connected to the same people we dislike trying to influence our industry. But i will be responding to Noisypixel on my end because they are afraid to come here and respond to us, i will be using the archive to give them no more clicks.


That's what Localization is, not Translation, this article already starts out on a shaky premise. Localization would mean to try and make the language appear like the character and world is of your own language itself, it's the current regime we are under. Translation is line for line if the character was from a different world but appeared in our own and was speaking our own language in their own way. This is something that is key and many people who think they know what they are talking about do not understand the differences and should not have articles approved unless they can differentiate the two. Just because Japanese is broad gives zero excuse to make up your own language that removes the context of another's language. TWEWY Neo is a very obvious example when they talk about if they would like Indian Food or Ramen and the Localizer decides to say "Is this cultural appropriation?" which is completely off. Trying to use it's broad, it's complex is just hand waving and making excuses that no longer work anymore.


Correct, but Google and MTL is not AI translation which means you already made up a strawman as a result debunking your own article before it can get to the third paragraph. Also your collogues admit to using DeepL which is a Neural Network Machine translation so does that mean they to are also missing context and the author's intention even more so?


Wait a minute, did this person actually think they can connect MTL to AI? They are wildly different in how they interpret information. MTL scrapes information, makes inferences and AI is Generative which goes over a lot of information fed to it as a base, and inferences multiple times until it can get better context than MTL can. MTL misses nuances, but AI get's closer, and i dare say closer than the localizers do who decide they are the arbiters of what everyone sees or does not see. Accuracy is important, and the accuracy is not there when it's under a localization mindset, it takes away the Japanese culture and gives us a diluted Americanized culture as a result.


This is the ancient mindset of localizations that dress themselves up as translations. This was when MTL was awful, when AI did not exist, and money to pay for it was not that expensive and you could not find many good translators a decade ago, you had to deal with cringe-worthy translations and memespeak words that made excuses for laziness and not accuracy because it was a smaller industry and nobody really cared. The game has changed today, the paradigm has changed thanks to AI, Globalization of the world where you can literally outsource for a better translator that can do the job and get paid well in their own country, plus the gaming industry is 2.5X bigger revenue wise, people desire translations, not localizations, so there really is no excuses. You will notice Katrina never talks about her own salary in regards to how bad things are in the economy because she knows she get's paid way better to do a bad job and makes more than someone in minimum wage much like the rest of her friends in the scene do, because Japan actually tries to care about it's quality overseas, but the localizers do not care, they do not wish to try, they do not wish to translate, they wish to keep the standard low and to be lazy, complaining how it's difficult and so hard, while also feigning about how their little world in the Bay Area of California is how everyone sees things in America let alone Los Angeles California.

Finally i will just say, why do we need to pay for people who are part of the union when there is zero effort to go from localizations to Translations, to go for accuracy and the quality has not risen overall? Because if they are just going to say there is hidden nuances and it's all hard and difficult, then maybe AI should take their job and it should be given to those who will give us that than these low effort fantl's that are paid for constantly than the high effort ones overseas. Especially places like China, South Korea, Mexico, Italy, Germany, France, Taiwan, Philippines they all have accurate translations, they do not make excuses for memespeak or to control the world and have respect for others cultures. I bet they can not tell us why that is, otherwise it would be an admittance that their days are numbered.
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Sorry to double post but Yokoyama Masa posted this on Twitter, SEGA still is tripling down on defending Localizations and the article still acting like nothing changed. But also the fake fans are calling every Like A Dragon fan who criticized the article tourists and the fake fans are gaslighting everyone with the "how do you know better than the guy making the game" argument. This is definitely going to get rid of the dedicated audience and hasten the decline of SEGA. Good luck with your new audience. Some new company will take your place and have much better communication than some guy who is acting like a dishonest narcissist.
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Patron of the Forums
If the situation was hopeless their propaganda would be unecessary
If we werent doing damage they would not feel the need to acknowledge it but the fact that noisy pixel needs to crank out puff pieces and sega bigwigs need to come out to do PR for them means we are hurting them bad


Patron of the Forums
I suppose it is a good thing that they feel threatened enough to circle the wagons, but I still don't understand why that fat goblin has so much influence in these circles.
leftoids are really good at subverting things, she's probably a profesional liar


If the situation was hopeless their propaganda would be unecessary
If we werent doing damage they would not feel the need to acknowledge it but the fact that noisy pixel needs to crank out puff pieces and sega bigwigs need to come out to do PR for them means we are hurting them bad
Well said they want us to be on some doomer blackpill depression type shit. Like don't get me wrong i am a pretty pessmistic person in general, but i don't let mental illness define my personality, rare obscure jrpgs do instead lol.

That being said, i think we really are on the "winning side" as they say honestly cause lol, at this point feminism is dying and beyond uncessary and that as soon as companies like sweet baby inc go out of buisness i think it will be the first time in decades we'll start to see more sanity come up honestly as we really do need more sanity these days.


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Shame, and here I thought noisypixel was all right and their previous allegation about nichegamer stealing their articles might have some ground in it. Thinking back it was probably another woke slander campaign.

I suppose it is a good thing that they feel threatened enough to circle the wagons, but I still don't understand why that fat goblin has so much influence in these circles.
It's really hard to refute political correctness irl where they have still all the tactics of social media space such as their moral condescension and dogpile strategy but you can't link their misconduction to the crowds to show them how wrong their statements are, because they will just attack you for visiting "far right" websites never mind the contents in it.


Shame, and here I thought noisypixel was all right and their previous allegation about nichegamer stealing their articles might have some ground in it. Thinking back it was probably another woke slander campaign.

It's really hard to refute political correctness irl where they have still all the tactics of social media space such as their moral condescension and dogpile strategy but you can't link their misconduction to the crowds to show them how wrong their statements are, because they will just attack you for visiting "far right" websites never mind the contents in it.
There is, its called self defense like if some wokie tries shit with you irl and call you all sorts of names without any basis and threatens to fight you then yeah you have all legal rights to do so protecting yourself better that then letting these wokies win.


A “freelancing contractor” known by the name JelloApocalypse who worked on the English dub for Lovely Complex released a now private post boasting about his contempt for the original show and all the changes they made. The post is available here:



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A “freelancing contractor” known by the name JelloApocalypse who worked on the English dub for Lovely Complex released a now private post boasting about his contempt for the original show and all the changes they made. The post is available here:
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The hubris of these people is disgusting. I guarantee they haven't made a single thing "better".


A “freelancing contractor” known by the name JelloApocalypse who worked on the English dub for Lovely Complex released a now private post boasting about his contempt for the original show and all the changes they made. The post is available here:
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It's actually disgusting how they act so high and mighty over having changed the artists work and flaunt it so openly. That being said, I actually think it's funny that Jello ended up telling us that people complaining about these changes on social media do actually work. Probably not in a massive sense, but it's certainly helping more than it's not.


ah, JelloApocalypse. The last time I remember hearing that name they were contributing to "Pizza Game", a parody VN that told the same two jokes about how VNs have no gameplay. It's quite the fall from grace from the early days of mocking the nonsense that happened on every social media site. I suppose then having someone with actual open contempt for your culture work on localizing your product would be a top notch strategy. I suppose the fact that it was made on a shoestring budget could also be the only reason why the voice cast is infested with trannies, I guess even Crunchyroll doesn't want to hire them.

Discotek has apparently cut ties any ties with them in the aftermath of this discovery, though it's pretty much only for the unprofessional attitude and they made it perfectly clear they're fine doing content changes in dubs.

Edit: So having read through the entire post and every comment he left, I have to ask. He says he doesn't care what braindead "its not true to the original" weebs think, but if he's adamant that he doesn't care why did he hide the post? After all, he doesn't give a fuck what we think and he was just a contractor, not a salaried employee, so why does it even matter that Discotek decided to drop him? I assume Discotek isn't going to throw the entire thing into the garbage, but it would be funny if they did after this.
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They should honestly file lawsuits and blacklist these fuckers immediatly.
If it were me, i would bring everything back home or institute an ethics rule about plagiarism and use that guy's video as an example. The era of thinking the audience does not notice anymore and they will not be mad about the changes is dead.

A “freelancing contractor” known by the name JelloApocalypse who worked on the English dub for Lovely Complex released a now private post boasting about his contempt for the original show and all the changes they made. The post is available here:
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Honestly while dubs have always been historically awful, and there will be those who gaslight you into thinking otherwise. I do find it funny how Jello admits that it does work to put pressure on social media, 4chan(think /a/ and /v/), everywhere else if you do not like changes. That is because Anime, Manga and LN depend on sales for their survival and if people hear it's censored, altered or even deviates at all from the source, they will not buy anymore. This means S1 of a Blu-Ray can do really well, but S2 might actually suffer huge time due to information getting out about it, Manga and LN is the same thing, they are all per volume format and depend on the sales to keep going vs Video Games which are a complete product. I think it's because like i have mentioned the piracy versions are always written by SEA who actually value authentic translations and everyone knows if it's better than the source material that is altered, why even buy it? It puts huge amounts of pressure on them.

Also the boasting about changing scenes, is nothing more than admission of desiring to be a plagiarist and not adhering to ethics. This person deeply desires to be validated, they live on making themselves into a victim and paint their opponent as absolute extremists with the laundry list of buzzwords to hide behind their own wrongdoing with a diminishing echo chamber with cringe UwU speak from a 30 year old. It's rational to criticize works that are not accurate, especially ones that will date itself and does not add anything but their own fanfiction into the work itself thus being a plagiarized work, an inferior version that nobody else will watch from the English audience, and will lose sales because nobody can make sense of the plot, the words or anything. But when you read the Subs, it will be as timeless as it was when it was written and it will make sense to anyone watching it fully, it's why Subs are superior and it's why it will continue to be so until Dubs are held to a higher standard which everyone knows they will not. Because Subs have always been the moneymaker, Dubs are just icing on the cake so as long as the Dub is not mishandled poorly. Which it has been for decades.

As a funny side note, i remember a decade ago when Jello used to be very well known in the meme community and made funny things about Tumblr, and how it sucks due to politics and due to people needing validation, but then began his descent into politics during the midterm elections and lost a lot of the casual audience here who dislike politics, religion as a whole and just like entertainment. It's no wonder why Discotek, Funi/Crunchyroll told him to not insert anything or make up stuff that will put him on their radar because they know if they are associated with him, like we are seeing now, they will be in trouble with their sales going downward and eventually Japan will begin revoking their licenses and putting it somewhere else, thus losing money and their reputation takes even more of a hit. Censorship, Plagiarism are not popular and they know it's looked at with more scrutiny than ever thanks to AI and thanks to people noticing. They probably do wish they could get away with it, but the paradigm has already shifted.

ah, JelloApocalypse. The last time I remember hearing that name they were contributing to "Pizza Game", a parody VN that told the same two jokes about how VNs have no gameplay. It's quite the fall from grace from the early days of mocking the nonsense that happened on every social media site. I suppose then having someone with actual open contempt for your culture work on localizing your product would be a top notch strategy. I suppose the fact that it was made on a shoestring budget could also be the only reason why the voice cast is infested with trannies, I guess even Crunchyroll doesn't want to hire them.

Discotek has apparently cut ties any ties with them in the aftermath of this discovery, though it's pretty much only for the unprofessional attitude and they made it perfectly clear they're fine doing content changes in dubs.

You can not unbake a cake, they know they will have to live with the fact that if the audience likes Dubs, it's going to be a huge hit to their sales. But they will have to learn from next time to not allow any alterations from happening. If they do not, then Japan will revoke licenses and give it to another company soon. Subs will remain untouched because that is where the huge sales come from and is looked at with more scrutiny.


Patron of the Forums
It's actually disgusting how they act so high and mighty over having changed the artists work and flaunt it so openly. That being said, I actually think it's funny that Jello ended up telling us that people complaining about these changes on social media do actually work. Probably not in a massive sense, but it's certainly helping more than it's not.
As I said before if we werent doing damage we wouldnt be seeing these guys bleed
"power isnt what you have, it is what your enemy thinks you have" -Literal satan worshipping communist jew
Worthwhile reading "rules for radicals" it is our enemies' literal game plan and it is a good strategy to use the master's tools to dismantle their house
If it were me, i would bring everything back home or institute an ethics rule about plagiarism and use that guy's video as an example. The era of thinking the audience does not notice anymore and they will not be mad about the changes is dead.
dont bother hitting them with anything regarding morals or ethics it is akin to trying to put out a chemical fire with water
GG tried and failed because they do not care they do not have morals or principles, only goals
Fight to win, fight to have your enemies deposed and your friends hired

That would be another good attack vector and would probably put this problem six feet under: lawsuits
sue them for false advertising or for selling knowingly selling a defective product
Even if these would fail the distributors would probably have to put a notice that these dubs and subs are considerably different from the original japanese product to cover their asses
ah, JelloApocalypse. The last time I remember hearing that name they were contributing to "Pizza Game", a parody VN that told the same two jokes about how VNs have no gameplay. It's quite the fall from grace from the early days of mocking the nonsense that happened on every social media site. I suppose then having someone with actual open contempt for your culture work on localizing your product would be a top notch strategy. I suppose the fact that it was made on a shoestring budget could also be the only reason why the voice cast is infested with trannies, I guess even Crunchyroll doesn't want to hire them.

Discotek has apparently cut ties any ties with them in the aftermath of this discovery, though it's pretty much only for the unprofessional attitude and they made it perfectly clear they're fine doing content changes in dubs.

Edit: So having read through the entire post and every comment he left, I have to ask. He says he doesn't care what braindead "its not true to the original" weebs think, but if he's adamant that he doesn't care why did he hide the post? After all, he doesn't give a fuck what we think and he was just a contractor, not a salaried employee, so why does it even matter that Discotek decided to drop him? I assume Discotek isn't going to throw the entire thing into the garbage, but it would be funny if they did after this.
trolls remorse is real and a bitch
kill traitors before enemies and shoot deserters without trial
leftists will not take no pay in exchange for 'exposure' but they absolutely take it exchange for nepotism which is why they propagate so fast

Turn up the heat, they are throwing jello to us as a fall guy so you wont notice they kept all his friends he opened the gates of Toledo for

That being said dont patronize discotek, they are just as rancid and compromised as any other mainstream western distributor


dont bother hitting them with anything regarding morals or ethics it is akin to trying to put out a chemical fire with water
GG tried and failed because they do not care they do not have morals or principles, only goals
Fight to win, fight to have your enemies deposed and your friends hired

That would be another good attack vector and would probably put this problem six feet under: lawsuits
sue them for false advertising or for selling knowingly selling a defective product
Even if these would fail the distributors would probably have to put a notice that these dubs and subs are considerably different from the original japanese product to cover their asses
I know what you are saying, but I think you need to look at geography. In California all of the problems are located in the Bay Area not Southern Cal in LA. The only way to change everything would be if everyone began to live there but chances are unlikely due to them gating everyone off and having their own cliques and that area being rich kids who cry about workers rights but benefit from slave labor to keep them afloat.

GG was a success I would argue because look online. Everyone now cares about translations far more than they used to, to where we are getting pushback thanks to E-Celebs highlighting the issue and showing censorship and plagiarism of Japanese works. It took a long time for it to reach this point but that's because we are a decade before everyone else and also it took time for every other piece of entertainment to begin to have the same censorship effect to where they realized it does not stop at one game. It will go everywhere else unless they call it out and fight back.

I will say that lawsuits would be a good idea, but the thing is false advertising does not work like that in America. It's too broad the best you can do is just not purchase and pirate the unaltered versions let them know you will not purchase until it is back to normal.