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Discussion Star Wars General

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Discuss and share content about a formerly wonderful franchise from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

cunny poster

Star wars & star trek are fun to sperg over, in this book Lucas speaks about the writing filming & editing of each star wars as well as revisions & his plans for the future which its apparent thei used lel.

Deliberate Zero

My experience here is apparently not so common. I'm not one of the old hands who insists the first movie is just called Star Wars, but I am old enough have finished the novelisations of the OT in a pre-prequels world. I never really got to novels set after RotJ, so everything I know about the New Republic era is literally just fragments of legends. While others might have wanted to see what Luke and Han and Mon Mothma got up to next, I was happy to learn that the hutts will often attempt to scam you by "misinterpreting" numbers into base 8 instead of base 10 (due to their different number of fingers). I might not be able to name more than one chiss, but I can identify nearly any variant of TIE Fighter you care to throw at me.

I broadly approve of the prequels, but disagree on many details and think it's worth preserving the history that was implied from the OT. For example, there's no implication originally that stormtroopers are clones, or that they even have anything to do with the Clone Wars alluded to in ANH. If I were to get isekai'd into one or the other, I'd probably end up picking the version from the prequel trilogy, even if it couldn't come with my preferred headcanon (e.g. no virgin birth).

It's nice to see comments like these:

This is why Star Wars downfall also hit me pretty hard. I am not super knowledgeable about the EU, but I knew enough to be impressed how much the lore expanded and was overall good. Then Disney just interfered the fuck out of it trying to out-woke other companies.

I know sweet fuck all about the EU, so I was never precious about it, but even as an outsider looking in, I can see the damage done by just ejecting the whole lot. When the execs started saying things to the effect of 'why is everyone so upset!? It's all make believe anyway!' all I could think was that they missed the whole point.

Yes, it's all make believe, but the thing about good storytelling is that the audience can at least identify parables and archetypes from it - there's cross applicability to real world lessons and emotions. You know what else is make believe? The value of a dollar - currency is just an elaborate system of IOUs at the end of the day. We all agree to pretend it has hard, intrinsic value however because it happens to work.

Never was one to hate the prequels, despite their missteps and the Red Letter Media viewers. I'm suspicious of The Clone Wars 3D series, and slightly less so of the Clone Wars 2D series. However. In 2012 or so, it was announced that Disney would be scrapping the EU. My stance on this was never in doubt.
Where others were entertained by the JJAbomination as he pulled the wool over their eyes, I saw TFA unfold exactly as I had foreseen it. Where they were shocked and offended by TLJ's blatant disrespect, I have never been so encouraged as when I saw the haze of hypenosis lift from so many fans. Where they get triggered by Disnelorian having a stronk independent female woman, then immediately reverse course when Gina Carcano turns out to be based online... I wondered why they were still giving Disney Wars the time of day. Lo and behold, jangle a vaguely-in-character Luke on screen for a couple of minutes and suddenly SW is "saved".

Ejecting the EU isn't even up for debate. The Expanded Universe simply is Star Wars and vice versa. Sever the EU and it's no longer possible to know anything about SW, even if you have the movies as the core of your "new [reboot] canon". Even little names like "ewok" and "Palpatine" are in question, since those are never spoken in dialogue (well, until the prequels for Palpatine). Hell, if you disconnect the EU and you don't even know if you know something: used to be there was a guy called Boba Fett, and if you asked a Disney fan in 2020 about his ship then maybe his mouse-addled brain would be able to give a traditional answer. But then in 2021, that becomes problematic and it's no longer safe to assume the name carried over from the EU, so clearly it's named Boba Fett's Starship. Everything there is to know about Star Wars is the Expanded Universe: if you give Disney free rein to interpret all six movies, you get people claiming TLJ's Jake Skywalker is perfectly in character for Luke.

I will always love Star Wars, and that means before the dark times. Before the reboot. Even for my least favourite movie, I see ship designs that are completely new to me, but don't draw the slightest attention because they fit seamlessly in with the world around them. Under Disney, even something familiar like a Star Destroyer will behave completely out of character, descending all the way down from orbit to float above a city.

Perhaps the best way to sum up the Disney reboot is this screenshot from EA's Fallen Souls. The object highlighted in green is a waterfall. Can anyone tell me what the machines highlighted in red are?


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cunny poster

My experience here is apparently not so common. I'm not one of the old hands who insists the first movie is just called Star Wars, but I am old enough have finished the novelisations of the OT in a pre-prequels world. I never really got to novels set after RotJ, so everything I know about the New Republic era is literally just fragments of legends. While others might have wanted to see what Luke and Han and Mon Mothma got up to next, I was happy to learn that the hutts will often attempt to scam you by "misinterpreting" numbers into base 8 instead of base 10 (due to their different number of fingers). I might not be able to name more than one chiss, but I can identify nearly any variant of TIE Fighter you care to throw at me.

I broadly approve of the prequels, but disagree on many details and think it's worth preserving the history that was implied from the OT. For example, there's no implication originally that stormtroopers are clones, or that they even have anything to do with the Clone Wars alluded to in ANH. If I were to get isekai'd into one or the other, I'd probably end up picking the version from the prequel trilogy, even if it couldn't come with my preferred headcanon (e.g. no virgin birth).

It's nice to see comments like these:

Never was one to hate the prequels, despite their missteps and the Red Letter Media viewers. I'm suspicious of The Clone Wars 3D series, and slightly less so of the Clone Wars 2D series. However. In 2012 or so, it was announced that Disney would be scrapping the EU. My stance on this was never in doubt.
Where others were entertained by the JJAbomination as he pulled the wool over their eyes, I saw TFA unfold exactly as I had foreseen it. Where they were shocked and offended by TLJ's blatant disrespect, I have never been so encouraged as when I saw the haze of hypenosis lift from so many fans. Where they get triggered by Disnelorian having a stronk independent female woman, then immediately reverse course when Gina Carcano turns out to be based online... I wondered why they were still giving Disney Wars the time of day. Lo and behold, jangle a vaguely-in-character Luke on screen for a couple of minutes and suddenly SW is "saved".

Ejecting the EU isn't even up for debate. The Expanded Universe simply is Star Wars and vice versa. Sever the EU and it's no longer possible to know anything about SW, even if you have the movies as the core of your "new [reboot] canon". Even little names like "ewok" and "Palpatine" are in question, since those are never spoken in dialogue (well, until the prequels for Palpatine). Hell, if you disconnect the EU and you don't even know if you know something: used to be there was a guy called Boba Fett, and if you asked a Disney fan in 2020 about his ship then maybe his mouse-addled brain would be able to give a traditional answer. But then in 2021, that becomes problematic and it's no longer safe to assume the name carried over from the EU, so clearly it's named Boba Fett's Starship. Everything there is to know about Star Wars is the Expanded Universe: if you give Disney free rein to interpret all six movies, you get people claiming TLJ's Jake Skywalker is perfectly in character for Luke.

I will always love Star Wars, and that means before the dark times. Before the reboot. Even for my least favourite movie, I see ship designs that are completely new to me, but don't draw the slightest attention because they fit seamlessly in with the world around them. Under Disney, even something familiar like a Star Destroyer will behave completely out of character, descending all the way down from orbit to float above a city.

Perhaps the best way to sum up the Disney reboot is this screenshot from EA's Fallen Souls. The object highlighted in green is a waterfall. Can anyone tell me what the machines highlighted in red are?
How do you think they should've done 7 , 8 and 9?

Deliberate Zero

First of all, try to steer the project away from creating any numbered episodes beyond the 6. The saga is over, there's no need to use the numbers: you wouldn't expect a new set of prequels to be called Episode -I, Episode -II, Episode -VIII and so on. Just be brave enough to skip the numbers.

Naturally the suits reject this suggestion like they did when I suggested they make their own IP and call it Space Fights or something.

If you were a halfway competent person forced to make a 7-9 trilogy for Disney, the obvious first step is to look at the actors' ages and see what happens in the EU. You find the set of stories that you can tell with characters of the same age, or close enough that you can work around it with makeup and CGI. Maybe even add a framing device so Luke is relating his adventures to the newest Force-sensitive recruits in the evening.

Which allows you to spend the entire first hour showing how we got from the Battle of Endor to where Disney wants to start the reboot trilogy. This is the most important story that can be told, it lets them set up exactly what is carried over from the real lore and what's different. Whatever they want the rest of the trilogy to be about, there is no way it's as interesting as the story of how you get to the new starting point.

This is a key thing JJ was incapable of handling, in the movies they actually made. He has never been informed enough to even know when he makes a change, so it's no wonder most of them have zero thought behind them: he couldn't reason out the implications because he didn't do the research. When he shows a TIE Fighter with many features that that are more in line with an X-Wing, he's not showing that the First Order has a fundamental difference in philosophy from the Imperial Remnant, leading to unorthodox ship designs. He just never knew the first thing about either ship.

You could even follow a lot of what Disney actually went with, you just need to replace the plot and technology (and the Force etc) with things from Star Wars.