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The Russian auto industry set off in pursuit of Elon Musk, by Dmitry Skvortsov for VZGLYAD. 08.09.2023.

Acceptance of pre-orders for the first fully domestic passenger electric car has begun.

For the first time in many years, a pre-order for a passenger car completely created in our country, and even an electric one, has been opened in Russia. The electric car "Atom" is already called the Russian "Tesla", but analogies with the failed project "Yo-mobile" of billionaire Prokhorov also suggest themselves. What fate awaits the first primordially Russian modern car in the end?

The restructuring of the Russian automotive industry is taking place in several directions. Some manufacturers have established import substitution of Western-made components. Well, or at least they organized a parallel import of these components or their replacement with analogues made in China or Iran. In addition, Soviet car brands that have not yet been forgotten in Russia are being revived. True, in this case, as a rule, we are talking about putting copies of Chinese cars on the conveyor.

But most importantly, new cars of their own Russian design are beginning to be created. Among passenger cars, this is primarily the Atom electric car, the production of which is promised to begin in 2025. And although the first cars are still far from the assembly line, pre-orders have begun to be accepted on the company's website.

Pre-order examples

Acceptance of pre-orders is at least a controversial move, given the significant number of Russians who remember the widely publicized Yo-Mobile project, which also received pre-orders, and how that project ended.

Pre-orders for Yo-mobile were free. But the pre-order only guaranteed that customers would be notified of the possibility to issue a contract for the purchase of the Yo-mobile when it came to its mass production. In 2011, on the first day of operation of the Yo-Auto website, the number of applications submitted exceeded 50 thousand, and by the end of the first week it had crossed the mark of 100 thousand.

The obvious result of the pre-order campaign is an understanding of the structure of demand for different Yo-Mobile models: 84% of applications were for a crossover, 14% for a minivan, and 2% for a van. But since the closure of the project was announced in 2014, the benefit of this understanding turned out to be zero.

Perhaps the introduction of these pre-orders was Prokhorov's monkeying with Elon Musk with his Tesla. When Musk hosted the 2006 presentation of the prototype of The Roadster, he invited 350 VIPs and hyped media personalities to this presentation (even then-California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was among the invitees). Guests were asked to take a checkbook with them so that after the test drive, if they liked the car, they could buy it.

Of course, not the prototype that was at the presentation, but the first cars from the assembly line (when it is launched) in an exclusive version with a special plate signed by the leaders of Tesla Motors: Martin Eberhard, Mark Tarpenning and Elon Musk. The price for exclusive cars was set at $100,000.

Respond to a public inquiry

Tesla Motors Elon Musk has become the personification of an alternative to Detroit as a symbol of the American traditional auto industry. By the time The Roadster was introduced, the days of the slogan "what's good for General Motors, it's good for America" were in the 1960s, when the products of the American auto industry, if not already, then at least seemed to be the height of perfection. By the middle of the 2000s, the American auto industry had already largely overcome the problems that it faced in the second half of the 20th century. But he got out, adopting the innovations of European and Japanese auto brands.

New items from BMW and Mercedes, Porsche and Lexus were still prestigious. The domestic auto industry did not cause Americans a sense of pride. At the same time, American IT companies demonstrated success - and it seemed that impressive prospects opened before them.

Elon Musk managed to turn Tesla Motors into a model of the same technological company and make it a promising alternative to the inert Detroit. Plus, the electric car has fallen into the trend of the fight against global warming that has already begun. Moreover, The Roadster allowed the Americans to maintain their commitment to a real car - with high comfort, high dynamic performance and sufficient range for American distances.

Now the mass attitude in Russia to environmental problems has changed somewhat. But not so much that an electric car manufacturer can build a successful marketing strategy on this. Atom, rather, can appeal to global trends. The share of sales of electric vehicles is growing worldwide. Therefore, for someone, the opportunity to transfer to the "transport of the future" can be an argument. But such sentiments will become massive if it becomes really convenient to use electric vehicles.

Who will create the infrastructure?

You can't pour electricity into a canister, you can't pour it out of the tank of another car. Therefore, a network of electrical charging stations is needed.

Elon Musk had to deal with this on his own. And in February 2023, Tesla Motors owned 17,711 charging stations (that is, about 60% of all car chargers in the US). The company also installed about 10,000 slower chargers near houses (so that the car can be charged overnight). The company plans for 2023 to install another 4,000 slow chargers near hotels and restaurants.

In Russia, at the time of the birth of the Yo-mobile, there were no chargers, and Mikhail Prokhorov, apparently, considered that it was too expensive to create them at his own expense. Therefore, the propulsion system of the Yo-mobile had to be made hybrid, which practically nullified the environmental motivation for purchasing this car.

Atom will enter the market in a completely different situation. There are already more than 220 charging stations in Moscow (which are used by about 7,000 car owners). There are 83 charging stations in St. Petersburg and 44 in Nizhny Novgorod.

In the Far East, the first charging stations appeared in 2019. Today, RusHydro, within the framework of the Silk Road project, provided 70% of the route between Moscow and Vladivostok with charging, installing 150 fast EZS in 32 regions. The distance between them is 100-150 km, which allows you to travel safely even on electric vehicles with not very high mileage. In the future, the company plans to increase the number of charging stations to 1,500 by 2035. Most million-plus cities have their own programs for the development of electric charging infrastructure.

Now EZS users are mainly owners of imported electric vehicles (12.4 thousand Nissan Leaf, 3.5 thousand Tesla, 940 Porsche Taycan, 865 Audi and 559 BMW). The number of owners of the Evolute electric car produced in Russia (the Russian version of the Chinese Dongfeng Aeolus E70 electric car assembled in Lipetsk) and the Moskvich 3e electric crossover coming off the assembly line of the Moskvich plant (Chinese JAC Sehol E40X adapted to Russian conditions) is growing.

Business model

Tesla Motors' business model was built more in the style of tech start-ups like Apple than the traditional American auto industry. Tesla Motors has seen impressive growth over the years, but never broke even until 2020. Nevertheless, all the years before Tesla Motors reached the break-even point, the faith of investors in the company's products allowed it to raise more and more money by expanding production, bringing new models to the market, and most importantly, creating a charging infrastructure.

Tesla Motors has gone through the classic path of American technology startups from crowdfunding, through the participation of venture capital funds, IPO and further growth of the shares of a public company. This was the most realistic way for the project, which is an ideological alternative to Detroit (which was also played by Elon Musk at one time).

It is pointless to talk about the Yo-mobile business model. In any case, if Mikhail Prokhorov understood the strategy used by Elon Musk, it was unrealizable in the then Russian conditions: in Russia, venture capital investment was several orders of magnitude less powerful. Therefore, the Yo-Mobile project was a primitive attempt to create a relatively fresh product from available imported cubes - in the hope that it would “come in” to buyers and be able to sell it in quantities sufficient to pay off the investment.

As for Atom, so far we can only make assumptions about its business model. In terms of hardware, the project is based on investments from state corporations (Rostec, Rosatom, Rosseti and their companies). The car will not form the market itself, but will enter it after the already mentioned Evolute, Moskvich 3e and imported models. And here it is important what impression it will make on buyers. Musk has amazed users with a novelty that has never been seen before. Atom will have to compete with models that have already won their fans.

Not only design and technical characteristics are important (but also reliability and price). The developers of Atom tried to form an innovative image of their product at the expense of its IT component. Digitalization can create a fundamentally new level of functionality and comfort, the creators of the electric car say.

The operating system and various applications running under it should become not only fashionable and attractive for buyers "chip" of "Atom". According to the developers of the marketing strategy, due to this, it is planned to receive an additional source of income. “The growth may not come in sales, but in the system of subscriptions to electric vehicles and digital products, as well as in the development of sharing services. JSC "Kama" (manufacturer of "Atom") is actively working with the largest operators in this area. With such a development of the Russian digital product, market growth will be driven by a fundamentally new level of customer experience,” Sergey Nazarenko, Director for Innovative Products of the Research and Development Center of KamAZ PJSC, comments on this aspect.

However, as the example of Tesla Motors and the experience of China show, much will depend on state support for the development of electric transport in Russia.


The Chemical Automation Design Bureau will show a model of the oxygen-methane engine RD-0169A for the promising reusable Amur rocket at the Army-2023 forum.

Five such engines are expected to be used in the first stage of the rocket. The RD-0169A engine, created at KBKhA, is made according to the scheme with afterburning of oxidizing generator gas, has a thrust near the Earth of 100 tons, and the frequency of use is up to ten times.

Work on the new engine has reached the stage of manufacturing the first copy. In the workshops, the production of components and assemblies is carried out, after which the assembly of the first engine will follow for conducting ground autonomous tests.

Previously, KBKhA performed preliminary design, developed working design documentation, conducted model tests to study the processes of ignition and mixture formation, manufactured and carried out autonomous finishing tests of individual components and assemblies of a prototype engine.






PATRIOT PARK / Moscow region /, August 14. /TASS/. The device of the base module of the promising Russian Orbital Station (ROS) can be viewed for the first time at the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum, a TASS correspondent reports from the scene.

The layout is presented by the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation at the joint exposition of Roscosmos.

A special projection holographic exposition demonstrates the procedure for assembling the station, the type of equipment and features of interaction with spacecraft.

In the spring, RSC Energia placed a tender for the supply of a 1:5 scale model of the base module of the Russian Orbital Station. Then the TASS Corporation announced plans to demonstrate at this year's exhibitions a mock-up of the basic ROS module with its internal structure.


PATRIOT PARK / Moscow region /, August 14. /TASS/. Center them. M. V. Khrunicheva (part of Roscosmos) presented a model of a promising ultra-light launch vehicle at the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum, a TASS correspondent reports from the scene.

The general director of the center, Aleksey Varochko, told TASS the day before that the company was conducting search work to determine the possible appearance of an ultralight launch vehicle. Earlier, Roscosmos also reported that the Khrunichev Center will show a model of a two-stage ultralight rocket at Army-2023.

It is assumed that it will fly on kerosene and liquid oxygen, without the use of an upper stage. At the same time, the duration of the payload launch into orbit will be up to 2 hours, and the mass of the payload launched into a sun-synchronous orbit will be up to 600 kg.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has placed an order for a batch of "Tiger-M" vehicles designed in the style of "Mad Max" with enhanced protection for convoy security.

The vehicles were showcased at the "Army-2023" forum. The new modification includes additional protection in the form of attached armored plates.



Chisel", an unmanned vehicle for supporting assault squads.

The device can work on air targets, lightly armored vehicles and enemy manpower. It has the ability to deliver the equipment, ammunition and weapons necessary for the assault group, as well as evacuate the wounded.

The length of this land drone is 7465 mm, width - 2550 mm, height - 2100 mm. Clearance - 320 mm. The curb weight is 13300 kg, and the total weight is 16000 kg. Load capacity - 2700 kg. Engine power - 350 hp The maximum speed on the highway is 100 km / h.




The Russian military-industrial complex [NPO "Elektromashina"] presented a promising automated module 53C16U which is specialized for combating bpl
It has a radar¹ and optoelectronic station for fire detection and guidance. Armament consists of a 7.62mm rotary machine gun and 4 launchers with interceptor drones² equipped with fragmentation warheads. It also has an electronic jamming system.
¹ The radar is capable of detecting miniature drones at distances of 2+km
² Interceptor drones are guided to the target by two channels: automatically via the optoelectronic station or via virtual glasses as with FVP kamikaze drones.
This is an idle module. The operator can operate it from a safe and comfortable position. The automated system can network up to 16 of these modules.

Russia Unveils Cutting-Edge UAV Fitted With Neural Network-Based Object Identification System, by Oleg Burunov for 08.15.2023.

This unmanned aerial vehicle’s maximum flying time stands at six hours as the drone is powered by petrol, something that enables an operator to conduct meticulous surveillance of a certain area.

The Russian company, Svyaz-Spetszashchita (Communication-Special Defense), has developed a new drone that can be powered both by batteries and gasoline, the firm’s Marketing Head Dmitry Zubarev told Sputnik on Tuesday.

The dual-purpose drone (which means it is designed for civilian or military goals) is currently on display at the ongoing military-technical forum Army-2023 in Kubinka outside Moscow.

“As this unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is powered by petrol, its maximum flying time is up to six hours, which makes it possible to effectively implement surveillance-related tasks,” Zubarev said.

He stressed that the UAV is capable of transporting two smaller attack drones, in what the Svyaz-Spetszashchita Zubarev described as a “highly-desired feature nowadays”.

“When spotting ‘an object of interest’, the UAV sends a smaller drone to the area where the object was tracked and returns to the base,” Zubarev explained, adding that the UAV is equipped with neural network-based object identification system.

Various attack drones are now widely used by the Russian Armed Forces in the special military operation zone in Ukraine.

UAVs like these, including Russia's Lancet drones, played a significant role in crippling Kiev’s counteroffensive, which, failed to make any sort of progress as tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have already been killed or wounded.

AbramsX vs Armata: how does the new American combat tank compare with its Russian analogue?, 08.14.2023.

What is the vision of the American military-industrial complex about the future of tank warfare and what role does the AbramsX play in it? Sputnik analyzes it.

After its presentation to the public by General Dynamics Land Systems in Sterling Heights (Michigan), social networks have been filled with debates about the AbramsX combat tank.

Photos from the event show civilians posing with the armored monster, painted gray and with at least five stylized AbramsX logos on the turret and on the front side skirts.

What are the features of the AbramsX?

General Dynamics has offered quite a few details about the characteristics of the tank prototype since it was first presented at an exhibition in Washington, DC, in October 2022.

Although it may look similar to a standard Abrams, the AbramsX has a declared weight of only 49 tons, 17 tons less than a fully loaded M1 Abrams. Its hull measures 7.9 meters long, 3.6 meters wide and 2.3 meters high.

The prototype has an unmanned turret design with a 120 mm XM360 smoothbore gun, and a crew of three people in the cockpit, one less than in the M1 (leaving out the magazine). In fact, there is a separate hatch for each crew member. Press images show that the tank's turret includes a 30 mm XM914 cannon, in addition to a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun.

As expected in a new generation battle tank, the AbramsX will be equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities to reduce the workload of the crew, including the identification and prioritization of targets, as well as communications with friendly drones that act as reconnaissance or attack means.

The tank is expected to include 360-degree panoramic day/night thermal sights, one for the commander and one for the gunner.

General Dynamics also plans to equip the AbramsX with the Next Generation Electronic Architecture (NGEA in English), the same type that the defense giant has included in its future unmanned combat robots, which will allow them to navigate the terrain and avoid obstacles. Details are scarce, but these capabilities on the AbramsX could allow the tank to operate fully autonomously.

The designers are also working on a 'hemispheric' active protection system to detect and intercept anti-tank missiles and grenade launcher projectiles.

Will the tank actually be produced?

Arguably one of the most significant features of the tank is its electric-diesel hybrid engine, which is expected to improve fuel efficiency by up to 50% compared to the M1 (whose Honeywell multi-fuel turbine engine has made the current Abrams tank one of the heaviest gasoline-guzzlers in existence).

It is expected that the AbramsX will be able to operate in silent mode for short periods of time using electric power, which would allow the tank to sneak up on enemies, if the huge machine is not seen from several kilometers away.

It is unclear whether General Dynamics will get the necessary backing from the Pentagon to undertake further research and prepare the AbramsX platform for production. At the beginning of the year, the Deputy Secretary of the Army, Gabe Camarillo, made a statement to the American media without giving conclusive information.

Is the AbramsX an American Armata?

Both military experts and social media users could not help but find many important similarities between the AbramsX and the T-14 Armata, the new-generation limited-series Russian combat tank built on the Armata universal combat platform that was first presented in 2015.

The most prominent similarities include an unmanned turret design, a three-person crew sitting side by side, an autoloader, and plans for artificial intelligence integration. "Both the AbramsX and the Armata are perspective tanks," Dmitri Kornev, founder of the portal, told Sputnik

"The Armata is our future tank, and the AbramsX is currently an advanced American tank prototype. It is clear that our cars compete with the Americans, at least on paper," Kornev explained.

"We already have the Armata. At least it's already being tested. There is even a limited series production already; it is being produced, it is being tested by the military. The AbramsX is nothing more than a prototype. It is the only copy, and it is not even an experimental tank yet," he stressed.

Kornev pointed out several outstanding features that distinguish the two tanks, such as the 120 mm main gun of the AbramsX, versus the 125 mm main gun of the Armata.

"Ours turns out to be a little bigger; in addition, a future 152 mm gun is being developed for the Armata. When it appears, it is clear that the firepower of the Armata will be far superior" to that of its American counterpart.

"Next, as for the design of the tank configuration. We don't know all the details, but the design of the AbramsX doesn't look like it will change much compared to the current Abrams such as the Armata, which changed quite revolutionarily compared to previous generations of [Russian] tanks," the expert stated.

Also, Kornev emphasized that the Armata is a true new-generation tank, which has a modular design. There is a separate module for the crew, another for the engine-transmission compartment and the third module is for combat.

"With the AbramsX, in all likelihood, everything is simpler. That is, a standard Abrams has been taken and slightly improved, so to speak. And the standard Abrams does not have this kind of modular design," Kornev said.

The military observer sees an apparent "parity" in the general characteristics of the unmanned turrets of the two tanks, "although judging by the appearance, the AbramsX prototype seems to have a bulkier turret, perhaps for storing ammunition. The dimensions of the Armata's turret are minimal in relation to the overall silhouette of the tank," he noted.

One of the aspects in which the AbramsX can outperform its Russian counterpart, if it comes to be manufactured, is its hybrid engine.

"That is, it will have electric propulsion and a diesel engine, with an operating principle similar to that of hybrid cars. They aim to halve fuel consumption, which is a significant advantage," Kornev stresses, explaining that a hybrid engine means lower mass, reduced noise levels and possibly higher acceleration characteristics, which could prove critical on the battlefield.

As for protection, Kornev is confident in the superiority of the Russian tank. "The Armata is one of the best protected tanks in the world. It has dynamic protection, spaced shielding, intelligent smoke grenades and an installable active protection complex," he specified.

"The AbramsX is simpler. That is, although it is possible to deploy dynamic protection on the tank, the simplest models may have only spaced armor, sometimes with uranium inserts. The exact composition of the tank's armor is still unknown, but most likely it will have less protection than the Armata, and perhaps even the T-90M Proriv [a third-generation Russian tank]," he added.

When all is said and done, Kornev expects the Armata to be less expensive than the AbramsX, although both will be expensive (the production of an Armata, for example, costs several times the price of a new T-90M). In fact, the military operation has shown that the principles of tank warfare have not lost their meaning, more than 80 years after the first mass deployment of armored vehicles during World War II.

After announcing the delivery of NATO battle tanks to Ukraine, Western officials and media confidently predicted that the German Leopard 1 and 2 and the British Challenger II would go through the Russian tanks and defenses like a hot knife through butter.

However, the stagnation of the Ukrainian counteroffensive and the crushing of the Ukrainian armored columns by the Russian minefields, aviation and artillery have shown that the effective coordination of combined arms, intelligence on the battlefield, the competence of the commander and the skill of the tank crew are often much more important than the characteristics on the role of any tank.

Russian companies began testing smartphones on the Aurora operating system, by Dmitry Bevza for Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 08.11.2023.

Almost immediately after several large Russian companies, ministries and departments banned the use of the iPhone for official purposes, testing of domestic mobile devices on the Aurora OS began in Russia.

So, Russian Railways said that the Aurora OS has already been installed on several thousand devices that are used by operational personnel. The planned adaptation of the domestic operating system for working devices of employees also continues. A mobile application has been installed on devices with Aurora to control the maintenance and repair of Russian Railways facilities.

According to the Izvestia newspaper, some Russian legislators have begun to receive smartphones running the Aurora OS. So, several dozen devices were delivered to the Federation Council.

The Aurora OS is developed by Open Mobile Platform LLC, owned by PJSC Rostelecom.

Rostelecom confirmed the fact of testing by Russian companies and organizations of devices on the Aurora OS.
"Our company is always ready to help customers switch from American operating systems to the domestic mobile ecosystem. Recently, this process has intensified, the use of devices based on the Aurora operating system is growing. But by agreement with customers, we cannot disclose the details of projects," the press release said.

Earlier, Russian Railways introduced a ban on the use of the iPhone for business purposes for its employees. Similar bans were introduced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Tax Service and a number of other departments. They also banned their employees from using the iPhone to perform work tasks at Rostec. The ban also applies to organizations that are part of the state corporation, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade recommended that all industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the ministry, abandon the iPhone at work.

All restrictions were introduced after the FSB, together with the Federal Security Service of Russia, announced the disclosure of an intelligence operation by American intelligence services carried out using Apple mobile devices.

The Center for Public Relations of the FSB of Russia said that several thousand iPhones were infected. Moreover, not only Russian subscribers were infected, but also foreign numbers and subscribers using SIM cards registered with diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia, including NATO and post-Soviet countries, as well as Israel, Syria and China.

The FSB stressed that the information received by the Russian intelligence services confirms the close cooperation of Apple with American intelligence and that the privacy policy of users declared by Apple is not true.

Almost simultaneously with the FSB, Kaspersky Lab experts reported that they had discovered a software spyware implant on some Apple devices. Hackers collected victims' data during the "Operation Triangulation" campaign. To do this, they used software called TriangleDB. The malware provided the attackers with covert surveillance capabilities, but ran exclusively in the device's memory, so all traces of its operation and the malware itself were removed upon reboot.

Dmitry Makhlin, partner and development director of HRlink, believes that since the Aurora OS was developed primarily for the needs of the public sector, it meets the requirements of government agencies and state-owned companies in terms of security. "Now many organizations are starting to prohibit employees from using Western operating systems because of the risks of sudden disconnection from the system, hacks and bookmarks. There are no such problems in the local product," Makhlin notes.

At the same time, the expert doubts that in the near future devices on the Aurora will be able to become widespread. "The system has been developed for a long time, in 2021 it was included in the register of domestic software. However, it is still quite "raw". It will take time to adapt to a large consumer market, and this is not one or two years. three to five years of active work, so that this operating system only approaches the required level," Makhlin believes.

The history of the creation of the Aurora operating system began in 2000, when the Finnish Nokia was working on new mobile devices and operating systems. These developments were developed in the new Jolla company and formed the basis of the Sailfish OS. In 2016, the Russian company "Open Mobile Platform" received the rights to develop and use Sailfish OS and, together with Jolla, began developing the operating system. The goal was to create a secure OS for use in large companies, government organizations and institutions. In 2018, 75% of the Open Mobile Platform company and a controlling stake in the Finnish project were acquired by PJSC Rostelecom. This made it possible to integrate the operating system with the products and solutions of Rostelecom, targeted at the public and corporate sectors. In 2019, Sailfish received a new brand "Aurora".

One of the manufacturers of smartphones and tablets based on the Aurora operating system is the Russian company Aquarius. RG has at its disposal a smartphone of this company, running on the Aurora OS, and in the near future we are preparing a full review of the device.


MOSCOW, September 2. /tass/. S. A. Lavochkin NGO (part of Roscosmos) plans to launch the Russian interplanetary station "Boomerang", which should deliver soil from the Mars satellite Phobos, after 2030. This is stated in the materials of the enterprise available to TASS.

"Boomerang" - after 2030. The first stage of the Expedition-M project to explore Mars and its moons - Phobos and Deimos - by remote and contact methods," the materials say.

It clarifies that the main objectives of the mission are landing on celestial bodies in the absence of gravity and delivering samples of Phobos matter to Earth.

In 2016, the terms of reference for the advance project reported that the Russian interplanetary station "Boomerang" would have to deliver about 600 g of soil from Phobos to Earth. Then it was noted that the mission would be possible only with the participation of the European Space Agency. However, in November last year, the Director General of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, said in an interview with TASS that the European Space Agency had completely refused to cooperate with Russia.

The launch of the device is planned to be carried out from the Vostochny cosmodrome using the Angara launch vehicle. The 6.5-ton spacecraft should fly to Mars, enter orbits around Mars, Phobos and Deimos and conduct their remote study, make a soft landing on the surface of Phobos and take samples of its soil. From Phobos, a return vehicle will go to Earth, which will have to land on the territory of Russia.

In the Zaporozhye region, about 46% of children decided to study Ukrainian as their native language, they will be provided with new textbooks, local authorities said. In total, on September 1, 172 schools will open in the region, the number of students will exceed 40 thousand - more by 2 thousand than last year. Cadet classes will open in a number of schools.

In Russia, over the past 4.5 years, conditions have been improved for 1.5 million schoolchildren and more than 900 new schools have been built. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, September 1.

“In general, over the past 4.5 years, as a result of the implementation of the state program “Development of Education”, learning conditions have been improved for more than 1.5 million schoolchildren, including the construction of more than 900 new schools, in which more than 540 thousand additional places have been created,” — said the Russian leader at the opening ceremony of new schools in the regions.

Since 2022, almost 2.5 thousand school buildings have been overhauled, in which a total of 1 million schoolchildren study. In addition, by the end of 2024, a radical renovation of more than 1.5 thousand more general education facilities is planned, Putin said, noting that most of them are located in rural areas.

“Good results have been achieved under the program for the construction of kindergartens and nurseries. It was possible to achieve almost one hundred percent accessibility of preschool education - 99%," the President of Russia added.

In addition, on September 1, Putin took part in the opening of new schools in the regions of Russia. In particular, new educational institutions appeared in Mariupol, Novgorod region, Dagestan, Rostov-on-Don. Together with the Russian leader, the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov took part in the event.

The biggest school in Russia just opened in Voronezh. close to 2900 students and 220 teachers.




I guess Mariupol should be considered Russia in future discourse. Big, newly built school opened there:
And the other Mariupol schools opened as well, of course, as it's September 1st, the traditional opening day. Many were renovated and thoroughly modernized by Russia.

Putin backs teaching Chinese in Russian schools

The Russian president spoke at an event marking the start of a new academic year

Russia should expand the study of Chinese and other Asian languages inn the country's education institutions, given the continent’s growth in importance to world affairs, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.

The president’s adviser for science and culture, Andrey Fursenko, said earlier this week that Russian universities should gradually introduce Chinese language courses in order to stay abreast of scientific developments.

“Do we want to keep pace with science?” Fursenko asked, noting that 30% of all scientific papers were in Chinese at this point.

Fursenko noted that the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MFTI) recently attempted to introduce Chinese as the second mandatory foreign language, but ran into “fierce opposition” from the students.

KUBINKA (Moscow region), August 17 - RIA Novosti. In Russia, for the first time, a controlled detonation munition was created in the smallest caliber - 23 millimeters, this will make it possible to multiply the effectiveness of destroying drones, a source in the military-industrial complex told RIA Novosti at the Army-2023 forum.
"In this caliber in our country, for the first time, it was possible to implement a controlled detonation in a 23 mm caliber ammunition. The development will allow us to multiply the effectiveness of hitting small targets such as copters and drones," the source said. According to him, in the near future it is planned to test the ammunition, after which the novelty will be offered to potential customers..


Advanced BTR-82A armored personnel carrier with remote-controlled Ballista combat module.
It is equipped with a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon and a 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun paired with it, as well as Konkurs-M anti-tank guided missiles.


The new version of Typhoon-VDV with an upgraded ZSUshkha will protect against FPV drones

At the Army-2023 forum, a variant armed with a modernized ZU-23 / 30M1 anti-aircraft gun was shown.

[This combat vehicle is designed to perform a large number of tasks. For example, with its help it is possible to carry out cover from air attacks, including from small-sized drones of various types used by the enemy, as well as to engage ground targets.

The installed equipment allows this to be done in several modes, including automatic, on the move and at night.

The applied ammunition with a programmable detonation significantly increases the efficiency. If necessary, the operator, equipped with augmented reality glasses, can control the installation using a remote point, moving away from it at a distance of one hundred meters, which will provide the crew with a higher level of safety.

Since January 1 of this year, about 280 thousand people have been accepted for service in the RF Armed Forces. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, they all signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

I am meeting with the heads of the subjects of the federation in person, bearing in mind the importance of this work on the resupplying of the armed forces with contract servicemen. According to the Ministry of Defense, since January 1, about 280 thousand people have been accepted into the ranks of the armed forces, some of them are people who were in the reserve, some of them are volunteers, other categories - said Dmitry Medvedev.

Recall that the mass start of the recruitment of contract servicemen in the ranks of the Russian army was announced at the beginning of this year. As emphasized in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the RF Armed Forces needed to recruit 300 thousand people. They were supposed to strengthen the personnel of the Russian group, which is participating in a special military operation in Ukraine.

Recruitment of those wishing to enter the military service under the contract is carried out in all regions of the country. Recruits are paid a one-time payment of 195 thousand rubles. In addition, monthly payments from 204 thousand rubles are provided for the participants of the SVO.

We add that now the units of the Russian group are successfully repelling the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army in the Zaporozhye region and the DPR. At the same time, Russian units are conducting offensive operations in the LPR and the Kharkov region, approaching Kupyansk. In the confrontation with the army of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffer heavy losses in personnel and equipment .

Ruselectronics Holding (part of Rostec State Corporation) announced on August 17 that the Listva remote demining vehicle (MDR) could be equipped with a more powerful microwave gun for the most effective destruction of modern mines with semiconductor electronic elements.

"Modernization of the microwave installation will increase the power flux density of the radiated signal to about 10 W / cm2 at a distance of 50-80 m, "representatives of the holding company told the TASS news agency at the Army-2023 forum.

As specified in" Roselektronika", the modernization will increase the likelihood of critical damage and failure of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) containing semiconductor electronic elements.

Currently, the issue of switching to a gearless drive of the support and rotary device of the microwave installation is under consideration to improve the accuracy of positioning the radiating antenna in azimuth.

In addition, Listva can get an automated video surveillance system.

Listva is designed to detect mine-explosive devices (IEDs) with metal elements, as well as destroy engineering ammunition and IEDs with electronic components.


Scientists of the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Protection Forces have created a special three-layer material, the cape of which is able to completely hide a serviceman from the work of thermal imaging cameras.

"A cape has been designed and experimentally evaluated for a serviceman to completely conceal his footprint from the operation of thermal imaging cameras or drones with thermal imaging cameras," the scientists said, presenting the cape on the sidelines of the scientific and business program of the "Army-2023" International Military-Technical Forum.

It was noted the material consists of three layers: an inner layer that reflects infrared radiation (IR) from the user's body; a middle layer that absorbs IR; and an outer layer that reflects IR from the external environment.

Together with the material cape, a hood with special goggles offering protection against thermal imaging reconnaissance equipment was also developed. Its use will allow service members to conduct surveillance while remaining undetected.

The upgraded MGR-4 "Bumblebee" minesweeper robot developed by the High-Precision Complexes Holding (part of Rostec State Corporation) will be sent to new regions of the Russian Federation for trial operation at the end of the Army-2023 forum. This was announced on Tuesday, August 15, by Vladimir Artyakov, First Deputy General Director of Rostec.

Artyakov noted in a conversation with TASS that the development of the Kovrov electromechanical plant will be " pilot operation in real conditions."

The minesweeper robot is designed for clearing territories from anti-personnel mines and conducting video monitoring of the environment with a radio control signal range of up to 1000 m.

Russian specialists have developed a technology for moving the Marker combat robot in fog and smoke conditions. This was announced on Wednesday, August 16, by the executive director of the research and production association (NGO) "Android Technology" Evgeny Dudorov on the sidelines of the forum "Army-2023".

"When driving through smoke, the construction of a point cloud from laser lidar stops, the optical channel is ineffective, but Marker continues to recognize the surrounding space by using the technology of integrating the technical vision of other available passive sensors," Dudorov explained to reporters.

According to him, when creating the robot, experiments were also conducted aimed at checking the functioning of the platform in offline mode. It turned out that the hourly consumption of the complex is 3.5 liters, which is enough for 50 hours of battery life or 1000 km of cross-country running.

Dudorov also added that the developed autonomous driving technology can be used to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, automatically deliver and unload cargo.

Chisel", an unmanned vehicle for supporting assault squads.

The device can work on air targets, lightly armored vehicles and enemy manpower. It has the ability to deliver the equipment, ammunition and weapons necessary for the assault group, as well as evacuate the wounded.

The length of this land drone is 7465 mm, width - 2550 mm, height - 2100 mm. Clearance - 320 mm. The curb weight is 13300 kg, and the total weight is 16000 kg. Load capacity - 2700 kg. Engine power - 350 hp The maximum speed on the highway is 100 km / h.



RVV-MD2 is basically a AIM-9X Block 3 missile with LOAL capability and 50km+ range if those block 3 missiles were put in operation with production and since K-37M always existed, K-77M having a 193km range the quoting of the 120km missile(which is generally the R-77) suggests its the ramjet version of the missile to go 300kms.

MOSCOW, August 30. /tass/. The fifth-generation Su-57 fighter strikes targets at a range of 120 km during its operation, in the near future it is expected to receive aircraft missiles that will be able to hit targets at a distance of up to 300 km, a source in the military-industrial complex told TASS.

"In its own Su-57 solves problems with high quality, effectively hits targets, its distinctive feature is low visibility. Today, the fighter is operating at a range of 120 km, in the near future they are waiting for the arrival of aviation missiles for high-speed air targets at a range of up to 300 km," the agency interlocutor said.

"In accordance with the information disseminated on the eve of the Army-2023 forum, it became known in advance that a new guided air-to-air missile would be presented. RIA Novosti reported on 08/04/2023 that the novelty, which received the export name RVV-MD2, “for the first time received an inertial control system and a radio correction line, a multi-element dual-band infrared homing head with increased noise immunity is installed on it.” “The RVV-MD2 product can be placed in the inner fuselage compartments of the fifth generation Su-57 fighter, has entered the industrial production stage and the stage of adoption,” the publication clarified.

In the KTRV pavilion, a new RVV-MD2 missile was indeed demonstrated, visually presumably a version of the RVV-MD."

Russia conducted successful field tests of a laser gun to eliminate UAVs

"Successful tests of a combat laser designed to destroy unmanned aerial vehicles were carried out at one of the Russian military training grounds. The laser gun demonstrated high efficiency in hitting UAVs in the near zone," the agency's interlocutor said.

As the source clarified, during the tests, "the combat laser of the infrared spectrum ensured the physical destruction of drones, in particular, burning the aerodynamic surfaces of the vehicles or burning their body along with on-board equipment."
"Drones of both aircraft and quadrocopter types were destroyed by the laser," he added.

New kamikaze drones in the past 2 weeks.

A little bit more on the Scalpel

Russia has created a cheap analogue of the Lancet drone. The kamikaze drone "Scalpel" from the Russian design bureau "Vostok" will have a payload compartment with a diameter of 125 mm and a length of 650 mm. This will allow it to be equipped with different warheads with a total weight of up to 5 kg. The drone has a maximum take-off weight of up to 10.5 kg, a cruising speed of up to 120 km and a flight range of up to 40 km. Launched from a catapult. Compared to the Lancet, it has 2 kg more payload and a 10 km/h higher cruising speed. As for the time the Scalpel was deployed, it has not been disclosed, as has the cost, as well as what it is made of.

Russia develops Vorobey mini-drone for strikes on armored vehicles — engineering executive
Andrey Bratenkov named low cost and mass as the advantages of the new FPV drone
MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/. Russian specialists have developed an FPV drone, dubbed Vorobey (Sparrow), weighing 1.3 kilos with a 500-gram ordnance round for making strikes on armored vehicles, Andrey Bratenkov, executive director of the Spektr engineering firm, told TASS.

He said that the drone, which carries a cumulative payload developed by a Russian research institute, had been successfully tested in the special military operation zone. According to Bratenkov, these drones will be deployed in combat in the near future, thus ensuring greater efficiency due to their lower mass and heightened effectiveness.

"The round of ordnance weighs about 500 grams and is capable of penetrating armor of up to 200 mm [thick]. As a result, in terms of its properties, the Vorobey drone turns out to be a mini-Lancet. The first batch of drones and ordnance has already been handed over for use in the special [military] operation zone," Bratenkov said. The drone weighs 1.3 kilos and has a maximum flight range of up to 5 kilometers.

The specialist named low cost and mass as the advantages of the new FPV drone. "Vorobey has turned out to have quite a ‘bite,’ because it can break through armored hardware. Its prime cost is much lower than that of the Lancet, about 150,000 rubles (about $1,500 - TASS). The drone is small and its length is about nine inches. One cannot drag a Lancet to the frontline on foot, while it is possible to carry about 10 Vorobey drones without any particular effort and the effectiveness is much greater this way," Bratenkov said.

The Spektr engineering firm, headquartered in Novosibirsk, develops and produces unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). As reported earlier, the company has provided its Yozhik (Hedgehog) ground drone to be used for reconnaissance purposes in the special military operation.

New toy for the front: composite kamikaze drone "BAS-80" will be tested in the SMO zone

Kamikaze drones with folding wings "BAS-80" have been handed over to the military for testing in the special operation zone in Ukraine to the Tsar's Wolves unit.

The UAV weighs 1.7 kg and can be folded and placed in a tube for carrying. It is launched using a gunpowder charge. Payload "BAS-80" - 500 grams with the possibility of increasing up to 2 kg. The drone's maximum flight speed is up to 130 km/h, flight altitude - up to 200 meters, range - up to 30 km

Note: I'm just wondering... you think: we are 50 million (actually less), can we provoke 140 million? These 140 million have no engineers, nothing, right?
You know.... yesterday's peasants who just saw an ipad.

Whoever came up with all this thought that it might turn out that on the other side are completely different people, and not what the propaganda portrays?

Lancet-3M usage with this kind of range.
🛸 Lancet hit a Ukrainian mig-29 at Krivoy Rog airfield.

47.9021719, 33.5212766

🧐 The airport is around 66 km far.

‍� Not sure if the Aircraft is operational.

100km glide bombs being used in the front suggest production of it will be ongoing.


Pogrebnyakov: the effectiveness of the new Russian cancer drug reaches 100%.

MOSCOW, September 29 – RIA Novosti. The effectiveness of a new domestic drug for the treatment of cancer with the help of light in some cases can reach 90-100 percent, the head of the department - a doctor for x-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment of the department of x-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment of the department of interventional radiology of the Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Radiology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology" told RIA Novosti named after N. N. Blokhin" of the Russian Ministry of Health, Candidate of Medical Sciences Igor Pogrebnyakov.

“The drug can be used in the treatment of patients with various types of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts, genitourinary system, upper respiratory tract and skin. At certain stages of the disease, if all indications for use are followed, the effectiveness can reach 90-100 percent,” he said.

According to the specialist, the product has several domestic analogues, the experience of using which was taken into account during production. This type of drug is well tolerated by patients and has no serious side effects, the doctor said.

The only absolute contraindication to its use is porphyrin disease, which is rare in Russia, Pogrebnyakov clarified.
The day before, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that a drug for the treatment of cancer with the help of light began to be produced in the capital, the company plans to produce up to 40 thousand bottles per year.

As the head of the city noted, in the early stages of the disease, this method of treatment can replace surgical intervention. The drug is administered to the patient, it accumulates in the tumor cells, then is activated by laser or LED radiation. After this, the neoplasm is almost completely destroyed.

The remote-controlled Sosna-N scans an area for optical devices such as sniper rifle scopes, binoculars, or anti-tank missile targeting systems

MOSCOW, September 29. /TASS/. Russian commando units involved in the special operation in Ukraine have used the newest robotic sniper detector Sosna-N, a source in the defense-industrial complex has told TASS.
"A batch of anti-sniper systems Sosna-N was purchased for special units and it has been successfully tested in the area of the special miliary operation," the source said.
The remote-controlled Sosna-N scans an area for optical devices such as sniper rifle scopes, binoculars, or anti-tank missile targeting systems. Upon detecting such a device, it generates an acoustic signal and releases a special laser beam to impair it. This sophisticated detection system can identify a sniper within a range of 3 kilometers while its laser countermeasure has an effective range of up to 2 kilometers. The device comes with a portable control pad, weighing around 1.1 kilograms, offering easy maneuverability for soldiers in the field. The product was first demonstrated during the Army-2021 forum.

Jesus Russians are like Maharoga from JJK.
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T-90M tanks used new Telnik shells during a special operation, by Alexey Moiseev for Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 10.02.2023.

Russian T-90M tanks operating in the special military operation zone have received modern ammunition, allowing them to carry out all combat missions assigned to them.

In his interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper , the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Army General Oleg Salyukov, mentioned the new Telnik high-explosive fragmentation shells. They have ready-made submunitions and are detonated in the air at specified trajectory points.

This weapon is very effective against enemy personnel, in particular operators of American-made FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided systems.

According to military experts, in the near future such equipment will become a mandatory attribute of all main battle tanks.

Back in the 90s, the T-90 and T-80UK began to be equipped with the Ainet complex, designed to perform similar tasks. However, "Telnik" is significantly superior to it in efficiency.

Also, domestic heavy tracked vehicles have guided missiles launched through the barrels of 125-mm guns with tandem warheads designed to destroy tanks equipped with dynamic protection. Thus, recently the T-90M destroyed an enemy object located at a distance of more than 6800 meters.

Not solely content with its brand new counter-drone ‘proximity’ airburst round, the Army is set to fund the development of another do-it-all munition for use with the 30mm chain guns it’s slowly proliferating across its fleet of ground vehicles.

The service has requested $18.93 million in fiscal year 2024 for the new 30x113mm XM1223 Multi-Mode Proximity Airburst (MMPA) round designed to counter threats from incoming drones and ground troops behind cover, according to budget documents.

Designed to combat both aerial and ground-based threats in a single mission package, the MMPA will eventually replace both the 30×113mm XM1211 High Explosive Proximity (HEP) and XM1198 High Explosive Dual Purpose rounds currently fielded to U.S. troops to deal with the rise of adversary drones downrange

“The programmable fuze modes in the munition include proximity airburst to defeat personnel in the open and small Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) targets, proximity delay to defeat personnel in defilade, gated proximity airburst for cluttered environments, mechanical point detonate to defeat light materiel targets, and self destruct to minimize collateral damage,” according to budget documents.

Worlds 1st successful tests of a cruise missile with unlimited range as long as fuel by nuclear reactor runs out and will utilize artificial intelligence and neural networking.

Russia successfully conducts last test of Burevestnik strategic missile, says Putin

"Right now, we have actually completed work on advanced strategic weapons that I spoke about and announced several years ago," the head of state specified

SOCHI, October 5. /TASS/. Russia has almost completed its work on advanced strategic weapons and conducted the last successful test of the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile, President Vladimir Putin said at a plenary session of the Valdai International Discussion Club on Thursday.
"Right now, we have actually completed work on advanced strategic weapons that I spoke about and announced several years ago. We conducted the last successful test of the Burevestnik nuclear-powered global-range cruise missile," the head of state said.
President Putin said in his state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018 that Russia had developed new types of armaments, including the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile, capable of ensuring a global strategic balance for decades to come.

A drone carrying FPV drones.
Now, two - but will carry 4 soon.
It increases the range of operation to 40 km, the drone itself is a retlansrator of radio and video signals.



Some more analysis on the 3BM69/70 APFSDS:
Looking at previous CGI it appears the 3BM69/70 core has a monolithic structure with a special ballistic tip:

The ballistic tip design is interesting. It looks like a honey dipper with a ridges from end to end and a slight thickening at the middle. Its definitely not steel since it has a windshield and a steel ablative tip would just have a sharpened end without bothering with a windshield.

But since we have a flat image we can more accurately measure the dimensions of the core:

Ouch. This is a 25.4mmx790mm penetrator core. Someone decided that if they're going to pay for a new autoloader they might as well get the longest DU/Tungsten core Rosatom can fabricate.

It might seem backwards, but remember, NATO does not use heavy ERA and peak bending stresses from external and internal NERA modules are nowhere near close enough to those exerted by multilayer flyer plate ERA. The Russians must have realized they could have their cake and eat it too when they designed a girthier core with an extra resilient tip that can resist the reactive effect of NERA without sacrificing penetrating power from ablative segments.

The resulting penetrator is a monster that will overcome the toughest ballistic shielding you can feasibly deploy on overweight NATO MBTs with a conventional turret layout and then some. And since the margin for further weight increases on the latest NATO MBTs is all but tapped out, there is simply no other solution left for NATO but to adopt an Armata style MBT themselves if they want to compete. A costly and risky project to add to the many that their battered economies will struggle to support until eventually it just breaks from the pressure.

The Ruselectronics Holding of Rostec State Corporation has released the first prototypes of a universal infrared television camera capable of "seeing" tens of kilometers in all weather conditions and at any time of the day.

The new devices are part of the line of television cameras developed by the Central Research Institute "Electron" (part of "Ruselectronics") for operation in conditions of poor visibility. A number of modifications can be used in drones, ground-based surveillance systems, as part of surveillance and tracking onboard systems of various aircraft, for example, during rescue operations.

The camera operates in the near-infrared range of 0.95-1.65 μm and can be synchronized with laser illumination. The photons reflected from the detected objects are read by a special television sensor in a sealed case, inside of which there is a radiation-sensitive photocathode and an electronically sensitive matrix in a vacuum. Such know-how of the specialists of the Central Research Institute "Electron" allows you to reduce the amount of noise interference and increase the resolution of the camera.

Since the main signal that the device captures is the laser illumination received at the set time, the foreground and background of the image are suppressed. When using laser illumination, the equipment detects objects at a distance of up to 20 km and generates a high-resolution image even in complete darkness, in conditions of fog, rain, dust storms, etc. "Near-infrared cameras are in stable demand from both military and civilian customers, since such devices are indispensable for solving a whole range of tasks.

For example, our product can be used to detect people on the water during rescue operations. A SWIR camera at night allows you to observe objects an order of magnitude clearer than devices operating in the visible spectral range. And when using laser illumination, the detection range of objects in our device is 3-3.5 times greater than that of medium- and long-wave systems. Thus, our development "looks" further and "sees" better, "said Alexey Vyaznikov, General Director of the Central Research Institute "Electron".

Central Research Institute "Electron" is the leading enterprise in Russia for the development and production of photoelectronic devices, devices and cameras.

A drone carrying FPV drones.
Now, two - but will carry 4 soon.
It increases the range of operation to 40 km, the drone itself is a retlansrator of radio and video signals.

Russia creates next-gen air-launched rocket with properties of two munitions — Rostec
The innovation outshines all existing domestic and foreign rivals
MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. The Splav Research and Production Association (part of Technodinamika Group within the state tech corporation Rostec) has created a next-generation rocket with a highly efficient engine laying the basis for air-launched weapons combining the properties of concrete-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation munitions, Rostec announced on Friday.

The Russian tech giant made this statement at a ceremony of conferring Nikolay Makarovets awards for innovative projects.

"The staff of the Splav Research and Production Association named after A. Ganichev has been declared the winner in the category: ‘For Contribution to Developing and Producing Special-Purpose Products’ for presenting an 80mm next-generation air-launched rocket. The researchers have managed to solve a number of complex scientific, technical and practical tasks and create a rocket whose use makes it possible to destroy both openly located targets and those located in sheltered fortifications and forest belts. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that groundwork has been laid for the first time for creating multi-purpose air-launched weapons combining the properties of concrete-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation munitions," the Rostec press office said.

The innovation outshines all existing domestic and foreign rivals. The new small-size highly efficient rocket engine allows for designing breakthrough rockets, adjustable and guided munitions on its basis, it said.

In addition, the Splav staff has won in the category: "For Introducing Advanced Technologies and Innovative Solutions" for developing and launching the production of hybrid thermal protection coating of a 122mm MLRS rocket exhaust nozzle. The solutions are based solely on domestic materials and make it possible to ensure trouble-free operation of rockets, Rostec said.

Russia’s latest Zemledeliye minelaying system has no rivals, says military expert
The Zemledeliye features the principle of multiple launch rocket systems but uses munitions with a solid propellant engine that are stuffed with various types of mines for laying minefields
Minelaying system Zemledeliye Ministry of Defense of Russia
Minelaying system Zemledeliye
Ministry of Defense of Russia
MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. Russia’s state-of-the-art Zemledeliye remote-controlled minelaying system has no rivals in the world, Hero of Russia Colonel Rustam Saifullin told TASS on Wednesday.

During Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Saifullin commanded the 40th engineering regiment of the 41st combined arms army and was wounded twice.

"An excellent and proven remotely controlled minelaying system Zemledeliye that can lay a minefield at very large distances has been accepted for service. It is capable of laying anti-personnel, anti-tank or mixed minefields, thus preventing an enemy advance or thwarting its maneuver. This remotely controlled system has no rivals in any other country of the world," he stressed.

Zemledeliye minelaying vehicle
The Zemledeliye features the principle of multiple launch rocket systems but uses munitions with a solid propellant engine that are stuffed with various types of mines for laying minefields. In the process of minelaying, the vehicle’s digital terrain map marks mined areas’ coordinates that are subsequently transmitted to the higher command and control level.

The Zemledeliye minelaying vehicle comprises a launcher, an ammunition suite of 50 122mm munitions stuffed with high-explosive anti-personnel or anti-tank mines and a transporter-loader vehicle with a loading crane in the rear.

Both vehicles are mounted on Kamaz-6560 eight-wheel trucks and are outfitted with armored driver cabins. The rockets are placed in containers loaded into special packs of 25 munitions each. Each Zemledeliye vehicle carries two such packs. A launcher is outfitted with communications, a fire control system, meteorological sensors and a defensive suite that comprises six smoke grenade launchers, with three of them on each side.

The Defense Ministry of Russia and the Tula-based Splav defense firm signed a contract for the delivery of Zemledeliye remote minelaying vehicles to Russian troops in December 2013. The Splav Research and Production Association is Russia’s largest company engaged in developing and producing multiple launch rocket systems.

Russia unveiled the Zemledeliye remote minelaying vehicle to the public at large at the military parade on Moscow’s Red Square on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War. The initial batch of Zemledeliye minelaying vehicles entered service with Russian engineering troops in 2020.


A new Russian anti-drone gun is capable of suppressing up to 90% of the AFU's drones

Russian engineers have developed a new anti-drone gun. It has already passed official formal tests that have taken place recently.
According to the developer’s representative, the antidrone gun operates in seven frequency ranges and is capable of suppressing and wrenching off course most of the drones used by the AFU, including commercial drones, aircraft-type drones and FPV-type ones.
The representative has also noted that there is no antidrone gun capable of suppressing 100 per cent of objects to date, so the developer deals with a reasonable maximum of seven wave bands. Incidentally, Russian drones use the same frequency ranges. Although Chinese drones are able to operate in a wider range. A special equipment to suppress such vehicles working on shifted frequencies is being developed, but is absent yet.

Weight: 5.5 kg;
Suppression range: up to 1.5 km;
Operating time: 1.5 hours.


Russia creates next-gen air-launched rocket with properties of two munitions — Rostec
The innovation outshines all existing domestic and foreign rivals
MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. The Splav Research and Production Association (part of Technodinamika Group within the state tech corporation Rostec) has created a next-generation rocket with a highly efficient engine laying the basis for air-launched weapons combining the properties of concrete-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation munitions, Rostec announced on Friday.

The Russian tech giant made this statement at a ceremony of conferring Nikolay Makarovets awards for innovative projects.

"The staff of the Splav Research and Production Association named after A. Ganichev has been declared the winner in the category: ‘For Contribution to Developing and Producing Special-Purpose Products’ for presenting an 80mm next-generation air-launched rocket. The researchers have managed to solve a number of complex scientific, technical and practical tasks and create a rocket whose use makes it possible to destroy both openly located targets and those located in sheltered fortifications and forest belts. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that groundwork has been laid for the first time for creating multi-purpose air-launched weapons combining the properties of concrete-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation munitions," the Rostec press office said.

The innovation outshines all existing domestic and foreign rivals. The new small-size highly efficient rocket engine allows for designing breakthrough rockets, adjustable and guided munitions on its basis, it said.

In addition, the Splav staff has won in the category: "For Introducing Advanced Technologies and Innovative Solutions" for developing and launching the production of hybrid thermal protection coating of a 122mm MLRS rocket exhaust nozzle. The solutions are based solely on domestic materials and make it possible to ensure trouble-free operation of rockets, Rostec said.

If you watch carefully there is another helicopter drone with a four tube rocket pod mounted on the wingtips that appears to be able to be aimed up and down and I think I saw a spec sheet showing the four tube launcher was 57mm calibre. The guided 80mm rockets could take out vehicles of all types with precision at 6km range, which is pretty much out of return fire range for most weapons, while the 57mm rockets could be used to hit enemy troops in bunkers and would probably be fired at targets at 1-1.5km where the machine gun would also be effective to

The subsidiary holding Ruselectronics presented a new small-sized transponder to designate drones.

The product operates on the “friend or foe” principle and automatically marks friendly drones at an altitude of up to 5 km and a distance of up to 100 km from the radio interrogator.
The authenticator weighs no more than 150 g and has a power consumption of 100 mV.

Russia agreed to build 120 electric trains for India, by Dmitry Zubarev for VZGLYAD. 07.25.2023.

Transmashholding and Indian Rail Vikas Nigam Limited agreed to produce 120 long-distance electric trains.

Transmashholding and a subsidiary of Indian Railways, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), signed a shareholder agreement, the Russian holding said in a statement.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to a TMH report , the agreement provides for the creation of a joint venture Kinet Railway Solutions ltd, which will implement a project involving the supply and subsequent maintenance of Vande Bharat trains for the needs of Indian railways. At the same time, the Indian side will own 25%, the Russian side - 75% of the joint venture being created.

According to the newspaper, TMH and RVNL received the right to produce 120 16-car long-distance electric trains with Vande Bharat sleepers for $1.7 billion as a result of the Indian Railways tender.

Electric trains must be produced in India in the city of Latour within five years from the date of signing the contract. Subsequent service maintenance of equipment should be carried out within 35 years. The next step in the implementation of the project should be the signing of a contract with Indian Railways.

Earlier, Russia for the first time entered the top three largest trading partners of India: the trade turnover of the countries for the first five months of this year reached $27.1 billion.

Russia approves a joint lunar research station project with China

Russia and China first came up with a roadmap for the joint construction of a lunar base back in the summer of 2021. The following year, they signed a memorandum of understanding on joint exploration of the Moon, and pledged to work together to build a base there by the 2030s.

The project is to be implemented in three stages.

Stage 1:

- Russian and Chinese lunar missions explore the Moon together
- Best locations determined
- Safe landing ensured by new equipment

Stage 2:

- Control center for the Lunar base set up
- Bulk cargo to Earth’s natural satellite delivered
- Orbital modules set up for supply of power, communications, and provision of transport services

Stage 3:

- Exploration of Moon’s surface
- Expanding functionality of lunar station modules
- Helping international partners land a human being on the Moon.

Shvabe Holding of Rostec State Corporation, together with one of the leading Russian cancer centers, is conducting clinical testing of the DIATER-M HIFU therapy complex. This is the first Russian solution for cancer diagnostics and non-invasive tumor removal using high-intensity ultrasound.

During clinical trials, doctors will have to treat patients with neoplasms in the mammary gland using the DIATER-M device. HIFU is used to treat and remove tumors without surgery, which significantly reduces the rehabilitation period for patients. This method is considered one of the safest in the world. It does not require anesthesia or the administration of strong drugs. HIFU therapy can be carried out even in the presence of metal staples, various implants and metal structures in the patient's body.

The device was developed by the Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant (NPZ) of Shvabe Holding in collaboration with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Now doctors are being trained in the basics of working with the equipment.

"Clinical testing will take place in two stages and will last about six months. We plan to receive the first test results in the summer of 2024. After that, we will launch the medical complex into mass production. DIATER-M is designed for the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms and is designed for use in surgical departments and cancer centers," said Anton Klokov, General Director of the refinery.

Testing of DIATER-M at the oncology center was the next step after obtaining a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor. Prior to this, the refinery, together with the National Medical Research Center (NMRC) of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov and the First Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, successfully completed preclinical trials.

With a ticket costing 150 rubels, it must be the most cost-effective river boat for tourism.
Plus it is already included in other city limits long term tickets, 90 days and a yearly ones.
Kids up to 7 y/o travel for free and the river bus is electric.

Oreshkin said that he does not exclude the possibility of Mercedes and BMW becoming history.
Global automobile companies, such as the German Mercedes and BMW, may become history in ten years, said Russian Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin.

Oreshkin, in an interview with the Expert publication , noted that today China has become the number one exporter of cars in the world, and therefore in ten years Mercedes and BMW may become history, RT reports .

He added that as brands they would probably remain, but would follow the same fate as Volvo, which was sold to China.

According to him, European manufacturers have lost the market and do not have the advantage in technology that they had five to ten years ago.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, answering a question about the “expansion” of Chinese cars into Russia, noted their cost and quality. According to him, prices for Russian cars will decline as production increases.

The world's first operation to replace a soft tissue injury by in situ bioprinting directly into a wound defect was performed by surgeons of the Main Military Clinical Hospital (GVKG) named after Academician N. N. Burdenko, the press service of the National Research Technological University "MISIS" (NUST MISIS) reported on December 26.

The operation used a bioprinter developed by NUST MISIS scientists and 3D Bioprinting Solutions, a pioneer of Russian bioprinting. The bioprinter device contains a bioprinting system, computer vision and a robotic arm that supplies biopolymer to the wound.

The trajectory of this robot after automatic scanning of the damage site was programmed by a MISIS specialist. Next, the bone marrow cells taken from the patient by the doctor were "tucked" into a bioprinter, and the robot carried out the bioprinting without human participation.

New Lancet Izd. 55 model X-wing with 4 propellers

Kalashnikov to add mini drones to combat outfit
According to Alan Lushnikov, the company plans it for third-generation outfit and actively works in the field
MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. The Kalashnikov Company plans to add small scout and attack drones to third-generation combat outfit in 2024, President Alan Lushnikov told Rossiya 24 TV channel.

"As for 2024 plans, we want to expand the line. We develop small drones for soldiers. They are scouts and attack loitering munitions of the tactical level that will be included into the outfit. We plan it for third-generation outfit and actively work in the field," he said.

In November, Lushnikov said the Kalashnikov was testing new-generation outfit with integrated scout drone controls.

Kalashnikov ships first batch of upgraded Kub drones
In November, the company's president said the Kalashnikov had increased Kub firepower and was working to extend the range
MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. The Kalashnikov Company is shipping the first batch of upgraded Kub kamikaze drones to the customer, President Alan Lushnikov told Rossiya 24 TV channel.

"We have implemented Kub loitering munition with a higher-power warhead according to customer requirements. Trials have been successful and the first batch is being shipped to the customer at the given moment. It is a major step, as it was actually a new device," he said.

In November, Lushnikov said the Kalashnikov had increased Kub firepower and was working to extend the range.

Previous Kub carried a 3-kg payload. Maximum flight endurance was 30 minutes and the speed was 130 km/h.

New jet engines for drones.

Scalpel and Lancet drones., at about 2 minutes thirty seconds it mentions the Scalpel drone costs about 200,000 rubles, which is about $2,200 US dollars.



New optics for AGS-30 30mm grenade launcher:

Lobaev reported on the lethal combination of the Sevastopol rifle with a new cartridge, by Oleg Koryakin for Rossiyskaia Gazeta. 12.08.2023.

Weapons designer Vladislav Lobaev reported on his Telegram channel about the high efficiency in the northeast military zone of the DXL-4 Sevastopol ultra-long-range rifle in combination with a new cartridge.

“Gradually, the DXL-4 “Sevastopol” is moving into the lead in both Cheytaks. Not only thanks to the high results (about which again later), but also to the presence of a high-quality factory cartridge. The result is a truly lethal combination,” he wrote.

Let us remind you that recently a sniper from the Nevsky brigade managed to shoot off the hand of a Ukrainian Armed Forces machine gunner at a distance of 1690 meters from a Sevastopol .408 CT caliber.

This model in Lobaev’s line of sniper rifles has the highest range along with the SVLK-S4 “Twilight”. The maximum effective range is 2300 meters for the .408 CT, and 2800 meters for the .375 CT.

Russian Army Receives First Batch of New Kalashnikov Sniper Rifles, by Andrei Dergalin for Sputnikglobe. 12.27.2023.

The state-of-the-art marksman rifle recently adopted by Russia's military has been successfully tested in the Ukrainian conflict zone.

The first batch of a new semiautomatic Chukavin sniper rifle (SVCh) has been delivered to the Russian Armed Forces this week.

The news was announced by leading small arms manufacturer, the Kalashnikov Concern.

First showcased during a military expo in Russia in 2017, the SVCh is a new designated marksman rifle that is meant to become a successor to the ubiquitous Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD).

While retaining the trademark reliability and efficiency of the SVD, Chukavin sniper rifles feature a more ergonomic design and have better accuracy than their predecessors, according to Kalashnikov’s press release.

The new rifle is 1,170mm long (the measurements include the length of SVCh’s unfolded stock and the attached flash hider; the barrel’s length is 620mm) and weighs 4.8 kilograms unloaded.

It can also be fitted with any foreign- or domestically-manufactured optics, the press release noted.

The rifle is designed for combined arms warfare and can be used to engage targets at ranges up to one kilometer, although some publications mention an effective range of up to 1.2 km. If push comes to shove, however, the SVCh can also be used in close-range firefights.

The SVCh has been adopted by the Russian military after undergoing testing in battlefield conditions in the Ukrainian conflict zone.

"The Rostec State Corporation completed state tests of the Coalition-SV self-propelled gun in 2023. The art complex confirmed all the characteristics laid down by the developers. Serial production of the Coalition-SV, as well as the production of a transport-loading vehicle, has already been deployed. At the end of 2023, the first complexes were sent to the troops"

NOTE: Another new multicalibar MLRS combining the mine laying 140mm "Agriculture" system with the 220mm mine clearing "TOS" system.

Russia has begun developing the latest bicaliber multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) “Vozrozhdenie”, its serial production should begin in the first half of 2024. This was announced on December 26 by the General Director of the Rostec state corporation Sergei Chemezov.

He noted that the new MLRS is being created on the basis of the “Agriculture” remote mining system, which has proven itself well in the special military operation (SVO) zone. The designers proposed increasing the potential of the combat vehicle.

“It can be used simultaneously both as a remote mining vehicle and as an MLRS if it is equipped with a unified transport and launch container. As a result, they created a container that also allows launching rockets, for example, from the Uragan, or TOS-1, TOS-1A and TOS-2. The work received the self-explanatory title “Renaissance,” RIA Novosti quotes Chemezov.

According to him, the tests carried out confirmed that the development is relevant.

“In fact, in a few months we received the first serial bicaliber vehicle, which can both mine terrain with 140 mm caliber rockets and hit targets with 220 mm caliber rockets,” he explained.

Before this, in mid-October, the Rostec corporation ahead of schedule sent a batch of complexes of the remote mining engineering system “Agriculture” to the Russian troops. It was noted then that the latest system, using programmable ammunition, can cover an area of several football fields with mines in a matter of minutes.

Long-Range Precision Artillery Munition or Long-Range Guided Projectile "Coalition-WTO"

Secondly, it is the renewal of the ammunition load of the 2S35 "Koalitsiya-SV" with promising long-range guided active-rocket projectiles with bottom gas generators and GLONASS/INS correction (with a CEP of about 15-7 m and a range of 75-80 km).
55/152 shrapnel can kill from more than 50 meters away. CEP of 10-15m means you draw a circle 15m around the target in worst cases and 10m most of the time around the point of aim and the vast majority of your shells are going to land somewhere inside that circle. When the target is a tank that is 3 metres wide and maybe 6 to 8 metres long that is almost certainly a hit most of the time with a 10m CEP. The 10-15m CEP is for GLONASS guided shells which is mostly because wind direction can be a factor along the entire flight path of the round so as it approaches the target a side wind could shift its flight path and it might not have time to correct its flight trajectory fully to get back onto the target point on the ground. The laser guided shells have a CEP of 1-3 metres.


The Vector Research Institute of Ruselectronics Holding (part of Rostec State Corporation) has successfully completed tests of the upgraded Serp-VS5D anti-drone system at one of the Russian energy infrastructure facilities. The system combines the functions of electronic detection and counteraction to small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in one device. The equipment can work against both a single target and a swarm of drones.

The new development can detect and suppress intruder UAVs. The system continuously searches for and detects communication and control channels for drones. If detected, the detector sends a command to activate suppression in the appropriate frequency bands.

The digital processing algorithms of the detection system make it possible to confidently determine the presence of drones in the protected area, minimizing the likelihood of missing or false alarms. UAV suppression is carried out in automatic mode at a range of up to 5 km in line of sight.

"The Serp line of anti-UAV devices is in great demand among customers both in Russia and abroad. Therefore, Vector specialists are constantly working to modernize the system, taking into account the user experience and improving the unmanned aerial vehicles themselves. The modernized Serp-VS5D complex has been successfully tested at one of the energy infrastructure facilities of our country and has fully confirmed all the declared characteristics," said Sergey Skorykh, General Director of the Vector Research Institute.

The Serp line of anti-drone devices produced by the Vector Research Institute "sees" intruder UAVs in a 360-degree sector in the horizontal plane. The equipment is characterized by the ability to operate in sectors of 90 degrees with independent modes of operation. This makes it possible, if necessary, to use other drones during the operation of the complex, for example, to monitor power transmission lines or pipelines.


Tactical Missiles Corporation scales up high precision weapons production

"Boris Obnosov stressed that it became possible on account of expanding and upgrading production facilities, increasing the headcount, improving labor productivity and shifting to the 24/7 work schedule," the ministry noted

MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. Russia’s Tactical Missiles Corporation boosts production of the most highly sought-after high precision munitions by five times, the Defense Ministry said.
"Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation Boris Obnosov reported to Army General Sergey Shoigu that the enterprise fully performed the state defense order for 2023, and production volumes of high-precision means of destruction were increased five-fold from the start of the special military operation for individual the most highly sought-after items of the product mix," the Defense Ministry said.
"Boris Obnosov stressed that it became possible on account of expanding and upgrading production facilities, increasing the headcount, improving labor productivity and shifting to the 24/7 work schedule," the ministry added.

Output volumes at Tactical Missiles Corporation’s units up three-fold — ministry​

Latest patterns of high-precision warheads that were put into serial production in 2023, as well as promising samples of arms, were also presented to the minister during the visit, according to the report

MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The volumes of products made by a number of units of the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV) have climbed three-fold due to an increase in labor productivity by 40%, the Russian Defense Ministry reported following Minister Sergey Shoigu’s visit to one of the corporation’s enterprise.
"Head of one of the units of the enterprise Dmitry Kovalyov told Russian Defense Minister that due to an increase in labor productivity by 40% and the switch to a 12-hour shift the volumes of products made by the section he heads have soared three-fold," the report said.
Latest patterns of high-precision warheads that were put into serial production in 2023, as well as promising samples of arms, were also presented to the minister during the visit, according to the report.

Future Arktur nuclear sub to carry strategic weapons, unmanned craft

Upgraded missiles help decrease their number onboard a warship, but retain the combat potential

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. The fifth-generation Arktur nuclear submarine of the Rubin Design Bureau will have smaller signature and carry strategic weapons and various unmanned craft, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) said.
"The multifunctional project is vital for yet unknown conditions of the second half of the century. The Arktur can carry strategic weapons and various unmanned craft. Small and medium craft are kept in the ship’s silos while big ones are kept overboard. The underwater robots will help the Arktur better comprehend the surrounding situation, earlier detect the adversary and escape its attacks," it said.
Upgraded missiles help decrease their number onboard a warship, but retain the combat potential. "Due to it, as well as a changed architecture, the Arktur will have a 20-percent smaller displacement than modern strategic submarines. She will be 134-meter long and 15.7-meter wide. The crew comprises close to a hundred men," the USC said.
The faceted hull lines, smaller displacement, and active coating decrease the reflected signal of sonars and the detection distance of the submarine, it added.

The shaftless power plant with a complete electric motion decreases the noise. Two propellants increase maneuverability and reliability. "The solutions are important for the engagement area of the Arktur - high-latitude Arctic. The interest in the region will only grow in the coming decades. The faceted shape simplifies the breaking of ice during surfacing and keeps it away from silo caps. Better maneuverability is necessary to occupy the position in ice holes," it said.

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The capacity of one of the types of Russian air rockets has been doubled

The Russian Defense Ministry announced a doubling of the capacity of aircraft missiles with a range of 310 km

MOSCOW, 18 Jan-RIA Novosti. Boris Obnosov, General Director of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation (TTRV), reported to the head of the Russian Defense Ministry Sergey Shoigu that the power of an aviation missile with a range of 310 kilometers has been doubled, and its warhead is now 800 kilograms, the defense Ministry said.

The Defense Ministry said that Shoigu checked the progress of the state defense order at the Raduga Design Bureau near Moscow, a major manufacturer of missiles for the Aerospace Forces and the Navy. Obnosov reported that a new product with a range of 310 kilometers has already been tested.
"We have reduced the cost of the rocket and doubled the power of the product," he said.

According to the deputy head of the VKS Armament Committee, Colonel-General Yuri Grekhov, the warhead of this missile has also increased significantly. "It was 450, it became 800," the general reported.

In turn, the head of the Defense Ministry said that it is necessary to make sure that such missiles were "in sufficient quantity." "We have an expense every day, a defeat every day (goals-ed.). In the same way, everything should be organized in production, " Shoigu said.

New sniper rifles, Sosna-N to blind optics and cloaks that are invisible to optics. Although Simo Hayha is highly praised there are like top 10 sniper rifleman that are Russian from WW2 with 300-400+ kills plus on their belts.

Russian snipers participating in the Special Operation to Protect Donbass are armed with high-precision weapons of various types of domestic production. Some units are equipped with sniper rifles of the BespokeGun Raptor series from the Moscow Arms Company. The first samples of this family appeared, went into production and got into the army last year. Another modification of the Raptor was presented just the other day.

Rifles for the army​

Over the years, it has created several models of elite class sporting and hunting weapons, as well as their modifications for different cartridges, in various designs, etc. At the same time, the company did not deal with military weapons in the first years.

According to some reports, in 2022, BespokeGun rifles got into the zone of the Special Operation, where they were used as high-precision sniper weapons. In the wake of these events, the IOC decided to develop, on the basis of the accumulated experience, a full-fledged sniper system, originally designed for operation and use in the army.

The availability of appropriate know-how and production facilities helped the company to solve this problem in a limited time. In addition, the Russian company CNC GC was involved in the design. She had to develop a new stock that would meet all the features and characteristics of the future rifle.

The results of the joint work were presented in February 2023; The new rifle was called the Raptor or Raptor Tactical. It was a long-barreled bolt-action weapon chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6x70 mm) cartridge, capable of accurate shooting at ranges of at least 1800-2000 m.

By the end of February, the second model of the family, the Raptor Sport rifle, was presented. This product was developed with the participation of the Russian University of Special Forces. It almost completely repeats the design of the basic model, but uses the 6.5 PRC (6.5x51 mm) cartridge. Such ammunition provides high ballistic characteristics, but significantly reduces the load on the structure and reduces wear. The rifle of the new model was considered as a sports and/or training analogue of the original Raptor .338 LM.

On January 15, 2024, the IOC revealed the next rifle in the family for the first time. The Raptor Tactical sniper system chambered for the .300 Norma Magnum cartridge has been brought to production. As in the case of the sports modification, the main components and solutions are preserved, and the new cartridge provides optimal combat and operational characteristics.

Thus, in just a year, the Moscow Arms Company presented three new high-precision rifle systems designed for use in the army and other areas. According to published data, Raptor Tactical rifles have been supplied to sniper units for a long time and are used at the front. We are already talking about at least dozens of complexes. It is likely that the number of such weapons in the armed forces will only grow over time.

Common Solutions​

The three rifles of the BespokeGun Raptor series have a similar appearance and differ minimally from each other in terms of design. Projects are based on common solutions and components. At the same time, different ammunition is used, and the designs are adapted for them. As a result, the customer gets the opportunity to choose the product that best meets his requirements and needs.

In the manufacture of these weapons, modern materials and technologies are used, due to which high production accuracy and increased accuracy characteristics are achieved. It is important that the IOC itself produces all the key parts of the weapons. In addition, there is an integrated approach - along with the rifle, the customer is given a set of necessary additional devices and accessories.

In addition, the customer is offered cartridges of compatible models in the required design - with the required case and bullet, the required weight, etc.

The Raptor series rifles are built according to the traditional scheme. A steel tubular receiver of limited length is used, in which the barrel is fixed and the bolt moves. Together, these parts are mounted on a specially designed aluminium stock with integrated stock and control handle, as well as seating for additional devices. The length of such weapons in the firing position, depending on the barrel used, can exceed 1 m. Weight - 7.165 kg.Three products are equipped with barrels from 26 to 28 inches (660-711) mm long.

The muzzle is threaded for the installation of compensating brakes or low-noise firing devices. The 8.6 mm (.338 LM) barrel has rifling pitches of 9, 9.5 or 10 inches (228, 241 or 254 mm). The 6.5 mm barrel is rifled with a 7.5 inch (190.5 mm) twist. There are three chamber versions to work with different ammunition.

The rifles have a bolt-action for manual reloading. Locking is carried out by turning, on three combat stops. At the same time, the bolt rotates 60° relative to the longitudinal axis. This is smaller than other rifles and speeds up the reloading process to some extent. Due to the use of a rather powerful Lapua Magnum cartridge, the locking assembly has an increased margin of safety. In modifications for other ammunition, similar bolts with the appropriate geometry are used, which also retain a margin of safety.

All variants of the Raptor Tactical use a detachable 5-round box magazine. Shops made of the usual plastic and carbon fiber are offered. The carbon magazine is lighter than the plastic one, and also has poor thermal conductivity and protects the ammunition from changes in external temperatures.

Upper Picatinny rails are provided on the receiver and handguard for mounting compatible scopes. Under the handguard, the bipod of the desired model is placed. On the sides of the handguard, there are KeyMod interfaces for the corresponding devices. The standard stock of the rifle also provides some adaptation to the needs of the shooter. It is foldable and features an adjustable recoil pad and cheek pad.

The BespokeGun Raptor rifles have high fire characteristics. The most powerful model of the series, using the 8.5x70 mm cartridge, has an effective firing range of up to 2 km. The range of the new Raptor Tactical .300 NM is slightly less, and the Raptor Sport hits at 1700 m. The firing characteristics of all three presented rifles meet the requirements for sporting and combat use. Thus, in the entire range of firing ranges, the bullet retains energy sufficient to destroy manpower and unprotected materiel.

Production quality and combat performance come at a price. So, on the official website of the BespokeGun brand, the cost of the Raptor Tactical and Raptor Sport complexes is indicated as "from 1,500,000 rubles." The final price depends on the composition of the complex and the included components.

Needs & Opportunities​

The army needs small arms of various classes, from mass-produced assault rifles and machine guns to high-precision sniper systems produced in limited series. Our arms industry produces a variety of products of all classes and covers the needs of the armed forces. At the same time, the production of the most complex samples from the field of high-precision weapons has been mastered only in recent years.

A significant contribution to the rearmament of snipers and the introduction of weapons with increased characteristics was made by the Moscow Arms Company. It has already developed a number of sporting and hunting rifles with special parameters, and has recently been engaged in military systems. Apparently, the IOC will continue to work in this direction, as a result of which the BespokeGun Raptor line will be replenished with new interesting samples.
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So this is the latest western wunderwaffe or 100th game changer weapon after the previous claimed game changers. This video has over half a million views so let's see what this technological innovation offers.

1)"Russians wouldnt know if that HIMARS launcher has GMLRS, has GLSDB or if it had ATACMS"

-I dont think it would even matter since they are use to intercepting GMLRS missiles that are slightly more difficult targets to intercept as supersonic missiles compared to slow glide bombs. If they did identify the HIMARS with reconaissance it would be a target to artillery, drone or airstrikes in which why should they care what it would carry if it gets destroyed? Its either the russians find and destroy it or use their air defense to intercept whatever it fires.

2)"if you are the russians and have the air defenses pointed at one sector, you might not be looking at every direction once"

-Well this is true Nebo-m has like a 90 degree sector for tracking 1m2 targets at 480kms but the radar also has a 360 degree sector option for tracking 1m2 targets at 400kms and the surface area of these glide bombs for being 4 meters in length with wings looking like 2 meters long seem to have a bigger surface area then 1m2. Modern IADS nowadays allow main radars and control stations to control or slave short range air defenses to use the radar tracking information to intercept these drones no matter what direction. Even if there was no long range air defenses present or takes a long while to move active and passive radars with the launchers and control stations, etc Pantsir and Tor-M2 short range air defenses can move to whatever direciton they want immediately and some of them cover more radar coverage then 90 degrees as well.

3)"so you take that ability to glide to a target, and then you attach that rocket engine to the back, and all of a sudden you got range and youve got a little more speed"

-So what is he referencing as in a little more speed is he talking about the GMLRS missiles or the glide bombs launched from current aircrafts that can carry them? The 80kms achieved by HIMARs is that it's just an engine with a warhead that flies usually in volleys at supersonic speeds to their designated target areas in a ballistic trajectory. The wings on the glide bomb with the supersonic speeds and G-loads of turning would rip the wings apart so he is probably referencing glide bombs from aircrafts in comparison to the ones getting ground launched by HIMARS. The 1st stage engine launches the glide bomb at the highest point of the ballistic trajectory while the wings allow it to glide at 150kms. But the problem is its high in the air and moving very slow, its not like some of the agile drones that are smaller offering less radar reflection then a bigger target for stealth and fly low enough to not be spotted by radars in which current russian small range air defenses already intercept these targets and will make cheap mass produced new short range 1 meter sized missiles to intercept them. The glide bombs are just easier targets to intercept than kamikaze drones.

4)"price is unknown they cost far less than other long range systems like the ATACMS"

- notice they are comparing costs to ATACMS which is 1.7 million dollars but not to costs like the GMLRS missiles. A single GMLRS missile costs 100,000 dollars but the glide bomb itself cost 40,000 dollars not taking account of the cost of the 1st stage missile that launches it to trajectory. pantsir missiles intercepting these missiles are far cheaper and the newest quadpacked midget missiles would allow the pantsir to carry from 12 to 48 missiles with the intention of those missiles being made cheaper than the drones they will be intercepting. Even if the U.S. somehow speed runs 2030 to an earlier date beating the russians using drones that have neural networking before the izdeliye-53 gets used in battle to make EW systems be ineffective against them, the Russians would already have enough quad packed missiles to deal with swarms.

5)"perhaps you might launch your slower weapons 1st, they start coming in from different angles, and than you time your faster moving ballistic GMLRS or ATACMS to come in and everything arrives in at the same time"

-in order to have the option of GMLRS, ATACMS and GLSDB the target has to be 80kms away, in order to have the option of GLSDB and ATACMS to work the target has to be 150kms away and anything passed 150kms only the ATACMs would work. If you pair modern long range air defenses with short range air defenses they will track and engage these targets simultaneously but lets do the other fun long explanation anyways. If there is a Pantsir-SM 80 kms away this air defense would have a radar range of 75kms with a max SAM missile range of 40kms to intercept HIMARS missiles and the speed of these 12 missiles are said to be like 2km/s or mach 6 dealing with aerial targets in which it can deal with 2 HIMARS. However, lets say it is not paired with a long-range air defense system leaving its targeting and engagement to be limited in engaging a smaller number of targets at a time then 12. in order for all 12 missiles to reach the target at the same exact time the subsonic GLSDB will be launched 1st, supersonic GMLRS will be launched 2nd and hypersonic ATACMs will be launched last. the subsonic glide bombs will be hit at the 40km pantsir missile killzone, the supersonic missiles at that range will be engaged next leaving the hypersonic missiles as the last targets. Reason you need to launch at different time intervals is because they have different speeds arriving at the same location, if you launched them all at the same time to the same target the faster speed targets will be engaged 1st before the slower speed targets at a distance.

6)"although it is unclear how many GLSDB the U.S. will deliver, We're taking stuff that is lying around in inventory and putting it together in an innovative way. Excess-surplus bombs and marrying them with rockets that we have lying around. Now we will probably will need to produce more of the rockets to be sure but the good news is we have alot of these GLSDBs its look for the good enough solution"

-If the weapon was considered useful serial production for glide bombs would happen then just using stockpiles and for the rocket engine production what was said was, "probably" in that sentence. That does not sound like enough confidence for a game changer weapon.

On with the news.



Pantsyr mini missile to complete trials this year

A small-size missile was designed to increase the productivity of the complex against new threats of massive drone engagement


RIYADH, February 6. /TASS/. A small counter-UAV missile of Pantsyr-S1M air defense missile gun will complete trials in 2024, the High Precision Complexes Holding told TASS at the World Defense Show in Saudi Arabia.
"A small-size missile was designed to increase the productivity of the complex against new threats of massive drone engagement. Trials are ongoing and will be completed this year," it said.
Pantsyr is an evolution of Tunguska that opened a new subclass of air defense systems. Detection, guidance means and the launcher are mounted on one vehicle, as well as a large-caliber gun, it said.
Pantsir-S1 is a self-propelled ground air defense missile launcher for close defense of military and civilian facilities, including long-range air defense weapons, from all existing and prospective air attack means. It is carried on a mobile undercarriage and is armed with two 30mm guns with a rate of fire of 40 shots per second and 12 missiles. It downs targets flying at a speed of 1000 m/sec at a distance of 200 meters to 20 km.

Quadcopters with ATGMs


New roof armour designed in a way to deal with drone or top attack ATGM strikes



Details of the methalox engine intended for use with Amur-LNG

Details of the aerospike engine arrangement of the proposed Koronas SSTO vehicle. Note that the aerospikes skirt is cooled by tubing carrying propellents from the fuel & oxidiser ring headers.


At the Future Technologies Forum, which was held in Moscow on February 13-14, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that today more and more cancers are detected at an early stage, but it is necessary to strengthen the fight against cancer. In particular, he noted the work of Russian scientists on the creation of a vaccine that will help fight cancer. The Ministry of Health explained to Izvestia that the neoantigen vaccine will not be a prevention, but a treatment for cancer. What are the reasons for the increase in the incidence and what the future of the fight against cancer looks like - read in the material of the publication.

Specialists from the Vostochny Space Center, the Center for Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities, and the State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) docked four side blocks of the first stage to the central block of the second stage of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle in the installation and testing building.

The “package” was assembled on a revolver-type stand, which in October 2023 was used to assemble the Angara-NZh electric refueling prototype.

Specialists are preparing to transfer the assembled “package” of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle to the workplace for docking with the third stage and carry out further checks and operations.

low altitude small drone project project.

Russia has patented a hybrid rocket-guided munition that combines the properties of an aircraft and a missile. The relevant document is posted on the website of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, which is part of Rospatent.

According to the description provided by the developer, this hybrid ammunition is a tailless hull, swept wings with elevons, one vertical keel with rudders. It also includes a battery and a control system with a target guidance module. As follows from the document, the ammunition is launched using the simultaneous start of the engines of MLRS shells and is guided to the target by a homing module with possible adjustment from an external source, for example, a reconnaissance UAV.

The hybrid rocket guided munition combines the properties of an aircraft and a missile (...) In the lower part of the hull, reinforcement is fixed for attaching at least two shells of 122 mm caliber for MLRS (...) It is possible to fly the ammunition at a low altitude, repeating the folds of the terrain, with altitude and direction control for delivering pinpoint missile and bomb strikes on enemy targets

- says the description.

The author or authors of this invention claim that there are no analogues among the existing ammunition, since there are no known devices of hybrid rocket guided munitions that combine the properties of an aircraft and a missile, use 122 mm caliber projectiles for MLRS in the design and are capable of flying at low altitude. There are no other details of the development.

From putins visit T-90s and terminators being produced

Control tank for drones or robots not much description of it.


shoigu visit to drone factory.

MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS/. Several hundred robots will be required to create and maintain a manned base on the Moon, Executive Director of Android Technics Company Evgeny Dudorov told TASS in an interview.

"How many robots could fly to the Moon? Definitely not just one. Hundreds of robots will be required if humans plan to have a base on the Moon. A robot with a mobile anthropomorphic structure will be one of possible design variants," Dudorov said.

Robots will also be needed to transport cargo, including Moon soil, as well as manipulation systems to move items and unload arriving spaceships, he added.

Britain testfires their SLBM

Russians use their mobile air defense(not A-235) to intercept an SLBM test
The S-500 anti-aircraft missile system has proven its ability to hit hypersonic targets. This happened during the tests, Izvestia's sources in the military department said. We are talking about both promising strategic hypersonic aircraft (analogues of the Russian Avangard) and simpler missiles. The tests were carried out in several stages. Prometheus confirmed that it is capable of tracking and intercepting such targets, the publication's interlocutors said.

Earlier, the military department reported that the crew of the nuclear missile submarine Tula of the Northern Fleet carried out missile firing from the Laptev Sea at the Chizha test site. The ship practiced striking one or more ground targets. Thus, he ensured the successful conduct of a military-technical experiment to test the S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system, the Ministry of Defense reported. Izvestia sent a request to the department.

I have this autistic trait of what if an enemy's capabilities are exactly as they claim it to be like the Trophy APS working against rpgs, drones and atgms and poland would have 250 of these and they headed into ukraine. I was thinking maybe the Hermes was the only solution but when I saw those 5 shells from 1 missile on parachutes using infrared sensors to find armored vehicles and then accelerate to mach 6+ my mind was at ease that a solution exists and no longer care if or not the Hermes would be operational anymore.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1762182764143559131|twgr^0317e2380444bee1a50c70f83a59dbe71ed6eb9f|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

jammer drones now on kamaz trucks

Congratulations to Turkey!!!

blackjack bombers



More new armored vehicle production.


And one more thing: the high-explosive effect of heavy bombs is enormous, but as the distance from the point of impact increases, the lethality of the bomb drops exponentially. According to the experience of combat use of the FAB-3000, the radius of lethal continuous destruction of the shock wave for enemy personnel is at least 40 m, and the radius of destruction with the incapacitation of personnel (contusions, wounds, etc.) is up to 160 m.

It is clear that if such a bomb is provided with an accuracy of at least 10 m, then it is possible to "change landscapes" by destroying the intended targets. The experience of developing and using the UMPK on 500 kg ammunition showed a record increase in combat effectiveness - the game was worth the candle. And the UMPK for FAB-1500 was created.

The fact that the shape of the bomb was not designed for high-speed flight was elegantly circumvented - it was equipped with a fairing, which provided it with a stable flight at high speed over a distance of at least 60 km. And thus a relatively inexpensive and very effective powerful munition was obtained, the use of which played a huge role in the liberation of Avdiivka and not only. As a result, the production of FAB-1500 has doubled in 2024.

But that's not all. In 2024, by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the production of FAB-3000 bombs of 3 ton caliber was resumed. With a high probability, a UMPK kit is also being created for this munition, which will make the heaviest non-nuclear munition of the Russian Aerospace Forces a high-precision bomb, with the help of which any buildings, protected headquarters and port infrastructure will be destroyed. Both front-line Su-34s and long-range Tu-22M3s can become carriers of heavy bombs. Moreover, the latter can carry two such ammunition in internal compartments. Well, there is almost no doubt that the UMPK for the FAB-3000 will be created.

The Angara-A5 launch vehicle was transported to the launch complex | Vostochny Cosmodrome


Patent designed to make the Su-75 configurable from changing cockpits from one seat, two seat or UAV(will increase passed the 3000km ferry range) without having to buy an entirely new platform.

The Stavropol Radio Plant "Signal" of the Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies has modernized the remote control platform of the machine gun. The modules have been modified to take into account their use in the special operation zone. A batch of improved products has already been handed over to a military unit taking part in hostilities.

The module allows you to control a 7.62 mm tank machine gun from a safe distance, it is equipped with a high-resolution video camera with stabilization in two planes and a powerful zoom. The operator controls the platform using a terminal consisting of an LCD monitor and a joystick.

"In real time, the platform allows you to observe the target and conduct aimed shooting at a long distance. At the same time, the unit can be retrofitted with a thermal imager, a night vision device, a rangefinder, and its own security cameras, which are placed around the perimeter of the positions," said Andrey Kocherga, General Director of Signal PJSC.

The device was developed in 2023 at the direct request of frontline fighters. In two months, the designers of the Stavropol enterprises in close coordination with the customer's representatives managed to produce the first sample. At the end of last year, several modules, with the assistance of the regional branch of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, were transferred to the zone of the special operation.

"The development appeared thanks to the enthusiasm and initiative of the designers, who responded to the request from the front line. To date, the installation has been modified taking into account the cycle of tests and use in a combat situation in the NWO zone. Basically, structural changes were made to the mechanical components of the unit, which gave it greater reliability and practicality," explained Alexander Babkin, Deputy Head of the Design Bureau of the Signal plant.

According to the military, who received the platform last year, the products have proven themselves well in real combat conditions.

The plant workers plan to further improve the development, taking into account real combat experience. Signal is ready to transfer the platforms to military units interested in their operation in the future.

Rostec and RSC Energia (part of Roscosmos) will jointly select the latest technological projects that can become part of the Russian Orbital Station (ROS). The search for the best business ideas will take place as part of a special set of the Vector program based on the Rostec Corporate Networking Academy. The winning projects of Rostec employees that are relevant for the development of the rocket and space industry will receive targeted funding and will be implemented.

Among the promising areas of work for the participants of the competition are spacecraft-inspectors, threat detection and collision avoidance systems, technologies for replacing xenon with krypton in plasma engines, processing carbon dioxide into water, robotic maintenance of spacecraft, and others. The best business ideas can be applied in the construction of structural blocks (modules) of the Russian Orbital Station, the launch of which is scheduled after 2030.

"For five years now, the Vector program has been an effective tool to support talented and enterprising specialists from various industries. The winners get the opportunity to bring their project to the stage of a finished product and its introduction into serial production. Last year alone, Rostec invested about 300 million rubles in this program. The joint project with Roscosmos expands opportunities, it is aimed at finding innovative ideas and solving practical problems facing the space industry," Rostec said.

Applications started in March and will last until April 30, 2024. In May-June, the developments submitted to the competition will undergo initial and subject examinations. The projects will be evaluated by RSC Energia experts. The finalists will be announced in July this year.

"Rostec has more than 800 enterprises across the country, which can have good groundwork in areas that are relevant to us. If we have mature technological solutions, we are ready to test them and apply them for the development of promising modules of the Russian Orbital Station. This is the first time in the history of RSC Energia that such large-scale work has been carried out to search for technologies," said Pavel Krasnoperov, Head of the RSC Energia Technology and Innovation Development Center.

The Vector program is implemented by the Rostec Academy and combines elements of training, project work, and a business accelerator. Over the five years of the program's operation, more than 16,000 applications for participation have been received from the Corporation's employees, and the amount of approved funding for the winning projects amounted to more than 1 billion rubles.

The Russian Space Station (ROS) is a planned national orbital station that should replace Russia's permanent participation in the International Space Station. It will include seven target modules that will provide its functionality: node, gateway, scientific and energy, production, material support, commercial, as well as a spacecraft service platform.

Russia, China consider putting nuclear power reactor on Moon in 2033-2035 — Roscosmos
According to CEO Yury Borisov, such a mission will have to be automated, with the necessary technological solutions almost ready for it
SIRIUS /Federal Territory/, March 5. /TASS/. Russia and China are mulling a project to install a nuclear reactor on the Moon in 2033-2035, Roscosmos CEO Yury Borisov announced at the World Youth Festival.

"Today, we are seriously considering a project to deliver to the Moon and mount a power reactor there jointly with our Chinese partners somewhere between 2033 and 2035," he said.

According to Borisov, such a mission will have to be automated, with the necessary technological solutions almost ready for it.

In March 2021, Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos and the China National Space Administration (CNSA) signed a memorandum of mutual understanding on behalf of their governments on cooperation in creating the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). Under the project, China plans to send three missions: Chang’e 6, Chang’e 7 and Chang’e 8. The first lunar missions would test key technology to create a roadmap for building a robotic base for experiments and research that could be operated remotely. The first lunar mission is scheduled for 2026, and the project should be wrapped up in 2028.

Cancer vaccines ready within three years – Russian scientist, 03.21.2024.

Most remaining obstacles appear to be regulatory, according to Vasily Lazarev of Russia’s Federal Medical-Biological Agency.

Russian medical researchers could be able to roll out oncological vaccines within the next couple of years, given adequate funding and support from lawmakers, a high-ranking official at the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA) said on Thursday.

The comments come after President Vladimir Putin said last month that the country was “one step away” from developing vaccines against cancer.

“If financial support is provided, I think that in two or three years existing organizations will be able to put oncology vaccines into practice,” Vasily Lazarev, deputy director of the Lopukhin Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Physical and Chemical Medicine, told the outlet RTVI.

Domestic private investors will also be attracted to the technology “after regulatory pressure eases,” he added.

Lazarev did not bring up any medical or technological challenges, choosing instead to highlight the legal constraints facing vaccine development.

“I don’t know how quickly by-laws will be developed, it could take a year to resolve all the regulatory issues,” he said. “We have the tools, the production facilities, I think it’s not difficult to organize.”

Amendments proposed by the FMBA, which would allow for the production and use of “variable composition” medication, will go into effect in September. They also require the drugs to be produced at the same institution that holds the patent, however.

“Organizing such production at home will be quite expensive, although it is feasible,” Lazarev said. “Most likely, these will be regional centers and maybe specialized oncological institutions.”

There are currently only a handful of facilities that could handle the production requirements, such as the Blokhin Cancer Center or the FMBA’s Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology, both located in Moscow.

Variable-composition neoantigens, which vaccine developers have focused on, don’t quite fit the current Russian legal framework and could not be used in treatments at all until very recently.

Putin revealed the development of cancer vaccines at the Future Technologies Forum in Moscow last month. The Russian president mentioned them among the developing medical technologies that he described as approaching science fiction.

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1st use of tracked robots in the battlefield storming Berdychye.

A new photo of Russian engineering has appeared on the Internet - a robotic complex with a PKT machine gun. - ISZ reports


The Novosibirsk Design Bureau "Spectrum" is developing the robotic platform "Ezhik-RSZO" equipped with a reactive volley fire system (RSZO). Executive Director of the organization, Andrey Bratenkov, reported this to TASS.

"The Bureau continues to expand the lineup of robotic platforms 'Ezhik.' The next modification will be equipped with RSZO for prospective 600g cumulative-fragmentation munitions. The RSZO, which will be mounted on the 'Ezhik,' will be capable of six launches. The armor penetration of the munition is 200 mm. Essentially, this will be quite a formidable machine capable of approaching a strongpoint and destroying it, as well as enemy armored vehicles approaching Russian borders," the developer stated.

According to him, mini-RSZO is planned to be used at short distances. "In open terrain, spotting a small green machine crawling towards you is not an easy task. For example, during the night, it's unlikely that a strongpoint will be prepared to repel an attack with mini-RSZO," Bratenkov added.

The platform will be produced in two versions. "We plan to produce two modifications - tracked and wheeled. Both versions have their pros and cons. We are considering how to combine both forms to have a wheeled base, but if necessary, people could change it to a tracked one. KB 'Spectrum' strives for modular platforms, standardizing our products as much as possible so that the control of drones - both aerial and ground - is carried out through the same control panels, via compatible communication channels, so that our soldiers don't have to carry a bunch of relay equipment," the specialist added.


like Orlan but stealth, 60 for monthly production max range 300kms.

Joker drones can carry 5 kg of explosives and fly at a speed of 100 km / h, military expert Viktor Litovkin told Izvestia on March 29.
According to him, the drone has two interesting features. First, it has a hibernator that allows you to disconnect its battery when the drone arrives at certain locations and lies down at predetermined points.
"In winter, it can lie down and wait for the command to blow it up for a week, in summer for a month. It can carry 5 kg of explosives and fly at a speed of 100 km/h," he said.
According to Litovkin, the second feature of the drone is an electric detonator, which can explode both from touching the drone, and from the fact that it is given a command, or from a set timer.
The expert noted that the UAV operator monitors what is happening around him, and if enemy units appear nearby, the drone is activated and hits the enemy. It is a time bomb. Litovski concluded that the mine in the drone is set to anti-handling devices, so if it is touched or the wires are cut, the drone will explode.
The overflight is normal: drone operators will be able to communicate with aircraft crews
How the allocation of a special frequency for this will affect the safety and speed of cargo delivery
Earlier in the day, Denis Fedutinov, editor-in-chief of the specialized publication Unmanned Aviation, RIAC expert, shared his opinion on the drone with Izvestia. He noted that the device has the function of self-destruction in case of failure to complete the task, so that the enemy could not use the device for its subsequent analysis.


Highlight the essentials off
Russian troops and facilities will be protected from drones with the help of special mobile anti-aircraft gun groups. Currently, they are being formed as part of several Russian combined arms armies, as well as the armies of the Air Force and Air Defense, sources in the Russian Defense Ministry told Izvestia. They will be armed with ZU-23-2 automatic cannons mounted on truck chassis, as well as pickup trucks equipped with large-caliber machine guns. The use of such mobile firearms is a cheap and effective way to protect against drones, experts say.
In addition to firepower, the new units will include electronic warfare equipment and smoke detectors, sources told Izvestia. The latter can cover the object with a thermal smoke screen, impervious to both optoelectronic systems and UAV thermal imagers.
The ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun is designed to protect slow-moving and stationary objects from strikes by tactical fighters, attack aircraft, helicopters and some types of drones. It has two 23-mm barrels, which can fire at a rate of 1.6-2 thousand rounds per minute.
The ZU-23, mounted on the truck chassis, was actively used during wars and military conflicts in recent decades. It has proven to be an effective means not only against air, but also against ground targets.
If the ammunition of anti-aircraft gun mounts includes explosive ammunition, then their effectiveness will be quite high, military expert Alexei Leonkov told Izvestia.

I want to propose an argument that the new 300km air to air missile is a K-77M design according to what Tass reported last time than it is the R-37 design.

Russia's fifth-generation Su-57 fighter will soon receive missiles capable of hitting targets up to 300 kilometers away. This was reported to TASS by a source in the military-industrial complex.

According to him, at present, the Su-57 in the zone of a special military operation (SMO) solves tasks with high quality. "Today, the fighter operates at a range of 120 kilometers, in the near future they expect the arrival of aviation missiles for high-speed air targets at a range of up to 300 kilometers," the source said.

1. The booster stage for hermes is 210mm for 1st stage and sustainer stage at 130mm, container is 3.5 meters, range is 100kms. The 1st stage achieves 80kms and sustainer stage 20kms. According to brochure the booster and sustainer stage appear to be half and half in length. Assumption that booster stage is still 80kms and 40 seconds of 7000km/hr according to klevok d2 ramjet stage covers 77.77kms so add that to booster stage we get 157.77kms.

Russian Air-to-Air missiles - Page 18 Screen84

- the entire diameter is 200mm so that is more volume for fuel than what the Klevok-D2 can achieve means range.
- the warhead is smaller for k-77 because its 22.5kg while the klevok proposed 57kg so more room and weight can be used for fuel means more range.
- length of the ramjet proposes it at a 4 meter length which means more range.

if we see the volume in mm, than we get K-77M at 125663706.14mm and will have to do 2 calculations since we know the hermes is half and half with booster and sustainer stage at 1.75 meter length so 60613103.26 + 23228150.68 = 83841253.94 I know this isn't entirely accurate because of warhead and electronics but we can assume they would be both have the same sizes for either since we are trying to determine what amount of fuel in terms of percentage in volume an air to air missile has over a MLRS missile. so 125663706.14 / 83841253.94 = 1.498 we can round that to being 50% more range than klevok D2 so that achieves 236.55kms.

but this can be far significantly more because the ramjet stage at 130mm achieved about the same range as the 210mm booster stage despite having a smaller volume of fuel not counting the warhead and electronics on it. The booster stage had like 3 times the volume for fuel than the ramjet stage from the earlier calculation made in the paragraph above so that already hits the 300km range

2. A ramjet version of the k-77m was used on October 2020.

3. tass usually gets information from the MIC like the news of the internal hypersonic air to ground missile which was later classified as Gremlin, and referencing the 120km range they were talking about R-77 design thus the 300km referencing is that the new version will be longer than that.

300kms air to air missile was already achieved 30 years ago and in 2014 they boosted the R-37M to 400kms. It is safe to assume that a ramjet(or maybe scramjet) can get a 600km version of the air to air R-37 missile version but maybe such a design is not being considered yet because powerful aerial radars like ROFAR are needed. If integrated with S-500 aerial targets can be targeted form the ground by 600km ground to air missiles or 600km air to air missiles. If an adversary aircraft ascends to target the Su-57 showing most of its stealth to be face to face with the aircraft the long-range air defense will get a big RCS reflection from the belly of that adversary aircraft. If that aircraft tries to descend to try to fly under the radar horizon. The topside of that aircraft will be more exposed to the Su-57 to be targeted and share that radar information with the S-500.

Flying too low will give huge RCS reflections to the Su-57 and trying to target the Su-57 will limit your missiles range since more fuel has to be burned to ascend. Flying too high to make most of your stealth work against the Su-57 will put the radar horizon to good use like 50000ft or 15.24kms flight ceiling of F-35 against a 10 meter tall radar would make the aircraft tracked at 522kms. I hope the 600km killzone between SAM and aircraft happens. For reference width of Poland is 589kms. If a war broke out and Ukraine is demilitarized every aerial target in Poland can be considered dead without targeting airfields.

AIPAC, Bidens cabinet, Nuland, Zelensky and Budanov, high positions in western media, I question if jews in high positions want all countries to worship Israel or that they are Russian agents because we might be heading to a different kind of cold war where having too powerful of a ABM shield and nuclear penetration capabilities might be problematic for other countries.

The State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation NPO Orion (SSC RF NPO Orion) of Shvabe Holding and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) have agreed to develop and implement joint programs and projects in the field of photoelectronics and photosensorics. The corresponding agreement was reached today on the sidelines of the International Specialized Exhibition "Photonics. The World of Lasers and Optics".

According to the agreement, the parties will conduct fundamental and exploratory scientific research aimed at developing new technologies and materials for photoelectronics and photosensorics.

At present, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation NPO Orion is the only domestic organization in the field of solid-state photoelectronics. It specializes in the development and production of microphotoelectronic products for equipping optoelectronic systems and complexes in the interests of science, industry, space and other industries.
The exposition also includes products implemented as part of the development of radio photonics, a new technological direction for the Russian industry. For example, a high-power single-frequency continuous wave semiconductor laser with distributed feedback. The use of such lasers makes it possible to create devices with high speeds of information transmission and processing.

At the Polyus Research Institute, the main task of Gadzhimet Kerimovich is to coordinate the scientific work of the institute in a number of areas. With his direct involvement, the Polyus Research Institute received the status of the basic organization for the development of radiophotonic technologies in the country.

In addition, Gadzhimet Kerimovich contributed to the creation of the consortium "Radio Photonic Technologies of Digital and Analog Systems of the New Generation". In addition to the Polyus Research Institute, it includes technical universities, academic institutes and industrial enterprises of Russia: the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, the Lebedev Physical Institute, the Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, the Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin), the Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin, as well as NPO Almaz and the Scientific and Technical Center Module.

The task of the consortium members is to create advanced devices for transmitting and processing large amounts of data. Currently, scientists are focused on the development of components, modules and samples of innovative radiophotonic technology. The created devices will differ from existing analogues in terms of speed, accuracy, high level of interference immunity and a number of other advantages. For example, the telecommunications industry will be able to switch to the transmission of ultra-large amounts of information at ultra-high speeds that exceed current values.

An employee of the Polyus Research Institute named after M.F. Stelmakh of the Shvabe holding of Rostec State Corporation has developed a new technology for producing semiconductor nanostructures, and also created high-power laser emitters of a new generation based on them. The results of the scientific work can be applied in the production of medical equipment, unmanned vehicles, lidar systems and other devices. The invention was awarded the highest award at the competition of young scientists organized by the Moscow government.

The S-400 is claimed with 400km intereptor missiles, S-500 is claimed for 600km and the A-235 is claimed with a 1000km+ range, created interceptor missile with 60G maneuver overloads to deal with possible targets that have 30G maneuver capabilities in their flights. nuclear reactor on missiles, extending missile ranges with scram and ramjet designs that can fly at lower altitudes as well and still superior at it despite giving research data of kholod project to US and France, new rocket fuel additive technology that increases the thrust speed by 5 times, new rocket designs that can burn 10 times the amount of time duration in the air than existing rocket designs from 300 seconds to orbit to 3000 seconds, aerospike engines, nuclear fuel pump laser peresvet, nuclear reactors power missiles on MPD thrusters. detonation engine designs, newer material that can deal with higher kinetic temperatures etc etc.

So not only they have the highest expertise in missiles they are also going to acquire far range and extreme precision radars that are more accurate than current firecontrol radars which can operate from 100ghz to terahertz besides very high speed wifi. If S-500 is cliamed at 10 ICBM target interception capabilities and you have 10 batallions of those and the A-235 we will say can track and intercept 100 ICBM/SLBMs simultaniously, it might be possible to hit the 1000 + target tracking /inerception figure with ground photonic radars. Flooding the U.S. and europe with illegal immigrants that will culturally enrich your country to be as good as theirs will not solve the Russian problem. I dont think its a good feeling having a country your nuclear weapons won't work against exist while they can wipe you out whenever they feel like.



I have also seen the head chief of some of the air to ground missile designs(think it was KTRV) with a photo of him sitting on a desk with a prayer bead present on it. Maybe re-introducing the power of Christianity and Science to the western population instead of gay history and 60 genders will make us compete with orthodox slavs.




Rostec developing new TOS-3 flamethrower system with increased firing range
A promising vehicle on a tracked base will be equipped with a new launcher, that will increase the firing range and use new ammunition, Bekhan Ozdoev, Industrial Director of Weapon Systems at Rostec State Corporation, said
MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Rostec is developing a new heavy flamethrower system TOS-3, Bekhan Ozdoev, Industrial Director of Weapon Systems at Rostec State Corporation, said in an interview with TASS.

"For example, everyone knows the TOS-1 Solntsepyok and TOS-2 Tosochka heavy flamethrower systems. These are powerful weapons that have performed well in the special military operation zone. We are now working on the creation of a new TOS-3 heavy flamethrower system. A promising vehicle on a tracked base will be equipped with a new launcher. This will increase the firing range and use new ammunition," he said.

According to Ozdoev, the first prototype has already been created.

Earlier, the Omsk transport machine factory (Omsktransmash) filed an application to register the trademark TOS-3 Dragon.

MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Rostec is designing a small-caliber remotely detonated counter-UAV shell against small and FPV drones, Bekhan Ozdoev, Industrial Director of Weapon Systems at Rostec State Corporation, said in an interview with TASS.

"Our designers are creating weapons to fight hostile small drones and loitering munitions, including FPV drones. We initiated the design of a small-caliber munition with a multi-element projectile and remotely controlled detonator," he said.

The projectile explodes by command and sends a swarm of destructive elements towards the drone, he added.

MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Russia and China are in talks on a joint initiative to explore Mars, Lev Zelyony, scientific director of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute and supervisor of the first phase of the lunar program, said.

"We plan to continue exploring Mars and we are discussing the possibility of cooperation with our Chinese colleagues as we have maintained positive cooperation with regard to the Moon," he pointed out at a press conference dedicated to the upcoming Cosmonautics Day.

Russia also plans to initiate the joint exploration of the Moon within the BRICS group, Zelyony noted.

"We are thinking about - it’s only in the planning stage now - launching large-scale cooperation in exploring the Moon within BRICS, which includes both India and China along with other quite developed countries. These are only plans for now, but perhaps we will discuss them at a BRICS meeting in the near future," he said.



Jammer with 360 degree coverage

Improvements to the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system increased the accuracy of target engagement, said Oleg Ryazantsev, general director of the High-Precision Complexes holding company, Zvezda TV channel informed on April 7

In the program Military Acceptance, Oleg Ryazantsev, general director of the Rostec holding company High-Precision Complexes, said that the Iskander-M missile system was “very promptly modified” to meet the “relevant” realities of the special military operation in Ukraine.

He confirmed that the refinement had improved the accuracy of the 9M723 aeroballistic missile. He also said that the production volumes of such missiles had been significantly increased.

The Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system is designed to destroy enemy air defense and missile defense systems, as well as other protected objects. The complex uses two main types of missiles: the 9M723 quasi-ballistic missile and the R-500 cruise missile. According to some reports, earlier the hit accuracy (circular probable deviation) of the 9M723 missile reached 5-7 meters at a range of 480 km. The weight of the 9M723 missile’s warhead is up to 800 kg.

April 9. TASS/. Accelerating the influx of investment, transformation of the labor market, efficiency of the real sector, and quick development of infrastructure could help propel the Russian economy into the top four largest in the world by 2030, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said on Tuesday.

"By 2030, Russia should be one of the world's top four economies in terms of purchasing power parity. Of course, we must act quickly and in various directions," he said.


Twin Machine guns with optics


Rostec announced measures to accelerate the first deliveries of Derivation-Air Defense to the front line

The new anti-aircraft gun system has advanced combat qualities and provides good protection for the crew, said Bekkhan Ozdoev, industrial director of the cluster of weapons, ammunition and special chemicals of the state corporation

MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The Rostec State Corporation is doing everything to ensure that the new Derivation-Air Defense anti-aircraft gun system is in the NWO zone as soon as possible. This was told in an interview with TASS by the industrial director of the cluster of weapons, ammunition and special chemicals of the state corporation Bekkhan Ozdoev.

"Last year, we completed the development of several state-of-the-art systems. Among them are the 152-mm wheeled howitzer "Malva", the self-propelled 82-mm mortar "Drok", the 57-mm anti-aircraft artillery system "Derivation-Air Defense". This equipment has advanced combat qualities and provides good protection for the crew. It is very much needed in the NWO zone, we understand this and have done everything to complete the task as quickly as possible," he said.

Earlier it was reported that the Derivation-Air Defense ZAK is the only anti-aircraft system in the world that hits air targets with 57-mm cannons and is equipped with artillery fire control. For the first time, the complex was presented at the Army-2018 forum, in June 2020, Derivation-Air Defense took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square for the first time.

The self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was created on the chassis of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle. The gun is capable of firing ammunition with controlled detonation for the most effective fight against air targets. The 2S38 is primarily designed to combat drones, cruise missiles and short-range aviation weapons. It is also capable of working against ground targets.



The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the beginning of the special military operation amounted to almost half a million people, and our army dispelled myths about the superiority of Western weapons during the NWO. This was announced on April 23 at the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense by its head Sergei Shoigu. He also announced the imminent delivery of the first samples of the S-500 systems to the troops and a twofold increase in the production of the Pantsir air defense system. A missile and cannon system effective at short ranges is necessary to combat drones, which are increasingly used on the line of contact, experts believe. These systems are capable of solving many tasks: escorting convoys, covering the position areas of S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft systems and other units.

Air Defense Reinforcement

Deliveries of Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun systems to the troops this year will almost double, its head Sergei Shoigu said at the board of the Ministry of Defense.

The Pantsir-SM modification is considered to be the most modern short-range air defense system. These complexes received a new radar with an active phased array, as a result, the target detection range increased from 32-36 km to 75 km.

Small-caliber ammunition is being developed for the Pantsirs, Izvestia reported earlier. They use a control system and a warhead that are close in their capabilities to conventional Pantsir missiles. The new ammunition will be very effective against drones, and can also be used against ATGMs, MLRS shells, anti-radar missiles and other means of air attack.

The minimum area of destruction of air targets by such missiles will be reduced to 500 m. The full ammunition load of the anti-drone system can be up to 48 missiles.


Photo: RIA Novosti
"Shells are very much needed in the troops. They have shown complete effectiveness in all matters: in escorting convoys, and in covering the position areas of the S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft systems, and in protecting cities," Aytech Bizhev, former deputy commander of the Air Force for the CIS unified air defense system, told Izvestia. "Moreover, they will be with improvements, with enhanced combat capabilities.

According to the general, the sharp increase in the supply of Pantsirs is a response to the saturation of the line of contact with drones.

"Against UAVs, these complexes showed themselves effectively back in Syria, when they repelled a massive drone raid," he recalled. "They're great at covering airfields. A very good, versatile short-range complex.
As Sergei Shoigu said on April 23, this year the troops will receive the first samples of the new generation S-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications - long-range complexes and missile defense systems.

In addition, the supply of S-400, S-300V4, Buk-M3, Tor-M2U air defense systems, and new generation radars will continue.


Photo: TASS/Vitaly Nevar
To date, the share of modern samples is 82%, the minister said. In the next two years, this figure needs to be increased to 85%.

The head of the military department provided data on the effectiveness of the work of Russian air defense systems since the beginning of the special military operation. According to him, in total, since the beginning of hostilities, more than 22 thousand drones and about 6 thousand rockets have been destroyed, including more than 3.5 thousand ammunition of the HIMARS MLRS and 361 shells of the Vampire system.

During the same period, 592 aircraft, 270 helicopters,
349 anti-aircraft guided and tactical ballistic missiles, 329 guided and 278 anti-radar missiles, and 37 balloons were shot down.

— A significant contribution to improving the effectiveness of the air defense system of facilities is made by the regional authorities of Moscow, Moscow, Leningrad, Belgorod regions and the Krasnodar Territory. With their support, units are being formed to combat unmanned aerial vehicles, positions for anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops are being equipped," Sergei Shoigu said.
Contract for new 400km/h HSR signed:

First trainsets to be delivered in four years.


Interesting transmission breakthroughs.

Russian company says its laser communication system between satellites tested in space

Satellite Internet and communication using such technology will be available without interruptions in the most remote corners of the nation, the Ministry of Communications said

MOSCOW, June 3. /TASS/. Laser inter-satellite communication from the company Bureau 1440 has been tested in space, the company has said on its Telegram channel. This is the first such successful test.
"On May 30, 2024, we successfully completed the first series of tests of laser inter-satellite communication of our own design. More than 200 GB were transmitted at a speed of 10 GBit/sec between spacecraft at a distance of more than 30 kilometers away from each other," the news release says.
Satellite Internet and communication using such technology will be available without interruptions in the most remote corners of the nation, the Ministry of Communications said in a commentary on the results of the tests.

Ruselectronics Holding of Rostec State Corporation has developed a technology that makes it possible to increase the reliability and noise immunity of short-wave radio communication outside the line of sight at a distance of up to 6000 km.

The method of diversity signal reception proposed by the engineers of the Research and Production Enterprise "Polet" of the Ruselectronics holding makes it possible to organize communication simultaneously on several frequencies and condense the transmitted information without deteriorating its reliability. The new technology ensures the transmission of radio waves over a multipath channel, their reception by antenna elements separated in space and the subsequent summation of the received signals. The system can be used to improve the reliability and immunity of dual-purpose HF radio links.

"The solution includes frequency spacing, orthogonal signals, and majority decoding. The technology was successfully tested during tests of equipment developed by RPC Polet to organize communication with aircraft located at very long distances from the control center," said Alexander Kestovich, the developer of the solution, leading researcher at RPC Polet.

In 2024, the development of Polyot won the I.P. Kulibin Prize of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in the category "Best Invention of the Year in the Field of Electronics, Information and Communication Systems and Communications".

NPP Polyot is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of aviation radio communications for military and civil purposes in Russia. Among the company's products are equipment for Su-57, Su-35S fighters, as well as Il-76 military transport aircraft of various modifications, as well as modernized Tu-95 and Tu-160 long-range aircraft. In addition, the company produces short- and long-distance communication equipment for the MS-21 liner.

MOSCOW, May 14. /TASS/. The seaborne Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology has been accepted for service in the Russian Armed Forces, Institute Chief Designer Yury Solomonov told TASS on Tuesday.

"On May 7 of this year, a decree was signed on accepting the Bulava missile system for service," the chief designer said.

Project 955/955A (Borey/Borey-A-class) strategic nuclear-powered submarines are the carriers of Bulava ICBMs.

Currently, Russia’s Northern and Pacific Fleets operate seven strategic subs of this type built by the Sevmash Shipyard in Russia’s northwest. Each submarine carries 16 Bulava ICBMs.

According to open source data, a solid propellant Bulava ICBM has a flight range of over 9,000 km and can carry from six to ten MIRVed (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) warheads with a yield of 100-150 kilotons each. A Bulava has a launch weight of about 37 tons.

Over the past few years, the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology led by Yury Solomonov has engineered Topol-M and Yars ICBMs and Bulava seaborne and ground-based missile systems.

High-Precision Complexes Holding (part of Rostec) has developed the Depesha and Buggy multifunctional robotic systems. Currently, ground robots are undergoing comprehensive tests, including in the zone of a special military operation.

One of the most important characteristics of robotic machines, along with their compactness and maneuverability, is their carrying capacity. For the "Dispatch" it is 150 kg, for the "Buggy" - 250 kg, which makes these robots reliable assistants for fighters on the front line. "Dispatch" and "Buggy" can quickly and discreetly deliver provisions, ammunition, fuel to the front line, and even evacuate wounded soldiers.

Remotely controlled robots "Depecha" (developed by KBP JSC) and "Buggy" (developed by VNII "Signal") in various versions can be used to destroy enemy manpower, fortifications such as pillboxes, bunkers, fortified firing points and strongholds. In addition, robotic systems can perform tasks for mining the area.

The Depesha robot is assembled on a tracked platform and is controlled by the operator using a joystick and an FPV helmet. The Buggy robotic complex has a wheeled platform, it is controlled using a joystick and a tablet. Both robots can be used as kamikaze ground drones to hit enemy targets by detonating a charge that the robotic complex delivers to the target.


At the beginning of the tests, developers mine the area-they install mock-ups of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines and scatter deactivated "petal" mines in the grass. After that, they fence off the area with signal tape and begin to prepare the copter for flight.

- Light conditions are not important, but weather conditions affect the flight, there are restrictions — wind and precipitation, - explains Dmitry Shestakov, General Director of Optiplay Aerodynamics LLC (developer of the UAV-based complex). — It is also not recommended to search in wet ground, because its composition and permeability significantly change. The ideal option is dry and slightly windy weather.

Mine clearancePhoto: IZVESTIA
Tests begin with launching a special quadcopter into the air. It is equipped with equipment for conducting aerial photography using a high-resolution camera.

Before taking off, a special program builds a flight task for the drone. Then, at the signal of the operator, the copter rises into the sky and begins to shoot, moving from point to point along a given route.

At the end of the flight, sappers receive an orthophotoplane — a digital panorama of the area made up of a large number of high-resolution photos. The images obtained with its help allow you to see mines both on the ground and in the grass.

But the work of the aerial drone does not end there. It is equipped with a magnetometer and again lifted into the air.

Mine clearancePhoto: IZVESTIA
The developers explain that this span will allow detecting magnetic anomalies in the soil layer up to several meters, depending on the magnetic mass and depth.

Already at dusk, the stage of examining the mined area with a thermal imager begins.

The magnetometer and camera cannot detect all mines — difficulties, for example, arise with ammunition in a plastic case. Nature itself helps to find them.

"We focus on the magnetometric method, since most mines are magnetic," Alexey Malyshev, Executive Director of Complete Technology, tells Izvestia. — For non — magnetic mines, there is a thermal detection method-after sunset, mines remain warmer and can be clearly seen in thermal imagers.

Drones for growth: how uninhabited underwater vehicles develop
A number of countries are developing ultra-large marine drones
In the future, copters will be equipped with geoscaners. These devices detect non-magnetic mines placed in the ground layer, reacting to its heterogeneity.

The mine is not full-bodied, it has voids, so they are immediately visible, the developers explain. According to them, the technology is still "raw" — we need to work, test, implement, and learn.

Ground robot
At the same time, a special robotic platform for mine clearance was also tested — it was made on the basis of a commercial loader. Its task is to prepare the terrain before the sappers start working.

These lightweight robots use a rotary mechanism to grind the soil to a depth of about 10 cm, while destroying vegetation. Due to the robot's small size, anti-tank and large anti-personnel mines pose a danger to it.

Mine clearancePhoto: IZVESTIA
Therefore, according to the developers, with the help of data on the location of mines obtained from the quadcopter, the robot builds a route so as not to run over them.

Izvestia was shown the platform in action. Having laid the mine models in the ground, the developers launched the robot.

Burn the posts: a new series of floating drones is being developed in Russia
They will be useful in the destruction of bridges, crossings and dams, including on the Dnieper, experts are sure
At a speed of 5 km/h, it leaves behind a strip of soil about a meter wide cleared of grass and branches. The organizers explained that the grass hides mines and the sapper often has to kneel and cut it with special scissors. And all this has to be done in a protective suit, helmet and often in the sun. And the preliminary preparation of the site with the help of a robot will then facilitate the work of sappers.

"We focus on flat terrain. Most of the territories intended for agriculture are just like that," explains Alexey Malyshev.

Save people
"Drones make it possible to make demining work as safe as possible," says Dmitry Shestakov.

According to him, the quadcopter is needed for humanitarian demining, since the machine flies in automatic mode, using data from satellites for positioning.

"There are no satellites in combat conditions, so a different layout is needed, implying manual control by the operator," explains Dmitry Shestakov. "And in general, in the mode of hostilities, the conditions and tasks are slightly different, so it is necessary to refine and change the design of the complex.

Mine clearancePhoto: IZVESTIA
According to the developer, the complex allows you to identify objects from 100 mm in size at a depth of up to half a meter.

"The complex is just being developed, we are trying to improve accuracy, it is important. In the terms of reference, we have very high indicators, we will achieve them. At the moment, the mine is determined with an accuracy of about 20 cm," adds Alexey Malyshev.

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New products are available from manufacturers in Russia, China and the USA
He is sure that new demining systems will be needed in the zone of the military special operation.

The developers expect that the new robotic equipment will increase the efficiency of the process and the speed of demining by 10-20 times, and most importantly, will ensure the safety of sappers as much as possible.