The one Tuber



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Lost Branch
Lol this was the reply I got, these people are such simps man.
Imagine not understanding using old audio with her current "appearance." I remember when she first put that on 4chan, which was a decade ago, and all the nerds on there creaming there pants over it. I kind of wish we had all of those recordings, I'm sure they're out there though.

Soooo…….when does vshojo implode?
Who's gonna be the first to leave? gotta think mouse at least might be having (unvocalized) second thoughts about this thing…….

Consentacle Monster
You know? I honestly gave Nyanners a second chance after she became a vtuber. In good faith, I thought she had chilled out.
After the Nux fiasco, I won't be giving her a third chance. Nor I'll be giving any of the VShojo girls a second one. I genuinely thought that Froot and Iron were cool, but now I realize they're just the same clique-driven people that originally made me distance myself from the mainstream weeab crowd. They seem to see themselves as influencers and not as entertainers, which shows that they're also terrible businesswomen.
This was kind of a black pill for me because now I can't help but wonder if my favorite vtubers are like this behind the scenes too, and it killed my hype to become one myself.
Sorry for the blog post, I don't have much to contribute outside of memories of Nyanners' 4chan days. Zero evidence.

Sorry for the blog post
it's a forum, don't worry about it :nana-thumb:
This was kind of a black pill for me because now I can't help but wonder if my favorite vtubers are like this behind the scenes too
you'll never know. The best you can do is judge online influencers for yourself, and when they do show themselves to be assholes distance and stop supporting them. Really the best any of us can do.
and it killed my hype to become one myself.
No reason to let it get you down (Unless you're a nyanners yourself :anime-think:), unless you're purely out for profit and e-fame theres no real reason to join a group. You can make the connections/collabs and build your own corner of the net (Fanbase) on your own.
Of course personally I wouldn't recommend Vtubing cause the market is so oversaturated and unless you're bringing something really fucking unique it'll be rather difficult to separate yourself from the crowd (in my humble opinion), and you may alienate some people by default who've got a distaste for vtubers cause of... well... just look at vtubers that's all it takes :cirno-laugh:.
Anyway just my 2 cents. Good luck though :yukari-salute:

Lost Branch
I think there are a lot of vtubers who are genuine, even when they play the character up. Even though I dislike the majority of English side of things, people like Lilyhops and a few others seem to want to stream just to stream. As far as I've heard, they never got into anything anywhere and just keep to their small group of friends.

As for groups like Vshojo, most of them came in with baggage already there, with some of the baggage only a year or two old. As much as I want to believe that "people change over time" thing, I've only ever seen people add onto the personality already there. They've always just become worse versions of themselves. The only time I've seen people radically change is if something very traumatic or crazy happened to them.

Over half of the members of Vshojo already had shit going when they started that group. Some of it funny (like Melody out thotting all the other thots on onlyfans), other stuff not so much (like that adultery accusation with what's her face), or it's a history like Nanners.

Don't ever let other people's behavior control you through. That's how they win and are able to be seen as the "good guy" when they're actually a monster.

cunny poster
IIRC, Taylor has a Kiwi farms thread that was put in spergatory since it was in the Tumblr section of the farms. (

(s)he also had a /cow/ thread, yet no one archived it only a mention on KF.

If you're not aware of /cow/ I wrote about it here (


Nyanners meme has also been noted on ED here, rightfully designated as forced newfaggotry.

Of course, 4chan has documented her for years shit a decade?
I implore you to check all of the 4chan archive sites since it starts almost a decade ago.

In 2012 an OP was made in all likelihood by some /a/ crossposter on /jp/ who for the most part seemed to have a favorable opinion of Nyanners 3 years prior to the Mea Culpa Nyanners performed as penance for flirting with outsiders and the dregs of society alike.

/pol/ of all places documented nyanners tism. and they show their disdain for cunny which is one of the reasons why their race will fail.

more here:
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Lol this was the reply I got, these people are such simps man.

As for the controversy itself I found out about it after seeing Tom's main channel video.

I stopped watching nux when I realized I only really watched him because I wanted to be subscribed to an anime tuber (really stupid idea) and started to find him grading. This event however really changed my prospective as when the chips were down he was willing to knock off the crazy persona and try to end the controversy immediately. Nux really should try to distance himself from vshojo if he can.

My opinion on Vtubers has declined. I always figured that there explosion in popularity meant that they weren't to be trusted and this had only confirmed that suspicion.

Finally I'm not surprised at all that the girls were so eager to claim that "they were scared" and hold hands to get rid of some they found kind of annoying. Not caring about evidence of his Innocents or the consequences of sending their massive and rabid fans after him.
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Patron of the Forums
Nearly all of you claim to be so denouncing of "woke S J W politics," gaslighting attempts at decorum, decency, and progress by bemoaning in imaginary moral panics with typical schlock buzzwords, while hypocritically engaging in plebeian ableist banter with seemingly every slur and insult under the Sun from here to Timbuktu. Parading and putting down others regarding intelligence is not so based, believe it or not. Despite all this, you still cancel her for past behavior, while also asserting preposterous, extreme claims that there is "no" principle in "anyone," which is beyond impossible and also ironic of you to state. That's not to also mention the accusations of low self-respect, her being bad, that villains are "always rewarded," "life sucks," because these are far from always being the case, even if by luck or our own making...that all is also so egregiously ridiculous.

Many like you claim this and that about "social media narcissism," feed the insecurity, complexes, and self-hatred in others, doing little to be publicly responsible for your unkind words or constructive in your criticism. Projecting hypocrisy, jealousy, and self-loathing much? 🤷🏻‍♂️ There's hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance all around here, gentlemen. Possibly a circular firing squad. We've all supported or allowed gross things in the past, often by ignorance or force of society. We have to acknowledge our own and do the best we can at a time, regarding ourselves and others, about this.

This is all honestly concerning and a bit disappointing to find out some of this about her. I will adjust some of my interest, respect, and liking to her accordingly, and see how I may adapt in the future. However, some of the supposed evidence is missing, can be fabricated, may have even been spoken in joking or jest, which is likely a miscommunication/misinterpretation, and to totally or completely cancel her is just as, if not more evil, even though the vast majority of you seem very needlessly stuck in the past. While she may seem a bit skittish about the subjects you described, that doesn't mean she wholly denounces Otaku culture or even similar, adjacent subjects. She might have even changed her mind, or become more open-minded!

She embraces some level of an open, honest sexuality involving many kinks or otherwise mildly taboo categories/topics, and hasn't given it up yet. Some change or evolve over time, like you or me, and she seems to have somewhat. She may be more considerate and wanting to be a little more approachable, which many of you seem to sorely and utterly lack such qualities here. She wants to make a welcoming space, but that does not mean she excludes or looks down anymore on others with similar or relevant failures or sins, like y'all love to, as she can probably relate now herself. Even her current Twitch rules reflect this. I got timed out on a few occasions recently, but reading them I understood, changed the error of my ways, and carried on in better banter with chat. What a concept. 🙄

The problems in Japanese culture of acceptance and some measures of equality are tough, complex to go into, as I only know so little from others are more well-versed. However, many in these circles are aware, and progressive thought possibly being adapted slowly but surely there, if done in a non-invasive, not colonial way, is not going to ruin media, as it hasn't for us. Companies exploiting it? A little suspect and slightly destructive. However, it is not casting a pall, like you claim.

If it satisfies your sadistic, woeful, and hateful slander, on the topic again of self-respect, let it be known she has quite some exaggerated, undeserved large gobs of self-hatred pent up. This is probably partly because of unsavory, brutish, unforgiving characters like yourselves. She may need to be more public in acknowledging these past problematic situations or habits, but it does not give you license to be some of the most brutal bullies around. She is gracious and grateful to her audience and colleagues, while also entertaining.

Please reconsider your rude, unseemly behavior, for goodness sake! Especially not wanting to dox someone and then sharing way too much stuff anyway. Low blow, buddy. Some have the nuance to take both the good and bad of a person, see them as a whole individual. Learn and consider in larger, more detailed terms, for once. I am beyond upset with how hurtful, misleading, regressive, disgusting, and abhorrent this thread is that I made an account just to report you sorry, pathetic cowards and tell you what's what. This needs to stop, right now. I am sorry if I am also being uncouth or vulgar, but I am attempting to be as classy, gracious, yet honest as possible to win your respect and, more importantly, hear me out by trying to not be hasty, rash, misleading, biased, casual, unprofessional, or otherwise looking like I'm not worth your time. I better not have wasted nearly 2 precious hours of my life to address you all today, and I hope your time wasn't wasted, either. I took what actual, wholesome value you provided in your concerns, and here I exchange mine tenfold. You still have plenty of hope, as you care and think deeply enough to get this far, but are in absolute need of a wake-up call. Heck, I have plenty of room to improve, too, as we all once did, and still do.
aight so tldr: you're all meanies reeeeeeeeee
ok so even if this is a copypasta i'll bite.
first what is wrong about saying mean words huh?
seccond yea we like to have bantz using naughty words and? the reason why we hate nyaggers is not because her just saying naugthy words(unlike you niggas), it's because she shoved everyone who supported her under the fucking bus (and seeing what happened with nux it looks like she hasn't changed in that aspect)
idk you but if for you saying mean shit is worse than betraying the people who got your back then let me tell you, you need to get your fuckin priorities straight faggot
>she is gracious and grateful
people like you piss me off specially, acting all grand and mighty and disqualifiying everything because "oh look how mean they are waah"
you want to know why i don't hold back whenever some bullshit like this happens?
well thats because i am tired of this shit repeating itself over and over again, it's always "no listen there's more context to the situation" when there are actions that are unjustifiable no matter the context and open blatant betrayal is one of them.
go learn to talk like a real human being instead of trying to lecture everybody about how """hateful""" they are your moral grandstanding doesn't and will never work here idiot

femboy shota
nyanners is a hypocrite, no doubt about it
even if vshojo members were in trouble, i have a feeling she'd come out and try to act "heroic" all for some twitter likes and maybe a few more views on streams than the usual. if any of the other members ended up doing something vaguely "problematic" in twitter standards, i know for a fact she'd try to seem like an innocent maiden and say shit like "i always knew something was off about this member" despite only talking positively about them beforehand
not only is she a hypocrite, she's a spineless hypocrite

You know? I honestly gave Nyanners a second chance after she became a vtuber. In good faith, I thought she had chilled out.
After the Nux fiasco, I won't be giving her a third chance. Nor I'll be giving any of the VShojo girls a second one. I genuinely thought that Froot and Iron were cool, but now I realize they're just the same clique-driven people that originally made me distance myself from the mainstream weeab crowd. They seem to see themselves as influencers and not as entertainers, which shows that they're also terrible businesswomen.
This was kind of a black pill for me because now I can't help but wonder if my favorite vtubers are like this behind the scenes too, and it killed my hype to become one myself.
Sorry for the blog post, I don't have much to contribute outside of memories of Nyanners' 4chan days. Zero evidence.
HoloEn vtubers, specially the first generation, look like honest people.
Amelia, gura, etc dont look like clique driven attention whores, and more like ppl that really like the stuff theyre doing. You can make a case about kiara, but to me she looks closer to a desperate girl than someone like nyanners who is a clout chaser.

The case of vshojo and nyanners in particular comes from the same attitude weebs have in twitter when they make a "loli bad ure a pedo" tweet and shortly after are found to be into that stuff themselves: theyre doing this for clout and money, i think they may be into loli stuff even, but since no theres a moral panic around lolisho stuff, she feels accepting this wouldnt help her to be liked by her friends.

oh we got another mention from Turkey Tom :cirno-laugh:.
Overall a pretty good summary of her history go watch it :nana-thumb:

The only problem is fucker did not post us as a source

I hate when YouTubers don't fucken post the source when they reference something so people who want to do a bit more digging can do so. my guess is he won't want to directly link this place as he doesn't want to be caused of directly promoting it

none the less you love to see it, only watched a bit of the video linked and a bit before but seems like an ok video on the subject