Drama VShojo/Ex-VShojo/Mythic rrats


I am sure the hours watched for hololive members would be higher or create a bigger gap if they did subathons as well like leaving their stream open when they are asleep. Its just her fanbase is rather annoying and some user summarized it pretty well.

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Even some big shots she hung out with I saw treat her like someone that is going to die rather than the quality and entertainment of their content. I am probably expecting Falseyed and Rev to probably cover this and decide rather or not to criticize what they might say next here later.


God, it's still so funny that she opened with sad girl shit with the whole "I'm dying" bullshit, only for PC to corner the market with a dozen sad girls.
The difference for me is that PC members seem to mostly use it as an ice breaker or to "teach" a lesson, while Mouse and everyone around her acts like "You have to be nice to the Make a Wish kid!" & "Guys I'm so sick, I'm literally dying". At the beginning I was interested, but couldn't give a damn after her entire circle is basically a pity party for her.

Also I almost never saw a comment that doesn't talk about / references her sickness in some way.

Didn't see, that there was anothe page, but this sums it up:

Also about the reward stuff: If you are not a full time Twitch streamer, you might as well not exist. All of that shit is connected behind the scenes and all of these people know each other / worked with each other at some point.
Besides that, Twitch belongs to Amazon and AWS host like 40% or something of the entire internet these days. Getting on their bad side is also just not a thing most people want to do (especially if their business depends on it).


Vshojo has some pretty huge backing and connections, but I wonder from where?


We still don't even have an explanation how the company was even given a nomination spot for awards(they are on the 3rd page of rankings) or how Froot even got given a nomination spot for best FPS awards despite there being many with higher CCV than her that play apex. Even though that was considered pushing it we all of a sudden get a nomination for iron mouse despite other vtubers that exist with her CCV, growth, etc in other categories and still we dont get an explanation why she was chosen than from the rest. This shit looks as shady as there being no elections in who they choose as EU bureaucrats. Cant connect to big streamers like XQC without their fans shitting on your vtuber fans and i heard from another discussion forum that ironmouse complimented kaicenat on chat and she got alot of hate from chat jumpers like XQC. Assuming Vshojo dumped all the money themselves from ironmouses subathons or some big entity backing them the return investment wont amount to much like the last twitch awards.

Edit: the biggest drama ironmouse can get into that I can only think of is exploiting her medical condition for profit in regards to getting viewership. Some examples.

1. Connor crying about her medical condition you get a bigger crowd from Connors twitch and youtube audience.
2.aethel before pinning an image on his twitter of his vtuber model draining blood for mouse for his audience to be exposed to hers(1.5k-2k viewership is still big and still amazing for being a solo male vtuber).
3. Corpse in a collab with ironmouse saying shit like mouse your laughing too much calm down calm down(something along those lines) for his audience to be exposed to hers medical condition to give her viewership.

I mean I barely watch ironmouse if I was a charismatic youtuber that actually wants to dig deeper I would pull more examples that make her own friends look like hyenas chasing for pity clout along with her that depending on the amount of views that video gets will cause bigger drama than the one they had with Nux. Personally if I had like 10 years to live i would not want to be surrounded by people reminding me about my medical condition but for them to rather treat me like a human being instead, if there was anything medically brought up like a new medical breakthrough to hear my life span increase only than I would be interested to hear about it from those people.

I am hoping she treads very carefully with the panhandling business(this game award can also be used as proof if she wins). Tenma on stream had a heart condition and played a scary game where she scared me and the audience watching her thinking she was going to die until she recovered and ended stream. She never brings up her heart conditions when I watched her stream nor had any of her friends done this on stream compared to mouses so called friends.
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she opened with sad girl shit with the whole "I'm dying" bullshit
For someone who constantly claims to be dying from an illness, mouse certainly doesn't seem to be getting any worse with the years.

remember, these things are run by people who hate anything Japanese.
This is such an obscenely accurate description of almost everything made in the west that it makes the world of GTA sound more logical and level-headed in comparison.


Come to think of it even with current metrics its still hard to exactly determine who truly is the best Vtuber.

-Gura just doesnt give a fuck anymore, if she did I wonder if her own CCV and sub count on youtube would have grown small or big.(I hope she doesnt see Vei as her idol doing this).

-Ironmouse I wonder if she even counts, like what would be her CCV and amount of followers on twitch if she didn't do nonstop shilling of her medical condition using connor, corpse, ludwig, sykunno, etc among other big shots for pity follows and attention? if Vei and Nyanners slightly gave a fuck abouut vtubing like doing subathons she would have been crushed. Its hard to differentiate who watches her solely for content or who watches her from getting massively shilled by other big identities of her medical conditions or if twitch and the game awards didn't offer favoritism like Youtube for streamers? I feel like ironmouse among any out vtuber out there feels that they suffer the most from imposter syndrome.

-Pekora growth is all self-earned.

-cookieswirlc technically is probably the hugest Vtuber but blaming her having a huge YT channel before is like blaming Gura and Nyanners from their previous fame before vtubing.

-Vei and nyanners just gave up on content and became their BF's accessories.

-shylily's is self earned.

-Filians as well unless you dont want to count her hosting collabs with other vtuber communities as most of her content.

-Pippas content is all on youtube and her company got barely big since hololive and nijisanjis presence existed there

Lost Branch

Eh, with cookie, I'm pretty sure she's using the exact same channel. She simply added the vtuber part recently, but her viewers are more or less self-earned dependent on how you view using kids as your target audience.

Yeah, PC is still considered small even though they have a bunch of members now both on EN and JP side. It's a shame that Pippa continues to be the highest watched, a lot of the other girls are entertaining, but they have just the worst timeframe for streaming. They're either streaming at the same time as other members are, streaming while HL or VS members are streaming, or it's just completely random. At least they've finally figured out how to simulcast on both platforms, so maybe their numbers will start to improve.



-Has a shawarma sound donation.
-alot of clips of her on youtube in regard to the subject of bagels.
-Said she left her borscht outside yesterday in stream.
-Think she invited Nux to the Vshojo circle before he got canned.

From /pmg/


I think this might be enough evidence to confirm that Mel has a Jewish background which I find very interesting because I viewed Jewish women being the very discreet types and not one of the lewdest Vtubers out there.
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The new HOMOS are of to a good start and certainly won't be involved in some shit within the next few months
Also why would she even engage? Everyone can tell, that this is potentially a dumb thing to do.


It's pretty much just the language barrier for normies. As for the outlets, remember, these things are run by people who hate anything Japanese. I still remember when Phil Phish publicly tried to shame a bunch of Japanese developers at a convention, and all the media fags agreed with him. These people will forever be jealous of the decades long streak Japanese developers and tiny handful of western devs had.

I guarantee mouse is envious of others like Pekora, Miko, or even Pippa. Pekora doesn't even have to do anything and she's gets more watch time than anyone else. Just look at that gap, nearly 10 million more hours watched with only half the amount of hours up. Hell, everyone above mouse has less uptime than her.

God, it's still so funny that she opened with sad girl shit with the whole "I'm dying" bullshit, only for PC to corner the market with a dozen sad girls.
I dunno, I genuinely feel Mouse isn't really capable of genuine Malice. Anything Malicious she does is unintentional.


I think this might be enough evidence to confirm that Mel has a Jewish background which I find very interesting because I viewed Jewish women being the very discreet types and not one of the lewdest Vtubers out there.

Brother. Jewish woman are some of the biggest whores out there.

You're thinking of Hasidic Jews. They're the Doctrinal ones which people most often think of when imagining Jews in the West due to the fact they REFUSE to assimilate. Regular Jewish women are complete sluts and the majority of Jewish people aren't even heavily Religious. Mei being a Jew makes a lot of things make more sense.


For someone who constantly claims to be dying from an illness, mouse certainly doesn't seem to be getting any worse with the years.
As someone who is friends with a person who has a similar-type of illness to Mouse. (Needing semi-weekly hospital visits for the rest of their life before they're even 26)

If Mouse does actively bring up the fact she's dying. She is being a bit attention whory about it but I have to side with her and say she's probably not downplaying it. It genuinely sucks to know you only exist because Modern Day Medical knowledge keeps you alive.

You really are essentially dying all the time. But it's continuously delayed by the tireless work of medical practitioners.

The only real "exception" to stuff like this is Diabetes. Because diabetes has been so heavily normalized here in the West that it barely means much to be stuck on medication for the rest of your life as a result of it.

Lost Branch

I dunno, I genuinely feel Mouse isn't really capable of genuine Malice. Anything Malicious she does is unintentional.
Eh, I didn't mean she was feeling malice about it. Just that she probably looks at these numbers and wonders why she has to stream for so many hours to even get close to Pekora or Miko. If anything, she's probably just disappointed about it.

Now when it comes to Pippa, we have seen her have questionable reactions. Anytime anything Pippa comes up she either pretends it's not there or quickly clicks away from clips and the like.

I am wondering how the EN VS girls are feeling about Pippa doing collaborations with their friends (such as Fillien) or the JP side.


I dunno, I genuinely feel Mouse isn't really capable of genuine Malice. Anything Malicious she does is unintentional.
I mean.....its all a matter of perspective. Its hard to determine if there is any geniunety of doing this for self profit to get a bigger audience or really supporting the cause for CVID, but when something gets to be a little too extensive since her early streams were not all about CVID or using her peers that raises question marks because there are other vtubers out there like Tenma that dont make their medical conditions just define them as streamers.

I think her relationship with Vei is like Silvervale's relationship with Snuffy. We all know that out of a group of friends there are always those friends as your favorites from the rest of those friends. Vei's chemistry with nyanners and snuffy in the past seemed great enough to the point that it looked like she could get in either of their pants if she wanted to and Ironmouse seemed the happiest with either Snuffy or Nyanners. but it raises questions of why they have not done collabs with just themselves but not groups. This raises speculation because Vei was more pro-OTK and mouse seemed more pro-OTV. I have seen some 4chan users say mouse was upset with vei when she and some other friends were talking to mouse during subathon.

During a gameshow there was just something ugly about her bribing aethel saying shit like hey I got you nyanners like there is something condescending about it like saying to someone else you are nothing without me. She also tried to push the collab with corpse with snuffy which snuffy cancelled, didnt show up to ironmouse's redebut which had bunch of other vtubers and corpse. And even when snuffy stopped by in her chat when she was streaming mouse didnt acknowledge it or anything from what I heard a few times.

To be honest I have the least amount of respect for ironmouses growth to popularity compared to every other vtuber out there. Hell, I even respect Froot more than her since she actually put effort in her cover songs like Suneater to hit a million views on youtube.

Edit: lost an oiler
Screenshot 2023-11-18 233517.png
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To be honest I have the least amount of respect for ironmouses growth to popularity compared to every other vtuber out there. Hell, I even respect Froot more than her since she actually put effort in her cover songs like Suneater to hit a million views on youtube.

I think due to how fast Mouse grew from being a literal nobody in early 2020 people tend to forget that she started out with well, nothing. As far as I recall this was a semi-last ditch effort to do something with her life considering she failed at everything she might've wanted to do IRL and only jobs she could have would be Working-from-home (which she lacked the credentials for most likely. As most of those are IT related.)

No matter how she might come off to everyone today, many years later. I'll always hold a lot of respect for how far she's come.

People can proclaim that she had a lot of help along the way via VS or Connor but that doesn't really change the fact she stepped onto the scene with absolutely no contacts whatsoever.

I think that's a lot of the appeal Mouse can have sometimes especially for older viewers. Because it's insane to think about how much of a nobody she was when she started. She didn't have a big fancy debut or anything. She was a tiny-tuber for ages before she got traction.

Meanwhile Froot's a literal whore who scammed people and had contacts in-scene due to her art talent. Personally one of the worst examples you could've brought up for someone who got popular.

In the end however, Mouse's rapid success and the fact she's plastered EVERYWHERE has made thousands of people who might've been indifferent to her or soft-core fans instead begin to hate her likeness. It doesn't matter how good something is if it's rubbed in your face all the time. It just becomes grating and annoying- and you eventually become cynical about it.

Off-note but. It's actually insane to think about how some streamers have /everything/ handed to them on a platter during debuts. Gura is a fantastic entertainer but she (among her peers) had massive megaphones to boost whatever entertaining they'd do under their new accounts. I'm honestly a bit less impressed by corpo-vtupers as a result.

Hell, I'll admit full on that as much as I despise Snuffy for being the Icon of everything wrong with Western-Vtubing, I'll reluctantly respect the fact most- if not all her popularity came entirely from herself. Collabing helped but I'll admit I don't think Snuffy ever piggy backed off anyone else. Something I can't really say for Mouse- Connor was an irreplaceable asset to her career.


I think due to how fast Mouse grew from being a literal nobody in early 2020 people tend to forget that she started out with well, nothing. As far as I recall this was a semi-last ditch effort to do something with her life considering she failed at everything she might've wanted to do IRL and only jobs she could have would be Working-from-home (which she lacked the credentials for most likely. As most of those are IT related.)

No matter how she might come off to everyone today, many years later. I'll always hold a lot of respect for how far she's come.

People can proclaim that she had a lot of help along the way via VS or Connor but that doesn't really change the fact she stepped onto the scene with absolutely no contacts whatsoever.

I think that's a lot of the appeal Mouse can have sometimes especially for older viewers. Because it's insane to think about how much of a nobody she was when she started. She didn't have a big fancy debut or anything. She was a tiny-tuber for ages before she got traction.

Meanwhile Froot's a literal whore who scammed people and had contacts in-scene due to her art talent. Personally one of the worst examples you could've brought up for someone who got popular.

In the end however, Mouse's rapid success and the fact she's plastered EVERYWHERE has made thousands of people who might've been indifferent to her or soft-core fans instead begin to hate her likeness. It doesn't matter how good something is if it's rubbed in your face all the time. It just becomes grating and annoying- and you eventually become cynical about it.

Off-note but. It's actually insane to think about how some streamers have /everything/ handed to them on a platter during debuts. Gura is a fantastic entertainer but she (among her peers) had massive megaphones to boost whatever entertaining they'd do under their new accounts. I'm honestly a bit less impressed by corpo-vtupers as a result.

Hell, I'll admit full on that as much as I despise Snuffy for being the Icon of everything wrong with Western-Vtubing, I'll reluctantly respect the fact most- if not all her popularity came entirely from herself. Collabing helped but I'll admit I don't think Snuffy ever piggy backed off anyone else. Something I can't really say for Mouse- Connor was an irreplaceable asset to her career.
I have multiple points to make.

1. they literally had no competition with any kind of vtuber organization in Twitch's own platform, like Nijisanji and Hololive didnt choose twitch as their main platform, a bigger boom of vtubers on twitch happened later and to some surprise a select few manage to have the CCV to match ironmouse.
2. Their favorite annoying Jew Nux did somehow give them millions of views on youtube when they cooperated with him before canning him on the early rise of Vshojo.
3. Vei and Nyanners being umcompetitive even though they were monsters before in CCV.
4. Of course this part came later but it is collabing with large flesh streamers more than Vtubers.

The Vtuber world is like the One Piece world in Manga in which VShojo based on their style of growth and their history of each member would easily make them look like the blackbeard pirates of one piece in the Vtuber world. So would Ironmouse still be considered big if they had competition, were not shilled by Nux, Vei and Nyanners gave a fuck about content and large flesh streamers didnt push their content to a bigger audience? Its maybe a yes or maybe a no but we will never know that. But even with all that it looks like a stagnation in growth has happened in general with Vshojo, Hololive(some major streamers not streaming while new ones are, some viewership has declined) and nijisanji while phase connect is having a slow incline in growth.

The game awards might help Vshojo grow if they go in depth to a large audience about vtubers or it might backfire that viewers from that audience might go for different vtubers on twitch or youtube despite ironmouse being introduced 1st. If ironmouse was ever here, the biggest and best advice I have for her since she is so proud of trying to push relationships with different people, is please, for the love of god let your daugther choose the man she is interested in instead of ironmouse doing the choosing 1st.

Snuffy actually is entertaining and her synergy with Vei and Nyanners might have also gave her a boost before. My only major frustations with her is lewd content died down and going the GFE route before, but the good part for her instead is she is collabing with different people.

The fuck is an oiler
A rich simp that throws a shitload of money and according to some anonymous users threw 100k dollars on ironmouse's subathon before on donations.


The fuck is an oiler
You know how we call people that spend obscene amounts of money on gacha games to not grind for waifus a whale? An Oiler is basically that but instead of hoping for a higher chance to get their favorite waifu they hope for a chance to stick their dick in their favorite streamer someday.